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Enabling automatic user license sync between GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud

You can connect your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and allow GitHub Enterprise Server to upload user license information to your enterprise account on

Site administrators for GitHub Enterprise Server who are also owners of the connected GitHub Enterprise Cloud organization or enterprise account can enable automatic user license synchronization.

In this article

About license synchronization

After you enable license synchronization, you'll be able to view license usage for your entire enterprise account, across GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud. GitHub Connect syncs license between GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud weekly. For more information, see "Managing your GitHub Enterprise license."

You can also manually upload GitHub Enterprise Server user license information to GitHub Enterprise Cloud. For more information, see "Connecting GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub Enterprise Cloud."

Enabling license synchronization

Before enabling license synchronization on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you must connect your GitHub Enterprise Server instance to For more information, see "Connecting GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub Enterprise Cloud."

  1. Navigate to your enterprise account by visiting https://HOSTNAME/enterprises/ENTERPRISE-NAME, replacing HOSTNAME with your instance's hostname and ENTERPRISE-NAME with your enterprise account's name.

  2. In the enterprise account sidebar, click Settings.

    Settings tab in the enterprise account sidebar

  3. In the left sidebar, click GitHub Connect.

    GitHub Connect tab in the business account settings sidebar

  4. Under "Server can sync user license count and usage", use the drop-down menu and select Enabled.

    Drop-down menu to enable automatic user license sync