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Finding existing vulnerabilities in code

Copilot Chat can help find common vulnerabilities in your code and suggest fixes.

While they may be considered "common knowledge" by many developers, the vast majority of newly introduced security weaknesses are due to vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). These vulnerabilities can be mitigated by following secure coding practices, such as using parameterized queries, input validation, and avoiding hard-coded sensitive data. GitHub Copilot can help detect and resolve these issues.


While Copilot Chat can help find some common security vulnerabilities and help you fix them, you should not rely on Copilot for a comprehensive security analysis. Using security tools and features will more thoroughly ensure your code is secure. For more information on GitHub security features, see Recursos de segurança do GitHub.

Example scenario

The JavaScript code below has a potential XSS vulnerability that could be exploited if the name parameter is not properly sanitized before being displayed on the page.

function displayName(name) {
  const nameElement = document.getElementById('name-display');
  nameElement.innerHTML = `Showing results for "${name}"`

Example prompt

You can ask Copilot Chat to analyze code for common security vulnerabilities and provide explanations and fixes for the issues it finds.

Analyze this code for potential security vulnerabilities and suggest fixes.

Example response


A resposta a seguir é um exemplo. Respostas do Copilot Chat são não determinísticas, portanto, você pode obter uma resposta diferente da mostrada aqui.

Copilot responds with an explanation of the vulnerability, and suggested changes to the code to fix it.

function displayName(name) {
  const nameElement = document.getElementById('name-display');
  nameElement.textContent = `Showing results for "${name}"`;

Further reading