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文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.17

Opening an issue from a comment

You can open a new issue from a specific comment in an issue or pull request.

When you open an issue from a comment, the issue contains a snippet showing where the comment was originally posted.

  1. Navigate to the comment you'd like to open an issue from.

  2. In that comment, click .

    Kebab button in pull request review comment

  3. Click Reference in new issue.

    Reference in new issue menu item

  4. Use the "Repository" drop-down menu, and select the repository you want to open the issue in.

    Repository dropdown for new issue

  5. Type a descriptive title and body for the issue.

    Title and body for new issue

  6. Click Create issue.

    Button to create new issue

  7. 如果您是项目维护员,可以将议题分配给某人将其添加到项目板将其与里程碑关联应用标签



