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Managing labels

You can classify issues and pull requests by creating, editing, applying, and deleting labels.

In this article

About labels

You can manage your work on GitHub Enterprise Server by creating labels to categorize issues and pull requests. You can apply labels in the repository the label was created in. Once a label exists, you can use the label on any issue or pull request within that repository.

Anyone with read access to a repository can view and search the repository’s labels. Anyone with triage access to a repository can apply/dismiss existing labels. To create, edit, apply, or delete a label, you must have write access to the repository.

About default labels

GitHub Enterprise Server provides default labels in every new repository. You can use these default labels to help create a standard workflow in a repository.

bugIndicates an unexpected problem or unintended behavior
documentationIndicates a need for improvements or additions to documentation
duplicateIndicates similar issues or pull requests
enhancementIndicates new feature requests
good first issueIndicates a good issue for first-time contributors
help wantedIndicates that a maintainer wants help on an issue or pull request
invalidIndicates that an issue or pull request is no longer relevant
questionIndicates that an issue or pull request needs more information
wontfixIndicates that work won't continue on an issue or pull request

Default labels are included in every new repository when the repository is created, but you can edit or delete the labels later.

Organization owners can customize the default labels for repositories in their organization. For more information, see "Managing default labels for repositories in your organization."

Creating a label

  1. On GitHub Enterprise Server, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.
    Issues and pull requests tab selection
  3. Above the list of issues or pull requests, click Labels.
    Labels tab on a repository's issues or pull requests page
  4. To the right of the search field, click New label.
  5. Under "Label name", type a name for your label.
    Field to type a label name
  6. Under "Description", type a description to help others understand and use your label.
    Field to type a label description
  7. Optionally, to customize the color of your label, edit the hexadecimal number, or click the refresh button for another random selection.
    Issues new label color refresh
  8. To save the new label, click Create label.

Applying labels to issues and pull requests

  1. On GitHub Enterprise Server, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.
    Issues and pull requests tab selection
  3. Select the checkbox next to the items you want to apply a label to.
    Issues metadata checkbox
  4. In the upper-right corner, click Label, then start typing the name of an existing label. Click the label's name to associate it with the selected items.
    Issues Milestone assignment drop-down

Editing a label

  1. On GitHub Enterprise Server, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.
    Issues and pull requests tab selection
  3. Above the list of issues or pull requests, click Labels.
    Labels tab on a repository's issues or pull requests page
  4. In the labels list, to the right of the label you want to edit, click Edit.
  5. Under "Label name", type a name for your label.
    Field to type a label name
  6. Under "Description", type a description to help others understand and use your label.
    Field to type a label description
  7. Optionally, to customize the color of your label, edit the hexadecimal number, or click the refresh button for another random selection.
    Issues new label color refresh
  8. Click Save changes.

Deleting a label

Deleting a label will remove the label from issues and pull requests.

  1. On GitHub Enterprise Server, navigate to the main page of the repository.
  2. Under your repository name, click Issues or Pull requests.
    Issues and pull requests tab selection
  3. Above the list of issues or pull requests, click Labels.
    Labels tab on a repository's issues or pull requests page
  4. In the labels list, to the right of the label you want to delete, click Delete.

Further reading