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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Сведения о GitHub Advanced Security

GitHub обеспечивает клиентам доступ к дополнительным функциям безопасности в рамках лицензии Advanced Security

Кто эту функцию можно использовать?

GitHub Advanced Security доступен для корпоративных учетных записей на GitHub Enterprise Cloud и GitHub Enterprise Server. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе "Планы GitHub".

Сведения о GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOpsсм. в разделе "Настройка GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps в Microsoft Learn.

About GitHub Advanced Security

GitHub has many features that help you improve and maintain the quality of your code. Some of these are included in all plans, such as dependency graph and Dependabot alerts. Other security features require a GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS).

For information about buying a license for GitHub Advanced Security, see "About billing for GitHub Advanced Security."

Note: If you want to use GitHub Advanced Security with Azure Repos, see GitHub Advanced Security & Azure DevOps in our resources site. For documentation, see Configure GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps in Microsoft Learn.

About Advanced Security features

A GitHub Advanced Security license provides the following additional features:

  • Code scanning - Search for potential security vulnerabilities and coding errors in your code using CodeQL or a third-party tool. For more information, see "About code scanning" and "About code scanning with CodeQL."

  • CodeQL CLI - Run CodeQL processes locally on software projects or to generate code scanning results for upload to GitHub Enterprise Server. For more information, see "About the CodeQL CLI."

  • Secret scanning - Detect secrets, for example keys and tokens, that have been checked into the repository. If push protection is enabled, GitHub also detects secrets when they are pushed to your repository. For more information, see "About secret scanning" and "Push protection for repositories and organizations."

  • Dependency review - Show the full impact of changes to dependencies and see details of any vulnerable versions before you merge a pull request. For more information, see "About dependency review."

For information about Advanced Security features that are in development, see "GitHub public roadmap." For an overview of all security features, see "GitHub security features."

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