- Este artículo contiene los eventos disponibles en la versión más reciente de GitHub Enterprise Server. Es posible que algunos de los eventos no estén disponibles en versiones anteriores.
- Este artículo contiene los eventos que pueden aparecer en el registro de seguridad de la cuenta de usuario. Para los eventos que pueden aparecer en el registro de auditoría de una organización o el registro de auditoría de una empresa, consulta Eventos de registro de auditoría de la organización y Eventos de registro de auditoría de la empresa.
Acerca de los eventos de registros de seguridad
El nombre de cada entrada del registro de auditoría se compone de una categoría de eventos, seguida de un tipo de operación. Por ejemplo, la entrada repo.create
hace referencia a la operación create
de la categoría repo
. La información de referencia de este artículo se agrupa por categorías.
Acción | Descripción |
account.plan_change | The account's plan changed. |
Acción | Descripción |
actions_cache.delete | A GitHub Actions cache was deleted using the REST API. |
Acción | Descripción |
artifact.destroy | A workflow run artifact was manually deleted. |
Acción | Descripción |
billing.change_billing_type | The way the account pays for GitHub was changed. |
billing.change_email | The billing email address changed. |
Acción | Descripción |
business.security_center_export_code_scanning_metrics | A CSV export was requested on the "CodeQL pull request alerts" page. |
business.security_center_export_coverage | A CSV export was requested on the "Coverage" page. |
business.security_center_export_overview_dashboard | A CSV export was requested on the "Overview Dashboard" page. |
business.security_center_export_risk | A CSV export was requested on the "Risk" page. |
business.set_actions_fork_pr_approvals_policy | The policy for requiring approvals for workflows from public forks was changed for an enterprise. |
business.set_actions_private_fork_pr_approvals_policy | The policy for requiring approval for fork pull request workflows from collaborators without write access to private repos was changed for an enterprise. |
business.set_actions_retention_limit | The retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs was changed for an enterprise. |
business.set_default_workflow_permissions | The default permissions granted to the GITHUB_TOKEN when running workflows were changed for an enterprise. |
business.set_fork_pr_workflows_policy | The policy for fork pull request workflows was changed for an enterprise. |
business.set_workflow_permission_can_approve_pr | The policy for allowing GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests was changed for an enterprise. |
Acción | Descripción |
checks.auto_trigger_disabled | Automatic creation of check suites was disabled on a repository in the organization or enterprise. |
checks.auto_trigger_enabled | Automatic creation of check suites was enabled on a repository in the organization or enterprise. |
checks.delete_logs | Logs in a check suite were deleted. |
Acción | Descripción |
codespaces.allow_permissions | A codespace using custom permissions from its devcontainer.json file was launched. |
codespaces.connect | Credentials for a codespace were refreshed. |
codespaces.create | A codespace was created |
codespaces.destroy | A user deleted a codespace. |
codespaces.export_environment | A codespace was exported to a branch on GitHub. |
codespaces.restore | A codespace was restored. |
codespaces.start_environment | A codespace was started. |
codespaces.suspend_environment | A codespace was stopped. |
codespaces.trusted_repositories_access_update | A personal account's access and security setting for Codespaces were updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
copilot.cfb_seat_added | A Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise seat was added for a user and they have received access to GitHub Copilot. This can occur as the result of directly assigning a seat for a user, assigning a seat for a team, or setting the organization to allow access for all members. |
copilot.cfb_seat_assignment_created | A Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise seat assignment was newly created for a user or a team, and seats are being created. |
copilot.cfb_seat_assignment_refreshed | A seat assignment that was previously pending cancellation was re-assigned and the user will retain access to Copilot. |
copilot.cfb_seat_assignment_reused | A Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise seat assignment was re-created for a user who already had a seat with no pending cancellation date, and the user will retain access to Copilot. |
copilot.cfb_seat_assignment_unassigned | A user or team's Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise seat assignment was unassigned, and the user(s) will lose access to Copilot at the end of the current billing cycle. |
copilot.cfb_seat_cancelled | A user's Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise seat was canceled, and the user no longer has access to Copilot. |
copilot.cfb_seat_cancelled_by_staff | A user's Copilot Business or Copilot Enterprise seat was canceled manually by GitHub staff, and the user no longer has access to Copilot. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependabot_alerts.disable | Dependabot alerts were disabled for all existing repositories. |
dependabot_alerts.enable | Dependabot alerts were enabled for all existing repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependabot_alerts_new_repos.disable | Dependabot alerts were disabled for all new repositories. |
dependabot_alerts_new_repos.enable | Dependabot alerts were enabled for all new repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependabot_repository_access.repositories_updated | The repositories that Dependabot can access were updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependabot_security_updates.disable | Dependabot security updates were disabled for all existing repositories. |
dependabot_security_updates.enable | Dependabot security updates were enabled for all existing repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependabot_security_updates_new_repos.disable | Dependabot security updates were disabled for all new repositories. |
dependabot_security_updates_new_repos.enable | Dependabot security updates were enabled for all new repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependency_graph.disable | The dependency graph was disabled for all existing repositories. |
dependency_graph.enable | The dependency graph was enabled for all existing repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
dependency_graph_new_repos.disable | The dependency graph was disabled for all new repositories. |
dependency_graph_new_repos.enable | The dependency graph was enabled for all new repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
environment.add_protection_rule | A GitHub Actions deployment protection rule was created via the API. |
environment.create_actions_secret | A secret was created for a GitHub Actions environment. |
environment.create_actions_variable | A variable was created for a GitHub Actions environment. |
environment.delete | An environment was deleted. |
environment.remove_actions_secret | A secret was deleted for a GitHub Actions environment. |
environment.remove_actions_variable | A variable was deleted for a GitHub Actions environment. |
environment.remove_protection_rule | A GitHub Actions deployment protection rule was deleted via the API. |
environment.update_actions_secret | A secret was updated for a GitHub Actions environment. |
environment.update_actions_variable | A variable was updated for a GitHub Actions environment. |
environment.update_protection_rule | A GitHub Actions deployment protection rule was updated via the API. |
Acción | Descripción |
gist.create | A gist was created. |
gist.destroy | A gist was deleted. |
gist.visibility_change | The visibility of a gist was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
git_signing_ssh_public_key.create | An SSH key was added to a user account as a Git commit signing key. |
git_signing_ssh_public_key.delete | An SSH key was removed from a user account as a Git commit signing key. |
Acción | Descripción |
hook.active_changed | A hook's active status was updated. |
hook.config_changed | A hook's configuration was changed. |
hook.create | A new hook was added. |
hook.destroy | A hook was deleted. |
hook.events_changed | A hook's configured events were changed. |
Acción | Descripción |
integration.create | A GitHub App was created. |
integration.destroy | A GitHub App was deleted. |
integration.manager_added | A member of an enterprise or organization was added as a GitHub App manager. |
integration.manager_removed | A member of an enterprise or organization was removed from being a GitHub App manager. |
integration.remove_client_secret | A client secret for a GitHub App was removed. |
integration.revoke_all_tokens | All user tokens for a GitHub App were requested to be revoked. |
integration.revoke_tokens | Token(s) for a GitHub App were revoked. |
integration.suspend | A GitHub App was suspended. |
integration.transfer | Ownership of a GitHub App was transferred to another user or organization. |
integration.unsuspend | A GitHub App was unsuspended. |
Acción | Descripción |
integration_installation.create | A GitHub App was installed. |
integration_installation.destroy | A GitHub App was uninstalled. |
integration_installation.repositories_added | Repositories were added to a GitHub App. |
integration_installation.repositories_removed | Repositories were removed from a GitHub App. |
integration_installation.suspend | A GitHub App was suspended. |
integration_installation.unsuspend | A GitHub App was unsuspended. |
integration_installation.version_updated | Permissions for a GitHub App were updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
marketplace_agreement_signature.create | The GitHub Marketplace Developer Agreement was signed. |
Acción | Descripción |
marketplace_listing.approve | A listing was approved for inclusion in GitHub Marketplace. |
marketplace_listing.change_category | A category for a listing for an app in GitHub Marketplace was changed. |
marketplace_listing.create | A listing for an app in GitHub Marketplace was created. |
marketplace_listing.delist | A listing was removed from GitHub Marketplace. |
marketplace_listing.redraft | A listing was sent back to draft state. |
marketplace_listing.reject | A listing was not accepted for inclusion in GitHub Marketplace. |
Acción | Descripción |
migration.create | A migration file was created for transferring data from a source location (such as a organization or a GitHub Enterprise Server instance) to a target GitHub Enterprise Server instance. |
Acción | Descripción |
oauth_access.create | An OAuth access token was generated. |
oauth_access.destroy | An OAuth access token was deleted. |
oauth_access.regenerate | An OAuth access token was regenerated. |
oauth_access.update | An OAuth access token was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
oauth_application.create | An OAuth application was created. |
oauth_application.destroy | An OAuth application was deleted. |
oauth_application.generate_client_secret | An OAuth application's secret key was generated. |
oauth_application.remove_client_secret | An OAuth application's secret key was deleted. |
oauth_application.reset_secret | The secret key for an OAuth application was reset. |
oauth_application.revoke_all_tokens | All user tokens for an OAuth application were requested to be revoked. |
oauth_application.revoke_tokens | Token(s) for an OAuth application were revoked. |
oauth_application.transfer | An OAuth application was transferred from one account to another. |
Acción | Descripción |
oauth_authorization.create | An authorization for an OAuth application was created. |
oauth_authorization.destroy | An authorization for an OAuth application was deleted. |
oauth_authorization.update | An authorization for an OAuth application was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
org.add_member | A user joined an organization. |
org.add_outside_collaborator | An outside collaborator was added to a repository. |
org.advanced_security_disabled_for_new_repos | GitHub Advanced Security was disabled for new repositories in an organization. |
org.advanced_security_disabled_on_all_repos | GitHub Advanced Security was disabled for all repositories in an organization. |
org.advanced_security_enabled_for_new_repos | GitHub Advanced Security was enabled for new repositories in an organization. |
org.advanced_security_enabled_on_all_repos | GitHub Advanced Security was enabled for all repositories in an organization. |
org.remove_member | A member was removed from an organization, either manually or due to a two-factor authentication requirement. |
org.security_center_export_code_scanning_metrics | A CSV export was requested on the CodeQL pull request alerts page. |
org.security_center_export_coverage | A CSV export was requested on the Coverage page. |
org.security_center_export_overview_dashboard | A CSV export was requested on the Overview Dashboard page. |
org.security_center_export_risk | A CSV export was requested on the Risk page. |
org.set_actions_fork_pr_approvals_policy | The setting for requiring approvals for workflows from public forks was changed for an organization. |
org.set_actions_private_fork_pr_approvals_policy | The policy for requiring approval for fork pull request workflows from collaborators without write access to private repos was changed for an organization. |
org.set_actions_retention_limit | The retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in an organization was changed. |
org.set_default_workflow_permissions | The default permissions granted to the GITHUB_TOKEN when running workflows were changed for an organization. |
org.set_fork_pr_workflows_policy | The policy for workflows on private repository forks was changed. |
org.set_workflow_permission_can_approve_pr | The policy for allowing GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests was changed for an organization. |
org.update_member | A person's role was changed from owner to member or member to owner. |
org.update_member_repository_creation_permission | The create repository permission for organization members was changed. |
org.update_member_repository_invitation_permission | An organization owner changed the policy setting for organization members inviting outside collaborators to repositories. |
Acción | Descripción |
pages_protected_domain.create | A GitHub Pages verified domain was created for an organization or enterprise. |
pages_protected_domain.delete | A GitHub Pages verified domain was deleted from an organization or enterprise. |
pages_protected_domain.verify | A GitHub Pages domain was verified for an organization or enterprise. |
Acción | Descripción |
passkey.register | A new passkey was added. |
passkey.remove | A new passkey was removed. |
Acción | Descripción |
payment_method.create | A new payment method was added, such as a new credit card or PayPal account. |
payment_method.remove | A payment method was removed. |
payment_method.update | An existing payment method was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
personal_access_token.access_granted | A fine-grained personal access token was granted access to resources. |
personal_access_token.access_revoked | A fine-grained personal access token was revoked. The token can still read public organization resources. |
personal_access_token.create | Triggered when you create a fine-grained personal access token. |
personal_access_token.credential_regenerated | Triggered when you regenerate a fine-grained personal access token. |
personal_access_token.credential_revoked | A fine-grained personal access token was revoked by GitHub Advanced Security. |
personal_access_token.destroy | Triggered when you delete a fine-grained personal access token. |
personal_access_token.request_cancelled | A pending request for a fine-grained personal access token to access organization resources was canceled. |
personal_access_token.request_created | Triggered when a fine-grained personal access token was created to access organization resources and the organization requires approval before the token can access organization resources. |
personal_access_token.request_denied | A request for a fine-grained personal access token to access organization resources was denied. |
personal_access_token.update | A fine-grained personal access token was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
profile_picture.update | A profile picture was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
project.access | A project board visibility was changed. |
project.close | A project board was closed. |
project.create | A project board was created. |
project.delete | A project board was deleted. | | A repository was linked to a project board. | | A project board was reopened. |
project.rename | A project board was renamed. |
project.unlink | A repository was unlinked from a project board. |
project.update_org_permission | The project's base-level permission for all organization members was changed or removed. |
project.update_team_permission | A team's project board permission level was changed or when a team was added or removed from a project board. |
project.update_user_permission | A user was added to or removed from a project board or had their permission level changed. |
project.visibility_private | A project's visibility was changed from public to private. |
project.visibility_public | A project's visibility was changed from private to public. |
Acción | Descripción |
project_collaborator.add | A collaborator was added to a project. |
project_collaborator.remove | A collaborator was removed from a project. |
project_collaborator.update | A project collaborator's permission level was changed. |
Acción | Descripción |
project_field.create | A field was created in a project board. |
project_field.delete | A field was deleted in a project board. |
Acción | Descripción |
project_view.create | A view was created in a project board. |
project_view.delete | A view was deleted in a project board. |
Acción | Descripción |
protected_branch.update_merge_queue_enforcement_level | Enforcement of the merge queue was modified for a branch. |
Acción | Descripción |
public_key.create | An SSH key was added to a user account or a deploy key was added to a repository. |
public_key.delete | An SSH key was removed from a user account or a deploy key was removed from a repository. |
public_key.unverification_failure | A user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unable to be unverified. |
public_key.unverify | A user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unverified. |
public_key.update | A user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was updated. |
public_key.verification_failure | A user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was unable to be verified. |
public_key.verify | A user account's SSH key or a repository's deploy key was verified. |
Acción | Descripción |
repo.access | The visibility of a repository changed. |
repo.actions_enabled | GitHub Actions was enabled for a repository. |
repo.add_member | A collaborator was added to a repository. |
repo.add_topic | A topic was added to a repository. |
repo.advanced_security_disabled | GitHub Advanced Security was disabled for a repository. |
repo.advanced_security_enabled | GitHub Advanced Security was enabled for a repository. |
repo.archived | A repository was archived. |
repo.change_merge_setting | Pull request merge options were changed for a repository. |
repo.code_scanning_analysis_deleted | Code scanning analysis for a repository was deleted. |
repo.code_scanning_configuration_for_branch_deleted | A code scanning configuration for a branch of a repository was deleted. |
repo.config.disable_collaborators_only | The interaction limit for collaborators only was disabled. |
repo.config.disable_contributors_only | The interaction limit for prior contributors only was disabled in a repository. |
repo.config.disable_sockpuppet_disallowed | The interaction limit for existing users only was disabled in a repository. |
repo.config.enable_collaborators_only | The interaction limit for collaborators only was enabled in a repository Users that are not collaborators or organization members were unable to interact with a repository for a set duration. |
repo.config.enable_contributors_only | The interaction limit for prior contributors only was enabled in a repository Users that are not prior contributors, collaborators or organization members were unable to interact with a repository for a set duration. |
repo.config.enable_sockpuppet_disallowed | The interaction limit for existing users was enabled in a repository New users aren't able to interact with a repository for a set duration Existing users of the repository, contributors, collaborators or organization members are able to interact with a repository. |
repo.create | A repository was created. |
repo.create_actions_secret | A GitHub Actions secret was created for a repository. |
repo.create_actions_variable | A GitHub Actions variable was created for a repository. |
repo.create_integration_secret | A Codespaces or Dependabot secret was created for a repository. |
repo.destroy | A repository was deleted. |
repo.pages_cname | A GitHub Pages custom domain was modified in a repository. |
repo.pages_create | A GitHub Pages site was created. |
repo.pages_destroy | A GitHub Pages site was deleted. |
repo.pages_https_redirect_disabled | HTTPS redirects were disabled for a GitHub Pages site. |
repo.pages_https_redirect_enabled | HTTPS redirects were enabled for a GitHub Pages site. |
repo.pages_private | A GitHub Pages site visibility was changed to private. |
repo.pages_public | A GitHub Pages site visibility was changed to public. |
repo.pages_soft_delete | A GitHub Pages site was soft-deleted because its owner's plan changed. |
repo.pages_soft_delete_restore | A GitHub Pages site that was previously soft-deleted was restored. |
repo.pages_source | A GitHub Pages source was modified. |
repo.register_self_hosted_runner | A new self-hosted runner was registered. |
repo.remove_actions_secret | A GitHub Actions secret was deleted for a repository. |
repo.remove_actions_variable | A GitHub Actions variable was deleted for a repository. |
repo.remove_integration_secret | A Codespaces or Dependabot secret was deleted for a repository. |
repo.remove_member | A collaborator was removed from a repository. |
repo.remove_self_hosted_runner | A self-hosted runner was removed. |
repo.remove_topic | A topic was removed from a repository. |
repo.rename | A repository was renamed. |
repo.set_actions_fork_pr_approvals_policy | The setting for requiring approvals for workflows from public forks was changed for a repository. |
repo.set_actions_private_fork_pr_approvals_policy | The policy for requiring approval for fork pull request workflows from collaborators without write access to private repos was changed for a repository. |
repo.set_actions_retention_limit | The retention period for GitHub Actions artifacts and logs in a repository was changed. |
repo.set_default_workflow_permissions | The default permissions granted to the GITHUB_TOKEN when running workflows were changed for a repository. |
repo.set_fork_pr_workflows_policy | Triggered when the policy for workflows on private repository forks is changed. |
repo.set_workflow_permission_can_approve_pr | The policy for allowing GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests was changed for a repository. |
repo.staff_unlock | An enterprise owner or GitHub staff (with permission from a repository administrator) temporarily unlocked the repository. |
repo.temporary_access_granted | Temporary access was enabled for a repository. |
repo.transfer | A user accepted a request to receive a transferred repository. |
repo.transfer_outgoing | A repository was transferred to another repository network. |
repo.transfer_start | A user sent a request to transfer a repository to another user or organization. |
repo.unarchived | A repository was unarchived. |
repo.update_actions_access_settings | The setting to control how a repository was used by GitHub Actions workflows in other repositories was changed. |
repo.update_actions_secret | A GitHub Actions secret was updated for a repository. |
repo.update_actions_settings | A repository administrator changed GitHub Actions policy settings for a repository. |
repo.update_actions_variable | A GitHub Actions variable was updated for a repository. |
repo.update_default_branch | The default branch for a repository was changed. |
repo.update_integration_secret | A Codespaces or Dependabot secret was updated for a repository. |
repo.update_member | A user's permission to a repository was changed. |
Acción | Descripción |
repository_image.create | An image to represent a repository was uploaded. |
repository_image.destroy | An image to represent a repository was deleted. |
Acción | Descripción |
repository_invitation.accept | An invitation to join a repository was accepted. |
repository_invitation.cancel | An invitation to join a repository was canceled. |
repository_invitation.create | An invitation to join a repository was sent. |
repository_invitation.reject | An invitation to join a repository was declined. |
Acción | Descripción |
repository_ruleset.create | A repository ruleset was created. |
repository_ruleset.destroy | A repository ruleset was deleted. |
repository_ruleset.update | A repository ruleset was edited. |
Acción | Descripción |
security_key.register | A security key was registered for an account. |
security_key.remove | A security key was removed from an account. |
Acción | Descripción |
sponsors.agreement_sign | A GitHub Sponsors agreement was signed on behalf of an organization. |
sponsors.custom_amount_settings_change | Custom amounts for GitHub Sponsors were enabled or disabled, or the suggested custom amount was changed. |
sponsors.fiscal_host_change | The fiscal host for a GitHub Sponsors listing was updated. |
sponsors.repo_funding_links_file_action | The FUNDING file in a repository was changed. |
sponsors.sponsor_sponsorship_cancel | A sponsorship was canceled. |
sponsors.sponsor_sponsorship_create | A sponsorship was created, by sponsoring an account. |
sponsors.sponsor_sponsorship_payment_complete | After you sponsor an account and a payment has been processed, the sponsorship payment was marked as complete. |
sponsors.sponsor_sponsorship_preference_change | The option to receive email updates from a sponsored account was changed. |
sponsors.sponsor_sponsorship_tier_change | A sponsorship was upgraded or downgraded. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_approve | A GitHub Sponsors account was approved. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_create | A GitHub Sponsors account was created. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_disable | A GitHub Sponsors account was disabled. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_profile_update | The profile for GitHub Sponsors account was edited. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_redraft | A GitHub Sponsors account was returned to draft state from approved state. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_request_approval | An application for GitHub Sponsors was submitted for approval. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_tier_description_update | The description for a sponsorship tier was changed. |
sponsors.sponsored_developer_update_newsletter_send | Triggered when you send an email update to your sponsors. |
sponsors.sponsors_patreon_user_create | A Patreon account was linked to a user account for use with GitHub Sponsors. |
sponsors.sponsors_patreon_user_destroy | A Patreon account for use with GitHub Sponsors was unlinked from a user account. |
sponsors.update_tier_repository | A GitHub Sponsors tier changed access for a repository. |
sponsors.update_tier_welcome_message | The welcome message for a GitHub Sponsors tier for an organization was updated. |
sponsors.waitlist_join | You join the waitlist to join GitHub Sponsors. |
sponsors.withdraw_agreement_signature | A signature was withdrawn from a GitHub Sponsors agreement that applies to an organization. |
Acción | Descripción |
successor_invitation.accept | Triggered when you accept a succession invitation. |
successor_invitation.cancel | Triggered when you cancel a succession invitation. |
successor_invitation.create | Triggered when you create a succession invitation. |
successor_invitation.decline | Triggered when you decline a succession invitation. |
successor_invitation.revoke | Triggered when you revoke a succession invitation. |
Acción | Descripción |
trusted_device.register | A new trusted device was added. |
trusted_device.remove | A trusted device was removed. |
Acción | Descripción |
two_factor_authentication.add_factor | A secondary authentication factor was added to a user account. |
two_factor_authentication.disabled | Two-factor authentication was disabled for a user account. |
two_factor_authentication.enabled | Two-factor authentication was enabled for a user account. |
two_factor_authentication.password_reset_fallback_sms | A one-time password code was sent to a user account fallback phone number. |
two_factor_authentication.recovery_codes_regenerated | Two factor recovery codes were regenerated for a user account. |
two_factor_authentication.remove_factor | A secondary authentication factor was removed from a user account. |
two_factor_authentication.sign_in_fallback_sms | A one-time password code was sent to a user account fallback phone number. |
two_factor_authentication.update_fallback | The two-factor authentication fallback for a user account was changed. |
Acción | Descripción |
user.add_email | An email address was added to a user account. |
user.async_delete | An asynchronous job was started to destroy a user account, eventually triggering a user.delete event. |
user.audit_log_export | Audit log entries were exported. |
user.block_user | A user was blocked by another user. |
user.change_password | A user changed their password. |
user.codespaces_trusted_repo_access_granted | Triggered when you allow the codespaces you create for a repository to access other repositories owned by your personal account. |
user.codespaces_trusted_repo_access_revoked | Triggered when you disallow the codespaces you create for a repository to access other repositories owned by your personal account. |
user.create | A new user account was created. |
user.create_integration_secret | A user secret for Codespaces was created. |
user.creation_rate_limit_exceeded | The rate of creation of user accounts, applications, issues, pull requests or other resources exceeded the configured rate limits, or too many users were followed too quickly. |
user.delete | A user account was destroyed by an asynchronous job. |
user.demote | A site administrator was demoted to an ordinary user account. |
user.destroy | A user deleted his or her account, triggering user.async_delete. |
user.failed_login | A user tried to sign in with an incorrect username, password, or two-factor authentication code. |
user.forgot_password | A user requested a password reset. |
user.hide_private_contributions_count | A user changed the visibility of their private contributions. The number of contributions to private repositories on the user's profile are now hidden. |
user.login | A user signed in. |
user.logout | A user signed out. |
user.new_device_used | A user signed in from a new device. |
user.promote | An ordinary user account was promoted to a site administrator. |
user.recreate | A user's account was restored. |
user.remove_email | An email address was removed from a user account. |
user.remove_integration_secret | A user secret for Codespaces was deleted. |
user.rename | A username was changed. |
user.reset_password | A user reset their account password. |
user.show_private_contributions_count | A user changed the visibility of their private contributions. The number of contributions to private repositories on the user's profile are now shown. |
user.sign_in_from_unrecognized_device | A user signed in from an unrecognized device. |
user.sign_in_from_unrecognized_device_and_location | A user signed in from an unrecognized device and location. |
user.suspend | A user account was suspended. |
user.two_factor_challenge_failure | A 2FA challenge issued for a user account failed. |
user.two_factor_challenge_success | A 2FA challenge issued for a user account succeeded. |
user.two_factor_recover | A user used their 2FA recovery codes. |
user.two_factor_recovery_codes_downloaded | A user downloaded 2FA recovery codes for their account. |
user.two_factor_recovery_codes_printed | A user printed 2FA recovery codes for their account. |
user.two_factor_recovery_codes_viewed | A user viewed 2FA recovery codes for their account. |
user.two_factor_requested | A user was prompted for a two-factor authentication code. |
user.unblock_user | A user was unblocked by another user. |
user.unsuspend | A user account was unsuspended. |
user.update_integration_secret | A user secret for Codespaces was updated. |
Acción | Descripción |
user_email.confirm_claim | An enterprise managed user claimed an email address. |
Acción | Descripción |
user_status.destroy | Triggered when you clear the status on your profile. |
user_status.update | Triggered when you set or change the status on your profile. |
Acción | Descripción |
workflows.approve_workflow_job | A workflow job was approved. |
workflows.delete_workflow_run | A workflow run was deleted. |
workflows.disable_workflow | A workflow was disabled. |
workflows.enable_workflow | A workflow was enabled, after previously being disabled by disable_workflow. |
workflows.pin_workflow | A workflow was pinned. |
workflows.reject_workflow_job | A workflow job was rejected. |
workflows.unpin_workflow | A workflow was unpinned after previously being pinned. |