About per-user pricing
The foundation of your bill is the number of standard licensed seats that you choose for your enterprise.
GitHub 使用唯一的用户许可模型。 对于包含多个部署选项的企业产品,GitHub 会� �据所有部署中的唯一用户数量来确定所使用的许可席位数。
每个用户只使用一个许可证,� 论该用户使用多少 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例,或者该用户在 GitHub Enterprise Cloud 上是多少组织的成员。 此模型允许每个人使用多个 GitHub Enterprise 部署,而不产生额外费用。
To ensure the same user isn't consuming more than one license for multiple enterprise deployments, you can synchronize license usage between your GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud environments. For more information, see "About licenses for GitHub Enterprise."
In addition to licensed seats, your bill may include other charges, such as GitHub Advanced Security. For more information, see "About billing for your enterprise."
People that consume a license
GitHub bills for the following accounts for each deployment of GitHub Enterprise.
Accounts that consume a license on GitHub Enterprise Cloud
GitHub bills for each of the following accounts on GitHub Enterprise Cloud:
- Enterprise owners who are a member or owner of at least one organization in the enterprise
- Organization members, including owners
- Outside collaborators on private or internal repositories owned by your organization, excluding forks
- Anyone with a pending invitation to become an organization owner or member
- Anyone with a pending invitation to become an outside collaborator on private or internal repositories owned by your organization, excluding forks
- Dormant users
- GitHub counts each member or outside collaborator once for billing purposes, even if the user account has membership in multiple organizations in an enterprise or access to multiple repositories owned by your organization.
- 如果被邀请者在 7 天内未接受邀请,则待处理的邀请将自动过期。 过期后,GitHub 将不再向� 收取待处理邀请的费用。
GitHub does not bill for any of the following accounts:
- Managed user accounts that are suspended
- Enterprise owners who are not a member or owner of at least one organization in the enterprise
- Enterprise billing managers
- Billing managers for individual organizations
- Anyone with a pending invitation to become a billing manager
- Anyone with a pending invitation to become an outside collaborator on a public repository owned by your organization
Accounts that consume a license on GitHub Enterprise Server
Each user account on GitHub Enterprise Server consumes a seat.
Suspended users are not counted when calculating the number of licensed users consuming seats. For more information, see "Suspending and unsuspending users."
Dormant users do occupy a seat license. As such, you can choose to suspend dormant users to release user licenses. For more information, see "Managing dormant users."
About changes to your subscription
You can add more licensed seats to your enterprise at any time. If you pay for more seats than are being used, you can also reduce the number of seats.
If you use an enterprise account on GitHub.com and have questions about changes to your subscription, contact GitHub 销售团队.