If you are currently subscribed to Copilot Pro and cancel your subscription between December 18 and January 21, your subscription will end immediately and you will receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of your subscription during this period. Prorated refunds can take up to 10 days to be processed. After January 21, cancelling your subscription will take effect at the end of your billing cycle and you will not receive a prorated refund.
To cancel a free Copilot trial, see Canceling your Copilot Pro trial as an individual user.
If you have been granted a free subscription to GitHub Copilot Pro as a verified student, teacher, or maintainer of a popular open source project, you will not be able to cancel your subscription. If you have access to GitHub Copilot through an organization subscription, you will not be able to cancel your subscription. In these cases, you can disable GitHub Copilot Pro in your environment. For more information, see Configuration de GitHub Copilot dans votre environnement.
Si vous avez un abonnement GitHub Copilot Individual actif et que vous vous voyez attribuer un siège dans le cadre d’un abonnement GitHub Copilot Business ou GitHub Copilot Enterprise, votre abonnement GitHub Copilot personnel sera automatiquement annulé. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « About billing for Copilot Pro ».
You can cancel your Copilot Pro subscription at any time. The cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing cycle. You can also cancel your Copilot Pro trial, during the 30-day trial period.
Dans le coin supérieur droit de n’importe quelle page sur GitHub, cliquez sur votre photo de profil, puis sur Paramètres .
Dans la section « Accès » de la barre latérale, cliquez sur Facturation et plans, puis sur Plans et utilisation.
Under "Add-ons", in the "GitHub Copilot" section, select the Manage subscription dropdown on the right and then click Cancel.
In the "Cancel GitHub Copilot" modal, click I understand, cancel GitHub Copilot