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This version of GitHub Enterprise was discontinued on 2023-01-18. No patch releases will be made, even for critical security issues. For better performance, improved security, and new features, upgrade to the latest version of GitHub Enterprise. For help with the upgrade, contact GitHub Enterprise support.

Secret scanning patterns

Lists of supported secrets and the partners that GitHub works with to prevent fraudulent use of secrets that were committed accidentally.

Secret scanning is available for organization-owned repositories in GitHub Enterprise Server if your enterprise has a license for GitHub Advanced Security. For more information, see "About secret scanning on GitHub Enterprise Server" and "About GitHub Advanced Security."

Note: Your site administrator must enable secret scanning for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance before you can use this feature. For more information, see "Configuring secret scanning for your appliance."

Supported secrets for alerts

When secret scanning is enabled, GitHub scans repositories for secrets issued by the following service providers and generates secret scanning alerts. You can see these alerts on the "Security" tab of the repository.

If access to a resource requires paired credentials, then secret scanning will create an alert only when both parts of the pair are detected in the same file. This ensures that the most critical leaks are not hidden behind information about partial leaks.

If you use the REST API for secret scanning, you can use the Secret type to report on secrets from specific issuers. For more information, see "Secret scanning."

Note: You can also define custom secret scanning patterns for your repository, organization, or enterprise. For more information, see "Defining custom patterns for secret scanning."

ProviderSupported secretSecret type
Adafruit IOAdafruit IO Keyadafruit_io_key
AdobeAdobe Device Tokenadobe_device_token
AdobeAdobe Service Tokenadobe_service_token
AdobeAdobe Short-Lived Access Tokenadobe_short_lived_access_token
AdobeAdobe JSON Web Tokenadobe_jwt
Alibaba CloudAlibaba Cloud Access Key ID with Alibaba Cloud Access Key Secretalibaba_cloud_access_key_id
Amazon Web Services (AWS)Amazon AWS Access Key ID with Amazon AWS Secret Access Keyaws_access_key_id
Amazon Web Services (AWS)Amazon AWS Session Token with Amazon AWS Temporary Access Key ID and Amazon AWS Secret Access Keyaws_session_token
AsanaAsana Personal Access Tokenasana_personal_access_token
AtlassianAtlassian API Tokenatlassian_api_token
AtlassianAtlassian JSON Web Tokenatlassian_jwt
AtlassianBitbucket Server Personal Access Tokenbitbucket_server_personal_access_token
AzureAzure DevOps Personal Access Tokenazure_devops_personal_access_token
AzureAzure SAS Tokenazure_sas_token
AzureAzure Service Management Certificateazure_management_certificate
AzureAzure SQL Connection Stringazure_sql_connection_string
AzureAzure Storage Account Keyazure_storage_account_key
BeamerBeamer API Keybeamer_api_key Production Secret Keycheckout_production_secret_key Test Secret Keycheckout_test_secret_key
ClojarsClojars Deploy Tokenclojars_deploy_token
CloudBees CodeShipCloudBees CodeShip Credentialcodeship_credential
ContentfulContentful Personal Access Tokencontentful_personal_access_token
DatabricksDatabricks Access Tokendatabricks_access_token
DiscordDiscord Bot Tokendiscord_bot_token
DopplerDoppler Personal Tokendoppler_personal_token
DopplerDoppler Service Tokendoppler_service_token
DopplerDoppler CLI Tokendoppler_cli_token
DopplerDoppler SCIM Tokendoppler_scim_token
DopplerDoppler Audit Tokendoppler_audit_token
DropboxDropbox Access Tokendropbox_access_token
DropboxDropbox Short Lived Access Tokendropbox_short_lived_access_token
DuffelDuffel Live Access Tokenduffel_live_access_token
DuffelDuffel Test Access Tokenduffel_test_access_token
DynatraceDynatrace Access Tokendynatrace_access_token
DynatraceDynatrace Internal Tokendynatrace_internal_token
EasyPostEasyPost Production API Keyeasypost_production_api_key
EasyPostEasyPost Test API Keyeasypost_test_api_key
FastlyFastly API Tokenfastly_api_token
FinicityFinicity App Keyfinicity_app_key
FlutterwaveFlutterwave Live API Secret Keyflutterwave_live_api_secret_key
FlutterwaveFlutterwave Test API Secret Keyflutterwave_test_api_secret_key JSON Web Tokenframeio_jwt Developer Tokenframeio_developer_token
FullStoryFullStory API Keyfullstory_api_key
GitHubGitHub Personal Access Tokengithub_personal_access_token
GitHubGitHub OAuth Access Tokengithub_oauth_access_token
GitHubGitHub Refresh Tokengithub_refresh_token
GitHubGitHub App Installation Access Tokengithub_app_installation_access_token
GitHubGitHub SSH Private Keygithub_ssh_private_key
GoCardlessGoCardless Live Access Tokengocardless_live_access_token
GoCardlessGoCardless Sandbox Access Tokengocardless_sandbox_access_token
GoogleFirebase Cloud Messaging Server Keyfirebase_cloud_messaging_server_key
GoogleGoogle API Keygoogle_api_key
GoogleGoogle Cloud Storage Service Account Access Key ID with Google Cloud Storage Access Key Secretgoogle_cloud_storage_service_account_access_key_id
GoogleGoogle Cloud Storage User Access Key ID with Google Cloud Storage Access Key Secretgoogle_cloud_storage_user_access_key_id
GrafanaGrafana API Keygrafana_api_key
HashiCorpTerraform Cloud / Enterprise API Tokenterraform_api_token
HashiCorpHashiCorp Vault Batch Tokenhashicorp_vault_batch_token
HashiCorpHashiCorp Vault Service Tokenhashicorp_vault_service_token
HubspotHubspot API Keyhubspot_api_key
IntercomIntercom Access Tokenintercom_access_token
IonicIonic Personal Access Tokenionic_personal_access_token
IonicIonic Refresh Tokenionic_refresh_token
JFrogJFrog Platform Access Tokenjfrog_platform_access_token
JFrogJFrog Platform API Keyjfrog_platform_api_key
LinearLinear API Keylinear_api_key
LinearLinear OAuth Access Tokenlinear_oauth_access_token
LobLob Live API Keylob_live_api_key
LobLob Test API Keylob_test_api_key
MailchimpMailchimp API Keymailchimp_api_key
MailgunMailgun API Keymailgun_api_key
MessageBirdMessageBird API Keymessagebird_api_key
MetaFacebook Access Tokenfacebook_access_token
New RelicNew Relic Personal API Keynew_relic_personal_api_key
New RelicNew Relic REST API Keynew_relic_rest_api_key
New RelicNew Relic Insights Query Keynew_relic_insights_query_key
New RelicNew Relic License Keynew_relic_license_key
npmnpm Access Tokennpm_access_token
NuGetNuGet API Keynuget_api_key
OnfidoOnfido Live API Tokenonfido_live_api_token
OnfidoOnfido Sandbox API Tokenonfido_sandbox_api_token
OpenAIOpenAI API Keyopenai_api_key
PalantirPalantir JSON Web Tokenpalantir_jwt
PlanetScalePlanetScale Database Passwordplanetscale_database_password
PlanetScalePlanetScale OAuth Tokenplanetscale_oauth_token
PlanetScalePlanetScale Service Tokenplanetscale_service_token
PlivoPlivo Auth ID with Plivo Auth Tokenplivo_auth_id
PostmanPostman API Keypostman_api_key
ProctorioProctorio Consumer Keyproctorio_consumer_key
ProctorioProctorio Linkage Keyproctorio_linkage_key
ProctorioProctorio Registration Keyproctorio_registration_key
ProctorioProctorio Secret Keyproctorio_secret_key
PulumiPulumi Access Tokenpulumi_access_token
PyPIPyPI API Tokenpypi_api_token
RubyGemsRubyGems API Keyrubygems_api_key
SamsaraSamsara API Tokensamsara_api_token
SamsaraSamsara OAuth Access Tokensamsara_oauth_access_token
SendGridSendGrid API Keysendgrid_api_key
SendinblueSendinblue API Keysendinblue_api_key
SendinblueSendinblue SMTP Keysendinblue_smtp_key
ShippoShippo Live API Tokenshippo_live_api_token
ShippoShippo Test API Tokenshippo_test_api_token
ShopifyShopify App Shared Secretshopify_app_shared_secret
ShopifyShopify Access Tokenshopify_access_token
ShopifyShopify Custom App Access Tokenshopify_custom_app_access_token
ShopifyShopify Private App Passwordshopify_private_app_password
SlackSlack API Tokenslack_api_token
SlackSlack Incoming Webhook URLslack_incoming_webhook_url
SlackSlack Workflow Webhook URLslack_workflow_webhook_url
SSLMateSSLMate API Keysslmate_api_key
SSLMateSSLMate Cluster Secretsslmate_cluster_secret
StripeStripe API Keystripe_api_key
StripeStripe Live API Secret Keystripe_live_secret_key
StripeStripe Test API Secret Keystripe_test_secret_key
StripeStripe Live API Restricted Keystripe_live_restricted_key
StripeStripe Test API Restricted Keystripe_test_restricted_key
StripeStripe Webhook Signing Secretstripe_webhook_signing_secret
TableauTableau Personal Access Tokentableau_personal_access_token
TelegramTelegram Bot Tokentelegram_bot_token
Tencent CloudTencent Cloud Secret IDtencent_cloud_secret_id
TwilioTwilio Account String Identifiertwilio_account_sid
TwilioTwilio API Keytwilio_api_key

Further reading