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此版本的 GitHub Enterprise 已停止服务 2022-10-12. 即使针对重大安全问题,也不会发布补丁。 为了获得更好的性能、更高的安全性和新功能,请升级到最新版本的 GitHub Enterprise。 如需升级帮助,请联系 GitHub Enterprise 支持

About licenses for GitHub Enterprise

You can synchronize your license usage between GitHub Enterprise deployments, and use a license file to unlock each GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

About licensing for GitHub Enterprise

GitHub Enterprise 提供两个部署选项。 除了 GitHub Enterprise Server 之外,还可以使用 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 在 上托管企业的开发工作。 有关详细信息,请参阅“GitHub 的产品”。

GitHub 使用唯一的用户许可模型。 对于包含多个部署选项的企业产品,GitHub 会� �据所有部署中的唯一用户数量来确定所使用的许可席位数。

每个用户只使用一个许可证,� 论该用户使用多少 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例,或者该用户在 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 上是多少组织的成员。 此模型允许每个人使用多个 GitHub Enterprise 部署,而不产生额外费用。

To ensure the same user isn't consuming more than one license for multiple enterprise deployments, you can synchronize license usage between your GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud deployments.

In order to use a GitHub Enterprise Server instance, you must upload a license file that GitHub provides when you purchase, renew, or add user licenses to GitHub Enterprise.

About synchronization of license usage for GitHub Enterprise

要让使用多个 GitHub Enterprise 环境的用户仅使用单个许可证,� 必须在环境之间同步许可证使用情况。 然后,GitHub 将� �据与用户帐户关联的电子邮件地址� 除重复用户。 有关详细信息,请参阅“排查 GitHub Enterprise 的许可证使用情况问题”。 For more information, see "Syncing license usage between GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud."

About license files for GitHub Enterprise

When you purchase or renew GitHub Enterprise, GitHub provides a license file for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. A license file has an expiration date and controls the number of people who can use your GitHub Enterprise Server instance. After you download and install GitHub Enterprise Server, you must upload the license file to unlock the application for you to use.

For more information about downloading your license file, see "Downloading your license for GitHub Enterprise."

For more information about uploading your license file, see "Uploading a new license to GitHub Enterprise Server."

If your license expires, you won't be able to access GitHub Enterprise Server via a web browser or Git. If needed, you will be able to use command-line utilities to back up all your data. For more information, see "Configuring backups on your appliance."

If you have any questions about renewing your license, contact GitHub 销售团队.

Further reading