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在现有 CI 系统上使用 CodeQL 代码扫描
Code scanning is available for organization-owned repositories in GitHub Enterprise Server. This feature requires a license for GitHub Advanced Security. 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于 GitHub Advanced Security”。
About CodeQL code scanning in your CI system
You can analyze your code with CodeQL in a third-party continuous integration system and upload the results to your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. The resulting code scanning alerts are shown alongside any alerts generated within GitHub Enterprise Server.
Installing CodeQL CLI in your CI system
You can install the CodeQL CLI and use it to perform CodeQL code scanning in a third-party continuous integration system.
Configuring CodeQL CLI in your CI system
You can configure your continuous integration system to run the CodeQL CLI, perform CodeQL analysis, and upload the results to GitHub Enterprise Server for display as code scanning alerts.
Running CodeQL runner in your CI system
You can use the CodeQL runner to perform CodeQL code scanning in a third-party continuous integration system.
Configuring CodeQL runner in your CI system
You can configure how the CodeQL runner scans the code in your project and uploads the results to GitHub.
CI 系统中的 CodeQL 运行器故障排除
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从 CodeQL 运行器迁移到 CodeQL CLI
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