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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-06-03. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener un mejor desempeño, más seguridad y nuevas características, actualiza a la última versión de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, contacta al soporte de GitHub Enterprise.

Manually syncing actions from

For users that need access to actions from, you can sync specific actions to your enterprise.

Nota: Los ejecutores hospedados en GitHub no son compatibles con GitHub Enterprise Server actualmente. Puedes encontrar más información sobre el soporte que se tiene planeado en el futuro en el Itinerario público de GitHub.

Las GitHub Actions en GitHub Enterprise Server están diseñadas para funcionar como ambientes sin acceso completo a la internet. Predeterminadamente, los flujos de trabajo no utilizan acciones de y GitHub Marketplace.

The recommended approach of enabling access to actions from is to enable automatic access to all actions. You can do this by using GitHub Connect to integrate GitHub Enterprise Server with Nube de GitHub Enterprise. For more information, see "Enabling automatic access to actions using GitHub Connect."

However, if you want stricter control over which actions are allowed in your enterprise, you can follow this guide to use GitHub's open source actions-sync tool to sync individual action repositories from to your enterprise.

About the actions-sync tool

The actions-sync tool must be run on a machine that can access the API and your GitHub Enterprise Server instance's API. The machine doesn't need to be connected to both at the same time.

If your machine has access to both systems at the same time, you can do the sync with a single actions-sync sync command. If you can only access one system at a time, you can use the actions-sync pull and push commands.

The actions-sync tool can only download actions from that are stored in public repositories.


  • Before using the actions-sync tool, you must ensure that all destination organizations already exist in your enterprise. The following example demonstrates how to sync actions to an organization named synced-actions. For more information, see "Creating a new organization from scratch."

  • You must create a personal access token (PAT) on your enterprise that can create and write to repositories in the destination organizations. For more information, see "Creating a personal access token."

  • If you want to sync the bundled actions in the actions organization on tu instancia de GitHub Enterprise Server, you must be an owner of the actions organization.

    Note: By default, even site administrators are not owners of the bundled actions organization.

    Site administrators can use the ghe-org-admin-promote command in the administrative shell to promote a user to be an owner of the bundled actions organization. For more information, see "Accessing the administrative shell (SSH)" and "ghe-org-admin-promote."

    ghe-org-admin-promote -u USERNAME -o actions

Example: Using the actions-sync tool

This example demonstrates using the actions-sync tool to sync an individual action from to an enterprise instance.

Note: This example uses the actions-sync sync command, which requires concurrent access to both the API and your enterprise instance's API from your machine. If you can only access one system at a time, you can use the actions-sync pull and push commands. For more information, see the actions-sync README.

  1. Download and extract the latest actions-sync release for your machine's operating system.

  2. Create a directory to store cache files for the tool.

  3. Run the actions-sync sync command:

    ./actions-sync sync \
      --cache-dir "cache" \
      --destination-token "aabbccddeeffgg" \
      --destination-url "https://my-ghes-instance" \
      --repo-name "actions/stale:synced-actions/actions-stale"

    The above command uses the following arguments:

    • --cache-dir: The cache directory on the machine running the command.

    • --destination-token: A personal access token for the destination enterprise instance.

    • --destination-url: The URL of the destination enterprise instance.

    • --repo-name: The action repository to sync. This takes the format of owner/repository:destination_owner/destination_repository.

      • The above example syncs the actions/stale repository to the synced-actions/actions-stale repository on the destination enterprise instance. You must create the organization named synced-actions in your enterprise before running the above command.
      • If you omit :destination_owner/destination_repository, the tool uses the original owner and repository name for your enterprise. Before running the command, you must create a new organization in your enterprise that matches the owner name of the action. Consider using a central organization to store the synced actions in your enterprise, as this means you will not need to create multiple new organizations if you sync actions from different owners.
      • You can sync multiple actions by replacing the --repo-name parameter with --repo-name-list or --repo-name-list-file. For more information, see the actions-sync README.
  4. After the action repository is created in your enterprise, people in your enterprise can use the destination repository to reference the action in their workflows. For the example action shown above:

    uses: synced-actions/actions-stale@v1

    For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."