
此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 将停止服务 此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2020-05-23. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 要获得更好的性能、改进的安全性和新功能,请升级到 GitHub Enterprise 的最新版本。 如需升级方面的帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.17

我应使用哪个远程 URL?

There are several ways to clone repositories available on GitHub.


当您登录到帐户查看仓库时,可以用于将项目克隆到计算机上的 URL 在仓库详细信息下方提供:

远程 URL 列表

有关设置或更改远程 URL 的信息,请参阅“更改远程仓库的 URL”。

https:// 克隆 URL 在所有仓库(公共和私有)中提供。 These URLs work even if you are behind a firewall or proxy.

When you git clone, git fetch, git pull, or git push to a remote repository using HTTPS URLs on the command line, Git will ask for your GitHub Enterprise username and password.

如果您启用了双重身份验证,您必须使用个人访问令牌进行身份验证,而不是用于 GitHub 的用户名和密码。 更多信息请参阅“使用双重身份验证 (2FA) 保护您的帐户”和“创建用于命令行的个人访问令牌”。


使用 SSH URL 克隆

SSH URL 通过 SSH(一种安全协议)提供 Git 仓库的访问权限。 To use these URLs, you must generate an SSH keypair on your computer and add the public key to your GitHub Enterprise account. For more information, see "Connecting to GitHub with SSH."

When you git clone, git fetch, git pull, or git push to a remote repository using SSH URLs, you'll be prompted for a password and must provide your SSH key passphrase. For more information, see "Working with SSH key passphrases."

Tip: You can use an SSH URL to clone a repository to your computer, or as a secure way of deploying your code to production servers. You can also use SSH agent forwarding with your deploy script to avoid managing keys on the server. For more information, see "Using SSH Agent Forwarding" in GitHub 开发者文档.

使用 Subversion 克隆

You can also use a Subversion client to access any repository on GitHub. Subversion offers a different feature set than Git. For more information, see "What are the differences between Subversion and Git?"

You can also access repositories on GitHub from Subversion clients. For more information, see "Support for Subversion clients."



