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About GitHub Actions for enterprises

GitHub Actions can improve developer productivity by automating your enterprise's software development cycle.

About GitHub Actions for enterprises

GitHub Actions を使用すると、ソフトウェア開発ワークフローのすべてのフェーズを自動化することにより、企業のユーザーは生産性を向上させることができます。

TaskMore information
Automatically test and build your applicationGitHub Actions による継続的インテグレーションについて
Deploy your applicationGitHub Actions を使った継続的デプロイについて
Automatically and securely package code into artifacts and containersGitHub Actions によるパッケージ化について
Automate your project management tasksGitHub Actions をプロジェクト管理に使用する

GitHub Actions helps your team work faster at scale. When large repositories start using GitHub Actions, pull requests are typically merged faster, allowing teams to merge more pull requests per day.

You can create your own unique automations, or you can use and adapt workflows from our ecosystem of over 10,000 actions built by industry leaders and the open source community. For more information, see ワークフローで事前に記述されたレポート パーツを使用する.

GitHub Actions is developer friendly, because it's integrated directly into the familiar GitHub experience.

You can enjoy the convenience of GitHub-hosted runners, which are maintained and upgraded by GitHub, or you can control your own private CI/CD infrastructure by using self-hosted runners. Self-hosted runners allow you to determine the exact environment and resources that complete your builds, testing, and deployments, without exposing your software development cycle to the internet. For more information, see GitHub ホステッド ランナーの使用 and 自己ホスト ランナーの概要.

GitHub Actions provides greater control over deployments. For example, you can use environments to require approval for a job to proceed, restrict which branches can trigger a workflow, or limit access to secrets.If your workflows need to access resources from a cloud provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), you can configure your workflows to authenticate directly to the cloud provider. OIDC provides security benefits such as eliminating the need to store credentials as long-lived secrets. For more information, see OpenID Connect を使ったセキュリティ強化について.

GitHub Actions also includes tools to govern your enterprise's software development cycle and meet compliance obligations. For more information, see エンタープライズで GitHub Actions のポリシーを適用する.

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