Before you leave your company, make sure you update the following information in your personal account:
- Unverify your company email address by deleting it in your Email settings. You can then re-add it without verifying to keep any associated commits linked to your account.
- Change your primary email address from your company email to your personal email.
- Verify your new primary email address.
- Change your GitHub username to remove any references to your company or organization, if necessary.
- If you've enabled two-factor (2FA) authentication for your personal account, make sure that you (not your company) control the 2FA authentication method you have configured. For more information, see Configuring two-factor authentication.
Leaving organizations
If you've been working with repositories that belong to an organization, you'll want to remove yourself as a member of the organization. Note that if you are the organization owner, you should first transfer ownership of the organization to another person.
Unless you're using a managed user account, you'll still be able to access your personal account, even after leaving the organization. For more information about Enterprise Managed Users, see About Enterprise Managed Users in the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.
Removing professional associations with personal repositories
If you've been collaborating professionally with another person on repositories that belong to their personal account, you'll want to remove yourself as a collaborator from those repositories.
- Stop watching repositories related to your work. You won't want those notifications anymore!
- Transfer repositories you own that others may need to continue working on after you leave.
- Delete forks that belong to you that are related to the work you were doing. Don't worry, deleting a fork doesn't delete the upstream repository.
- Delete local copies of your forks that may exist on your computer: