GitHub Actions 워크플로
이 섹션에서는 GraphQL API 및 GitHub Actions을(를) 사용하여 조직 프로젝트에 끌어오기 요청을 추가하는 방법을 보여 줍니다. 예제 워크플로에서 끌어오기 요청이 “검토 준비 완료”로 표시되면 “상태” 필드가 “Todo”로 설정된 새 작업이 프로젝트에 추가되고 현재 날짜가 사용자 지정 “게시 날짜” 필드에 추가됩니다.
아래 워크플로 중 하나를 복사하고 아래 표에 설명된 대로 수정하여 요구 사항을 충족할 수 있습니다.
프로젝트는 여러 리포지토리에 걸쳐 있지만 워크플로는 리포지토리에만 적용됩니다. 프로젝트를 추적하려는 각 리포지토리에 워크플로를 추가합니다. 워크플로 파일 생성에 대한 자세한 내용은 GitHub Actions용 빠른 시작을(를) 참조하세요.
이 문서에서는 GitHub Actions에 대한 기본적인 이해가 있다고 가정합니다. GitHub Actions에 대한 자세한 내용은 GitHub Actions 설명서을(를) 참조하세요.
API를 통해 프로젝트에 적용할 수 있는 다른 변경 내용에 대한 자세한 내용은 API를 사용하여 Projects 관리을(를) 참조하세요.
GitHub에 의해 유지 관리되고 지정된 프로젝트에 현재 문제 또는 끌어오기 요청을 추가하는 actions/add-to-project 워크플로를 사용할 수도 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 actions/add-to-project 리포지토리 및 추가 정보를 참조하세요.
은 리포지토리 수준으로 범위가 지정되며 프로젝트에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 프로젝트에 액세스하기 위해 GitHub App(조직 프로젝트에 권장) 또는 personal access token(사용자 프로젝트에 권장)을(를) 만들 수 있습니다. 두 방법 모두에 대한 워크플로 예제는 다음과 같습니다.
GitHub App을(를) 사용하여 인증하는 예제 워크플로
GitHub Actions 워크플로에서 GitHub App을 사용하여 인증하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 GitHub Actions 워크플로에서 GitHub 앱을 사용하여 인증된 API 요청 만들기을(를) 참조하세요.
GitHub App을(를) 만들거나 조직이 소유한 기존 GitHub App을(를) 선택합니다. 자세한 내용은 GitHub 앱 등록을(를) 참조하세요.
GitHub App에 조직 프로젝트에 대한 읽기 및 쓰기 권한을 부여합니다. 이 특정 예제의 경우 GitHub App에도 리포지토리 끌어오기 요청 및 리포지토리 이슈에 대한 읽기 권한이 필요합니다. 자세한 내용은 GitHub 앱 등록 수정을(를) 참조하세요.
조직 프로젝트 및 리포지토리 프로젝트에 대한 앱의 권한을 제어할 수 있습니다. 조직 프로젝트를 읽고 쓸 수 있는 권한을 부여해야 합니다. 리포지토리 프로젝트를 읽고 쓸 수 있는 권한만으로는 충분하지 않습니다.
조직에 GitHub App을(를) 설치합니다. 프로젝트에 액세스해야 하는 모든 리포지토리에 설치합니다. 자세한 내용은 자신만의 GitHub 앱 설치을(를) 참조하세요.
GitHub App의 ID를 리포지토리 또는 조직의 구성 변수로 저장합니다. 다음 워크플로에서
를 구성 변수의 이름으로 바꿉니다. 앱의 설정 페이지 또는 앱 API를 통해 앱 ID를 찾을 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 앱에 대한 REST API 엔드포인트을(를) 참조하세요. 구성 변수에 대한 자세한 정보는 변수에 정보 저장을(를) 참조하세요. -
앱에 대한 프라이빗 키를 생성합니다. 결과 파일의 콘텐츠를 리포지토리 또는 조직에 비밀로 저장합니다. (
를 포함하여 파일의 전체 콘텐츠를 저장합니다.) 다음 워크플로에서APP_PEM
을 비밀 이름으로 바꿉니다. 자세한 내용은 GitHub 앱에 대한 프라이빗 키 관리을(를) 참조하세요. 비밀을 저장하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 GitHub Actions에서 비밀 사용을(를) 참조하세요. -
다음 워크플로에서
을 조직 이름으로 바꿉니다. 예들 들어octo-org
를 프로젝트 번호로 바꿉니다. 프로젝트 번호를 찾으려면 프로젝트 URL을 확인합니다. 예를 들어
의 프로젝트 번호는 5입니다. 이 특정 예제가 작동하려면 프로젝트에 "게시된 날짜" 날짜 필드도 있어야 합니다.
# name: Add PR to project # This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review". on: pull_request: types: - ready_for_review jobs: track_pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Uses the [actions/create-github-app-token]( action to generate an installation access token for your app from the app ID and private key. The installation access token is accessed later in the workflow as `${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}`. # # Replace `APP_ID` with the name of the configuration variable that contains your app ID. # # Replace `APP_PEM` with the name of the secret that contains your app private key. - name: Generate token id: generate-token uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1 with: app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }} private-key: ${{ secrets.APP_PEM }} # Sets environment variables for this step. # # Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`. # # Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5. - name: Get project data env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} ORGANIZATION: YOUR_ORGANIZATION PROJECT_NUMBER: YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER # Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' query($org: String!, $number: Int!) { organization(login: $org){ projectV2(number: $number) { id fields(first:20) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2Field { id name } ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField { id name options { id name } } } } } } }' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json # Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example: # # - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # # **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table. echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step. `PR_ID` is the ID of the pull request that triggered this workflow. - name: Add PR to project env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }} # Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item. run: | item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query=' mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) { addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) { item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')" # Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable. echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV # Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. - name: Get date run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step. - name: Set fields env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }} # Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' mutation ( $project: ID! $item: ID! $status_field: ID! $status_value: String! $date_field: ID! $date_value: Date! ) { set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $status_field value: { singleSelectOptionId: $status_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $date_field value: { date: $date_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
name: Add PR to project
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
- name: Generate token
id: generate-token
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.APP_PEM }}
Uses the actions/create-github-app-token action to generate an installation access token for your app from the app ID and private key. The installation access token is accessed later in the workflow as ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
Replace APP_ID
with the name of the configuration variable that contains your app ID.
Replace APP_PEM
with the name of the secret that contains your app private key.
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
Sets environment variables for this step.
with the name of your organization. For example, octo-org
with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example,
has a project number of 5.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
Uses GitHub CLI to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. fields
returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (... on
) to return information about any ProjectV2Field
and ProjectV2SingleSelectField
fields. The response is stored in a file called project_data.json
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
- To get the ID of a field called
, addecho 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
. - To get the ID of an option called
for theTeam
single select field, addecho 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Note: This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
Sets environment variables for this step. GH_TOKEN
is the token generated in the first step. PR_ID
is the ID of the pull request that triggered this workflow.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
Uses GitHub CLI and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The jq
flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
Saves the current date as an environment variable in yyyy-mm-dd
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
Sets environment variables for this step. GH_TOKEN
is the token generated in the first step.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
Sets the value of the Status
field to Todo
. Sets the value of the Date posted
name: Add PR to project
# This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Uses the [actions/create-github-app-token]( action to generate an installation access token for your app from the app ID and private key. The installation access token is accessed later in the workflow as `${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}`.
# Replace `APP_ID` with the name of the configuration variable that contains your app ID.
# Replace `APP_PEM` with the name of the secret that contains your app private key.
- name: Generate token
id: generate-token
uses: actions/create-github-app-token@v1
app-id: ${{ vars.APP_ID }}
private-key: ${{ secrets.APP_PEM }}
# Sets environment variables for this step.
# Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`.
# Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5.
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
# Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
# - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step. `PR_ID` is the ID of the pull request that triggered this workflow.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
# Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. `GH_TOKEN` is the token generated in the first step.
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.token }}
# Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
personal access token을(를) 사용한 워크플로 인증 예제
범위로 personal access token (classic)을 사용합니다. 자세한 내용은 개인용 액세스 토큰 관리을(를) 참조하세요.- personal access token을 리포지토리 또는 조직에 비밀로 저장합니다.
- 다음 워크플로에서
을 비밀 이름으로 바꿉니다.YOUR_ORGANIZATION
을 조직 이름으로 바꿉니다. 예들 들어octo-org
를 프로젝트 번호로 바꿉니다. 프로젝트 번호를 찾으려면 프로젝트 URL을 확인합니다. 예를 들어
의 프로젝트 번호는 5입니다.
# This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review". name: Add PR to project on: pull_request: types: - ready_for_review jobs: track_pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Sets environment variables for this step. # # If you are using a personal access token, replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token. # # Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`. # # Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5. - name: Get project data env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} ORGANIZATION: YOUR_ORGANIZATION PROJECT_NUMBER: YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER # Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' query($org: String!, $number: Int!) { organization(login: $org){ projectV2(number: $number) { id fields(first:20) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2Field { id name } ... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField { id name options { id name } } } } } } }' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json # Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example: # # - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`. # # **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table. echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token. - name: Add PR to project env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }} # Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item. run: | item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query=' mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) { addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) { item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')" # Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable. echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV # Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format. - name: Get date run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV # Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token. - name: Set fields env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }} # Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field. run: | gh api graphql -f query=' mutation ( $project: ID! $item: ID! $status_field: ID! $status_value: String! $date_field: ID! $date_value: Date! ) { set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $status_field value: { singleSelectOptionId: $status_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: { projectId: $project itemId: $item fieldId: $date_field value: { date: $date_value } }) { projectV2Item { id } } }' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
name: Add PR to project
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
Sets environment variables for this step.
If you are using a personal access token, replace YOUR_TOKEN
with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
with the name of your organization. For example, octo-org
with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example,
has a project number of 5.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
Uses GitHub CLI to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. fields
returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (... on
) to return information about any ProjectV2Field
and ProjectV2SingleSelectField
fields. The response is stored in a file called project_data.json
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
- To get the ID of a field called
, addecho 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
. - To get the ID of an option called
for theTeam
single select field, addecho 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
Note: This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
Sets environment variables for this step. Replace YOUR_TOKEN
with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
Uses GitHub CLI and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The jq
flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
Saves the current date as an environment variable in yyyy-mm-dd
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
Sets environment variables for this step. Replace YOUR_TOKEN
with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent
Sets the value of the Status
field to Todo
. Sets the value of the Date posted
# This workflow runs whenever a pull request in the repository is marked as "ready for review".
name: Add PR to project
- ready_for_review
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Sets environment variables for this step.
# If you are using a personal access token, replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
# Replace `YOUR_ORGANIZATION` with the name of your organization. For example, `octo-org`.
# Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_NUMBER` with your project number. To find the project number, look at the project URL. For example, `` has a project number of 5.
- name: Get project data
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( to query the API for the ID of the project and return the name and ID of the first 20 fields in the project. `fields` returns a union and the query uses inline fragments (`... on`) to return information about any `ProjectV2Field` and `ProjectV2SingleSelectField` fields. The response is stored in a file called `project_data.json`.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($org: String!, $number: Int!) {
organization(login: $org){
projectV2(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
... on ProjectV2Field {
... on ProjectV2SingleSelectField {
options {
}' -f org=$ORGANIZATION -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
# Parses the response from the API query and stores the relevant IDs as environment variables. Modify this to get the ID for different fields or options. For example:
# - To get the ID of a field called `Team`, add `echo 'TEAM_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# - To get the ID of an option called `Octoteam` for the `Team` single select field, add `echo 'OCTOTEAM_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Team") |.options[] | select(.name=="Octoteam") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV`.
# **Note:** This workflow assumes that you have a project with a single select field called "Status" that includes an option called "Todo" and a date field called "Date posted". You must modify this section to match the fields that are present in your table.
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'DATE_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Date posted") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'STATUS_FIELD_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'TODO_OPTION_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectV2.fields.nodes[] | select(.name== "Status") | .options[] | select(.name=="Todo") |.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
- name: Add PR to project
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
PR_ID: ${{ github.event.pull_request.node_id }}
# Uses [GitHub CLI]( and the API to add the pull request that triggered this workflow to the project. The `jq` flag parses the response to get the ID of the created item.
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $pr:ID!) {
addProjectV2ItemById(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $pr}) {
item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f pr=$PR_ID --jq '')"
# Stores the ID of the created item as an environment variable.
echo 'ITEM_ID='$item_id >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Saves the current date as an environment variable in `yyyy-mm-dd` format.
- name: Get date
run: echo "DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Sets environment variables for this step. Replace `YOUR_TOKEN` with the name of the secret that contains your personal access token.
- name: Set fields
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.YOUR_TOKEN }}
# Sets the value of the `Status` field to `Todo`. Sets the value of the `Date posted` field.
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
mutation (
$project: ID!
$item: ID!
$status_field: ID!
$status_value: String!
$date_field: ID!
$date_value: Date!
) {
set_status: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $status_field
value: {
singleSelectOptionId: $status_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
set_date_posted: updateProjectV2ItemFieldValue(input: {
projectId: $project
itemId: $item
fieldId: $date_field
value: {
date: $date_value
}) {
projectV2Item {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f item=$ITEM_ID -f status_field=$STATUS_FIELD_ID -f status_value=${{ env.TODO_OPTION_ID }} -f date_field=$DATE_FIELD_ID -f date_value=$DATE --silent