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Эта версия GitHub Enterprise Server была прекращена 2024-03-26. Исправления выпускаться не будут даже при критических проблемах безопасности. Для повышения производительности, повышения безопасности и новых функций выполните обновление до последней версии GitHub Enterprise Server. Чтобы получить справку по обновлению, обратитесь в службу поддержки GitHub Enterprise.

Отправка корпоративных вкладов в ваш профиль

Можно выделить свою работу в GitHub Enterprise, отправив подсчеты вклада в профиль

About enterprise contributions on your profile

Your profile shows GitHub Enterprise Server contribution counts from the past 90 days. GitHub Enterprise Server sends updates hourly. Contribution counts from GitHub Enterprise Server are considered private contributions. The commit details will only show the contribution counts and that these contributions were made in a GitHub Enterprise environment outside of

You can decide whether to show counts for private contributions on your profile. For more information, see "Showing your private contributions and achievements on your profile."

For more information about how contributions are calculated, see "Managing contribution settings on your profile."

Note: The connection between your accounts is governed by GitHub's Privacy Statement and users enabling the connection must agree to the GitHub Terms of Service.

Sending your enterprise contributions to your profile

Before you can connect your GitHub Enterprise Server profile to your profile, your enterprise owner must enable GitHub Connect and enable contribution sharing between the environments. For more information, contact your enterprise owner.

  1. Sign in to GitHub Enterprise Server and

  2. On GitHub Enterprise Server, in the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.

    Screenshot of a user's account menu on GitHub. The menu item "Settings" is outlined in dark orange.

  3. In the left sidebar, click GitHub Connect.

  4. Click Connect to

  5. Review the resources that GitHub Enterprise Server will access from your account, then click Authorize.

  6. Under "Contributions", select Send my contribution counts to, then click Update contributions.

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