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About access permissions on GitHub

Learn about roles, and how you can control who has access to your enterprise's resources and the level of access each person has.

About access permissions on GitHub

リポジトリでの pull request の作成や Organization の支払い設定の変更など、GitHub でなんらかのアクションを行うには、ユーザーは関連するアカウントやリソースに対する十分なアクセス権を持っている必要があります。 このアクセスは、権限によって制御されます。 権限は、特定のアクションを行える能力です。 たとえばIssueを削除する能力は権限です。 ロールは、個人やTeamに割り当てることができる権限のセットです。

Roles work differently for different types of accounts. For more information about accounts, see GitHub アカウントの種類.

Personal accounts

A repository owned by a personal account has two permission levels: the repository owner and collaborators. See 個人アカウントのリポジトリの権限レベル.

Organization accounts

Organization members can have owner, billing manager, or member roles. Owners have complete administrative access to your organization, while billing managers can manage billing settings. Member is the default role for everyone else. You can manage access permissions for multiple members at a time with teams. For more information, see:

Enterprise accounts

Enterprise owners have ultimate power over the enterprise account and can take every action in the enterprise account. Billing managers can manage your enterprise account's billing settings. Members and outside collaborators of organizations owned by your enterprise account are automatically members of the enterprise account, although they have no access to the enterprise account itself or its settings.

Enterprise owners cannot access organization content or repositories unless they are explicitly granted a role in the organization. However, enterprise owners can manage enterprise settings and policies that impact an organization in the enterprise. For more information, see エンタープライズにおける役割.

If an enterprise uses Enterprise Managed Users, members are provisioned as new personal accounts on GitHub and are fully managed by the identity provider. The マネージド ユーザー アカウント have read-only access to repositories that are not a part of their enterprise and cannot interact with users that are not also members of the enterprise. Within the organizations owned by the enterprise, the マネージド ユーザー アカウント can be granted the same granular access levels available for regular organizations. For more information, see Enterprise Managed Users について.

Next steps

Next, learn about how you can use rulesets to manage how people interact with your enterprise's repositories. See About rulesets.