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Esta versão do GitHub Enterprise Server será descontinuada em 2025-03-05. Nenhum lançamento de patch será feito, mesmo para questões críticas de segurança. Para obter melhor desempenho, segurança aprimorada e novos recursos, atualize para a última versão do GitHub Enterprise Server. Para obter ajuda com a atualização, entre em contato com o suporte do GitHub Enterprise.

O tipo de consulta define as operações do GraphQL que recuperam os dados do servidor.

Sobre consultas

Cada esquema de GraphQL tem um tipo de raiz para consultas e mutações. O tipo de consulta define as operações do GraphQL que recuperam os dados do servidor.

Para saber mais, confira Realizar chamadas com o GraphQL.


Para solicitações do GitHub App feitas com tokens de acesso de usuário, use consultas separadas para problemas e pull requests. Por exemplo, use os filtros is:issue ou is:pull-request e os equivalentes. O uso da conexão search para retornar uma combinação de problemas e solicitações de pull em uma só consulta resultará em um conjunto vazio de nós.


Look up a code of conduct by its key.

Argumentos para codeOfConduct


key (String!)

The code of conduct's key.


Look up a code of conduct by its key.


Look up an enterprise by URL slug.

Argumentos para enterprise


invitationToken (String)

The enterprise invitation token.

slug (String!)

The enterprise URL slug.


Look up an open source license by its key.

Tipo: License

Argumentos para license


key (String!)

The license's downcased SPDX ID.


Return a list of known open source licenses.


Return information about the GitHub instance.


Fetches an object given its ID.

Tipo: Node

Argumentos para node


id (ID!)

ID of the object.


Lookup nodes by a list of IDs.

Tipo: [Node]!

Argumentos para nodes


ids ([ID!]!)

The list of node IDs.


Lookup a organization by login.

Argumentos para organization


login (String!)

The organization's login.


A list of organizations.

Argumentos para organizations


after (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first (Int)

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last (Int)

Returns the last n elements from the list.

orderBy (OrganizationOrder)

Ordering options for the User's organizations.


The client's rate limit information.

Tipo: RateLimit

Argumentos para rateLimit


dryRun (Boolean)

If true, calculate the cost for the query without evaluating it.

The default value is false.


Workaround for re-exposing the root query object. (Refer to for more information.).

Tipo: Query!


Lookup a given repository by the owner and repository name.

Argumentos para repository


followRenames (Boolean)

Follow repository renames. If disabled, a repository referenced by its old name will return an error.

The default value is true.

name (String!)

The name of the repository.

owner (String!)

The login field of a user or organization.


Lookup a repository owner (ie. either a User or an Organization) by login.

Argumentos para repositoryOwner


login (String!)

The username to lookup the owner by.


Lookup resource by a URL.

Argumentos para resource


url (URI!)

The URL.

Perform a search across resources, returning a maximum of 1,000 results.

Argumentos para search


after (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first (Int)

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last (Int)

Returns the last n elements from the list.

query (String!)

The search string to look for.

type (SearchType!)

The types of search items to search within.


GitHub Security Advisories.

Argumentos para securityAdvisories


after (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

classifications ([SecurityAdvisoryClassification!])

A list of classifications to filter advisories by.

first (Int)

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last (Int)

Returns the last n elements from the list.

publishedSince (DateTime)

Filter advisories to those published since a time in the past.

updatedSince (DateTime)

Filter advisories to those updated since a time in the past.


Fetch a Security Advisory by its GHSA ID.

Argumentos para securityAdvisory


ghsaId (String!)

GitHub Security Advisory ID.


Software Vulnerabilities documented by GitHub Security Advisories.

Argumentos para securityVulnerabilities


after (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

classifications ([SecurityAdvisoryClassification!])

A list of advisory classifications to filter vulnerabilities by.

ecosystem (SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem)

An ecosystem to filter vulnerabilities by.

first (Int)

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last (Int)

Returns the last n elements from the list.

package (String)

A package name to filter vulnerabilities by.

severities ([SecurityAdvisorySeverity!])

A list of severities to filter vulnerabilities by.


Look up a topic by name.

Tipo: Topic

Argumentos para topic


name (String!)

The topic's name.


Lookup a user by login.

Tipo: User

Argumentos para user


login (String!)

The user's login.


A list of users.

Argumentos para users


after (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first (Int)

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last (Int)

Returns the last n elements from the list.


The currently authenticated user.

Tipo: User!