O GitHub Enterprise Cloud foi projetado para grandes empresas ou equipes que colaboram no GitHub.com. See Sobre o GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
You can set up a trial to evaluate features that require GitHub Enterprise Cloud, such as SAML single sign-on (SSO) and GitHub Advanced Security. For a full list of available features, see our Pricing page.
Your trial won't include residência de dados on GHE.com or access to GitHub Enterprise Server. To test these features, contact Equipe de vendas do GitHub.
To set up a trial, you must be signed in to a personal account. If you don't have a personal account, see Criar uma conta no GitHub.
What is included in the trial?
The trial lasts for 30 days and includes the following features.
- Access to most GitHub Enterprise Cloud features.
- GitHub Copilot Business
- GitHub Advanced Security
- Access to the new billing platform. See Sobre a nova plataforma de cobrança.
- An enterprise account, which allows you to manage multiple organizations. See Tipos de contas do GitHub.
- Up to 50 licenses to grant access to users.
Features not included in the trial
- GitHub Codespaces
- GitHub Copilot Enterprise
- GitHub Sponsors
- Paid GitHub Marketplace apps
- GitHub Connect
- Git Large File Storage
- For GitHub Actions, increased minutes, job concurrency, and executores avançados
If you invite an existing organization into your trial enterprise, all of these features will be disabled. If you remove the organization from the enterprise, the features will be re-enabled.
Do I need to provide a payment method?
You do not need to provide a payment method to start a trial. If you want to use Copilot Business during the trial, you need to provide a credit card. You won't be charged for using Copilot Business during the trial.
Setting up a trial
Go to the trial page and follow the instructions to sign up for the trial.
When setting up your trial of GitHub Enterprise Cloud, you'll choose an enterprise type.
- Enterprise with personal accounts
- Enterprise with managed users
To help you decide which choice is best for your enterprise, see Escolher um tipo de empresa para o GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
Setting up GitHub Enterprise Cloud
You can find full instructions on setting up GitHub Enterprise Cloud in the Introdução ao GitHub Enterprise Cloud guide.
Setting up GitHub Advanced Security
You can find information about planning a trial of GitHub Advanced Security and exploring the additional options available with GitHub Enterprise Cloud in the Avaliando o GitHub Advanced Security articles.
Setting up GitHub Copilot Business
Setting up your GitHub Copilot Business trial involves three phases, and each phase must be completed by different people.
As an enterprise owner, you must first configure GitHub Copilot Business for your enterprise. This phase involves setting policies for the use of GitHub Copilot Business in your enterprise, and deciding which organizations in your enterprise can use GitHub Copilot Business. For detailed instructions, see Configurando o GitHub Copilot para sua empresa.
Next, organization owners can enable GitHub Copilot Business for their organizations. For detailed instructions, see Configurando o GitHub Copilot para sua organização.
If your personal account has been granted a seat in an organization that has enabled GitHub Copilot Business, you can now enable GitHub Copilot Business for your personal account. For detailed instructions, see Configurar o GitHub Copilot para você mesmo.
During the trial
After you set up your trial, you can explore GitHub Enterprise Cloud by following the suggested tasks on the "Getting started" tab of your enterprise account.
You can create up to three new organizations in the trial enterprise, or transfer any number of existing organizations.
- You cannot transfer organizations that have free or paid GitHub Marketplace apps. Free apps are supported for new organizations in the trial.
- Billing for transferred organizations is paused during the trial and any coupons are removed. To reapply a coupon, contact Suporte do GitHub.
- Organizations created during the trial cannot be removed from the enterprise account until you purchase GitHub Enterprise.
For help setting up the included features, once you've started your trial, see Introdução à avaliação do GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
Next steps
- To learn more about GitHub's enterprise products and options, as well as the features available in GitHub Enterprise Cloud, see Sobre o GitHub para empresas and Visão geral do recurso do GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
- Once you have completed your trial, you can purchase GitHub Enterprise or cancel the trial. See Ending a trial of GitHub Enterprise.