Diese Version von GitHub Enterprise wurde eingestellt am 2021-09-23. Es wird keine Patch-Freigabe vorgenommen, auch nicht für kritische Sicherheitsprobleme. Für eine bessere Leistung, verbesserte Sicherheit und neue Features nimm ein Upgrade auf die neueste Version von GitHub Enterprise vor. Wende Dich an den GitHub Enterprise-Support, um Hilfe beim Upgrade zu erhalten.

Usage limits, billing, and administration

There are usage limits for GitHub Actions workflows. Usage charges apply to repositories that go beyond the amount of free minutes and storage for a repository.

Note: GitHub Actions was available for GitHub Enterprise Server 2.22 as a limited beta. The beta has ended. GitHub Actions is now generally available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 or later. For more information, see the GitHub Enterprise Server 3.0 release notes.

Note: GitHub-hosted runners are not currently supported on GitHub Enterprise Server. You can see more information about planned future support on the GitHub public roadmap.

Informationen zur Abrechnung für GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions usage is free for GitHub Enterprise Servers that use self-hosted runners.


Usage limits apply to self-hosted runners. Weitere Informationen findest Du unter „Informationen zu selbst-gehosteten Runnern“.

GitHub Actions für Dein Repository oder Deine Organisation deaktivieren oder beschränken

By default, after GitHub Actions is enabled on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance, it is enabled on all repositories and organizations. You can choose to disable GitHub Actions or limit them to local actions only, which means that people can only use actions that exist in your repository.

Weitere Informationen findest Du unter: