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Esta versión de GitHub Enterprise se discontinuó el 2022-06-03. No se realizarán lanzamientos de patch, ni siquiera para problemas de seguridad críticos. Para obtener un mejor desempeño, más seguridad y nuevas características, actualiza a la última versión de GitHub Enterprise. Para obtener ayuda con la actualización, contacta al soporte de GitHub Enterprise.

About high availability configuration

In a high availability configuration, a fully redundant secondary GitHub Enterprise Server appliance is kept in sync with the primary appliance through replication of all major datastores.

When you configure high availability, there is an automated setup of one-way, asynchronous replication of all datastores (Git repositories, MySQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch) from the primary to the replica appliance. Most GitHub Enterprise Server configuration settings are also replicated, including the Consola de administración password. For more information, see "Accessing the management console."

GitHub Enterprise Server supports an active/passive configuration, where the replica appliance runs as a standby with database services running in replication mode but application services stopped.

After replication has been established, the Consola de administración is no longer accessible on replica appliances. If you navigate to the replica's IP address or hostname on port 8443, you'll see a "Server in replication mode" message, which indicates that the appliance is currently configured as a replica.

Nota: Hay un máximo de 8 réplicas de disponibilidad alta (tanto pasivas como activas/geo replicas) que se permiten para GitHub Enterprise Server.

Targeted failure scenarios

Use a high availability configuration for protection against:

  • Fallo de software, ya sea debido a una falla en el sistema operativo o a aplicaciones irrecuperables.
  • Fallas del hardware, incluido el hardware de almacenamiento, la CPU, la RAM, las interfaces de red, etc.
  • Fallas del sistema host de virtualización, incluidos los eventos no planeados y de mantenimiento programado en AWS.
  • Red cortada lógica o físicamente, si el error de las aplicación está en una red separada no se ve impactada por la falla.

A high availability configuration is not a good solution for:

  • Scaling-out. While you can distribute traffic geographically using geo-replication, the performance of writes is limited to the speed and availability of the primary appliance. For more information, see "About geo-replication."
  • Backing up your primary appliance. A high availability replica does not replace off-site backups in your disaster recovery plan. Some forms of data corruption or loss may be replicated immediately from the primary to the replica. To ensure safe rollback to a stable past state, you must perform regular backups with historical snapshots.
  • Zero downtime upgrades. To prevent data loss and split-brain situations in controlled promotion scenarios, place the primary appliance in maintenance mode and wait for all writes to complete before promoting the replica.

Network traffic failover strategies

During failover, you must separately configure and manage redirecting network traffic from the primary to the replica.

DNS failover

With DNS failover, use short TTL values in the DNS records that point to the primary GitHub Enterprise Server appliance. We recommend a TTL between 60 seconds and five minutes.

During failover, you must place the primary into maintenance mode and redirect its DNS records to the replica appliance's IP address. The time needed to redirect traffic from primary to replica will depend on the TTL configuration and time required to update the DNS records.

If you are using geo-replication, you must configure Geo DNS to direct traffic to the nearest replica. For more information, see "About geo-replication."

Load balancer

Un diseño de balanceador de carga utiliza un dispositivo de red para dirigir el tráfico de Git y HTTP a los aparatos individuales del GitHub Enterprise Server. Puedes utilizar un balanceador de carga para restringir el tráfico directo al aparato con fines de seguridad o para redirigir el tráfico, de ser necesario, sin cambios en los registros DNS. Es altamente recomendable utilizar un balanceador de carga basado en TPC que admita el protocolo PROXY. Las búsquedas DNS para el nombre del host de GitHub Enterprise Server se deben resolver con el balanceador de carga. Es recomendable que habilites el aislamiento de subdominio. Si el aislamiento de subdominio está habilitado, un registro comodín adicional (*.HOSTNAME) también se debería resolver con el balanceador de carga. Para obtener más información, consulta "Habilitar el aislamiento de subdominio."

During failover, you must place the primary appliance into maintenance mode. You can configure the load balancer to automatically detect when the replica has been promoted to primary, or it may require a manual configuration change. You must manually promote the replica to primary before it will respond to user traffic. For more information, see "Using GitHub Enterprise Server with a load balancer."

Puedes verificar la disponibilidad del GitHub Enterprise Server al controlar el código de estado que devuelve la URL https://HOSTNAME/status. Un aparato que puede servir el tráfico de usuario devolverá un código de estado de 200 (OK). Un aparato puede devolver un 503 (Servicio no disponible) por distintas razones:

  • El aparato es una réplica pasiva, como la réplica en una configuración de disponibilidad alta de dos nodos.
  • El aparato está en modo de mantenimiento.
  • El aparato es parte de una configuración de replicación geográfica, pero es una réplica inactiva.

También puedes utilizar el Tablero de resumen de replicación disponible en:


Utilities for replication management

To manage replication on GitHub Enterprise Server, use these command line utilities by connecting to the replica appliance using SSH.


The ghe-repl-setup command puts a GitHub Enterprise Server appliance in replica standby mode.

  • An encrypted WireGuard VPN tunnel is configured for communication between the two appliances.
  • Database services are configured for replication and started.
  • Application services are disabled. Attempts to access the replica appliance over HTTP, Git, or other supported protocols will result in an "appliance in replica mode" maintenance page or error message.
admin@169-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-setup
Verifying ssh connectivity with ...
Connection check succeeded.
Configuring database replication against primary ...
Success: Replica mode is configured against
To disable replica mode and undo these changes, run `ghe-repl-teardown'.
Run `ghe-repl-start' to start replicating against the newly configured primary.


The ghe-repl-start command turns on active replication of all datastores.

admin@169-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-start
Starting MySQL replication ...
Starting Redis replication ...
Starting Elasticsearch replication ...
Starting Pages replication ...
Starting Git replication ...
Success: replication is running for all services.
Use `ghe-repl-status' to monitor replication health and progress.


The ghe-repl-status command returns an OK, WARNING or CRITICAL status for each datastore replication stream. When any of the replication channels are in a WARNING state, the command will exit with the code 1. Similarly, when any of the channels are in a CRITICAL state, the command will exit with the code 2.

admin@169-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-status
OK: mysql replication in sync
OK: redis replication is in sync
OK: elasticsearch cluster is in sync
OK: git data is in sync (10 repos, 2 wikis, 5 gists)
OK: pages data is in sync

The -v and -vv options give details about each datastore's replication state:

$ ghe-repl-status -v
OK: mysql replication in sync
  | IO running: Yes, SQL running: Yes, Delay: 0

OK: redis replication is in sync
  | master_host:
  | master_port:6379
  | master_link_status:up
  | master_last_io_seconds_ago:3
  | master_sync_in_progress:0

OK: elasticsearch cluster is in sync
  | {
  |   "cluster_name" : "github-enterprise",
  |   "status" : "green",
  |   "timed_out" : false,
  |   "number_of_nodes" : 2,
  |   "number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
  |   "active_primary_shards" : 12,
  |   "active_shards" : 24,
  |   "relocating_shards" : 0,
  |   "initializing_shards" : 0,
  |   "unassigned_shards" : 0
  | }

OK: git data is in sync (366 repos, 31 wikis, 851 gists)
  |                   TOTAL         OK      FAULT    PENDING      DELAY
  | repositories        366        366          0          0        0.0
  |        wikis         31         31          0          0        0.0
  |        gists        851        851          0          0        0.0
  |        total       1248       1248          0          0        0.0

OK: pages data is in sync
  | Pages are in sync


The ghe-repl-stop command temporarily disables replication for all datastores and stops the replication services. To resume replication, use the ghe-repl-start command.

admin@168-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-stop
Stopping Pages replication ...
Stopping Git replication ...
Stopping MySQL replication ...
Stopping Redis replication ...
Stopping Elasticsearch replication ...
Success: replication was stopped for all services.


The ghe-repl-promote command disables replication and converts the replica appliance to a primary. The appliance is configured with the same settings as the original primary and all services are enabled.

Promover una réplica no configura la replicación para aplicativos existentes automáticamente. Despues de promoverla, si así lo quieres, puedes configurar la replicacion desde el nuevo aplicativo principal hacia uno existente y hacia el aplicativo primario previo.

admin@168-254-1-2:~$ ghe-repl-promote
Enabling maintenance mode on the primary to prevent writes ...
Stopping replication ...
  | Stopping Pages replication ...
  | Stopping Git replication ...
  | Stopping MySQL replication ...
  | Stopping Redis replication ...
  | Stopping Elasticsearch replication ...
  | Success: replication was stopped for all services.
Switching out of replica mode ...
  | Success: Replication configuration has been removed.
  | Run `ghe-repl-setup' to re-enable replica mode.
Applying configuration and starting services ...
Success: Replica has been promoted to primary and is now accepting requests.


The ghe-repl-teardown command disables replication mode completely, removing the replica configuration.

Further reading