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Enterprise Server 3.16 is currently available as a release candidate.

Working with advanced formatting

Formatting like tables, syntax highlighting, and automatic linking allows you to arrange complex information clearly in your pull requests, issues, and comments.

Organizing information with tables

You can build tables to organize information in comments, issues, pull requests, and wikis.

Organizing information with collapsed sections

You can streamline your Markdown by creating a collapsed section with the <details> tag.

Creating and highlighting code blocks

Share samples of code with fenced code blocks and enabling syntax highlighting.

Creating diagrams

Create diagrams to convey information through charts and graphs

Writing mathematical expressions

Use Markdown to display mathematical expressions on GitHub.

Autolinked references and URLs

References to URLs, issues, pull requests, and commits are automatically shortened and converted into links.

Attaching files

You can convey information by attaching a variety of file types to your issues and pull requests.

About task lists

You can use task lists to break the work for an issue or pull request into smaller tasks, then track the full set of work to completion.

Creating a permanent link to a code snippet

You can create a permanent link to a specific line or range of lines of code in a specific version of a file or pull request.

Using keywords in issues and pull requests

Use keywords to link an issue and pull request or to mark an issue or pull request as a duplicate.