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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-10-12. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの向上、新機能の向上を図るために、最新バージョンの GitHub Enterprise にアップグレードします。 アップグレードに関するヘルプについては、GitHub Enterprise サポートにお問い合わせく� さい

Reviewing the audit log for your organization

The audit log allows organization admins to quickly review the actions performed by members of your organization. It includes details such as who performed the action, what the action was, and when it was performed.

Accessing the audit log

The audit log lists events triggered by activities that affect your organization within the current month and previous six months. Only owners can access an organization's audit log.

既定では、過去 3 か月のイベントのみが表示されます。 古いイベントを表示するには、created パラメーターを使って日付範囲を指定します。 詳細については、「Understanding the search syntax」 (検索構文の理解) を参照してく� さい。

  1. GitHub Enterprise Server の右上隅にあるプロファイル写真をクリックし、 [自分の Organization] をクリックします。 プロファイル メニューの組織

  2. 組織の隣の [設定] をクリックします。 [設定] ボタン

  3. In the Settings sidebar, click Audit log. Org audit log settings in sidebar

Searching the audit log

各監査ログ エントリの名前は、action オブジェクトまたはカテゴリ修飾子と、その後の操作の種類で構成されます。 たとえば、repo.create エントリは repo カテゴリに対する create 操作を意味します。

各 Audit log エントリには、次のようなイベントに関する適切な情� �が表示されます:

  • アクションが実行された エンタープライズまたはOrganization
  • アクションを実行したユーザー (アクター)
  • アクションによって影響を受けたユーザー
  • アクションの対象となったリポジトリ
  • 実行されたアクションです
  • アクションが実行された国
  • アクションが発生した日時

テキストを使用してエントリを検索することはできません。 た� し、さまざまなフィルターを使用すれば検索クエリを作成できます。 ログを検索するときに使用される多くの演算子 (->< など) は、GitHub Enterprise Server 全体で検索するものと同じ形式です。 詳細については、「GitHub 上での検索」を参照してく� さい。


operation 修飾子は、アクションを特定の操作の種類に限定するときに使ってく� さい。 たとえば次のような点です。

  • operation:access は、リソースがアクセスされたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • operation:authentication は、認証イベントが実行されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • operation:create は、リソースが作成されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • operation:modify は、既存のリソースが変更されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • operation:remove は、既存のリソースが削除されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • operation:restore は、既存のリソースが復元されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • operation:transfer は、既存のリソースが移動されたすべてのイベントを検索します。


repo 修飾子は、アクションを特定のリポジトリに限定するときに使ってく� さい。 たとえば次のような点です。

  • repo:my-org/our-repo は、my-org 組織内の our-repo リポジトリで発生したすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • repo:my-org/our-repo repo:my-org/another-repo は、my-org組織内の our-repo および another-repo リポジトリで発生したすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • -repo:my-org/not-this-repo は、my-org 組織内の not-this-repo リポジトリで発生したすべてのイベントを除外します。

repo 修飾子内にアカウント名を含める必要があります。repo:our-repo を検索する� けでは機能しません。


actor 修飾子は、アクションを実行した人に基づいてイベントの範囲を指定できます。 たとえば次のような点です。

  • actor:octocatoctocat によって実行されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • actor:octocat actor:hubotoctocat および hubot によって実行されたすべてのイベントを検索します。
  • -actor:hubothubot によって実行されたすべてのイベントを除外します。

使用できるのは GitHub Enterprise Server のユーザー名のみであり、個人の実名ではないことに注意してく� さい。

Search based on the action performed

To search for specific events, use the action qualifier in your query. Actions listed in the audit log are grouped within the following categories:

Category nameDescription
discussion_postContains all activities related to discussions posted to a team page.
discussion_post_replyContains all activities related to replies to discussions posted to a team page.
enterpriseContains activities related to enterprise settings.
hookContains all activities related to webhooks.
integration_installationContains activities related to integrations installed in an account.
integration_installation_requestContains all activities related to organization member requests for owners to approve integrations for use in the organization.
issueContains activities related to deleting an issue.
members_can_create_pagesContains all activities related to managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for repositories in the organization. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."
orgContains activities related to organization membership.
organization_default_labelContains all activities related to default labels for repositories in your organization.
oauth_applicationContains all activities related to OAuth Apps.
packagesContains all activities related to GitHub Packages.
personal_access_tokenContains activities related to fine-grained personal access tokens in your organization. For more information, see "Creating a personal access token."
profile_pictureContains all activities related to your organization's profile picture.
projectContains all activities related to project boards.
protected_branchContains all activities related to protected branches.
repoContains activities related to the repositories owned by your organization.
repository_secret_scanningContains repository-level activities related to secret scanning. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
repository_vulnerability_alertContains all activities related to Dependabot alerts.
secret_scanningContains organization-level configuration activities for secret scanning in existing repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
secret_scanning_new_reposContains organization-level configuration activities for secret scanning for new repositories created in the organization.
teamContains all activities related to teams in your organization.
team_discussionsContains activities related to managing team discussions for an organization.
workflowsContains activities related to GitHub Actions workflows.

You can search for specific sets of actions using these terms. For example:

  • action:team finds all events grouped within the team category.
  • -action:hook excludes all events in the webhook category.

Each category has a set of associated actions that you can filter on. For example:

  • action:team.create finds all events where a team was created.
  • -action:hook.events_changed excludes all events where the events on a webhook have been altered.

Search based on time of action

Use the created qualifier to filter events in the audit log based on when they occurred. 日付の書式設定は、ISO8601 標準の YYYY-MM-DD (年-月-日) に従う必要があります。 日付の後にオプションの時刻情� � THH:MM:SS+00:00 を追� して、時間、分、秒で検索することもできます。 これは、T の後に HH:MM:SS (時-分-秒)、UTC オフセット (+00:00) が続きます。

日付に対して検索を行う� �合、結果をさらにフィルタリングするためにより大きい、より小さい、範囲の修飾子を利用できます。 詳細については、「Understanding the search syntax」 (検索構文の理解) を参照してく� さい。

For example:

  • created:2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on July 8th, 2014.
  • created:>=2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on or after July 8th, 2014.
  • created:<=2014-07-08 finds all events that occurred on or before July 8th, 2014.
  • created:2014-07-01..2014-07-31 finds all events that occurred in the month of July 2014.

Note: The audit log contains data for the current month and every day of the previous six months.

Search based on location

Using the qualifier country, you can filter events in the audit log based on the originating country. You can use a country's two-letter short code or its full name. Keep in mind that countries with spaces in their name will need to be wrapped in quotation marks. For example:

  • country:de finds all events that occurred in Germany.
  • country:Mexico finds all events that occurred in Mexico.
  • country:"United States" all finds events that occurred in the United States.

Using the audit log API

You can interact with the audit log using the GraphQL API.

To ensure your intellectual property is secure, and you maintain compliance for your organization, you can use the audit log GraphQL API to keep copies of your audit log data and monitor:

  • 組織またはリポジトリの設定へのアクセス
  • アクセス許可の変更
  • 組織、リポジトリ、またはチー� の追� または削除されたユーザー
  • 管理者に昇� �されるユーザー
  • GitHub Appの権限の変更

The GraphQL response can include data for up to 90 to 120 days.

For example, you can make a GraphQL request to see all the new organization members added to your organization. For more information, see the "GraphQL API Audit Log."

Audit log actions

An overview of some of the most common actions that are recorded as events in the audit log.

business category actions

set_actions_retention_limitTriggered when the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs is changed for an enterprise. For more information, see "Enforcing policies for GitHub Actions in your enterprise."
set_fork_pr_workflows_policyTriggered when the policy for workflows on private repository forks is changed. For more information, see "Enabling workflows for private repository forks."

discussion_post category actions

updateTriggered when a team discussion post is edited.
destroyTriggered when a team discussion post is deleted.

discussion_post_reply category actions

updateTriggered when a reply to a team discussion post is edited.
destroyTriggered when a reply to a team discussion post is deleted.

enterprise category actions

register_self_hosted_runner新しいセルフホストランナーが登録されたときにトリガーされます。 詳細については、「セルフホストランナーの追� 」を参照してく� さい。
runner_group_createdセルフホストランナーグループが作成されたときにトリガーされます。 詳細については、「セルフホストランナーのグループについて」を参照してく� さい。
runner_group_removedセルフホストランナーグループが削除されたときにトリガーされます。 詳細については、「セルフホストランナーグループを削除する」を参照してく� さい。
runner_group_runner_removedセルフホストランナーをグループから削除するのにREST APIが使われたときにトリガーされます。
runner_group_runners_addedセルフホストランナーがグループに追� されたときにトリガーされます。 詳細については、「セルフホストランナーをグループに移動する」を参照してく� さい。
runner_group_runners_updatedランナーグループのメンバーリストが更新されたときにトリガーされます。 詳細については、「組織のグループにセルフホストランナーを設定する」を参照してく� さい。
runner_group_updatedセルフホストランナーグループの設定が変更されたときにトリガーされます。 詳細については、「セルフホストランナーグループのアクセスポリシーを変更する」を参照してく� さい。
self_hosted_runner_updatedランナーアプリケーションが更新されたときにトリガーされます。 REST API及びUIを使って見ることができます。JSON/CSVエクスポートで見ることはできません。 詳細については、「セルフホストランナーについて」を参照してく� さい。

hook category actions

createTriggered when a new hook was added to a repository owned by your organization.
config_changedTriggered when an existing hook has its configuration altered.
destroyTriggered when an existing hook was removed from a repository.
events_changedTriggered when the events on a hook have been altered.

integration_installation category actions

contact_email_changedA contact email for an integration was changed.
createAn integration was installed.
destroyAn integration was uninstalled.
repositories_addedRepositories were added to an integration.
repositories_removedRepositories were removed from an integration.
version_updatedPermissions for an integration were updated.

integration_installation_request category actions

createTriggered when an organization member requests that an organization owner install an integration for use in the organization.
closeTriggered when a request to install an integration for use in an organization is either approved or denied by an organization owner, or canceled by the organization member who opened the request.

issue category actions

destroyTriggered when an organization owner or someone with admin permissions in a repository deletes an issue from an organization-owned repository.

members_can_create_pages category actions

For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."

enableTriggered when an organization owner enables publication of GitHub Pages sites for repositories in the organization.
disableTriggered when an organization owner disables publication of GitHub Pages sites for repositories in the organization.

oauth_application category actions

createTriggered when a new OAuth App is created.
destroyTriggered when an existing OAuth App is deleted.
reset_secretTriggered when an OAuth App's client secret is reset.
revoke_tokensTriggered when an OAuth App's user tokens are revoked.
transferTriggered when an existing OAuth App is transferred to a new organization.

org category actions

add_memberTriggered when a user joins an organization.
advanced_security_policy_selected_member_disabledTriggered when an enterprise owner prevents GitHub Advanced Security features from being enabled for repositories owned by the organization. 詳細については、「Enforcing policies for Advanced Security in your enterprise (エンタープライズで GitHub Actions のポリシーを適用する)」を参照してく� さい。
advanced_security_policy_selected_member_enabledTriggered when an enterprise owner allows GitHub Advanced Security features to be enabled for repositories owned by the organization. 詳細については、「Enforcing policies for Advanced Security in your enterprise (エンタープライズで GitHub Actions のポリシーを適用する)」を参照してく� さい。
create_actions_secretTriggered when a GitHub Actions secret is created for an organization. For more information, see "Creating encrypted secrets for an organization."
disable_member_team_creation_permissionTriggered when an organization owner limits team creation to owners. For more information, see "Setting team creation permissions in your organization."
disable_two_factor_requirementTriggered when an owner disables a two-factor authentication requirement for all members and outside collaborators in an organization.
enable_member_team_creation_permissionTriggered when an organization owner allows members to create teams. For more information, see "Setting team creation permissions in your organization."
enable_two_factor_requirementTriggered when an owner requires two-factor authentication for all members and outside collaborators in an organization.
register_self_hosted_runnerTriggered when a new self-hosted runner is registered. For more information, see "Adding a self-hosted runner to an organization."
remove_actions_secretTriggered when a GitHub Actions secret is removed.
remove_memberTriggered when an owner removes a member from an organization or when two-factor authentication is required in an organization and an organization member doesn't use 2FA or disables 2FA. Also triggered when an organization member removes themselves from an organization.
remove_outside_collaboratorTriggered when an owner removes an outside collaborator from an organization or when two-factor authentication is required in an organization and an outside collaborator does not use 2FA or disables 2FA.
remove_self_hosted_runnerTriggered when a self-hosted runner is removed. For more information, see "Removing a runner from an organization."
runner_group_createdTriggered when a self-hosted runner group is created. For more information, see "Creating a self-hosted runner group for an organization."
runner_group_removedTriggered when a self-hosted runner group is removed. For more information, see "Removing a self-hosted runner group."
runner_group_updatedTriggered when the configuration of a self-hosted runner group is changed. For more information, see "Changing the access policy of a self-hosted runner group."
runner_group_runners_addedTriggered when a self-hosted runner is added to a group. For more information, see Moving a self-hosted runner to a group.
runner_group_runner_removedTriggered when the REST API is used to remove a self-hosted runner from a group. For more information, see "Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an organization."
runner_group_runners_updatedTriggered when a runner group's list of members is updated. For more information, see "Set self-hosted runners in a group for an organization."
self_hosted_runner_onlineTriggered when the runner application is started. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
self_hosted_runner_offlineTriggered when the runner application is stopped. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
self_hosted_runner_updatedTriggered when the runner application is updated. Can be viewed using the REST API and the UI; not visible in the JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "About self-hosted runners."
set_actions_retention_limitTriggered when the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs is changed. For more information, see "Enforcing policies for GitHub Actions in your enterprise."
set_fork_pr_workflows_policyTriggered when the policy for workflows on private repository forks is changed. For more information, see "Enabling workflows for private repository forks."
update_actions_secretTriggered when a GitHub Actions secret is updated.
update_new_repository_default_branch_settingTriggered when an owner changes the name of the default branch for new repositories in the organization. For more information, see "Managing the default branch name for repositories in your organization."
update_default_repository_permissionTriggered when an owner changes the default repository permission level for organization members.
update_memberTriggered when an owner changes a person's role from owner to member or member to owner.
update_member_repository_creation_permissionTriggered when an owner changes the create repository permission for organization members.

organization_default_label category actions

createTriggered when a default label is created.
updateTriggered when a default label is edited.
destroyTriggered when a default label is deleted.

packages category actions

package_version_publishedTriggered when a package version is published.
package_version_deletedTriggered when a specific package version is deleted. For more information, see "Deleting and restoring a package."
package_deletedTriggered when an entire package is deleted. For more information, see "Deleting and restoring a package."
package_version_restoredTriggered when a specific package version is deleted. For more information, see "Deleting and restoring a package."
package_restoredTriggered when an entire package is restored. For more information, see "Deleting and restoring a package."

profile_picture category actions

updateTriggered when you set or update your organization's profile picture.

project category actions

createTriggered when a project board is created.
linkTriggered when a repository is linked to a project board.
renameTriggered when a project board is renamed.
updateTriggered when a project board is updated.
deleteTriggered when a project board is deleted.
unlinkTriggered when a repository is unlinked from a project board.
update_org_permissionTriggered when the base-level permission for all organization members is changed or removed.
update_team_permissionTriggered when a team's project board permission level is changed or when a team is added or removed from a project board.
update_user_permissionTriggered when an organization member or outside collaborator is added to or removed from a project board or has their permission level changed.

protected_branch category actions

create Triggered when branch protection is enabled on a branch.
destroyTriggered when branch protection is disabled on a branch.
update_admin_enforced Triggered when branch protection is enforced for repository administrators.
update_require_code_owner_review Triggered when enforcement of required Code Owner review is updated on a branch.
dismiss_stale_reviews Triggered when enforcement of dismissing stale pull requests is updated on a branch.
update_signature_requirement_enforcement_level Triggered when enforcement of required commit signing is updated on a branch.
update_pull_request_reviews_enforcement_level Triggered when enforcement of required pull request reviews is updated on a branch. Can be one of 0(deactivated), 1(non-admins), 2(everyone).
update_required_status_checks_enforcement_level Triggered when enforcement of required status checks is updated on a branch.
update_strict_required_status_checks_policyTriggered when the requirement for a branch to be up to date before merging is changed.
rejected_ref_update Triggered when a branch update attempt is rejected.
policy_override Triggered when a branch protection requirement is overridden by a repository administrator.
update_allow_force_pushes_enforcement_level Triggered when force pushes are enabled or disabled for a protected branch.
update_allow_deletions_enforcement_level Triggered when branch deletion is enabled or disabled for a protected branch.
update_linear_history_requirement_enforcement_level Triggered when required linear commit history is enabled or disabled for a protected branch.

pull_request category actions

createTriggered when a pull request is created.
closeTriggered when a pull request is closed without being merged.
reopenTriggered when a pull request is reopened after previously being closed.
mergeTriggered when a pull request is merged.
indirect_mergeTriggered when a pull request is considered merged because its commits were merged into the target branch.
ready_for_reviewTriggered when a pull request is marked as ready for review.
converted_to_draftTriggered when a pull request is converted to a draft.
create_review_requestTriggered when a review is requested.
remove_review_requestTriggered when a review request is removed.

pull_request_review category actions

submitTriggered when a review is submitted.
dismissTriggered when a review is dismissed.
deleteTriggered when a review is deleted.

pull_request_review_comment category actions

createTriggered when a review comment is added.
updateTriggered when a review comment is changed.
deleteTriggered when a review comment is deleted.

repo category actions

accessTriggered when a user changes the visibility of a repository in the organization.
actions_enabledTriggered when GitHub Actions is enabled for a repository. Can be viewed using the UI. This event is not included when you access the audit log using the REST API. For more information, see "Using the REST API."
add_memberTriggered when a user accepts an invitation to have collaboration access to a repository.
add_topicTriggered when a repository admin adds a topic to a repository.
advanced_security_disabledTriggered when a repository administrator disables GitHub Advanced Security features for the repository. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your repository."
advanced_security_enabledTriggered when a repository administrator enables GitHub Advanced Security features for the repository. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your repository.".
archivedTriggered when a repository admin archives a repository.
config.disable_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when anonymous Git read access is disabled in a public repository.
config.enable_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when anonymous Git read access is enabled in a public repository.
config.lock_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when a repository's anonymous Git read access setting is locked.
config.unlock_anonymous_git_accessTriggered when a repository's anonymous Git read access setting is unlocked.
createTriggered when a new repository is created.
create_actions_secretTriggered when a GitHub Actions secret is created for a repository. For more information, see "Creating encrypted secrets for a repository."
destroyTriggered when a repository is deleted.
enableTriggered when a repository is re-enabled.
remove_actions_secretTriggered when a GitHub Actions secret is removed.
remove_memberTriggered when a user is removed from a repository as a collaborator.
register_self_hosted_runnerTriggered when a new self-hosted runner is registered. For more information, see "Adding a self-hosted runner to a repository."
remove_self_hosted_runnerTriggered when a self-hosted runner is removed. For more information, see "Removing a runner from a repository."
remove_topicTriggered when a repository admin removes a topic from a repository.
renameTriggered when a repository is renamed.
self_hosted_runner_onlineTriggered when the runner application is started. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
self_hosted_runner_offlineTriggered when the runner application is stopped. Can only be viewed using the REST API; not visible in the UI or JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "Checking the status of a self-hosted runner."
self_hosted_runner_updatedTriggered when the runner application is updated. Can be viewed using the REST API and the UI; not visible in the JSON/CSV export. For more information, see "About self-hosted runners."
set_actions_retention_limitTriggered when the retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs is changed. For more information, see "Managing GitHub Actions settings for a repository."
set_fork_pr_workflows_policyTriggered when the policy for workflows on private repository forks is changed. For more information, see "Managing GitHub Actions settings for a repository."
transferTriggered when a repository is transferred.
transfer_startTriggered when a repository transfer is about to occur.
unarchivedTriggered when a repository admin unarchives a repository.
update_actions_secretTriggered when a GitHub Actions secret is updated.

repository_secret_scanning category actions

disableTriggered when a repository owner or person with admin access to the repository disables secret scanning for a repository. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
enableTriggered when a repository owner or person with admin access to the repository enables secret scanning for a repository.

repository_vulnerability_alert category actions

createTriggered when GitHub Enterprise Server creates a Dependabot alert for a repository that uses a vulnerable dependency. For more information, see "About Dependabot alerts."
dismissTriggered when an organization owner or person with admin access to the repository dismisses a Dependabot alert about a vulnerable dependency.
resolveTriggered when someone with write access to a repository pushes changes to update and resolve a vulnerability in a project dependency.

secret_scanning category actions

disableTriggered when an organization owner disables secret scanning for all existing repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
enableTriggered when an organization owner enables secret scanning for all existing repositories.

secret_scanning_new_repos category actions

disableTriggered when an organization owner disables secret scanning for all new repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning."
enableTriggered when an organization owner enables secret scanning for all new repositories.

team category actions

add_memberTriggered when a member of an organization is added to a team.
add_repositoryTriggered when a team is given control of a repository.
change_parent_teamTriggered when a child team is created or a child team's parent is changed.
change_privacyTriggered when a team's privacy level is changed.
createTriggered when a new team is created.
demote_maintainerTriggered when a user was demoted from a team maintainer to a team member. For more information, see "Assigning the team maintainer role to a team member."
destroyTriggered when a team is deleted from the organization.
team.promote_maintainerTriggered when a user was promoted from a team member to a team maintainer. For more information, see "Assigning the team maintainer role to a team member."
remove_memberTriggered when a member of an organization is removed from a team.
remove_repositoryTriggered when a repository is no longer under a team's control.

team_discussions category actions

disableTriggered when an organization owner disables team discussions for an organization. For more information, see "Disabling team discussions for your organization."
enableTriggered when an organization owner enables team discussions for an organization.

workflows category actions

cancel_workflow_runTriggered when a workflow run has been cancelled. For more information, see "Canceling a workflow."
delete_workflow_runTriggered when a workflow run is deleted. For more information, see "Deleting a workflow run."
disable_workflowTriggered when a workflow is disabled.
enable_workflowTriggered when a workflow is enabled, after previously being disabled by disable_workflow.
rerun_workflow_runTriggered when a workflow run is re-run. For more information, see "Re-running a workflow."
approve_workflow_jobTriggered when a workflow job has been approved. For more information, see "Reviewing deployments."
reject_workflow_jobTriggered when a workflow job has been rejected. For more information, see "Reviewing deployments."

Further reading