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Re-running workflows and jobs

You can re-run a workflow run up to 30 days after its initial run.

People with write permissions to a repository can re-run workflows in the repository.

注: GitHub 托管的运行器目前在 GitHub Enterprise Server 上不受支持。 您可以在 GitHub 公共路线图 上查看有关未来支持计划的更多信息。

About re-running workflows and jobs

Re-running a workflow uses the same GITHUB_SHA (commit SHA) and GITHUB_REF (Git ref) of the original event that triggered the workflow run. You can re-run a workflow for up to 30 days after the initial run.

Re-running all the jobs in a workflow

  1. 在 您的 GitHub Enterprise Server 实例 上,导航到仓库的主页面。

  2. 在仓库名称下,单击 Actions(操作)主仓库导航中的操作选项卡

  3. 在左侧边� �中,单击您想要查看的工作流程。 左侧边� �中的工作流程列表

  4. 从工作流程运行列表中,单击运行的名称以查看工作流程运行摘要。


  5. In the upper-right corner of the workflow, use the Re-run jobs drop-down menu, and select Re-run all jobs. Re-run checks drop-down menu

要了解有关 GitHub CLI 的更多信息,请参阅“关于 GitHub CLI”。

To re-run a failed workflow run, use the run rerun subcommand. Replace run-id with the ID of the failed run that you want to re-run. If you don't specify a run-id, GitHub CLI returns an interactive menu for you to choose a recent failed run.

gh run rerun run-id

To view the progress of the workflow run, use the run watch subcommand and select the run from the interactive list.

gh run watch