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L’API REST est maintenant versionnée. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « À propos des versions de l’API ».

Points de terminaison d’API REST pour les migrations d’utilisateur

Utilisez l’API REST pour consulter, sauvegarder ou migrer vos données utilisateur qui sont stockées sur

À propos des migrations d’utilisateurs

Ces points de terminaison sont disponibles uniquement pour les propriétaires de comptes authentifiés. Pour plus d’informations, consultez « Authentification auprès de l’API REST ».

Vous pouvez utiliser ces points de terminaison pour consulter, sauvegarder ou migrer vos données utilisateur qui sont stockées sur Pour obtenir la liste des données de migration que vous pouvez télécharger, consultez « Télécharger une archive de migration d’utilisateur ».

Pour télécharger une archive, vous devez commencer par démarrer une migration d’utilisateur. Une fois que le statut de la migration est exported, vous pouvez télécharger la migration.

Une fois que vous aurez créé une archive de migration, celle-ci sera disponible pour le téléchargement pendant sept jours. Toutefois, vous pouvez supprimer l’archive de migration d’utilisateur plus tôt si vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez déverrouiller votre dépôt quand la migration est exported afin de recommencer à utiliser votre dépôt ou de le supprimer si vous n’avez plus besoin des données sources.

List user migrations

Lists all migrations a user has started.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « List user migrations »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « List user migrations »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de requête
Nom, Type, Description
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « List user migrations »

Code d’étatDescription



Not modified


Requires authentication



Exemples de code pour « List user migrations »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
[ { "id": 79, "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "guid": "0b989ba4-242f-11e5-81e1-c7b6966d2516", "state": "pending", "lock_repositories": true, "exclude_attachments": false, "exclude_releases": false, "exclude_owner_projects": false, "repositories": [ { "id": 1296269, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMjk2MjY5", "name": "Hello-World", "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "private": false, "html_url": "", "description": "This your first repo!", "fork": false, "url": "", "archive_url": "{archive_format}{/ref}", "assignees_url": "{/user}", "blobs_url": "{/sha}", "branches_url": "{/branch}", "collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}", "comments_url": "{/number}", "commits_url": "{/sha}", "compare_url": "{base}...{head}", "contents_url": "{+path}", "contributors_url": "", "deployments_url": "", "downloads_url": "", "events_url": "", "forks_url": "", "git_commits_url": "{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "{/sha}", "git_url": "", "issue_comment_url": "{/number}", "issue_events_url": "{/number}", "issues_url": "{/number}", "keys_url": "{/key_id}", "labels_url": "{/name}", "languages_url": "", "merges_url": "", "milestones_url": "{/number}", "notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}", "pulls_url": "{/number}", "releases_url": "{/id}", "ssh_url": "", "stargazers_url": "", "statuses_url": "{sha}", "subscribers_url": "", "subscription_url": "", "tags_url": "", "teams_url": "", "trees_url": "{/sha}", "clone_url": "", "mirror_url": "", "hooks_url": "", "svn_url": "", "homepage": "", "language": null, "forks_count": 9, "stargazers_count": 80, "watchers_count": 80, "size": 108, "default_branch": "master", "open_issues_count": 0, "is_template": true, "topics": [ "octocat", "atom", "electron", "api" ], "has_issues": true, "has_projects": true, "has_wiki": true, "has_pages": false, "has_downloads": true, "archived": false, "disabled": false, "visibility": "public", "pushed_at": "2011-01-26T19:06:43Z", "created_at": "2011-01-26T19:01:12Z", "updated_at": "2011-01-26T19:14:43Z", "permissions": { "admin": false, "push": false, "pull": true }, "allow_rebase_merge": true, "template_repository": null, "temp_clone_token": "ABTLWHOULUVAXGTRYU7OC2876QJ2O", "allow_squash_merge": true, "allow_auto_merge": false, "delete_branch_on_merge": true, "allow_merge_commit": true, "subscribers_count": 42, "network_count": 0, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "url": "", "spdx_id": "MIT", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA==", "html_url": "" }, "forks": 1, "open_issues": 1, "watchers": 1 } ], "url": "", "created_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00", "updated_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00", "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=" } ]

Start a user migration

Initiates the generation of a user migration archive.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Start a user migration »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « Start a user migration »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres du corps
Nom, Type, Description
lock_repositories boolean

Lock the repositories being migrated at the start of the migration

exclude_metadata boolean

Indicates whether metadata should be excluded and only git source should be included for the migration.

exclude_git_data boolean

Indicates whether the repository git data should be excluded from the migration.

exclude_attachments boolean

Do not include attachments in the migration

exclude_releases boolean

Do not include releases in the migration

exclude_owner_projects boolean

Indicates whether projects owned by the organization or users should be excluded.

org_metadata_only boolean

Indicates whether this should only include organization metadata (repositories array should be empty and will ignore other flags).

Default: false

exclude array of strings

Exclude attributes from the API response to improve performance Supported values are: repositories

repositories array of strings Obligatoire

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Start a user migration »

Code d’étatDescription



Not modified


Requires authentication




Validation failed, or the endpoint has been spammed.

Exemples de code pour « Start a user migration »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ \ -d '{"repositories":["octocat/Hello-World"],"lock_repositories":true}'


Status: 201
{ "id": 79, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjE=", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "guid": "0b989ba4-242f-11e5-81e1-c7b6966d2516", "state": "pending", "lock_repositories": true, "exclude_attachments": false, "exclude_releases": false, "exclude_owner_projects": false, "repositories": [ { "id": 1296269, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMjk2MjY5", "name": "Hello-World", "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "private": false, "html_url": "", "description": "This your first repo!", "fork": false, "url": "", "archive_url": "{archive_format}{/ref}", "assignees_url": "{/user}", "blobs_url": "{/sha}", "branches_url": "{/branch}", "collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}", "comments_url": "{/number}", "commits_url": "{/sha}", "compare_url": "{base}...{head}", "contents_url": "{+path}", "contributors_url": "", "deployments_url": "", "downloads_url": "", "events_url": "", "forks_url": "", "git_commits_url": "{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "{/sha}", "git_url": "", "issue_comment_url": "{/number}", "issue_events_url": "{/number}", "issues_url": "{/number}", "keys_url": "{/key_id}", "labels_url": "{/name}", "languages_url": "", "merges_url": "", "milestones_url": "{/number}", "notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}", "pulls_url": "{/number}", "releases_url": "{/id}", "ssh_url": "", "stargazers_url": "", "statuses_url": "{sha}", "subscribers_url": "", "subscription_url": "", "tags_url": "", "teams_url": "", "trees_url": "{/sha}", "clone_url": "", "mirror_url": "", "hooks_url": "", "svn_url": "", "homepage": "", "language": null, "forks_count": 9, "stargazers_count": 80, "watchers_count": 80, "size": 108, "default_branch": "master", "open_issues_count": 0, "is_template": true, "topics": [ "octocat", "atom", "electron", "api" ], "has_issues": true, "has_projects": true, "has_wiki": true, "has_pages": false, "has_downloads": true, "archived": false, "disabled": false, "visibility": "public", "pushed_at": "2011-01-26T19:06:43Z", "created_at": "2011-01-26T19:01:12Z", "updated_at": "2011-01-26T19:14:43Z", "permissions": { "admin": false, "push": false, "pull": true }, "allow_rebase_merge": true, "template_repository": null, "temp_clone_token": "ABTLWHOULUVAXGTRYU7OC2876QJ2O", "allow_squash_merge": true, "allow_auto_merge": false, "delete_branch_on_merge": true, "allow_merge_commit": true, "subscribers_count": 42, "network_count": 0, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "url": "", "spdx_id": "MIT", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA==", "html_url": "" }, "forks": 1, "open_issues": 1, "watchers": 1 } ], "url": "", "created_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00", "updated_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00" }

Get a user migration status

Fetches a single user migration. The response includes the state of the migration, which can be one of the following values:

  • pending - the migration hasn't started yet.
  • exporting - the migration is in progress.
  • exported - the migration finished successfully.
  • failed - the migration failed.

Once the migration has been exported you can download the migration archive.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Get a user migration status »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « Get a user migration status »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
migration_id integer Obligatoire

The unique identifier of the migration.

Paramètres de requête
Nom, Type, Description
exclude array

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Get a user migration status »

Code d’étatDescription



Not modified


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Exemples de code pour « Get a user migration status »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
{ "id": 79, "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjE=", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "guid": "0b989ba4-242f-11e5-81e1-c7b6966d2516", "state": "exported", "lock_repositories": true, "exclude_attachments": false, "exclude_releases": false, "exclude_owner_projects": false, "org_metadata_only": false, "repositories": [ { "id": 1296269, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMjk2MjY5", "name": "Hello-World", "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "private": false, "html_url": "", "description": "This your first repo!", "fork": false, "url": "", "archive_url": "{archive_format}{/ref}", "assignees_url": "{/user}", "blobs_url": "{/sha}", "branches_url": "{/branch}", "collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}", "comments_url": "{/number}", "commits_url": "{/sha}", "compare_url": "{base}...{head}", "contents_url": "{+path}", "contributors_url": "", "deployments_url": "", "downloads_url": "", "events_url": "", "forks_url": "", "git_commits_url": "{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "{/sha}", "git_url": "", "issue_comment_url": "{/number}", "issue_events_url": "{/number}", "issues_url": "{/number}", "keys_url": "{/key_id}", "labels_url": "{/name}", "languages_url": "", "merges_url": "", "milestones_url": "{/number}", "notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}", "pulls_url": "{/number}", "releases_url": "{/id}", "ssh_url": "", "stargazers_url": "", "statuses_url": "{sha}", "subscribers_url": "", "subscription_url": "", "tags_url": "", "teams_url": "", "trees_url": "{/sha}", "clone_url": "", "mirror_url": "", "hooks_url": "", "svn_url": "", "homepage": "", "language": null, "forks_count": 9, "stargazers_count": 80, "watchers_count": 80, "size": 108, "default_branch": "master", "open_issues_count": 0, "is_template": true, "topics": [ "octocat", "atom", "electron", "api" ], "has_issues": true, "has_projects": true, "has_wiki": true, "has_pages": false, "has_downloads": true, "archived": false, "disabled": false, "visibility": "public", "pushed_at": "2011-01-26T19:06:43Z", "created_at": "2011-01-26T19:01:12Z", "updated_at": "2011-01-26T19:14:43Z", "permissions": { "admin": false, "push": false, "pull": true }, "allow_rebase_merge": true, "template_repository": null, "temp_clone_token": "ABTLWHOULUVAXGTRYU7OC2876QJ2O", "allow_squash_merge": true, "allow_auto_merge": false, "delete_branch_on_merge": true, "allow_merge_commit": true, "subscribers_count": 42, "network_count": 0, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "url": "", "spdx_id": "MIT", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZW1pdA==", "html_url": "" }, "forks": 1, "open_issues": 1, "watchers": 1 } ], "url": "", "created_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00", "updated_at": "2015-07-06T15:33:38-07:00" }

Download a user migration archive

Fetches the URL to download the migration archive as a tar.gz file. Depending on the resources your repository uses, the migration archive can contain JSON files with data for these objects:

  • attachments
  • bases
  • commit_comments
  • issue_comments
  • issue_events
  • issues
  • milestones
  • organizations
  • projects
  • protected_branches
  • pull_request_reviews
  • pull_requests
  • releases
  • repositories
  • review_comments
  • schema
  • users

The archive will also contain an attachments directory that includes all attachment files uploaded to and a repositories directory that contains the repository's Git data.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Download a user migration archive »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « Download a user migration archive »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
migration_id integer Obligatoire

The unique identifier of the migration.

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Download a user migration archive »

Code d’étatDescription



Not modified


Requires authentication



Delete a user migration archive

Deletes a previous migration archive. Downloadable migration archives are automatically deleted after seven days. Migration metadata, which is returned in the List user migrations and Get a user migration status endpoints, will continue to be available even after an archive is deleted.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Delete a user migration archive »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « Delete a user migration archive »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
migration_id integer Obligatoire

The unique identifier of the migration.

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Delete a user migration archive »

Code d’étatDescription

No Content


Not modified


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Exemples de code pour « Delete a user migration archive »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 204

Unlock a user repository

Unlocks a repository. You can lock repositories when you start a user migration. Once the migration is complete you can unlock each repository to begin using it again or delete the repository if you no longer need the source data. Returns a status of 404 Not Found if the repository is not locked.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « Unlock a user repository »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « Unlock a user repository »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
migration_id integer Obligatoire

The unique identifier of the migration.

repo_name string Obligatoire

repo_name parameter

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « Unlock a user repository »

Code d’étatDescription

No Content


Not modified


Requires authentication




Resource not found

Exemples de code pour « Unlock a user repository »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -X DELETE \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 204

List repositories for a user migration

Lists all the repositories for this user migration.

Jetons d’accès affinés pour « List repositories for a user migration »

Ce point de terminaison ne fonctionne pas avec les jetons d’accès utilisateur d’application GitHub, les jetons d’accès d’installation d’application GitHub ou les jetons d’accès personnels affinés.

Paramètres pour « List repositories for a user migration »

Nom, Type, Description
accept string

Setting to application/vnd.github+json is recommended.

Paramètres de chemin d’accès
Nom, Type, Description
migration_id integer Obligatoire

The unique identifier of the migration.

Paramètres de requête
Nom, Type, Description
per_page integer

The number of results per page (max 100). For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 30

page integer

The page number of the results to fetch. For more information, see "Using pagination in the REST API."

Default: 1

Codes d’état de la réponse HTTP pour « List repositories for a user migration »

Code d’étatDescription



Resource not found

Exemples de code pour « List repositories for a user migration »

Exemple de requête

curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \


Status: 200
[ { "id": 1296269, "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMjk2MjY5", "name": "Hello-World", "full_name": "octocat/Hello-World", "owner": { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjE=", "avatar_url": "", "gravatar_id": "", "url": "", "html_url": "", "followers_url": "", "following_url": "{/other_user}", "gists_url": "{/gist_id}", "starred_url": "{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url": "", "organizations_url": "", "repos_url": "", "events_url": "{/privacy}", "received_events_url": "", "type": "User", "site_admin": false }, "private": false, "html_url": "", "description": "This your first repo!", "fork": false, "url": "", "archive_url": "{archive_format}{/ref}", "assignees_url": "{/user}", "blobs_url": "{/sha}", "branches_url": "{/branch}", "collaborators_url": "{/collaborator}", "comments_url": "{/number}", "commits_url": "{/sha}", "compare_url": "{base}...{head}", "contents_url": "{+path}", "contributors_url": "", "deployments_url": "", "downloads_url": "", "events_url": "", "forks_url": "", "git_commits_url": "{/sha}", "git_refs_url": "{/sha}", "git_tags_url": "{/sha}", "git_url": "", "issue_comment_url": "{/number}", "issue_events_url": "{/number}", "issues_url": "{/number}", "keys_url": "{/key_id}", "labels_url": "{/name}", "languages_url": "", "merges_url": "", "milestones_url": "{/number}", "notifications_url": "{?since,all,participating}", "pulls_url": "{/number}", "releases_url": "{/id}", "ssh_url": "", "stargazers_url": "", "statuses_url": "{sha}", "subscribers_url": "", "subscription_url": "", "tags_url": "", "teams_url": "", "trees_url": "{/sha}", "clone_url": "", "mirror_url": "", "hooks_url": "", "svn_url": "", "homepage": "", "language": null, "forks_count": 9, "stargazers_count": 80, "watchers_count": 80, "size": 108, "default_branch": "master", "open_issues_count": 0, "is_template": false, "topics": [ "octocat", "atom", "electron", "api" ], "has_issues": true, "has_projects": true, "has_wiki": true, "has_pages": false, "has_downloads": true, "has_discussions": false, "archived": false, "disabled": false, "visibility": "public", "pushed_at": "2011-01-26T19:06:43Z", "created_at": "2011-01-26T19:01:12Z", "updated_at": "2011-01-26T19:14:43Z", "permissions": { "admin": false, "push": false, "pull": true }, "security_and_analysis": { "advanced_security": { "status": "enabled" }, "secret_scanning": { "status": "enabled" }, "secret_scanning_push_protection": { "status": "disabled" }, "secret_scanning_non_provider_patterns": { "status": "disabled" } } } ]