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ドキュメントには� �繁に更新が� えられ、その都度公開されています。本ページの翻訳はま� 未完成な部分があることをご了承く� さい。最新の情� �については、英語のドキュメンテーションをご参照く� さい。本ページの翻訳に問題がある� �合はこちらまでご連絡く� さい。

このバージョンの GitHub Enterprise はこの日付をもって終了となりました: 2022-06-03. 重大なセキュリティの問題に対してであっても、パッチリリースは作成されません。 パフォーマンスの向上、セキュリティの改善、新機能のためには、最新バージョンのGitHub Enterpriseにアップグレードしてく� さい。 アップグレードに関する支援については、GitHub Enterprise supportに連絡してく� さい。

GitHub language support

An overview of the programming languages supported by GitHub features.

About supported languages

Most GitHub features work regardless of which languages your code is written in. You can search for code or enable syntax highlighting based on any language known to GitHub. For more information, see "Searching code" or "Creating and highlighting code blocks."

Some GitHub products have features that are currently only supported for a subset of programming languages.

Core languages supported by GitHub features

Core languages for GitHub features include C, C++, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, and TypeScript. For features that support package managers, the currently supported package managers are included in the table with their relevant languages.

Some features are supported for additional languages or package managers. If you want to know whether another language is supported for a feature or to request support for a language, visit the Community Forum.

| Language | Code scanning | Dependency graph, Dependabotアラート || | GitHub Actions | GitHub Packages | | :-- | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | | C || | | | | | C++ || | | | | | C# || |
dotnet CLI | |
dotnet CLI | | Go || | | | | | Java || |
Maven | |
Maven, Gradle | | JavaScript || |
npm, Yarn | |
npm | | PHP || 1 |
Composer | | | | Python || |
pip | | | | Ruby || 1 |
RubyGems | |
RubyGems | | Scala || 1 |
Maven, Gradle | | | | TypeScript || |
npm, Yarn | |
npm |

[1] These languages are supported for code scanning by third-party actions.