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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-06-03. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてく� さい。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してく� さい。

Working with the Apache Maven registry

You can configure Apache Maven to publish packages to GitHub Packages and to use packages stored on GitHub Packages as dependencies in a Java project.

GitHub Packages is available with GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or higher, and GitHub AE. For more information about upgrading your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, see "About upgrades to new releases" and refer to the Upgrade assistant to find the upgrade path from your current release version.

ノート: サイト管理者はそれぞれのサポートされているパッケージの種類を有効化あるいは無効化できるので、このパッケージの種類はインスタンスで利用できないかもしれません。 詳しい情� �については、「Enterprise 向けのパッケージサポートを設定する」を参照してく� さい。

Authenticating to GitHub Packages

You need an access token to publish, install, and delete packages.

You can use a personal access token (PAT) to authenticate to GitHub Packages or the GitHub Enterprise Server API. When you create a personal access token, you can assign the token different scopes depending on your needs. For more information about packages-related scopes for a PAT, see "About permissions for GitHub Packages."

To authenticate to a GitHub Packages registry within a GitHub Actions workflow, you can use:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN to publish packages associated with the workflow repository.
  • a PAT to install packages associated with other private repositories (which GITHUB_TOKEN can't access).

GitHub Actionsワークフローで使われるGITHUB_TOKENに関する詳しい情� �については「ワークフローでの認証」を参照してく� さい。

Authenticating with a personal access token

GitHub Packages内でパッケージを公開及びインストールするためには、適切なスコープで個人アクセストークンを使わなければなりません。 詳しい情� �については「GitHub Packagesについて」を参照してく� さい。

You can authenticate to GitHub Packages with Apache Maven by editing your ~/.m2/settings.xml file to include your personal access token. Create a new ~/.m2/settings.xml file if one doesn't exist.

In the servers tag, add a child server tag with an id, replacing USERNAME with your GitHub username, and TOKEN with your personal access token.

In the repositories tag, configure a repository by mapping the id of the repository to the id you added in the server tag containing your credentials. Replace HOSTNAME with the host name of GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス, and OWNER with the name of the user or organization account that owns the repository. Because uppercase letters aren't supported, you must use lowercase letters for the repository owner even if the GitHub user or organization name contains uppercase letters.

If you want to interact with multiple repositories, you can add each repository to separate repository children in the repositories tag, mapping the id of each to the credentials in the servers tag.

GitHub PackagesはApache MavenのSNAPSHOTバージョンをサポートしています。 SNAPSHOT成果物をダウンロードするためにGitHub Packagesリポジトリを使うには、使用するプロジェクトのPOM中もしくは~/.m2/settings.xmlファイルでSNAPSHOTSを有効にしてく� さい。

If your instance has subdomain isolation enabled:

<settings xmlns=""




If your instance has subdomain isolation disabled:

<settings xmlns=""




Publishing a package

デフォルトでは、GitHubはパッケージはそのままの名前で既存のリポジトリに公開されます。 For example, GitHub will publish a package named com.example:test in a repository called OWNER/test.

If you would like to publish multiple packages to the same repository, you can include the URL of the repository in the <distributionManagement> element of the pom.xml file. GitHub will match the repository based on that field. Since the repository name is also part of the distributionManagement element, there are no additional steps to publish multiple packages to the same repository.

For more information on creating a package, see the documentation.

  1. Edit the distributionManagement element of the pom.xml file located in your package directory, replacing HOSTNAME with the host name of GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス, OWNER with the name of the user or organization account that owns the repository and REPOSITORY with the name of the repository containing your project.

    If your instance has subdomain isolation enabled:

         <name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>

    If your instance has subdomain isolation disabled:

         <name>GitHub OWNER Apache Maven Packages</name>
  2. Publish the package.

    $ mvn deploy

パッケージを公開した後は、GitHub上でそのパッケージを見ることができます。 詳しい情� �については「パッケージの表示」を参照してく� さい。

Installing a package

To install an Apache Maven package from GitHub Packages, edit the pom.xml file to include the package as a dependency. If you want to install packages from more than one repository, add a repository tag for each. For more information on using a pom.xml file in your project, see "Introduction to the POM" in the Apache Maven documentation.

  1. GitHub Packagesに認証を受けてく� さい。 詳しい情� �については「GitHub Packagesへの認証を行う」を参照してく� さい。

  2. Add the package dependencies to the dependencies element of your project pom.xml file, replacing com.example:test with your package.

  3. Install the package.

    $ mvn install

Further reading