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Filtrage des problèmes et des demandes de tirage par jalon

Les problèmes et les demandes de tirage peuvent être filtrés en fonction du jalon auquel ils sont associés. Une fois que vous avez associé un problème ou une demande de tirage à un jalon, vous pouvez trouver des éléments en fonction de leurs jalons. Dans un jalon, vous pouvez prioriser les problèmes et les demandes de tirage.


  • If you'd rather filter issues and pull requests using the Search bar, you can use the milestone search syntax. For a milestone called My Milestone, the search syntax would be: milestone:"My Milestone".
  • To clear your filter selection, click Clear current search query, filters, and sorts.
  • You can also filter issues or pull requests using the GitHub CLI. For more information, see "gh issue list" or "gh pr list" in the GitHub CLI documentation.
  1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.

  2. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.

    Screenshot of the main page of a repository. In the horizontal navigation bar, two tabs, labeled "Issues" and "Pull requests," are each outlined in dark orange.

  3. Select Milestones to see a list of all available milestones for the repository.

    Screenshot of the list of issues for a repository. Above the list, a button, labeled with a signpost icon and "Milestones," is outlined in dark orange.

  4. Select the milestone you're interested in from the list. You can view relevant information for the milestone, including all issues and pull requests associated with it, from the milestone page. For more information, see "About milestones."

Further reading