About enabling delegated alert dismissal
The ability to use delegated alert dismissal for code scanning is currently in パブリック プレビュー and subject to change.
Delegated alert dismissal lets you restrict which users can directly dismiss an alert. When enabled, users attempting to dismiss an alert will instead create a request for dismissal. When this happens, security managers and organization owners will be notified via email so they can review the request and approve it or deny it. The alert will only be dismissed if the dismissal request is approved; otherwise, the alert will remain open.
When you enable this feature, only security managers and organization owners will be able to approve or deny dismissal requests for alerts. This might create friction and you should ensure to have sufficient coverage in your security managers team before you start.
In addition, dismissal request emails are sent to all organization owners and security managers. Be sure to review these lists periodically to ensure that these are the correct people to take action on these requests.
To learn more about the security manager role, see Organizationでのセキュリティマネージャーの管理.
Configuring delegated dismissal for a repository
If an organization owner configures delegated alert dismissal via an enforced security configuration, the settings can't be changed at the repository level.
GitHub で、リポジトリのメイン ページに移動します。
リポジトリ名の下にある [設定] をクリックします。 [設定] タブが表示されない場合は、 [] ドロップダウン メニューを選び、 [設定] をクリックします。
サイドバーの [Security] セクションで、[ Code security] をクリックします。
[Code security] の下にある [GitHub Advanced Security] を見つけます。
Under "Code scanning", toggle the option "Prevent direct alert dismissals".
Configuring delegated dismissal for an organization
You must configure delegated dismissal for your organization using a custom security configuration. You can then apply the security configuration to all (or selected) repositories in your organization.
- Create a new custom security configuration, or edit an existing one. See カスタム セキュリティ構成の作成.
- When creating the custom security configuration, under "Code scanning", set "Prevent direct alert dismissals" to Enabled.
- Click Save configuration.
- Apply the security configuration to all (or selected) repositories in your organization. See カスタム セキュリティ構成の適用.
To learn more about security configurations, see 大規模なセキュリティ機能の有効化について.