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文章版本: Enterprise Server 2.17

协作处理 Git Large File Storage

启用 Git LFS 后,您就可以像使用 Git 管理的任何文件一样获取、修改和推送大文件。 但是,没有 Git LFS 的用户将经历不同的工作流程。


如果仓库上的协作者未安装 Git LFS,他们将无法访问原始大文件。 如果他们尝试克隆您的仓库,则只能获取指针文件,而无法访问任何实际数据。

Tip: To help users without Git LFS enabled, we recommend you set guidelines for repository contributors that describe how to work with large files. For example, you may ask contributors not to modify large files, or to upload changes to a file sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive. For more information, see "Setting guidelines for repository contributors."


GitHub Enterprise 不会渲染拉取请求中的 Git LFS 对象。 只显示指针文件:

大文件的示例 PR

For more information about pointer files, see "About Git Large File Storage."

To view changes made to large files, check out the pull request locally to review the diff. For more information, see "Checking out pull requests locally."



