About audit logs
每个审核日志条目的名称由事件类型组成,后跟操作类型。 例如,repo.create
条目是指对 repo
类别的 create
- 执行操作的企业或组织
- 执行操作的用户(参与者)
- 受操作影响的用户
- 执行操作的仓库
- 执行的操作
- 发生操作的国家/地区
- 发生操作的日期和时间
- 执行操作的用户(操作者)的 SAML SSO 标识和 SCIM 标识
- 对于 Web UI 之外的操作,用户(操作者)如何进行身份验证
- (可选)执行了操作的用户(执行者)的源 IP 地址
审核日志列出了由影响企业的活动触发的事件过去 180 天内的审核日志。 审核日志将 Git 事件保留七天。
默认情况下,仅显示过去三个月的事件。 若要查看较旧的事件,必须使用 created
参数指定日期范围。 请参阅“了解搜索语法”。
In addition to viewing your audit log, you can monitor activity in your enterprise in other ways, such as managing global webhooks. Webhooks provide a way for GitHub to notify your server when specific events occur for a repository, organization, or enterprise. Compared to the API or searching the audit log, webhooks can be more efficient if you just want to learn and possibly log when certain events occur on your enterprise, organization, or repository. See 管理全局 web 挂钩.
You can also use the audit log, and other tools, to monitor the actions taken in response to security alerts. For more information, see 审核安全警报.
Using your audit logs
As an enterprise owner, you can interact with the audit log data for your enterprise in several ways:
- You can view the audit log for your enterprise. For more information, see 访问企业的审核日志.
- You can search the audit log for specific events and export audit log data. For more information, see 搜索企业的审核日志 and 导出企业审核日志活动.
- You can identify all events that were performed by a specific access token. For more information, see 标识由访问令牌执行的审核日志事件.
- You can display the IP address associated with events in the audit log. For more information, see 在企业审核日志中显示 IP 地址.
- You can stream audit and Git events data from GitHub to an external data management system. For more information, see 流式处理企业审核日志.
- You can use the Audit log API to view actions performed in your enterprise. For more information, see 在企业中使用审核日志 API.
For a full list of audit log actions that may appear in your enterprise audit log, see 企业的审核日志事件.
Next steps
Next, learn how to control who has access to your enterprise's resources using roles. See About access permissions on GitHub.