This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on March 02, 2021. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Monitoring using SNMP

GitHub Enterprise provides data on disk usage, CPU utilization, memory usage, and more over SNMP.

In this article

SNMP is a common standard for monitoring devices over a network. We strongly recommend enabling SNMP so you can monitor the health of your GitHub Enterprise Server instance and know when to add more memory, storage, or processor power to the host machine.

GitHub Enterprise has a standard SNMP installation, so you can take advantage of the many plugins available for Nagios or for any other monitoring system.

Configuring SNMP v2c

  1. From an administrative account on GitHub Enterprise Server, click in the upper-right corner of any page.
    Rocketship icon for accessing site admin settings
  2. In the left sidebar, click Management Console.
    Management Console tab in the left sidebar
  3. In the left sidebar, click Monitoring.
    Monitoring tab
  4. Under "Monitoring", select Enable SNMP.
    Button to enable SNMP
  5. In the Community string field, enter a new community string. If left blank, this defaults to public.
    Field to add the community string
  6. Under the left sidebar, click Save settings.
    The Save settings button in the Management Console
  7. Wait for the configuration run to complete.
  8. Test your SNMP configuration by running the following command on a separate workstation with SNMP support in your network:
    # community-string is your community string
    # hostname is the IP or domain of your Enterprise instance
    $ snmpget -v 2c -c community-string -O e hostname hrSystemDate.0

This should return the system time on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance host.

User-based security

If you enable SNMP v3, you can take advantage of increased user based security through the User Security Model (USM). For each unique user, you can specify a security level:

  • noAuthNoPriv: This security level provides no authentication and no privacy.
  • authNoPriv: This security level provides authentication but no privacy. To query the appliance you'll need a username and password (that must be at least eight characters long). Information is sent without encryption, similar to SNMPv2. The authentication protocol can be either MD5 or SHA and defaults to SHA.
  • authPriv: This security level provides authentication with privacy. Authentication, including a minimum eight-character authentication password, is required and responses are encrypted. A privacy password is not required, but if provided it must be at least eight characters long. If a privacy password isn't provided, the authentication password is used. The privacy protocol can be either DES or AES and defaults to AES.

Configuring users for SNMP v3

  1. From an administrative account on GitHub Enterprise Server, click in the upper-right corner of any page.
    Rocketship icon for accessing site admin settings
  2. In the left sidebar, click Management Console.
    Management Console tab in the left sidebar
  3. In the left sidebar, click Monitoring.
    Monitoring tab
  4. Under "Monitoring", select Enable SNMP.
    Button to enable SNMP
  5. Select SNMP v3.
    Button to enable SNMP v3
  6. In "Username", type the unique username of your SNMP v3 user.
    Field to type the SNMP v3 username
  7. In the Security Level dropdown menu, click the security level for your SNMP v3 user.
    Dropdown menu for the SNMP v3 user's security level
  8. For SNMP v3 users with the authnopriv security level:
    Settings for the authnopriv security level
    • In "Authentication password", type the authentication password.
    • On the right side of "Authentication password", in the Protocol dropdown menu, click the authentication protocol you want to use.
  9. For SNMP v3 users with the authpriv security level:
    Settings for the authpriv security level
    • In "Authentication password", type the authentication password.
    • On the right side of "Authentication password", in the Protocol dropdown menu, click the authentication protocol you want to use.
    • Optionally, in "Privacy password", type the privacy password.
    • On the right side of "Privacy password", in the Protocol dropdown menu, click the privacy protocol method you want to use.
  10. Click Add user.
    Button to add SNMP v3 user
  11. Under the left sidebar, click Save settings.
    The Save settings button in the Management Console
  12. Wait for the configuration run to complete.
Querying SNMP data

Both hardware and software-level information about your appliance is available with SNMP v3. Due to the lack of encryption and privacy for the noAuthNoPriv and authNoPriv security levels, we exclude the hrSWRun table ( from the resulting SNMP reports. We include this table if you're using the authPriv security level. For more information, see the "OID reference documentation."

With SNMP v2c, only hardware-level information about your appliance is available. The applications and services within GitHub Enterprise do not have OIDs configured to report metrics. Several MIBs are available, which you can see by running snmpwalk on a separate workstation with SNMP support in your network:

# community-string is your community string
# hostname is the IP or domain of your Enterprise instance
$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c community-string -O e hostname

Of the available MIBs for SNMP, the most useful is HOST-RESOURCES-MIB ( See the table below for some important objects in this MIB:

hrSystemDate. hosts notion of the local date and time of day.
hrSystemUptime. long it's been since the host was last initialized.
hrMemorySize. amount of RAM on the host.
hrSystemProcesses. number of process contexts currently loaded or running on the host.
hrStorageUsed. amount of storage space consumed on the host, in hrStorageAllocationUnits.
hrStorageAllocationUnits. size, in bytes, of an hrStorageAllocationUnit

For example, to query for hrMemorySize with SNMP v3, run the following command on a separate workstation with SNMP support in your network:

# username is the unique username of your SNMP v3 user
# auth password is the authentication password
# privacy password is the privacy password
# hostname is the IP or domain of your Enterprise instance
$ snmpget -v 3 -u username -l authPriv \
  -A "auth password" -a SHA \
  -X "privacy password" -x AES \
  -O e hostname HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrMemorySize.0

With SNMP v2c, to query for hrMemorySize, run the following command on a separate workstation with SNMP support in your network:

# community-string is your community string
# hostname is the IP or domain of your Enterprise instance
snmpget -v 2c -c community-string hostname HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrMemorySize.0

Note: To prevent leaking information about services running on your appliance, we exclude the hrSWRun table ( from the resulting SNMP reports unless you're using the authPriv security level with SNMP v3. If you're using the authPriv security level, we include the hrSWRun table.

For more information on OID mappings for common system attributes in SNMP, see "Linux SNMP OID’s for CPU, Memory and Disk Statistics".