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About GitHub Pages

You can use GitHub Pages to host a website about yourself, your organization, or your project directly from a repository on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

GitHub Pages 适用于具有 GitHub Free 和组织的 GitHub Free 的公共仓库,以及具有 GitHub Pro、GitHub Team、GitHub Enterprise Cloud 和 GitHub Enterprise Server 的公共和私有仓库。

About GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub Enterprise Server, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website. You can see examples of GitHub Pages sites in the GitHub Pages examples collection.

To get started, see "Creating a GitHub Pages site."

Organization owners can disable the publication of GitHub Pages sites from the organization's repositories. For more information, see "Managing the publication of GitHub Pages sites for your organization."

Types of GitHub Pages sites

There are three types of GitHub Pages sites: project, user, and organization. Project sites are connected to a specific project hosted on GitHub Enterprise Server, such as a JavaScript library or a recipe collection. User and organization sites are connected to a specific account on your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

To publish a user site, you must create a repository owned by your personal account that's named <username>.<hostname>. To publish an organization site, you must create a repository owned by an organization that's named <organization>.<hostname>.

The source files for a project site are stored in the same repository as their project.

You can only create one user or organization site for each account on GitHub Enterprise Server. Project sites, whether owned by an organization or a personal account, are unlimited.

The URL where your site is available depends on whether subdomain isolation is enabled for your GitHub Enterprise Server instance.

Type of siteSubdomain isolation enabledSubdomain isolation disabled
Project site owned by personal accounthttp(s)://pages.<hostname>/<username>/<repository>/http(s)://<hostname>/pages/<username>/<repository>/
Project site owned by organization accounthttp(s)://pages.<hostname>/<orgname>/<repository>/http(s)://<hostname>/pages/<orgname>/<repository>/

For more information, see "Enabling subdomain isolation" or contact your site administrator.

Publishing sources for GitHub Pages sites

警告:如果� 的站点管理员启用了公共页面,GitHub Pages 站点将在 Internet 上公开,即使该站点的存储库是私有的或内部的也是如此。 如果站点的存储库中有敏感数据,� 可能想要在发布前� 除数据。 有关详细信息,请参阅“为企业配置 GitHub Pages”和“关于存储库”。

将更改推送到特定分支时,会发布 GitHub Pages 站点。 可以指定要用作发布源的分支和文件夹。 源分支可以是存储库中的任何分支,源文件夹可以是源分支上的存储库� �目录 (/),也可以是源分支上的 /docs 文件夹。 将更改推送到源分支时,源文件夹中的更改将发布到 GitHub Pages 站点。

For more information, see "Configuring a publishing source for your GitHub Pages site."

Static site generators

GitHub Pages publishes any static files that you push to your repository. You can create your own static files or use a static site generator to build your site for you. You can also customize your own build process locally or on another server.

We recommend Jekyll, a static site generator with built-in support for GitHub Pages and a simplified build process. For more information, see "About GitHub Pages and Jekyll."

GitHub Pages will use Jekyll to build your site by default. If you want to use a static site generator other than Jekyll, disable the Jekyll build process by creating an empty file called .nojekyll in the root of your publishing source, then follow your static site generator's instructions to build your site locally.

GitHub Pages does not support server-side languages such as PHP, Ruby, or Python.

Limits on use of GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is not intended for or allowed to be used as a free web-hosting service to run your online business, e-commerce site, or any other website that is primarily directed at either facilitating commercial transactions or providing commercial software as a service (SaaS). GitHub Pages 站点不应该用于敏感事务,例如发送密� �或信用卡号� �。

In addition, your use of GitHub Pages is subject to the GitHub Terms of Service, including the restrictions on get-rich-quick schemes, sexually obscene content, and violent or threatening content or activity.

Usage limits

GitHub Pages sites are subject to the following usage limits:

  • GitHub Pages source repositories have a recommended limit of 1 GB.
  • Published GitHub Pages sites may be no larger than 1 GB.

MIME types on GitHub Pages

A MIME type is a header that a server sends to a browser, providing information about the nature and format of the files the browser requested. GitHub Pages supports more than 750 MIME types across thousands of file extensions. The list of supported MIME types is generated from the mime-db project.

While you can't specify custom MIME types on a per-file or per-repository basis, you can add or modify MIME types for use on GitHub Pages. For more information, see the mime-db contributing guidelines.

Further reading