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Configuring CodeQL runner in your CI system

You can configure how the Executor do CodeQL scans the code in your project and uploads the results to GitHub.

Varredura de código está disponível para repositórios de organizações onde Segurança Avançada GitHub está habilitado. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Sobre Segurança Avançada GitHub".

Note: The Executor do CodeQL is being deprecated. On GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 and greater, you can install CodeQL CLI version 2.6.3 to replace Executor do CodeQL.

For more information, see the CodeQL runner deprecation. Para obter informações sobre a migração para CodeQL CLI, consulte "Migrando do executador do CodeQL para a CLI do CodeQL".

Observação: O administrador do site deve habilitar Varredura de código para your GitHub Enterprise Server instance antes de usar este recurso. Para obter mais informações, consulte "Configurar o Varredura de código para seu aplicativo ".

About configuring CodeQL Varredura de código in your CI system

To integrate Varredura de código into your CI system, you can use the Executor do CodeQL. For more information, see "Running Executor do CodeQL in your CI system."

In general, you invoke the Executor do CodeQL as follows.

$ /path/to-runner/codeql-runner-OS  

/path/to-runner/ depends on where you've downloaded the Executor do CodeQL on your CI system. codeql-runner-OS depends on the operating system you use. There are three versions of the Executor do CodeQL, codeql-runner-linux, codeql-runner-macos, and codeql-runner-win, for Linux, macOS, and Windows systems respectively.

To customize the way the Executor do CodeQL scans your code, you can use flags, such as --languages and --queries, or you can specify custom settings in a separate configuration file.

Scanning pull requests

Scanning code whenever a pull request is created prevents developers from introducing new vulnerabilities and errors into the code.

To scan a pull request, run the analyze command and use the --ref flag to specify the pull request. The reference is refs/pull/<PR-number>/head or refs/pull/<PR-number>/merge, depending on whether you have checked out the HEAD commit of the pull request branch or a merge commit with the base branch.

$ /path/to-runner/codeql-runner-linux analyze --ref refs/pull/42/merge

Note: If you analyze code with a third-party tool and want the results to appear as pull request checks, you must run the upload command and use the --ref flag to specify the pull request instead of the branch. The reference is refs/pull/<PR-number>/head or refs/pull/<PR-number>/merge.

Overriding automatic language detection

The Executor do CodeQL automatically detects and scans code written in the supported languages.

  • C/C++
  • C#
  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Python

Se o seu repositório contiver código em mais de uma das linguagens compatíveis, você poderá escolher quais linguagens deseja analisar. Há vários motivos para impedir que uma linguagem seja analisada. Por exemplo, o projeto pode ter dependências em uma linguagem diferente do texto principal do seu código, e você pode preferir não ver os alertas para essas dependências.

To override automatic language detection, run the init command with the --languages flag, followed by a comma-separated list of language keywords. The keywords for the supported languages are cpp, csharp, go, java, javascript, and python.

$ /path/to-runner/codeql-runner-linux init --languages cpp,java

Running additional queries

Ao usar CodeQL para fazer a varredura do código, o mecanismo de análise de CodeQL gera um banco de dados do código e executa consultas no mesmo. A análise de CodeQL usa um conjunto-padrão de consultas, mas você pode especificar outras consultas a serem executadas, além das consultas-padrão.

Any additional queries you want to run must belong to a QL pack in a repository. For more information, see "About Varredura de código with CodeQL."

Você pode especificar um único arquivo .ql, um diretório que contém múltiplos arquivos .ql, um arquivo de definição de suite de consultas .qls ou qualquer outra combinação. Para obter mais informações sobre definições do conjunto de consultas, consulte "Criar as conjuntos de consulta do CodeQL".

Os conjuntos de consulta a seguir foram criados em CodeQL Varredura de código e estão disponíveis para uso.

Suite de consultaDescrição
security-extendedConsultas de menor gravidade e precisão que as consultas-padrão
security-and-qualityConsultas de security-extended, mais consultas de manutenção e confiabilidade

When you specify a query suite, the CodeQL analysis engine will run the default set of queries and any extra queries defined in the additional query suite.

To add one or more queries, pass a comma-separated list of paths to the --queries flag of the init command. You can also specify additional queries in a configuration file.

If you also are using a configuration file for custom settings, and you are also specifying additional queries with the --queries flag, the Executor do CodeQL uses the additional queries specified with the --queries flag instead of any in the configuration file. If you want to run the combined set of additional queries specified with the flag and in the configuration file, prefix the value passed to --queries with the + symbol. For more information, see "Using a custom configuration file."

In the following example, the + symbol ensures that the Executor do CodeQL uses the additional queries together with any queries specified in the referenced configuration file.

$ /path/to-runner/codeql-runner-linux init --config-file .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml 
    --queries +security-and-quality,octo-org/python-qlpack/show_ifs.ql@main

Using a custom configuration file

Instead of passing additional information to the Executor do CodeQL commands, you can specify custom settings in a separate configuration file.

The configuration file is a YAML file. It uses syntax similar to the workflow syntax for GitHub Actions, as illustrated in the examples below. For more information, see "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

Use the --config-file flag of the init command to specify the configuration file. The value of --config-file is the path to the configuration file that you want to use. This example loads the configuration file .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml.

$ /path/to-runner/codeql-runner-linux init --config-file .github/codeql/codeql-config.yml

O arquivo de configuração pode ser localizado no repositório que você está analisando ou em um repositório externo. O uso de um repositório externo permite especificar opções de configuração para vários repositórios em um único lugar. Ao fazer referência a um arquivo de configuração localizado em um repositório externo, você pode usar a sintaxe OWNER/REPOSITORY/FILENAME@BRANCH. Por exemplo, octo-org/shared/codeql-config.yml@main.

Example configuration files

Este arquivo de configuração adiciona o suite de consulta de security-and-quality para a lista de consultas executadas por CodeQL ao fazer a varredura do seu código. Para obter mais informações sobre o suite de consultas disponível para uso, consulte "Executar consultas adicionais".

name: "My CodeQL config"

  - uses: security-and-quality

O seguinte arquivo de configuração desabilita as consultas-padrão e especifica um conjunto de consultas personalizadas para serem executadas. Também configura CodeQL para fazer a varredura de arquivos no diretório src (relativo �  raiz), exceto o diretório src/node_modules e os arquivos cujo nome termina com .test.js. Os arquivos em src/node_modules e arquivos com nomes terminados em .test.js são, portanto, excluídos da análise.

name: "My CodeQL config"

disable-default-queries: true

  - name: Use an in-repository QL pack (run queries in the my-queries directory)
    uses: ./my-queries
  - name: Use an external JavaScript QL pack (run queries from an external repo)
    uses: octo-org/javascript-qlpack@main
  - name: Use an external query (run a single query from an external QL pack)
    uses: octo-org/python-qlpack/show_ifs.ql@main
  - name: Use a query suite file (run queries from a query suite in this repo)
    uses: ./codeql-qlpacks/complex-python-qlpack/rootAndBar.qls

  - src 
  - src/node_modules
  - '**/*.test.js'

Configuring Varredura de código for compiled languages

For the compiled languages C/C++, C#, and Java, CodeQL builds the code before analyzing it. CodeQL também executa uma criação para projetos Go para configurar o projeto. Entretanto, diferente das outras linguagens compiladas, todos os Go no repositório são extraídos, não apenas aqueles construídos. Você pode usar comandos de criação personalizados para ignorar arquivos de Go de extração que não são tocados pela compilação.

For many common build systems, the Executor do CodeQL can build the code automatically. To attempt to build the code automatically, run autobuild between the init and analyze steps. Note that if your repository requires a specific version of a build tool, you may need to install the build tool manually first.

The autobuild process only ever attempts to build one compiled language for a repository. The language automatically selected for analysis is the language with the most files. If you want to choose a language explicitly, use the --language flag of the autobuild command.

$ /path/to-runner/codeql-runner-linux autobuild --language csharp

If the autobuild command can't build your code, you can run the build steps yourself, between the init and analyze steps. For more information, see "Running Executor do CodeQL in your CI system."

Uploading Varredura de código data to GitHub

By default, the Executor do CodeQL uploads results from Varredura de código when you run the analyze command. You can also upload SARIF files separately, by using the upload command.

Once you've uploaded the data, GitHub displays the alerts in your repository.

Executor do CodeQL command reference

The Executor do CodeQL supports the following commands and flags.


Initializes the Executor do CodeQL and creates a CodeQL database for each language to be analyzed.

FlagRequiredInput value
--repositoryName of the repository to initialize.
--github-urlURL of the GitHub instance where your repository is hosted.
--github-auth-stdinRead the Aplicativos do GitHub token or personal access token from standard input.
--languagesComma-separated list of languages to analyze. By default, the Executor do CodeQL detects and analyzes all supported languages in the repository.
--queriesComma-separated list of additional queries to run, in addition to the default suite of security queries. This overrides the queries setting in the custom configuration file.
--config-filePath to custom configuration file.
--codeql-pathPath to a copy of the CodeQL CLI executable to use. By default, the Executor do CodeQL downloads a copy.
--temp-dirDirectory where temporary files are stored. The default is ./codeql-runner.
--tools-dirDirectory where CodeQL tools and other files are stored between runs. The default is a subdirectory of the home directory.
--checkout-pathThe path to the checkout of your repository. The default is the current working directory.
--debugNone. Prints more verbose output.
--trace-process-nameAdvanced, Windows only. Name of the process where a Windows tracer of this process is injected.
--trace-process-levelAdvanced, Windows only. Number of levels up of the parent process where a Windows tracer of this process is injected.
-h, --helpNone. Displays help for the command.


Attempts to build the code for the compiled languages C/C++, C#, and Java. For those languages, CodeQL builds the code before analyzing it. Run autobuild between the init and analyze steps.

FlagRequiredInput value
--languageThe language to build. By default, the Executor do CodeQL builds the compiled language with the most files.
--temp-dirDirectory where temporary files are stored. The default is ./codeql-runner.
--debugNone. Prints more verbose output.
-h, --helpNone. Displays help for the command.


Analyzes the code in the CodeQL databases and uploads results to GitHub Enterprise Server.

FlagRequiredInput value
--repositoryName of the repository to analyze.
--commitSHA of the commit to analyze. In Git and in Azure DevOps, this corresponds to the value of git rev-parse HEAD. In Jenkins, this corresponds to $GIT_COMMIT.
--refName of the reference to analyze, for example refs/heads/main or refs/pull/42/merge. In Git or in Jenkins, this corresponds to the value of git symbolic-ref HEAD. In Azure DevOps, this corresponds to $(Build.SourceBranch).
--github-urlURL of the GitHub instance where your repository is hosted.
--github-auth-stdinRead the Aplicativos do GitHub token or personal access token from standard input.
--checkout-pathThe path to the checkout of your repository. The default is the current working directory.
--no-uploadNone. Stops the Executor do CodeQL from uploading the results to GitHub Enterprise Server.
--output-dirDirectory where the output SARIF files are stored. The default is in the directory of temporary files.
--ramAmount of memory to use when running queries. The default is to use all available memory.
--no-add-snippetsNone. Excludes code snippets from the SARIF output.
--threadsNumber of threads to use when running queries. The default is to use all available cores.
--temp-dirDirectory where temporary files are stored. The default is ./codeql-runner.
--debugNone. Prints more verbose output.
-h, --helpNone. Displays help for the command.


Uploads SARIF files to GitHub Enterprise Server.

Note: If you analyze code with the CodeQL runner, the analyze command uploads SARIF results by default. You can use the upload command to upload SARIF results that were generated by other tools.

FlagRequiredInput value
--sarif-fileSARIF file to upload, or a directory containing multiple SARIF files.
--repositoryName of the repository that was analyzed.
--commitSHA of the commit that was analyzed. In Git and in Azure DevOps, this corresponds to the value of git rev-parse HEAD. In Jenkins, this corresponds to $GIT_COMMIT.
--refName of the reference that was analyzed, for example refs/heads/main or refs/pull/42/merge. In Git or in Jenkins, this corresponds to the value of git symbolic-ref HEAD. In Azure DevOps, this corresponds to $(Build.SourceBranch).
--github-urlURL of the GitHub instance where your repository is hosted.
--github-auth-stdinRead the Aplicativos do GitHub token or personal access token from standard input.
--checkout-pathThe path to the checkout of your repository. The default is the current working directory.
--debugNone. Prints more verbose output.
-h, --helpNone. Displays help for the command.