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About migrating to GitHub Enterprise Cloud

Learn about migrating your current solution into GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

Если вы перемещаетесь между продуктами GitHub, например с GitHub Enterprise Server на GitHub Enterprise Cloud, или из другой платформы размещения кода, например Bitbucket Server или GitLab, на GitHub, вы хотите принести с вами работу: ваш код, журнал кода, а также все прошлые беседы и совместную работу.

GitHub provides a variety of different tools to support these migrations. Different tools support different migration pathways and provide different levels of migration fidelity. To determine the best tool for your migration, understand what you can migrate, and learn how to make your migration successful, see Планирование миграции на GitHub and Migrations to

The steps you will take to migrate to GitHub Enterprise Cloud include:

  1. Define the origin (source) for your migration. Your destination is GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
  2. Understand what data you will migrate, and build a basic inventory.
  3. Evaluate the size of your migration data, and recognize if you need to first move any repositories to Git.
  4. Decide on your migration type, based on your organization's needs and the tools available to you.
  5. Choose if you will perform the migration yourself (a "self-serve migration"), or if you will work with GitHub's Expert Services team or a GitHub Partner (an "expert-led migration").

In a later stage of setting up your trial, when you're ready to create your organization and teams, you will take additional steps to finish your migration, including:

  1. Design your organization structure for the migration to GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
  2. Plan a test of your migration, including performing a dry run migration of all your repositories.
  3. Establish your pre-migration and post-migration steps, and create a migration plan.
  4. Prepare your organization and schedule for the migration.
  5. Perform the migration, and execute any post-migration tasks.

About enterprise migrations to GitHub Actions

To migrate your enterprise to GitHub Actions from an existing system, you can plan the migration, complete the migration, and retire existing systems. To learn how to migrate your workflows to GitHub Actions, see Миграция предприятия на GitHub Actions.

If you're planning to switch to GitHub Actions, we do not recommend doing so at the same time that you migrate your repositories. Instead, wait until a later date, and perform your CI/CD migration as a separate step. This makes the migration process more manageable. When you're ready to migrate, see Переход на GitHub Actions.

Next steps

Next, learn about Securing your enterprise with Managed Users and Securing enterprise resources with single sign-on.