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Cette version de GitHub Enterprise Server n'est plus disponible depuis le 2024-03-26. Aucune publication de correctifs n’est effectuée, même pour les problèmes de sécurité critiques. Pour de meilleures performances, une sécurité améliorée et de nouvelles fonctionnalités, effectuez une mise à niveau vers la dernière version de GitHub Enterprise. Pour obtenir de l’aide sur la mise à niveau, contactez le support GitHub Enterprise.

Joindre des fichiers

Vous pouvez transmettre des informations en attachant divers types de fichiers à vos problèmes et demandes de tirage.

Warning: When you upload an image or video to a pull request or issue comment, or upload a file to a ticket in the GitHub Support portal, anyone can view the anonymized URL without authentication, even if the pull request or issue is in a private repository, or if private mode is enabled. To keep sensitive media files private, serve them from a private network or server that requires authentication.

To attach a file to an issue or pull request conversation, drag and drop it into the comment box. Alternatively, you can click the bar at the bottom of the comment box to browse, select, and add a file from your computer.

Screenshot of the comment box. The bar to attach files by dragging and dropping, selecting, or pasting is outlined in dark orange.

When you attach a file, it is uploaded immediately to GitHub Enterprise Server and the text field is updated to show the anonymized URL for the file.

Note: In many browsers, you can copy-and-paste images directly into the box.

The maximum file size is:

  • 10MB for images and gifs
  • 100MB for videos
  • 25MB for all other files

Note: To upload videos greater than 10MB to a repository owned by a user or organization on a paid GitHub plan, you must either be an organization member or outside collaborator, or be on a paid plan.

We support these files:

  • PNG (.png)

  • GIF (.gif)

  • JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)

  • Log files (.log)

  • Markdown files (.md)

  • Microsoft Word (.docx), PowerPoint (.pptx), and Excel (.xlsx) documents

  • Text files (.txt)

  • Patch files (.patch)

    Note: If you use Linux and try to upload a .patch file, you will receive an error message. This is a known issue.

  • PDFs (.pdf)

  • ZIP (.zip, .gz, .tgz)

  • Video (.mp4, .mov, .webm)

    Note: Video codec compatibility is browser specific, and it's possible that a video you upload to one browser is not viewable on another browser. At the moment we recommend using H.264 for greatest compatibility.

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