如果之前通过 GitHub Enterprise 支持门户(现已弃用)联系了 GitHub Enterprise 支持,则应使用 GitHub 支持门户 打开新票证。 仍可在 https://enterprise.githubsupport.com 查看历史票证。
要打开、查看与企业帐户或企业账户拥有的组织相关的支持工单并对其进行注释,� 必须具有该帐户的支持权利。 企业所有者和帐单管理员自动拥有支持权利,企业所有者可以向企业成员添� 支持权利。 有关详细信息,请参阅“管理企业的支持权利”。
可使用 GitHub 支持门户 创建工单,如果希望在支持工单中包括诊断,也可使用 GitHub Enterprise Server 管理控制台。
创建工单后,可从 GitHub 支持门户 上的 GitHub 支持 查看工单和响应。 有关详细信息,请参阅“查看和更新支持工单”。
向 GitHub 支持 提供他们理解、定位和重现问题所需的一切内容,可以更快地解决问题,减少往返于� 和支持团队之间的操作。 为确保 GitHub 支持 可以帮助� ,请在创建工单时考虑以下� 点:
- 获取可帮助 GitHub 支持 跟踪、排列优先级、重现或调查问题的信息。
- 尽量包括完整的 URL、存储库名称和用户名。
- 如果适用,重现问题并准备分享步骤。
- 准备好提供问题和预期结果的完整说明。
- 复制与您的问题相关的所有错误消息的准确表述。
- 确定与 GitHub 支持 正在进行的任何通信中是否存在现有事件单编号。
- 包括相关日志并附� 演示问题的任何屏幕截图。
特别是优先级为 Urgent 的事件单,联系 GitHub 支持 的人应该:
- 熟悉内部系统、工具、策略和实践。
- 熟悉 GitHub Enterprise Server。
- 拥有对问题进行故障排查所需的任何服务的完全访问权限。
- 经授权可对您的网络和任何适用的产品做出建议的变更。
- 导航到 GitHub 支持门户。
- Select the Account or organization dropdown menu and click the name of the account your support ticket is regarding.
- Select the From drop-down menu and click the email address you'd like GitHub 支持 to contact.
- Select the Product dropdown menu and click GitHub Enterprise Server (self-hosted).
- If prompted, select the Server installation dropdown menu and click the installation your support ticket is regarding. If the installation is not listed, click Other.
- Select the Release series dropdown menu and click the release your GitHub Enterprise Server instance is running.
- Select the Priority dropdown menu and click the appropriate urgency. For more information, see "About ticket priority."
- Choose Urgent to report fatal system failures, outages impacting critical system operations, security incidents, and expired licenses.
- Choose High to report issues impacting business operations, including system performance issues, or to report critical bugs.
- Choose Normal to make technical requests like configuration changes and third-party integrations, and to report non-critical bugs.
- Choose Low to ask general questions and submit requests for new features, purchases, training, or health checks.
- Optionally, if your account includes GitHub 高级支持 and your ticket is urgent or high priority, you can request a callback in English. Select Request a callback from GitHub Support, select the country code dropdown menu to choose your country, and enter your phone number.
- Under "Subject", type a descriptive title for the issue you're having.
- Under "How can we help", provide any additional information that will help the Support team troubleshoot the problem. You can use markdown to format your message.
Helpful information may include:
Steps to reproduce the issue
Any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the issue (for example, the first occurrence or occurrence after a specific event, frequency of occurrence, business impact of the problem, and suggested urgency)
Exact wording of error messages
警告:如果在拉取请求、问题评论或 GitHub 支持门户 票证中附� 了文件,则任何人都可以查看匿名 URL,� 需身份验证,即使该拉取请求位于专用存储库中,或者启用了专用模式。 要对敏感媒体文件保密,请从需要身份验证的私有网络或服务器提供它们。
- Optionally, attach diagnostics files and other files by dragging and dropping, uploading, or pasting from the clipboard.
- Click Send request.
使用 GitHub Enterprise Server 管理控制台创建工单
从 GitHub Enterprise Server 上的管理帐户任意页面的右上角,单击 。
如果� 尚未在“站点管理员”页上,请在左上角单击“站点管理员”。
1. 在左侧边� �中,单击“管理控制台”。
1. 如有提示,请输入您的 管理控制台 密� �。
4. 在 管理控制台 的右上角,单击“支持”。
如果希望在支持工单中包含诊断,请在“诊断”下单击“下载诊断信息”并将文件保存到本地。 您稍后可将此文件附� 到您的支持事件单。
若要完成工单并显示 GitHub 支持门户,请在“打开支持请求”下,单击“新建支持请求”。
Select the Account or organization dropdown menu and click the name of the account your support ticket is regarding.
Select the From drop-down menu and click the email address you'd like GitHub 支持 to contact.
Select the Product dropdown menu and click GitHub Enterprise Server (self-hosted).
If prompted, select the Server installation dropdown menu and click the installation your support ticket is regarding. If the installation is not listed, click Other.
Select the Release series dropdown menu and click the release your GitHub Enterprise Server instance is running.
Select the Priority dropdown menu and click the appropriate urgency. For more information, see "About ticket priority."
- Choose Urgent to report fatal system failures, outages impacting critical system operations, security incidents, and expired licenses.
- Choose High to report issues impacting business operations, including system performance issues, or to report critical bugs.
- Choose Normal to make technical requests like configuration changes and third-party integrations, and to report non-critical bugs.
- Choose Low to ask general questions and submit requests for new features, purchases, training, or health checks.
Optionally, if your account includes GitHub 高级支持 and your ticket is urgent or high priority, you can request a callback in English. Select Request a callback from GitHub Support, select the country code dropdown menu to choose your country, and enter your phone number.
Under "Subject", type a descriptive title for the issue you're having.
Under "How can we help", provide any additional information that will help the Support team troubleshoot the problem. You can use markdown to format your message.
Helpful information may include:
Steps to reproduce the issue
Any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the issue (for example, the first occurrence or occurrence after a specific event, frequency of occurrence, business impact of the problem, and suggested urgency)
Exact wording of error messages
警告:如果在拉取请求、问题评论或 GitHub 支持门户 票证中附� 了文件,则任何人都可以查看匿名 URL,� 需身份验证,即使该拉取请求位于专用存储库中,或者启用了专用模式。 要对敏感媒体文件保密,请从需要身份验证的私有网络或服务器提供它们。
Optionally, attach diagnostics files and other files by dragging and dropping, uploading, or pasting from the clipboard.
Click Send request.