Observação: O administrador do site deve habilitar varredura secreta para your GitHub Enterprise Server instance antes de usar este recurso. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Configurar o varredura secreta para seu aplicativo ".
About varredura secreta
If your project communicates with an external service, you might use a token or private key for authentication. Tokens and private keys are examples of secrets that a service provider can issue. If you check a secret into a repository, anyone who has read access to the repository can use the secret to access the external service with your privileges. We recommend that you store secrets in a dedicated, secure location outside of the repository for your project.
Varredura secreta will scan your entire Git history on all branches present in your GitHub repository for secrets.
Service providers can partner with GitHub to provide their secret formats for scanning. To find out about our partner program, see "Varredura secreta partner program" in the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.
About varredura secreta on GitHub Enterprise Server
Secret scanning is available on all organization-owned repositories as part of Segurança Avançada GitHub. It is not available on user-owned repositories. When you enable varredura secreta for a repository, GitHub scans the code for patterns that match secrets used by many service providers. For more information, see "Varredura secreta patterns."
If you're a repository administrator you can enable >- secret scanning for any repository. Organization owners can also enable >- secret scanning for all repositories or for all new repositories within an organization. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your repository" and "Managing security and analysis settings for your organization."
Versions 3.1 and lower of GitHub Enterprise Server do not allow you to define your own patterns for detecting secrets.
About varredura secreta alerts
When you push commits to a repository with varredura secreta enabled, GitHub scans the contents of those commits for secrets that match patterns defined by service providers.
If varredura secreta detects a secret, GitHub generates an alert.
GitHub sends an email alert to the repository administrators and organization owners.
GitHub sends an email alert to the contributor who committed the secret to the repository, with a link to the related varredura secreta alert. The commit author can then view the alert in the repository, and resolve the alert.
GitHub displays an alert in the "Security" tab of the repository.
For more information about viewing and resolving varredura secreta alerts, see "Managing alerts from varredura secreta."
Repository administrators and organization owners can grant users and teams access to varredura secreta alerts. For more information, see "Managing security and analysis settings for your repository."
You can use the REST API to monitor results from varredura secreta across your repositories. For more information about API endpoints, see "Varredura secreta."