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用户 API 允许获取有关经过验证的用户的公共和私人信息。
- 用户
- Get the authenticated user
- Update the authenticated user
- List users
- Get a user
- Get contextual information for a user
- 电子邮件
- List email addresses for the authenticated user
- Add an email address for the authenticated user
- Delete an email address for the authenticated user
- List public email addresses for the authenticated user
- 关注者
- List followers of the authenticated user
- List the people the authenticated user follows
- Check if a person is followed by the authenticated user
- Follow a user
- Unfollow a user
- List followers of a user
- List the people a user follows
- Check if a user follows another user
- GPG 密钥
- List GPG keys for the authenticated user
- Create a GPG key for the authenticated user
- Get a GPG key for the authenticated user
- Delete a GPG key for the authenticated user
- List GPG keys for a user
- Git SSH 密钥