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À propos du support GitHub

Vous pouvez contacter le support GitHub pour résoudre les problèmes rencontrés lors de l’utilisation de GitHub.

About GitHub Support

The support options available to GitHub users depend on the products used by their personal accounts, any organizations or enterprises they are members of, and any GitHub Enterprise Server instances they manage. Each product includes a default level of support and accounts that use GitHub Enterprise can purchase GitHub Premium Support.

GitHub Community SupportStandard supportEnterprise supportPremium support
GitHub Free
GitHub Pro
GitHub Team
GitHub Enterprise CloudAvailable to purchase
GitHub Enterprise ServerAvailable to purchase

Before contacting GitHub Support, check if there are currently any incidents affecting services on GitHub on GitHub Status. For more information, see About GitHub status.

If your account uses a paid GitHub product or you are a member of an organization that uses a paid product, you can directly contact GitHub Support.

If your account uses GitHub Free, you can speak to GitHub users and staff on the GitHub Community discussions for most issues, and you can contact GitHub Support to report account, security, and abuse issues.

To report account, security, and abuse issues, or to receive assisted support for a paid account, visit the GitHub Support portal. For more information, see Creating a support ticket.

You can contact GitHub Support in English.

You can translate English comments on a ticket into Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Chinese (Simplified), French, or German. However, when responding to tickets, you should use English, unless your GitHub plan permits you to respond in Japanese. For more information, see Viewing and updating support tickets.

Email communication from GitHub Support will always be sent from either a or address.

Scope of support

If your support request is outside of the scope of what our team can help you with, we may recommend next steps to resolve your issue outside of GitHub Support. Your support request is possibly out of GitHub Support's scope if the request is primarily about:

  • Third party integrations, such as Jira
  • Enterprise Cloud Importer (available only with expert-led migrations)
  • CI/CD, such as Jenkins
  • Writing scripts
  • Configuration of external authentication systems, such as SAML identity providers
  • Open source projects
  • Writing or debugging new queries for CodeQL
  • Cloud provider configurations, such as virtual network setup, custom firewall, or proxy rules
  • Container orchestration, such as Kubernetes setup, or networking
  • Detailed assistance with workflows and data management
  • Public preview features. Support for public preview features is out of GitHub Support's scope.

For detailed assistance with workflows and data management, consult GitHub Expert Services, which offer specialized support to help you optimize your use of the platform.

If you're uncertain if the issue is out of scope, open a ticket and we're happy to help you determine the best way to proceed.

About GitHub status

You can check for any incidents currently affecting GitHub services and view information about past incidents on GitHub's Status page.

You can also subscribe and get alerted via email, text message, and webhook whenever there's an incident affecting GitHub.

You can also use the GitHub Status API to check for incidents. For more information, see GitHub Status API.

About Copilot in GitHub Support

You can receive answers to questions relating to GitHub's products and features before submitting a support ticket by using Copilot in GitHub Support. Copilot in GitHub Support is an AI-powered tool that uses a large language model to find answers to a wide variety of support queries. If Copilot in GitHub Support cannot answer your question, You can proceed with submitting your ticket to GitHub Support. For more information, see About Copilot in GitHub Support.

Granting GitHub Support temporary access to a private repository

If GitHub Support needs to access a private repository to address your support request, the owner of the repository will receive an email with a link to accept or decline temporary access. The owner will have 20 days to accept or decline the request before the request expires. If the owner accepts the request, GitHub Support will have access to the repository for five days. During this window, GitHub Support staff with the required privileges can unlock the repository for up to two hours at a time, and will relock the repository if the work is completed early. All GitHub Support staff access generates audit log events, and the visibility of the repository is not affected at any time.

GitHub Support will never access your private repositories without your explicit consent. For more information, see the Terms of Service.

Further reading