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このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-06-03. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてく� さい。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してく� さい。

Installing a package

You can install a package from GitHub Packages and use the package as a dependency in your own project.

You can install any package that you have permission to view.

GitHub Packages is available with GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, GitHub Free for organizations, GitHub Team, GitHub Enterprise Cloud, GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or higher, and GitHub AE. For more information about upgrading your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, see "About upgrades to new releases" and refer to the Upgrade assistant to find the upgrade path from your current release version.

About package installation

You can search on GitHub Enterprise Serverインスタンス to find packages in GitHub Packages that you can install in your own project. For more information, see "Searching GitHub Packages for packages."

After you find a package, you can read the package's description and installation and usage instructions on the package page.

Installing a package

You can install a package from GitHub Packages using any package type enabled for your instance by following the same general guidelines.

  1. Authenticate to GitHub Packages using the instructions for your package client. For more information, see "Authenticating to GitHub Packages."
  2. Install the package using the instructions for your package client.

For instructions specific to your package client, see "Working with a GitHub Packages registry."