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REST API はバージョン管理になりました。 詳細については、「API のバージョン管理について」を参照してください。

コミットのステータス用の REST API エンドポイント

REST API を使って、コミットのステータスを操作します。


REST API を使って、外部サービスがコミットを errorfailurepending、または success のステータスでマークすることを許可できます。これは、そのコミットが含まれる pull request に反映されます。 また、ステータスには、オプションとして、descriptiontarget_url を含めることもできます。これにより、GitHub UI では、ステータスがさらに有用なものとなるため、強くお勧めします。

たとえば、ビルドの成功または失敗について、ステータスを使用してコミットをマークすることは、継続的インテグレーション サービスの一般的な使用方法の一例です。 target_url は、ビルド出力のフル URL となり、description は、ビルドの状況の概要をまとめたものとなります。

ステータスには、どのサービスがそのステータスを備えているかを示す context を含めることができます。 たとえば、継続的インテグレーション サービスのプッシュ ステータスには ci のコンテキストを、セキュリティ監査ツールのプッシュ ステータスには security のコンテキストを含めることができます。 その後、REST API を使って特定の参照に対する複合ステータスを取得して、コミットの全体的なステータスを取得できます。

repo:status OAuth スコープでは、リポジトリ コードへのアクセスを許可しないで、ステータスへの対象アクセスを許可しますが、一方で、repo スコープでは、ステータスに加えてコードへのアクセス許可も許可していることに注意してください。

GitHub App を開発しており、外部サービスについての詳しい情報を提供したい場合は、REST API を使ってチェックを管理できます。 詳しくは、「チェック用 REST API エンドポイント」を参照してください。

Get the combined status for a specific reference

Users with pull access in a repository can access a combined view of commit statuses for a given ref. The ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name.

Additionally, a combined state is returned. The state is one of:

  • failure if any of the contexts report as error or failure
  • pending if there are no statuses or a context is pending
  • success if the latest status for all contexts is success

"Get the combined status for a specific reference" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Commit statuses" repository permissions (read)

このエンドポイントは、パブリック リソースのみが要求される場合は、認証または前述メンションアクセス許可なしで使用できます。

"Get the combined status for a specific reference" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

ref string 必須

The commit reference. Can be a commit SHA, branch name (heads/BRANCH_NAME), or tag name (tags/TAG_NAME). For more information, see "Git References" in the Git documentation.

クエリ パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

"Get the combined status for a specific reference" の HTTP 応答状態コード




Resource not found

"Get the combined status for a specific reference" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
{ "state": "success", "statuses": [ { "url": "", "avatar_url": "", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDY6U3RhdHVzMQ==", "state": "success", "description": "Build has completed successfully", "target_url": "", "context": "continuous-integration/jenkins", "created_at": "2012-07-20T01:19:13Z", "updated_at": "2012-07-20T01:19:13Z" }, { "url": "", "avatar_url": "", "id": 2, "node_id": "MDY6U3RhdHVzMg==", "state": "success", "description": "Testing has completed successfully", "target_url": "", "context": "security/brakeman", "created_at": "2012-08-20T01:19:13Z", "updated_at": "2012-08-20T01:19:13Z" } ], "sha": "6dcb09b5b57875f334f61aebed695e2e4193db5e", "total_count": 2, "repository": { "id": 1296269, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMjk2MjY5", "name": "Hello-World", "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "private": false, "html_url": "", "description": "This your first repo!", "fork": false, "url": "", "archive_url": "{archive_format}{/ref}", "assignees_url": "{/user}", "blobs_url": "{/sha}", "branches_url": "{/branch}", "collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}", "comments_url": "{/number}", "commits_url": "{/sha}", "compare_url": "{base}...{head}", "contents_url": "{+path}", "contributors_url": "", "deployments_url": "", "downloads_url": "", "events_url": "", "forks_url": "", "git_commits_url": "{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "{/sha}", "git_url": "", "issue_comment_url": "{/number}", "issue_events_url": "{/number}", "issues_url": "{/number}", "keys_url": "{/key_id}", "labels_url": "{/name}", "languages_url": "", "merges_url": "", "milestones_url": "{/number}", "notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}", "pulls_url": "{/number}", "releases_url": "{/id}", "ssh_url": "", "stargazers_url": "", "statuses_url": "{sha}", "subscribers_url": "", "subscription_url": "", "tags_url": "", "teams_url": "", "trees_url": "{/sha}", "hooks_url": "" }, "commit_url": "", "url": "" }

List commit statuses for a reference

Users with pull access in a repository can view commit statuses for a given ref. The ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name. Statuses are returned in reverse chronological order. The first status in the list will be the latest one.

This resource is also available via a legacy route: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:ref.

"List commit statuses for a reference" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Commit statuses" repository permissions (read)

このエンドポイントは、パブリック リソースのみが要求される場合は、認証または前述メンションアクセス許可なしで使用できます。

"List commit statuses for a reference" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

ref string 必須

The commit reference. Can be a commit SHA, branch name (heads/BRANCH_NAME), or tag name (tags/TAG_NAME). For more information, see "Git References" in the Git documentation.

クエリ パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

"List commit statuses for a reference" の HTTP 応答状態コード




Moved permanently

"List commit statuses for a reference" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
[ { "url": "", "avatar_url": "", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDY6U3RhdHVzMQ==", "state": "success", "description": "Build has completed successfully", "target_url": "", "context": "continuous-integration/jenkins", "created_at": "2012-07-20T01:19:13Z", "updated_at": "2012-07-20T01:19:13Z", "creator": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false } } ]

Create a commit status

Users with push access in a repository can create commit statuses for a given SHA.

Note: there is a limit of 1000 statuses per sha and context within a repository. Attempts to create more than 1000 statuses will result in a validation error.

"Create a commit status" のきめ細かいアクセス トークン



  • "Commit statuses" repository permissions (write)

"Create a commit status" のパラメーター

名前, Type, 説明
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

パス パラメーター
名前, Type, 説明
owner string 必須

The account owner of the repository. The name is not case sensitive.

repo string 必須

The name of the repository without the .git extension. The name is not case sensitive.

sha string 必須
名前, Type, 説明
state string 必須

The state of the status.

次のいずれかにできます: error, failure, pending, success

target_url string or null

The target URL to associate with this status. This URL will be linked from the GitHub UI to allow users to easily see the source of the status.
For example, if your continuous integration system is posting build status, you would want to provide the deep link for the build output for this specific SHA:

description string or null

A short description of the status.

context string

A string label to differentiate this status from the status of other systems. This field is case-insensitive.

Default: default

"Create a commit status" の HTTP 応答状態コード



"Create a commit status" のコード サンプル


curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ \ -d '{"state":"success","target_url":"","description":"The build succeeded!","context":"continuous-integration/jenkins"}'


Status: 201
{ "url": "", "avatar_url": "", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDY6U3RhdHVzMQ==", "state": "success", "description": "Build has completed successfully", "target_url": "", "context": "continuous-integration/jenkins", "created_at": "2012-07-20T01:19:13Z", "updated_at": "2012-07-20T01:19:13Z", "creator": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false } }