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Enabling debug logging

If the workflow logs do not provide enough detail to diagnose why a workflow, job, or step is not working as expected, you can enable additional debug logging.

Nota: Actualmente los ejecutores hospedados en GitHub no se admiten en GitHub Enterprise Server. Puede ver más información sobre la compatibilidad futura planeada en GitHub public roadmap.

These extra logs are enabled by setting secrets or variables in the repository containing the workflow, so the same permissions requirements will apply:

  • Para crear secretos o variables en GitHub para el repositorio de una cuenta personal, debe ser propietario del repositorio. Para crear secretos o en GitHub para el repositorio de una organización, debe tener acceso de admin. Por último, para crear secretos o variables para el repositorio de una cuenta personal o el repositorio de una organización a través de la API de REST, es preciso tener acceso de colaborador.
  • Para crear secretos o variables para un entorno en el repositorio de una cuenta personal, debe ser el propietario del repositorio. A fin de crear secretos o variables para un entorno en el repositorio de una organización, debe tener acceso de admin. Para obtener más información sobre los entornos, consulta "Administrar entornos para la implementación".
  • Los propietarios de la organización pueden crear secretos o variables a nivel de organización.

For more information on setting secrets and variables, see "Uso de secretos en Acciones de GitHub" and "variables."

Additionally, anyone who has access to run a workflow can enable runner diagnostic logging and step debug logging for a workflow re-run. For more information, see "Volver a ejecutar flujos de trabajo y jobs."

Enabling runner diagnostic logging

Runner diagnostic logging provides additional log files that contain information about how a runner is executing a job. Two extra log files are added to the log archive:

  • The runner process log, which includes information about coordinating and setting up runners to execute jobs.
  • The worker process log, which logs the execution of a job.
  1. To enable runner diagnostic logging, set the following secret or variable in the repository that contains the workflow: ACTIONS_RUNNER_DEBUG to true. If both the secret and variable are set, the value of the secret takes precedence over the variable.
  2. To download runner diagnostic logs, download the log archive of the workflow run. The runner diagnostic logs are contained in the runner-diagnostic-logs folder. For more information on downloading logs, see "Using workflow run logs."

Enabling step debug logging

Step debug logging increases the verbosity of a job's logs during and after a job's execution.

  1. To enable step debug logging, set the following secret or variable in the repository that contains the workflow: ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true. If both the secret and variable are set, the value of the secret takes precedence over the variable.
  2. After setting the secret or variable, more debug events are shown in the step logs. For more information, see "Using workflow run logs."