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GraphQL 架构变更日志是指最近和即将发生的 GraphQL API 架构变更列表。 其中包括向后兼容变更 和即将发生的重大变更。


重大变更包括会改变现有查询或可能影响客户端运行时行为的变更。 有关中断性变更列表及其发生时间,请参阅我们的中断性变更日志

Schema changes for 2024-07-25

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Field doNotEnforceOnCreate was added to object type RequiredStatusChecksParameters
  • Input field doNotEnforceOnCreate of type Boolean was added to input object type RequiredStatusChecksParametersInput
  • Field doNotEnforceOnCreate was added to object type WorkflowsParameters
  • Input field doNotEnforceOnCreate of type Boolean was added to input object type WorkflowsParametersInput

Schema changes for 2024-07-24

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Type MergeQueueGroupingStrategy was added
  • Type MergeQueueMergeMethod was added
  • Type MergeQueueParameters was added
  • Type MergeQueueParametersInput was added
  • Field viewerCanLabel was added to object type Discussion
  • Field viewerCanLabel was added to object type Issue
  • Field viewerCanLabel was added to interface Labelable
  • Field viewerCanLabel was added to object type PullRequest
  • Member MergeQueueParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
  • Input field mergeQueue of type MergeQueueParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

Schema changes for 2024-07-16

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Field closedByPullRequestsReferences was added to object type Issue

Schema changes for 2024-07-08

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Type 'ProjectV2PermissionLevel' was added
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Issue.projectsV2'
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Organization.projectsV2'
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'ProjectV2Owner.projectsV2'
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'PullRequest.projectsV2'
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Repository.projectsV2'
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'Team.projectsV2'
  • Argument 'minPermissionLevel: ProjectV2PermissionLevel' (with default value) added to field 'User.projectsV2'

Schema changes for 2024-06-27

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

  • Field source was added to object type PropertyTargetDefinition
  • Input field source of type String was added to input object type PropertyTargetDefinitionInput

Schema changes for 2024-06-25

The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member Workflow.hasWorkflowDispatchTrigger:hasWorkflowDispatchTrigger will be removed. Use has_workflow_dispatch_trigger_for_branch(branch_ref) instead. Effective 2024-10-01.
  • Schema changes for 2024-06-21

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type 'ConvertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssueInput' was added
    • Type 'ConvertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssuePayload' was added
    • Type 'CreateProjectV2StatusUpdateInput' was added
    • Type 'CreateProjectV2StatusUpdatePayload' was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2StatusUpdateInput' was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2StatusUpdatePayload' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2StatusOrder' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdate' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateConnection' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateEdge' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateOrderField' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2StatusUpdateStatus' was added
    • Type 'UpdateProjectV2StatusUpdateInput' was added
    • Type 'UpdateProjectV2StatusUpdatePayload' was added
    • Field 'convertProjectV2DraftIssueItemToIssuewas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field 'createProjectV2StatusUpdatewas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field 'deleteProjectV2StatusUpdatewas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field 'updateProjectV2StatusUpdatewas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field statusUpdates was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

    Schema changes for 2024-06-14

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field readme was added to object type Enterprise
    • Field readmeHTML was added to object type Enterprise

    Schema changes for 2024-06-13

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type AcceptEnterpriseMemberInvitationInput was added
    • Type AcceptEnterpriseMemberInvitationPayload was added
    • Type CancelEnterpriseMemberInvitationInput was added
    • Type CancelEnterpriseMemberInvitationPayload was added
    • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitation was added
    • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationConnection was added
    • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationEdge was added
    • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrder was added
    • Type EnterpriseMemberInvitationOrderField was added
    • Type InviteEnterpriseMemberInput was added
    • Type InviteEnterpriseMemberPayload was added
    • Field pendingUnaffiliatedMemberInvitations was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
    • Field acceptEnterpriseMemberInvitation was added to object type Mutation
    • Field cancelEnterpriseMemberInvitation was added to object type Mutation
    • Field inviteEnterpriseMember was added to object type Mutation
    • Field enterpriseMemberInvitation was added to object type Query
    • Field enterpriseMemberInvitationByToken was added to object type Query

    Schema changes for 2024-05-24

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type CopilotEndpoints was added
    • Field copilotEndpoints was added to object type User

    Schema changes for 2024-05-20

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field announcementCreatedAt was added to interface AnnouncementBanner
    • Field announcementCreatedAt was added to object type Enterprise
    • Field announcementCreatedAt was added to object type Organization

    Schema changes for 2024-05-17

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'BRANCH_POLICYwas added to enumDeploymentProtectionRuleType'

    Schema changes for 2024-05-15

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type EnvironmentPinnedFilterField was added
    • Type PinEnvironmentInput was added
    • Type PinEnvironmentPayload was added
    • Type PinnedEnvironment was added
    • Type PinnedEnvironmentConnection was added
    • Type PinnedEnvironmentEdge was added
    • Type PinnedEnvironmentOrder was added
    • Type PinnedEnvironmentOrderField was added
    • Type ReorderEnvironmentInput was added
    • Type ReorderEnvironmentPayload was added
    • Field isPinned was added to object type Environment
    • Field latestCompletedDeployment was added to object type Environment
    • Field pinnedPosition was added to object type Environment
    • Field pinEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
    • Field reorderEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
    • Field pinnedEnvironments was added to object type Repository
    • Argument pinnedEnvironmentFilter: EnvironmentPinnedFilterField (with default value) added to field Repository.environments

    Schema changes for 2024-05-02

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type CodeScanningParameters was added
    • Type CodeScanningParametersInput was added
    • Type CodeScanningTool was added
    • Type CodeScanningToolInput was added
    • Enum value 'CODE_SCANNINGwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Member CodeScanningParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
    • Input field codeScanning of type CodeScanningParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

    Schema changes for 2024-04-27

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field deployKey was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
    • Input field deployKey of type Boolean was added to input object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput

    Schema changes for 2024-04-26

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type FileExtensionRestrictionParameters was added
    • Type FileExtensionRestrictionParametersInput was added
    • Type FilePathRestrictionParameters was added
    • Type FilePathRestrictionParametersInput was added
    • Type MaxFilePathLengthParameters was added
    • Type MaxFilePathLengthParametersInput was added
    • Type MaxFileSizeParameters was added
    • Type MaxFileSizeParametersInput was added
    • Member 'ProjectV2was added to Union typeCloser'
    • Enum value 'FILE_EXTENSION_RESTRICTIONwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'FILE_PATH_RESTRICTIONwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'MAX_FILE_PATH_LENGTHwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'MAX_FILE_SIZEwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value PUSH was added to enum RepositoryRulesetTarget
    • Member FileExtensionRestrictionParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
    • Member FilePathRestrictionParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
    • Member MaxFilePathLengthParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
    • Member MaxFileSizeParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
    • Input field fileExtensionRestriction of type FileExtensionRestrictionParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput
    • Input field filePathRestriction of type FilePathRestrictionParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput
    • Input field maxFilePathLength of type MaxFilePathLengthParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput
    • Input field maxFileSize of type MaxFileSizeParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

    Schema changes for 2024-04-16

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.sourceRepositoryUrl changed type from URI to URI!

    Schema changes for 2024-04-11

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field statusCheckRollup was added to object type PullRequest

    Schema changes for 2024-04-09

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type RepositoryPlanFeatures was added
    • Field planFeatures was added to object type Repository

    Schema changes for 2024-03-12

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'BUY_ME_A_COFFEEwas added to enumFundingPlatform'

    Schema changes for 2024-03-09

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Input field recurring of type Boolean was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipsInput

    Schema changes for 2024-03-08

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value OTECHIE was removed from enum FundingPlatform

    Schema changes for 2024-03-07

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Argument 'names: [String!]' (with default value) added to field Repository.environments

    Schema changes for 2024-03-02

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'RULESET_REQUIRED_SIGNATURESwas removed from enumRepositoryRuleType'

    Schema changes for 2024-02-27

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type 'ProjectV2Item'

    Schema changes for 2024-02-25

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type MarkNotificationAsDoneInput was added
    • Type MarkNotificationAsDonePayload was added
    • Field markNotificationAsDone was added to object type Mutation

    Schema changes for 2024-02-15

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value POLAR was added to enum FundingPlatform

    Schema changes for 2024-02-09

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PullRequest
    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PullRequestReview
    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member PullRequest.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member PullRequestReview.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member PullRequestReviewComment.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Use fullDatabaseId instead. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • Schema changes for 2024-02-07

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field hasSponsorshipsEnabled was added to object type Repository
    • Field hasSponsorshipsEnabled was added to interface RepositoryInfo
    • Input field hasSponsorshipsEnabled of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateRepositoryInput

    Schema changes for 2024-02-01

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field isInMergeQueue was added to object type PullRequest
    • Field isMergeQueueEnabled was added to object type PullRequest
    • Field mergeQueue was added to object type PullRequest
    • Input field countMembersAlreadyRequested of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput
    • Input field includeChildTeamMembers of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput
    • Input field removeTeamRequest of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput

    Schema changes for 2024-01-31

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type PropertyTargetDefinition was added
    • Type PropertyTargetDefinitionInput was added
    • Type RepositoryPropertyConditionTarget was added
    • Type RepositoryPropertyConditionTargetInput was added
    • Field repositoryProperty was added to object type RepositoryRuleConditions
    • Input field repositoryProperty of type RepositoryPropertyConditionTargetInput was added to input object type RepositoryRuleConditionsInput

    Schema changes for 2024-01-27

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field billingEmail was added to object type Enterprise

    Schema changes for 2024-01-25

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValue was added
    • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueConnection was added
    • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueEdge was added
    • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrder was added
    • Type SponsorAndLifetimeValueOrderField was added
    • Field lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues was added to object type Organization
    • Field lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues was added to interface Sponsorable
    • Field lifetimeReceivedSponsorshipValues was added to object type User

    Schema changes for 2024-01-23

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field id was added to object type UnpinIssuePayload

    Schema changes for 2024-01-10

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field Organization.repositories
    • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field Repository.forks
    • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
    • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field Topic.repositories
    • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field User.repositories
    • Argument visibility: RepositoryVisibility added to field User.watching

    Schema changes for 2024-01-09

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type RepositoryRuleOrder was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleOrderField was added
    • Field inviterActor was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
    • Field rules was added to object type Ref

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member OrganizationInvitation.inviter:inviter will be removed. inviter will be replaced by inviterActor. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • Schema changes for 2024-01-01

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Input field changed type from String! to String
    • Input field AcceptTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId changed type from ID! to ID
    • Input field changed type from String! to String
    • Input field DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.reason changed type from TopicSuggestionDeclineReason! to TopicSuggestionDeclineReason
    • Input field DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId changed type from ID! to ID

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member AcceptTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId:repositoryId will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member AcceptTopicSuggestionPayload.topic:topic will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.reason:reason will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionInput.repositoryId:repositoryId will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload.topic:topic will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.NOT_RELEVANT:NOT_RELEVANT will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.PERSONAL_PREFERENCE:PERSONAL_PREFERENCE will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.TOO_GENERAL:TOO_GENERAL will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • On member TopicSuggestionDeclineReason.TOO_SPECIFIC:TOO_SPECIFIC will be removed. Effective 2024-04-01.
  • Schema changes for 2023-11-30

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type CreateUserListInput was added
    • Type CreateUserListPayload was added
    • Type DeleteUserListInput was added
    • Type DeleteUserListPayload was added
    • Type UpdateUserListInput was added
    • Type UpdateUserListPayload was added
    • Type UpdateUserListsForItemInput was added
    • Type UpdateUserListsForItemPayload was added
    • Type UserList was added
    • Type UserListConnection was added
    • Type UserListEdge was added
    • Type UserListItems was added
    • Type UserListItemsConnection was added
    • Type UserListItemsEdge was added
    • Type UserListSuggestion was added
    • Field createUserList was added to object type Mutation
    • Field deleteUserList was added to object type Mutation
    • Field updateUserList was added to object type Mutation
    • Field updateUserListsForItem was added to object type Mutation
    • Field lists was added to object type User
    • Field suggestedListNames was added to object type User

    Schema changes for 2023-11-22

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type UnsubscribeFromNotificationsInput was added
    • Type UnsubscribeFromNotificationsPayload was added
    • Field unsubscribeFromNotifications was added to object type Mutation

    Schema changes for 2023-11-18

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type UpdatePatreonSponsorabilityInput was added
    • Type UpdatePatreonSponsorabilityPayload was added
    • Field updatePatreonSponsorability was added to object type Mutation

    Schema changes for 2023-11-17

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type MemberFeatureRequestNotification was added
    • Field paymentSource was added to object type SponsorsActivity

    Schema changes for 2023-11-14

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type SponsorshipPaymentSource was added
    • Field paymentSource was added to object type Sponsorship

    Schema changes for 2023-11-04

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type AbortRepositoryMigrationInput was added
    • Type AbortRepositoryMigrationPayload was added
    • Field abortRepositoryMigration was added to object type Mutation
    • PullRequestReview object implements Minimizable interface
    • Field isMinimized was added to object type PullRequestReview
    • Field minimizedReason was added to object type PullRequestReview
    • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type PullRequestReview

    Schema changes for 2023-11-01

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'FILE_PATH_PATTERNwas removed from enumRepositoryRuleType'

    Schema changes for 2023-10-23

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field roleName was added to object type PermissionSource

    Schema changes for 2023-10-17

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'TRANSFERRING_OWNERSHIPwas added to enumRepositoryLockReason'

    Schema changes for 2023-10-12

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value NPM was added to enum SocialAccountProvider

    Schema changes for 2023-10-11

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type WorkflowFileReference was added
    • Type WorkflowFileReferenceInput was added
    • Type WorkflowsParameters was added
    • Type WorkflowsParametersInput was added
    • Enum value AUTHORIZATION was added to enum RepositoryRuleType
    • Enum value 'FILE_PATH_PATTERNwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'LOCK_BRANCHwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'MAX_REF_UPDATESwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'MERGE_QUEUEwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'MERGE_QUEUE_LOCKED_REFwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'REQUIRED_REVIEW_THREAD_RESOLUTIONwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'REQUIRED_WORKFLOW_STATUS_CHECKSwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'RULESET_REQUIRED_SIGNATURESwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value 'SECRET_SCANNINGwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Enum value TAG was added to enum RepositoryRuleType
    • Enum value WORKFLOWS was added to enum RepositoryRuleType
    • Enum value 'WORKFLOW_UPDATESwas added to enumRepositoryRuleType'
    • Member WorkflowsParameters was added to Union type RuleParameters
    • Input field workflows of type WorkflowsParametersInput was added to input object type RuleParametersInput

    Schema changes for 2023-10-07

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field preventSelfReview was added to object type DeploymentProtectionRule
    • Input field preventSelfReview of type Boolean was added to input object type UpdateEnvironmentInput

    Schema changes for 2023-09-27

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field issue was added to object type CreateLinkedBranchPayload

    Schema changes for 2023-09-22

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field isAnswered was added to object type Discussion
    • Argument answered: Boolean added to field Repository.discussions

    Schema changes for 2023-09-13

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field repositoryRuleset was added to object type RepositoryRule

    Schema changes for 2023-09-12

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type ContributingGuidelines was added
    • Field contributingGuidelines was added to object type Repository

    Schema changes for 2023-09-12

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field archivedAt was added to object type Organization

    Schema changes for 2023-09-08

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type EnterpriseConnection was added
    • Type EnterpriseEdge was added
    • Type EnterpriseMembershipType was added
    • Type EnterpriseOrder was added
    • Type EnterpriseOrderField was added
    • Field enterprises was added to object type User

    Schema changes for 2023-08-14

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type AddPullRequestReviewThreadReplyInput was added
    • Type AddPullRequestReviewThreadReplyPayload was added
    • Type PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod was added
    • Field githubEnterpriseImporterIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
    • Field addPullRequestReviewThreadReply was added to object type Mutation
    • Input field updateMethod of type PullRequestBranchUpdateMethod was added to input object type UpdatePullRequestBranchInput

    Schema changes for 2023-07-31

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field Organization.repositories
    • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field Repository.forks
    • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
    • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field Topic.repositories
    • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field User.repositories
    • Argument hasIssues: Boolean added to field User.repositoriesContributedTo
    • Argument hasIssuesEnabled: Boolean added to field User.watching

    Schema changes for 2023-07-21

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type SubscribableThread was added
    • Type ThreadSubscriptionFormAction was added
    • Type ThreadSubscriptionState was added
    • Issue object implements SubscribableThread interface
    • Field viewerThreadSubscriptionFormAction was added to object type Issue
    • Field viewerThreadSubscriptionStatus was added to object type Issue

    Schema changes for 2023-07-19

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Argument includePrivate: Boolean (with default value) added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
    • Argument includePrivate: Boolean (with default value) added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
    • Argument includePrivate: Boolean (with default value) added to field User.sponsorsActivities

    Schema changes for 2023-07-13

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type EnvironmentOrderField was added
    • Type Environments was added
    • Argument orderBy: Environments (with default value) added to field Repository.environments

    Schema changes for 2023-07-12

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Member Bot was added to Union type RequestedReviewer

    Schema changes for 2023-07-11

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Argument login: String added to field Organization.mannequins

    Schema changes for 2023-07-10

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type OrgOauthAppAccessBlockedAuditEntry was added
    • Type OrgOauthAppAccessUnblockedAuditEntry was added
    • Type RepositoryIdConditionTarget was added
    • Type RepositoryIdConditionTargetInput was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorBypassMode was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput was added
    • Type RuleBypassMode was removed
    • Input field bypassActors of type '[RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput!]was added to input object typeCreateRepositoryRulesetInput'
    • Input field bypassActorIds was removed from input object type CreateRepositoryRulesetInput
    • Input field bypassMode was removed from input object type CreateRepositoryRulesetInput
    • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.body changed type from String! to String
    • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.discussionId changed type from ID! to ID
    • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionInput.body changed type from String! to String
    • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionInput.teamId changed type from ID! to ID
    • Input field CreateTeamDiscussionInput.title changed type from String! to String
    • Argument isArchived: Boolean added to field Organization.repositories
    • Member OrgOauthAppAccessBlockedAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
    • Member OrgOauthAppAccessUnblockedAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
    • Field color was added to object type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue'
    • Field description was added to object type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue'
    • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue'
    • Field color was added to object type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption'
    • Field description was added to object type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption'
    • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption'
    • Field path was added to object type PullRequestThread
    • Field subjectType was added to object type PullRequestThread
    • Argument isArchived: Boolean added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
    • Field repositoryId was added to object type RepositoryRuleConditions
    • Input field repositoryId of type RepositoryIdConditionTargetInput was added to input object type RepositoryRuleConditionsInput
    • Field bypassMode was removed from object type RepositoryRuleset
    • Field bypassMode was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
    • Field organizationAdmin was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
    • Field repositoryRoleDatabaseId was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
    • Field repositoryRoleName was added to object type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor
    • Field currentPrivacyLevel was added to object type SponsorsActivity
    • Input field bypassActors of type '[RepositoryRulesetBypassActorInput!]was added to input object typeUpdateRepositoryRulesetInput'
    • Input field bypassActorIds was removed from input object type UpdateRepositoryRulesetInput
    • Input field bypassMode was removed from input object type UpdateRepositoryRulesetInput
    • Argument isArchived: Boolean added to field User.repositories

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput.discussionId:discussionId will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload.teamDiscussionComment:teamDiscussionComment will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.private:private will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.teamId:teamId will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member CreateTeamDiscussionPayload.teamDiscussion:teamDiscussion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.authorAssociation:authorAssociation will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.bodyVersion:bodyVersion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.comments:comments will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.commentsResourcePath:commentsResourcePath will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.commentsUrl:commentsUrl will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.isPinned:isPinned will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.isPrivate:isPrivate will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.number:number will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.title:title will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.url:url will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussion.viewerCanPin:viewerCanPin will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.authorAssociation:authorAssociation will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.bodyVersion:bodyVersion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.discussion:discussion will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.number:number will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • On member TeamDiscussionComment.url:url will be removed. Follow the guide at to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2024-07-01.
  • Schema changes for 2023-06-20

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value SWIFT was added to enum DependencyGraphEcosystem
    • Default value for argument includeParents on field Organization.rulesets changed from false to true
    • Argument 'names: [String!]added to fieldProjectV2SingleSelectField.options'
    • Argument includeParents: Boolean (with default value) added to field Repository.ruleset
    • Default value for argument includeParents on field Repository.rulesets changed from false to true
    • Enum value SWIFT was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

    Schema changes for 2023-06-16

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type 'ProjectV2Actor' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2ActorConnection' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2ActorEdge' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2Collaborator' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2Roles' was added
    • Type 'UpdateProjectV2CollaboratorsInput' was added
    • Type 'UpdateProjectV2CollaboratorsPayload' was added
    • Field 'updateProjectV2Collaboratorswas added to object typeMutation'

    Schema changes for 2023-06-13

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type 'MarkProjectV2AsTemplateInput' was added
    • Type 'MarkProjectV2AsTemplatePayload' was added
    • Type 'UnmarkProjectV2AsTemplateInput' was added
    • Type 'UnmarkProjectV2AsTemplatePayload' was added
    • Field 'markProjectV2AsTemplatewas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field 'unmarkProjectV2AsTemplatewas added to object typeMutation'
    • Enum value 'ORGANIZATION_ALWAYSwas added to enumRuleBypassMode'
    • Enum value 'ORGANIZATION_NONEwas added to enumRuleBypassMode'
    • Enum value 'ORGANIZATION_PRS_ONLYwas added to enumRuleBypassMode'

    Schema changes for 2023-06-09

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type WorkflowRunFile was added
    • Field file was added to object type WorkflowRun

    Schema changes for 2023-06-07

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'FAILED_VALIDATIONwas added to enumOrganizationMigrationState'
    • Enum value 'PENDING_VALIDATIONwas added to enumOrganizationMigrationState'

    Schema changes for 2023-06-06

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Issue object implements Deletable interface
    • Field viewerCanDelete was added to object type Issue

    Schema changes for 2023-06-01

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field ruleset was added to object type Organization
    • Field ruleset was added to object type Repository
    • Field createdAt was added to object type RepositoryRuleset
    • Field updatedAt was added to object type RepositoryRuleset

    Schema changes for 2023-05-31

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field warningsCount was added to interface Migration
    • Field warningsCount was added to object type RepositoryMigration

    Schema changes for 2023-04-21

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field changed type from String! to String
    • Field BranchNamePatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
    • Field BranchNamePatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
    • Field changed type from String! to String
    • Field CommitAuthorEmailPatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
    • Field CommitAuthorEmailPatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
    • Field changed type from String! to String
    • Field CommitMessagePatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
    • Field CommitMessagePatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
    • Field changed type from String! to String
    • Field CommitterEmailPatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
    • Field CommitterEmailPatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
    • Field PullRequestParameters.dismissStaleReviewsOnPush changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
    • Field PullRequestParameters.requireCodeOwnerReview changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
    • Field PullRequestParameters.requireLastPushApproval changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
    • Field PullRequestParameters.requiredApprovingReviewCount changed type from Int to Int!
    • Field PullRequestParameters.requiredReviewThreadResolution changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
    • Field RefNameConditionTarget.exclude changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
    • Field RefNameConditionTarget.include changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
    • Field RepositoryNameConditionTarget.exclude changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
    • Field RepositoryNameConditionTarget.include changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
    • Field RequiredDeploymentsParameters.requiredDeploymentEnvironments changed type from '[String!]to[String!]!'
    • Field RequiredStatusChecksParameters.requiredStatusChecks changed type from '[StatusCheckConfiguration!]to[StatusCheckConfiguration!]!'
    • Field RequiredStatusChecksParameters.strictRequiredStatusChecksPolicy changed type from Boolean to Boolean!
    • Field StatusCheckConfiguration.context changed type from String to String!
    • Field StatusCheckConfiguration.integrationId changed type from Int! to Int
    • Field changed type from String! to String
    • Field TagNamePatternParameters.operator changed type from String to String!
    • Field TagNamePatternParameters.pattern changed type from String to String!
    • Field UpdateParameters.updateAllowsFetchAndMerge changed type from Boolean to Boolean!

    Schema changes for 2023-04-20

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field assignees was added to object type IssueTemplate

    Schema changes for 2023-04-19

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field labels was added to object type IssueTemplate
    • Workflow object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
    • Field resourcePath was added to object type Workflow
    • Field url was added to object type Workflow

    Schema changes for 2023-04-18

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type BranchNamePatternParameters was added
    • Type BranchNamePatternParametersInput was added
    • Type BypassActor was added
    • Type CommitAuthorEmailPatternParameters was added
    • Type CommitAuthorEmailPatternParametersInput was added
    • Type CommitMessagePatternParameters was added
    • Type CommitMessagePatternParametersInput was added
    • Type CommitterEmailPatternParameters was added
    • Type CommitterEmailPatternParametersInput was added
    • Type CreateRepositoryRulesetInput was added
    • Type CreateRepositoryRulesetPayload was added
    • Type DeleteRepositoryRulesetInput was added
    • Type DeleteRepositoryRulesetPayload was added
    • Type PullRequestParameters was added
    • Type PullRequestParametersInput was added
    • Type RefNameConditionTarget was added
    • Type RefNameConditionTargetInput was added
    • Type RepositoryNameConditionTarget was added
    • Type RepositoryNameConditionTargetInput was added
    • Type RepositoryRule was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleConditions was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleConditionsInput was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleConnection was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleEdge was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleInput was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleType was added
    • Type RepositoryRuleset was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActor was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorConnection was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetBypassActorEdge was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetConnection was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetEdge was added
    • Type RepositoryRulesetTarget was added
    • Type RequiredDeploymentsParameters was added
    • Type RequiredDeploymentsParametersInput was added
    • Type RequiredStatusChecksParameters was added
    • Type RequiredStatusChecksParametersInput was added
    • Type RuleBypassMode was added
    • Type RuleEnforcement was added
    • Type RuleParameters was added
    • Type RuleParametersInput was added
    • Type RuleSource was added
    • Type StatusCheckConfiguration was added
    • Type StatusCheckConfigurationInput was added
    • Type TagNamePatternParameters was added
    • Type TagNamePatternParametersInput was added
    • Type UpdateParameters was added
    • Type UpdateParametersInput was added
    • Type UpdateRepositoryRulesetInput was added
    • Type UpdateRepositoryRulesetPayload was added
    • Field createRepositoryRuleset was added to object type Mutation
    • Field deleteRepositoryRuleset was added to object type Mutation
    • Field updateRepositoryRuleset was added to object type Mutation
    • Field rulesets was added to object type Organization
    • Field rulesets was added to object type Repository

    Schema changes for 2023-04-14

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type BulkSponsorship was added
    • Type CreateSponsorshipsInput was added
    • Type CreateSponsorshipsPayload was added
    • Field createSponsorships was added to object type Mutation
    • Field autoDismissedAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
    • Enum value 'AUTO_DISMISSEDwas added to enumRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState'
    • Field viaBulkSponsorship was added to object type SponsorsActivity

    Schema changes for 2023-04-13

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type AddedToMergeQueueEvent was added
    • Type DequeuePullRequestInput was added
    • Type DequeuePullRequestPayload was added
    • Type EnqueuePullRequestInput was added
    • Type EnqueuePullRequestPayload was added
    • Type MergeQueue was added
    • Type MergeQueueConfiguration was added
    • Type MergeQueueEntry was added
    • Type MergeQueueEntryConnection was added
    • Type MergeQueueEntryEdge was added
    • Type MergeQueueEntryState was added
    • Type MergeQueueMergingStrategy was added
    • Type RemovedFromMergeQueueEvent was added
    • Field dequeuePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
    • Field enqueuePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
    • Field mergeQueueEntry was added to object type PullRequest
    • Member AddedToMergeQueueEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
    • Member RemovedFromMergeQueueEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
    • Field mergeQueue was added to object type Repository

    Schema changes for 2023-04-11

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field archivedAt was added to object type Repository
    • Field archivedAt was added to interface RepositoryInfo

    Schema changes for 2023-04-08

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type TeamNotificationSetting was added
    • Argument notificationSetting: TeamNotificationSetting added to field Organization.teams
    • Field notificationSetting was added to object type Team

    Schema changes for 2023-04-07

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field fixReason (deprecated) was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

    Schema changes for 2023-04-04

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Input field AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput.line changed type from Int! to Int

    Schema changes for 2023-04-03

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type BigInt was added
    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type Issue
    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type IssueComment
    • Field fullDatabaseId was added to object type PinnedIssue

    Schema changes for 2023-04-01

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value SUCCESS was added to enum DeploymentState

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member Commit.pushedDate:pushedDate will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
  • Schema changes for 2023-03-29

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Input field AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.body changed type from String! to String

    The following changes will be made to the schema:

  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.body:body will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.commitOID:commitOID will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.inReplyTo:inReplyTo will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.path:path will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.position:position will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestId:pullRequestId will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestReviewId:pullRequestReviewId will be removed. use addPullRequestReviewThread or addPullRequestReviewThreadReply instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member AddPullRequestReviewInput.comments:comments will be removed. use the threads argument instead Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member PullRequestReviewComment.originalPosition:originalPosition will be removed. Effective 2023-10-01.
  • On member PullRequestReviewComment.position:position will be removed. Use the line and startLine fields instead, which are file line numbers instead of diff line numbers Effective 2023-10-01.
  • Schema changes for 2023-03-28

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type PullRequestReviewThreadSubjectType was added
    • Input field subjectType was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput
    • Field subjectType was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
    • Field subjectType was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread

    Schema changes for 2023-03-24

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field line was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
    • Field originalLine was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
    • Field originalStartLine was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
    • Field startLine was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

    Schema changes for 2023-03-23

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationMembershipConnection was added
    • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationMembershipEdge was added
    • Type WorkflowState was added
    • Input field CreateMigrationSourceInput.url changed type from String! to String
    • Field enterpriseInstallations was added to object type EnterpriseUserAccount
    • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.accessToken changed type from String! to String
    • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.sourceRepositoryUrl changed type from URI! to URI
    • Field pronouns was added to object type User
    • Field state was added to object type Workflow

    Schema changes for 2023-03-16

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type CloseDiscussionInput was added
    • Type CloseDiscussionPayload was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2WorkflowInput' was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2WorkflowPayload' was added
    • Type DiscussionCloseReason was added
    • Type DiscussionState was added
    • Type DiscussionStateReason was added
    • Type ReopenDiscussionInput was added
    • Type ReopenDiscussionPayload was added
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to interface Closable
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to interface Closable
    • Field stateReason was added to object type Discussion
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Discussion
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Discussion
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Issue
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Issue
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Milestone
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Milestone
    • Field closeDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
    • Field 'deleteProjectV2Workflowwas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field reopenDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
    • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldOrganization.repositoryDiscussions'
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type Project
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type Project
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
    • Field viewerCanClose was added to object type PullRequest
    • Field viewerCanReopen was added to object type PullRequest
    • Field viewerCanUpdateBranch was added to object type PullRequest
    • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldRepository.discussions'
    • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldRepositoryDiscussionAuthor.repositoryDiscussions'
    • Argument 'states: [DiscussionState!]added to fieldUser.repositoryDiscussions'

    Schema changes for 2023-03-11

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Argument login: String added to field Repository.collaborators

    Schema changes for 2023-03-07

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field template was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

    Schema changes for 2023-03-03

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type SocialAccount was added
    • Type SocialAccountConnection was added
    • Type SocialAccountEdge was added
    • Type SocialAccountProvider was added
    • Field socialAccounts was added to object type User

    Schema changes for 2023-03-01

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field requiredDeploymentEnvironments was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
    • Field requiresDeployments was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
    • Input field requiredDeploymentEnvironments was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
    • Input field requiresDeployments was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
    • Input field requiredDeploymentEnvironments was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
    • Input field requiresDeployments was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
    • Field event was added to object type WorkflowRun

    Schema changes for 2023-02-24

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Input field expectedHeadOid was added to input object type EnablePullRequestAutoMergeInput

    Schema changes for 2023-02-22

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type 'CreateProjectV2FieldInput' was added
    • Type 'CreateProjectV2FieldPayload' was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2FieldInput' was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2FieldPayload' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2CustomFieldType' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionColor' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOptionInput' was added
    • Field 'createProjectV2Fieldwas added to object typeMutation'
    • Field 'deleteProjectV2Fieldwas added to object typeMutation'

    Schema changes for 2023-02-16

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Enum value 'ROADMAP_LAYOUTwas added to enumProjectV2ViewLayout'

    Schema changes for 2023-02-15

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Field vulnerabilityAlert was added to object type Repository

    Schema changes for 2023-02-11

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2Input' was added
    • Type 'DeleteProjectV2Payload' was added
    • Field 'deleteProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'

    Schema changes for 2023-02-09

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

    • Type 'ProjectV2Workflow' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowConnection' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowEdge' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowOrder' was added
    • Type 'ProjectV2WorkflowsOrderField' was added
    • Field workflow was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
    • Field workflows was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

    Schema changes for 2023-02-08

    The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

      The following changes will be made to the schema:

    • On member MergeQueueEntry.baseOid:baseOid will be removed. Use baseCommit instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
    • On member MergeQueueEntry.headOid:headOid will be removed. Use headCommit instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
    • Schema changes for 2023-02-07

      The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        The following changes will be made to the schema:

      • On member MergeQueue.headOid:headOid will be removed. Use entry.headOid instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueue.mergeMethod:mergeMethod will be removed. Use configuration.merge_method instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueue.mergingEntries:mergingEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueue.pendingRemovalEntries:pendingRemovalEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueueEntry.blockedByMergeConflicts:blockedByMergeConflicts will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueueEntry.checkStatus:checkStatus will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueueEntry.hasJumpedQueue:hasJumpedQueue will be removed. Use jump instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • On member MergeQueueEntry.isSolo:isSolo will be removed. Use solo instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
      • Schema changes for 2023-02-05

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Type 'CopyProjectV2Input' was added
        • Type 'CopyProjectV2Payload' was added
        • Field 'copyProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'

        Schema changes for 2023-02-03

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

        • Discussion object implements Closable interface
        • Field closed was added to object type Discussion
        • Field closedAt was added to object type Discussion

        Schema changes for 2023-02-01

        The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member ProjectV2ItemFieldGroup.field:field will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2ItemFieldGroup#groupByField API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • Schema changes for 2023-01-31

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type AnnouncementBanner was added
          • Type EnterpriseFailedInvitationConnection was added
          • Type EnterpriseFailedInvitationEdge was added
          • Type OrganizationInvitationSource was added
          • Enterprise object implements AnnouncementBanner interface
          • Field announcement was added to object type Enterprise
          • Field announcementExpiresAt was added to object type Enterprise
          • Field announcementUserDismissible was added to object type Enterprise
          • Field failedInvitations was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
          • Argument invitationSource: OrganizationInvitationSource added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingMemberInvitations
          • Organization object implements AnnouncementBanner interface
          • Field announcement was added to object type Organization
          • Field announcementExpiresAt was added to object type Organization
          • Field announcementUserDismissible was added to object type Organization
          • Field invitationSource was added to object type OrganizationInvitation

          Schema changes for 2023-01-28

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type RemoveEnterpriseMemberInput was added
          • Type RemoveEnterpriseMemberPayload was added
          • Field removeEnterpriseMember was added to object type Mutation

          Schema changes for 2023-01-27

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type RevertPullRequestInput was added
          • Type RevertPullRequestPayload was added
          • Field revertPullRequest was added to object type Mutation

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member MergeQueue.headOid:headOid will be removed. Use entry.headOid instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueue.mergeMethod:mergeMethod will be removed. Use configuration.merge_method instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueue.mergingEntries:mergingEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueue.pendingRemovalEntries:pendingRemovalEntries will be removed. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueueEntry.blockedByMergeConflicts:blockedByMergeConflicts will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueueEntry.checkStatus:checkStatus will be removed. Use state instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueueEntry.hasJumpedQueue:hasJumpedQueue will be removed. Use jump instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • On member MergeQueueEntry.isSolo:isSolo will be removed. Use solo instead. Effective 2023-07-01.
        • Schema changes for 2023-01-19

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Argument orderBy: OrganizationOrder added to field OrganizationsHovercardContext.relevantOrganizations
          • Argument orderBy: OrganizationOrder added to field User.organizations

          Schema changes for 2023-01-18

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type AddProjectDraftIssueInput was removed
          • Type AddProjectDraftIssuePayload was removed
          • Type AddProjectNextItemInput was removed
          • Type AddProjectNextItemPayload was removed
          • Type DeleteProjectNextItemInput was removed
          • Type DeleteProjectNextItemPayload was removed
          • Type ProjectItemType was removed
          • Type ProjectNext was removed
          • Type ProjectNextConnection was removed
          • Type ProjectNextEdge was removed
          • Type ProjectNextField was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldCommon was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConfiguration was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationConnection was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationEdge was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConnection was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldEdge was removed
          • Type ProjectNextFieldType was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItem was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItemConnection was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItemContent was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItemEdge was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValue was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueConnection was removed
          • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueEdge was removed
          • Type ProjectNextIterationField was removed
          • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration was removed
          • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration was removed
          • Type ProjectNextOrderField was removed
          • Type ProjectNextOwner was removed
          • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectField was removed
          • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption was removed
          • Type ProjectView was removed
          • Type ProjectViewConnection was removed
          • Type ProjectViewEdge was removed
          • Type ProjectViewLayout was removed
          • Type SortBy was removed
          • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssueInput was removed
          • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssuePayload was removed
          • Type UpdateProjectNextInput was removed
          • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput was removed
          • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload was removed
          • Type UpdateProjectNextPayload was removed
          • Field project was removed from object type DraftIssue
          • Field projectItem was removed from object type DraftIssue
          • Issue object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
          • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Issue
          • Field projectNextItems was removed from object type Issue
          • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Issue
          • Field addProjectDraftIssue (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
          • Field addProjectNextItem (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
          • Field deleteProjectNextItem (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
          • Field updateProjectDraftIssue (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
          • Field updateProjectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
          • Field updateProjectNextItemField (deprecated) was removed from object type Mutation
          • Organization object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
          • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Organization
          • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Organization
          • PullRequest object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
          • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type PullRequest
          • Field projectNextItems (deprecated) was removed from object type PullRequest
          • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type PullRequest
          • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Repository
          • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type Repository
          • User object type no longer implements ProjectNextOwner interface
          • Field projectNext (deprecated) was removed from object type User
          • Field projectsNext (deprecated) was removed from object type User

          Schema changes for 2023-01-15

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Argument includeUnpublished: Boolean added to field SponsorsListing.tiers

          Schema changes for 2023-01-10

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type OrganizationMigration was added
          • Type OrganizationMigrationState was added
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConfiguration was added
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationConnection was added
          • Type ProjectNextFieldConfigurationEdge was added
          • Type ProjectNextIterationField was added
          • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration was added
          • Type ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration was added
          • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectField was added
          • Type ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption was added
          • Type PublishSponsorsTierInput was added
          • Type PublishSponsorsTierPayload was added
          • Type RetireSponsorsTierInput was added
          • Type RetireSponsorsTierPayload was added
          • Type StartOrganizationMigrationInput was added
          • Type StartOrganizationMigrationPayload was added
          • Type StripeConnectAccount was added
          • Field reactionGroups was added to object type AddReactionPayload
          • Input field headRepositoryId was added to input object type CreatePullRequestInput
          • Field publishSponsorsTier was added to object type Mutation
          • Field retireSponsorsTier was added to object type Mutation
          • Field startOrganizationMigration was added to object type Mutation
          • Field totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents was added to object type Organization
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipsAsMaintainer
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorshipsAsSponsor
          • Field fieldConstraints was added to object type ProjectNext
          • Field projectFieldConstraint was added to object type ProjectNextItemFieldValue
          • Field reactionGroups was added to object type RemoveReactionPayload
          • Field hasVulnerabilityAlertsEnabled was added to object type Repository
          • Field totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents was added to interface Sponsorable
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipsAsMaintainer
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorshipsAsSponsor
          • Field activeStripeConnectAccount was added to object type SponsorsListing
          • Field isActive was added to object type Sponsorship
          • Field author was added to object type SponsorshipNewsletter
          • Input field fieldConstraintId was added to input object type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput
          • Input field fieldWithSettingId was added to input object type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput
          • Field totalSponsorshipAmountAsSponsorInCents was added to object type User
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipsAsMaintainer
          • Argument activeOnly: Boolean added to field User.sponsorshipsAsSponsor

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member PackageType.RUBYGEMS:RUBYGEMS will be removed. Effective 2022-12-28.
        • On member PackageType.MAVEN:MAVEN will be removed. Effective 2023-02-10.
        • Schema changes for 2022-12-09

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type Claimable was added
          • Type CreateAttributionInvitationInput was added
          • Type CreateAttributionInvitationPayload was added
          • Type CreateSponsorsListingInput was added
          • Type CreateSponsorsListingPayload was added
          • Type MannequinConnection was added
          • Type MannequinEdge was added
          • Type MannequinOrder was added
          • Type MannequinOrderField was added
          • Type SponsorsCountryOrRegionCode was added
          • Field createAttributionInvitation was added to object type Mutation
          • Field createSponsorsListing was added to object type Mutation
          • Field mannequins was added to object type Organization
          • Field isDraft was added to object type SponsorsTierAdminInfo
          • Field isPublished was added to object type SponsorsTierAdminInfo
          • Field isRetired was added to object type SponsorsTierAdminInfo

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixReason:fixReason will be removed. Effective 2023-04-01.
        • Schema changes for 2022-12-07

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field fiscalHost was added to object type SponsorsListing
          • WorkflowRun object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member PackageType.NPM:NPM will be removed. Effective 2022-11-21.
        • On member PackageType.NUGET:NUGET will be removed. Effective 2022-11-21.
        • Schema changes for 2022-12-02

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type SponsorsListingFeatureableItem was added
          • Field featureable was added to object type SponsorsListingFeaturedItem

          Schema changes for 2022-12-01

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field totalCommentsCount was added to object type PullRequest

          Schema changes for 2022-11-29

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Enum value 'TRADE_RESTRICTIONwas added to enumRepositoryLockReason'

          Schema changes for 2022-11-24

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type AddEnterpriseOrganizationMemberInput was added
          • Type AddEnterpriseOrganizationMemberPayload was added
          • Field addEnterpriseOrganizationMember was added to object type Mutation

          Schema changes for 2022-11-18

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type SponsorsListingFeaturedItem was added
          • Type SponsorsListingFeaturedItemFeatureableType was added
          • Field featuredItems was added to object type SponsorsListing

          Schema changes for 2022-11-17

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Argument includeAsSponsor: Boolean added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument includeAsSponsor: Boolean added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument includeAsSponsor: Boolean added to field User.sponsorsActivities

          Schema changes for 2022-11-16

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type TransferEnterpriseOrganizationInput was added
          • Type TransferEnterpriseOrganizationPayload was added
          • Field transferEnterpriseOrganization was added to object type Mutation
          • Argument 'maintainerLogins: [String!]added to fieldOrganization.sponsorshipsAsSponsor'
          • Argument 'maintainerLogins: [String!]added to fieldSponsorable.sponsorshipsAsSponsor'
          • Field contactEmailAddress was added to object type SponsorsListing
          • Field nameRaw was added to object type Submodule
          • Field pathRaw was added to object type Submodule
          • Field nameRaw was added to object type TreeEntry
          • Field pathRaw was added to object type TreeEntry
          • Argument 'maintainerLogins: [String!]added to fieldUser.sponsorshipsAsSponsor'

          Schema changes for 2022-11-15

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Input field teamId was added to input object type 'CreateProjectV2Input'
          • Field billingCountryOrRegion was added to object type SponsorsListing
          • Field residenceCountryOrRegion was added to object type SponsorsListing

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member Repository.squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault:squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault will be removed. Use Repository.squashMergeCommitTitle instead. Effective 2023-04-01.
        • Schema changes for 2022-11-12

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Input field repositoryId was added to input object type 'CreateProjectV2Input'

          Schema changes for 2022-11-11

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToTeamInput' was added
          • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToTeamPayload' was added
          • Type 'ProjectV2Filters' was added
          • Type 'ProjectV2State' was added
          • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromTeamInput' was added
          • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromTeamPayload' was added
          • Field 'linkProjectV2ToTeamwas added to object typeMutation'
          • Field 'unlinkProjectV2FromTeamwas added to object typeMutation'
          • Argument 'filterBy: ProjectV2Filtersadded to fieldTeam.projectsV2'
          • Argument query: String added to field 'Team.projectsV2'

          Schema changes for 2022-11-10

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Argument since: DateTime added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument until: DateTime added to field Organization.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument since: DateTime added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument until: DateTime added to field Sponsorable.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument since: DateTime added to field User.sponsorsActivities
          • Argument until: DateTime added to field User.sponsorsActivities

          Schema changes for 2022-11-05

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field hasDiscussionsEnabled was added to interface RepositoryInfo

          Schema changes for 2022-11-02

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type 'ArchiveProjectV2ItemInput' was added
          • Type 'ArchiveProjectV2ItemPayload' was added
          • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToRepositoryInput' was added
          • Type 'LinkProjectV2ToRepositoryPayload' was added
          • Type 'UnarchiveProjectV2ItemInput' was added
          • Type 'UnarchiveProjectV2ItemPayload' was added
          • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromRepositoryInput' was added
          • Type 'UnlinkProjectV2FromRepositoryPayload' was added
          • Field lockAllowsFetchAndMerge was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
          • Field lockBranch was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
          • Field requireLastPushApproval was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
          • Input field lockAllowsFetchAndMerge was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
          • Input field lockBranch was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
          • Input field requireLastPushApproval was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
          • Field 'archiveProjectV2Itemwas added to object typeMutation'
          • Field 'linkProjectV2ToRepositorywas added to object typeMutation'
          • Field 'unarchiveProjectV2Itemwas added to object typeMutation'
          • Field 'unlinkProjectV2FromRepositorywas added to object typeMutation'
          • Enum value 'TRACKED_BYwas added to enumProjectNextFieldType'
          • Enum value 'TRACKED_BYwas added to enumProjectV2FieldType'
          • Field hasDiscussionsEnabled was added to object type Repository
          • Input field lockAllowsFetchAndMerge was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
          • Input field lockBranch was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
          • Input field requireLastPushApproval was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
          • Input field hasDiscussionsEnabled was added to input object type UpdateRepositoryInput

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKED_BY:TRACKED_BY will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
        • Schema changes for 2022-10-24

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field filename was added to object type IssueTemplate

          Schema changes for 2022-10-21

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field teams was added to object type 'ProjectV2'
          • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeTeam'
          • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeTeam'

          Schema changes for 2022-10-19

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field language was added to object type TreeEntry

          Schema changes for 2022-10-18

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type Comparison was added
          • Type ComparisonCommitConnection was added
          • Type ComparisonStatus was added
          • Type 'ProjectV2SortByField' was added
          • Type 'ProjectV2SortByFieldConnection' was added
          • Type 'ProjectV2SortByFieldEdge' was added
          • Field sortByFields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
          • Field verticalGroupByFields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
          • Field compare was added to object type Ref

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member ProjectV2View.sortBy:sortBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#sort_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-04-01.
        • On member ProjectV2View.verticalGroupBy:verticalGroupBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#vertical_group_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-04-01.
        • Schema changes for 2022-10-07

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Enum value PUB was added to enum DependencyGraphEcosystem
          • Field groupByFields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
          • Enum value PUB was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

          The following changes will be made to the schema:

        • On member ProjectV2View.groupBy:groupBy will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#group_by_fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-04-01.
        • Schema changes for 2022-10-03

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Type CreateLinkedBranchInput was added
          • Type CreateLinkedBranchPayload was added
          • Type DeleteLinkedBranchInput was added
          • Type DeleteLinkedBranchPayload was added
          • Type LinkedBranch was added
          • Type LinkedBranchConnection was added
          • Type LinkedBranchEdge was added
          • Field linkedBranches was added to object type Issue
          • Field createLinkedBranch was added to object type Mutation
          • Field deleteLinkedBranch was added to object type Mutation

          Schema changes for 2022-09-30

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

          • Field view was added to object type 'ProjectV2'

          Schema changes for 2022-09-28

          The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            The following changes will be made to the schema:

          • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.assigneeIds:assigneeIds will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectDraftIssuePayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.contentId:contentId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member AddProjectNextItemPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member DeleteProjectNextItemPayload.deletedItemId:deletedItemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Issue.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Issue.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Mutation.addProjectDraftIssue:addProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Mutation.addProjectNextItem:addProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Mutation.deleteProjectNextItem:deleteProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Mutation.updateProjectDraftIssue:updateProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Mutation.updateProjectNext:updateProjectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Mutation.updateProjectNextItemField:updateProjectNextItemField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Organization.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Organization.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Organization.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.defaultView:defaultView will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.fieldConstraints:fieldConstraints will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.fields:fields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.owner:owner will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.repositories:repositories will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.url:url will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNext.views:views will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ASSIGNEES:ASSIGNEES will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.DATE:DATE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ITERATION:ITERATION will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LABELS:LABELS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS:LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.MILESTONE:MILESTONE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REPOSITORY:REPOSITORY will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REVIEWERS:REVIEWERS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.SINGLE_SELECT:SINGLE_SELECT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TEXT:TEXT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKS:TRACKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.content:content will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.fieldValues:fieldValues will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.isArchived:isArchived will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.type:type will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItem.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectField:projectField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectFieldConstraint:projectFieldConstraint will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectItem:projectItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.configuration:configuration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.completedIterations:completedIterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.iterations:iterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.startDay:startDay will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.startDate:startDate will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.titleHTML:titleHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextOrderField.CREATED_AT:CREATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextOrderField.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextOrderField.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextOrderField.UPDATED_AT:UPDATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextRecent.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.options:options will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption.nameHTML:nameHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.filter:filter will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.groupBy:groupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.groupedItems:groupedItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.layout:layout will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.sortBy:sortBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.verticalGroupBy:verticalGroupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member ProjectView.visibleFields:visibleFields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member PullRequest.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member PullRequest.projectNextItems:projectNextItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member PullRequest.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Repository.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Repository.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member Repository.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldConstraintId:fieldConstraintId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldId:fieldId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member UpdateProjectNextPayload.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member User.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member User.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • On member User.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • Schema changes for 2022-09-27

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Field dashboardResourcePath was added to object type SponsorsListing
            • Field dashboardUrl was added to object type SponsorsListing
            • Field resourcePath was added to object type SponsorsListing
            • Field url was added to object type SponsorsListing

            Schema changes for 2022-09-22

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Field databaseId was added to interface Migration
            • Field databaseId was added to object type RepositoryMigration

            Schema changes for 2022-09-16

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Type 'ClearProjectV2ItemFieldValueInput' was added
            • Type 'ClearProjectV2ItemFieldValuePayload' was added
            • Field pullRequestReviewComment was added to object type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentPayload
            • Argument hasTwoFactorEnabled: Boolean added to field Enterprise.members
            • Argument hasTwoFactorEnabled: Boolean added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.admins
            • Field 'clearProjectV2ItemFieldValuewas added to object typeMutation'

            Schema changes for 2022-09-15

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Type CheckRunState was added
            • Type CheckRunStateCount was added
            • Type StatusContextStateCount was added
            • Field fields was added to object type 'ProjectV2View'
            • Field checkRunCount was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection
            • Field checkRunCountsByState was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection
            • Field statusContextCount was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection
            • Field statusContextCountsByState was added to object type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection

            The following changes will be made to the schema:

          • On member ProjectV2View.visibleFields:visibleFields will be removed. Check out the ProjectV2View#fields API as an example for the more capable alternative. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • Schema changes for 2022-09-14

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Field diffSide was added to object type PullRequestThread
            • Field line was added to object type PullRequestThread
            • Field startDiffSide was added to object type PullRequestThread
            • Field startLine was added to object type PullRequestThread

            Schema changes for 2022-09-08

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Type EnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingPolicyValue was added
            • Field changedFilesIfAvailable was added to object type Commit
            • Field allowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPolicyValue was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
            • Input field policyValue was added to input object type UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput

            The following changes will be made to the schema:

          • On member Commit.changedFiles:changedFiles will be removed. Use changedFilesIfAvailable instead. Effective 2023-01-01.
          • Schema changes for 2022-09-07

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Type SshSignature was added
            • Type WorkflowRunConnection was added
            • Type WorkflowRunEdge was added
            • Type WorkflowRunOrder was added
            • Type WorkflowRunOrderField was added
            • Input field conclusions was added to input object type CheckRunFilter
            • Input field statuses was added to input object type CheckRunFilter
            • Field runs was added to object type Workflow

            Schema changes for 2022-09-01

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Type MergeCommitMessage was added
            • Type MergeCommitTitle was added
            • Type SquashMergeCommitMessage was added
            • Type SquashMergeCommitTitle was added
            • Field mergeCommitMessage was added to object type Repository
            • Field mergeCommitTitle was added to object type Repository
            • Field squashMergeCommitMessage was added to object type Repository
            • Field squashMergeCommitTitle was added to object type Repository

            Schema changes for 2022-08-26

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Enum value GITHUB was removed from enum MigrationSourceType
            • Enum value GITLAB was removed from enum MigrationSourceType

            Schema changes for 2022-08-24

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

            • Input field createLabelsIfMissing was added to input object type TransferIssueInput

            Schema changes for 2022-08-22

            The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectView.groupedItems:groupedItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-08-19

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type UpdateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSettingInput was added
              • Type UpdateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSettingPayload was added
              • Type UpdateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSettingInput was added
              • Type UpdateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSettingPayload was added
              • Enum value UNAFFILIATED was added to enum EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole
              • Field updateOrganizationWebCommitSignoffSetting was added to object type Mutation
              • Field updateRepositoryWebCommitSignoffSetting was added to object type Mutation
              • Field webCommitSignoffRequired was added to object type Organization
              • Enum value TRACKS was added to enum ProjectNextFieldType
              • Enum value TASKS (deprecated) was removed from enum ProjectNextFieldType
              • Enum value TRACKS was added to enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'
              • Enum value TASKS was removed from enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'
              • Field webCommitSignoffRequired was added to object type Repository
              • Field dismissComment was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
              • Input field lockSource was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKS:TRACKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-08-16

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field slug was added to object type DiscussionCategory
              • Field discussionCategory was added to object type Repository

              Schema changes for 2022-08-11

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Input field targetRepoVisibility was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

              Schema changes for 2022-08-06

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Enum value TASKS was added to enum ProjectNextFieldType
              • Enum value TRACKS (deprecated) was removed from enum ProjectNextFieldType
              • Enum value TASKS was added to enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'
              • Enum value TRACKS was removed from enum 'ProjectV2FieldType'

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TASKS:TASKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-08-04

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Enum value ACTIONS was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

              Schema changes for 2022-08-03

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field size was added to object type TreeEntry

              Schema changes for 2022-08-02

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field fieldValueByName was added to object type 'ProjectV2Item'

              Schema changes for 2022-07-28

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type PullRequestThread was added

              Schema changes for 2022-07-23

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Field fieldValueByName was removed from object type 'ProjectV2Item'

              Schema changes for 2022-07-22

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Argument 'actions: [SponsorsActivityAction!]added to fieldOrganization.sponsorsActivities'
              • Field fieldValueByName was added to object type 'ProjectV2Item'
              • Argument 'actions: [SponsorsActivityAction!]added to fieldSponsorable.sponsorsActivities'
              • Argument 'actions: [SponsorsActivityAction!]added to fieldUser.sponsorsActivities'

              Schema changes for 2022-07-19

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type EnterpriseUserAccountConnection was removed
              • Type EnterpriseUserAccountEdge was removed
              • Field userAccounts (deprecated) was removed from object type Enterprise
              • Field items was removed from object type 'ProjectV2View'
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2View.groupBy'
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2View.verticalGroupBy'
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2View.visibleFields'
              • Field items (deprecated) was removed from object type ProjectView

              Schema changes for 2022-07-14

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrder' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderField' was added
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2ItemFieldValueOrderadded to fieldProjectV2Item.fieldValues'
              • Argument orderBy: PullRequestOrder added to field 'ProjectV2ItemFieldPullRequestValue.pullRequests'

              Schema changes for 2022-07-11

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldOrder' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldOrderField' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemOrder' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemOrderField' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ViewOrder' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ViewOrderField' was added
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2FieldOrderadded to fieldProjectV2.fields'
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2ItemOrderadded to fieldProjectV2.items'
              • Argument orderBy: RepositoryOrder added to field 'ProjectV2.repositories'
              • Argument 'orderBy: ProjectV2ViewOrderadded to fieldProjectV2.views'

              Schema changes for 2022-06-29

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope was added
              • Argument 'dependencyScopes: [RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertDependencyScope!]added to fieldRepository.vulnerabilityAlerts'
              • Field dependencyScope was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
              • Enum value ERLANG was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

              Schema changes for 2022-06-24

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Input field AddProjectDraftIssueInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field AddProjectDraftIssueInput.title changed type from String! to String
              • Input field AddProjectNextItemInput.contentId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field AddProjectNextItemInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field DeleteProjectNextItemInput.itemId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field DeleteProjectNextItemInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field UpdateProjectNextInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.itemId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.projectId changed type from ID! to ID
              • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.value changed type from String! to String

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.assigneeIds:assigneeIds will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.body:body will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectDraftIssueInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectDraftIssuePayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.contentId:contentId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member AddProjectNextItemPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member DeleteProjectNextItemInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member DeleteProjectNextItemPayload.deletedItemId:deletedItemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Issue.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Issue.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member LockMergeQueueInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member MergeLockedMergeGroupInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Mutation.addProjectDraftIssue:addProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Mutation.addProjectNextItem:addProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Mutation.deleteProjectNextItem:deleteProjectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Mutation.updateProjectDraftIssue:updateProjectDraftIssue will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Mutation.updateProjectNext:updateProjectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Mutation.updateProjectNextItemField:updateProjectNextItemField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Organization.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Organization.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Organization.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.defaultView:defaultView will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.fieldConstraints:fieldConstraints will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.fields:fields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.owner:owner will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.repositories:repositories will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.resourcePath:resourcePath will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.url:url will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNext.views:views will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldCommon.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ASSIGNEES:ASSIGNEES will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.DATE:DATE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.ITERATION:ITERATION will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LABELS:LABELS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS:LINKED_PULL_REQUESTS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.MILESTONE:MILESTONE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REPOSITORY:REPOSITORY will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.REVIEWERS:REVIEWERS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.SINGLE_SELECT:SINGLE_SELECT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TEXT:TEXT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextFieldType.TRACKS:TRACKS will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.content:content will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.fieldValues:fieldValues will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.isArchived:isArchived will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.type:type will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItem.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.creator:creator will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectField:projectField will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectFieldConstraint:projectFieldConstraint will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.projectItem:projectItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextItemFieldValue.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.configuration:configuration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.completedIterations:completedIterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.iterations:iterations will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldConfiguration.startDay:startDay will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.duration:duration will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.startDate:startDate will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextIterationFieldIteration.titleHTML:titleHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextOrderField.CREATED_AT:CREATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextOrderField.NUMBER:NUMBER will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextOrderField.TITLE:TITLE will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextOrderField.UPDATED_AT:UPDATED_AT will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextRecent.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.dataType:dataType will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.options:options will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.settings:settings will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectField.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectNextSingleSelectFieldOption.nameHTML:nameHtml will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.createdAt:createdAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.databaseId:databaseId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.filter:filter will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.groupBy:groupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.items:items will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.layout:layout will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.number:number will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.project:project will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.sortBy:sortBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.updatedAt:updatedAt will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.verticalGroupBy:verticalGroupBy will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member ProjectView.visibleFields:visibleFields will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member PullRequest.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member PullRequest.projectNextItems:projectNextItems will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member PullRequest.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Repository.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Repository.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member Repository.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UnlockAndResetMergeGroupInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.closed:closed will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.description:description will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.projectId:projectId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.public:public will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.shortDescription:shortDescription will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextInput.title:title will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldConstraintId:fieldConstraintId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldId:fieldId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.itemId:itemId will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.value:value will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload.projectNextItem:projectNextItem will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member UpdateProjectNextPayload.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member User.projectNext:projectNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member User.projectsNext:projectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • On member User.recentProjectsNext:recentProjectsNext will be removed. Follow the ProjectV2 guide at, to find a suitable replacement. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-06-23

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

              • Type AddDiscussionPollVoteInput was added
              • Type AddDiscussionPollVotePayload was added
              • Type 'AddProjectV2DraftIssueInput' was added
              • Type 'AddProjectV2DraftIssuePayload' was added
              • Type 'AddProjectV2ItemByIdInput' was added
              • Type 'AddProjectV2ItemByIdPayload' was added
              • Type 'CreateProjectV2Input' was added
              • Type 'CreateProjectV2Payload' was added
              • Type 'DeleteProjectV2ItemInput' was added
              • Type 'DeleteProjectV2ItemPayload' was added
              • Type DiscussionPoll was added
              • Type DiscussionPollOption was added
              • Type DiscussionPollOptionConnection was added
              • Type DiscussionPollOptionEdge was added
              • Type DiscussionPollOptionOrder was added
              • Type DiscussionPollOptionOrderField was added
              • Type OrganizationOrUser was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Connection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Edge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Field' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldCommon' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConfiguration' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConfigurationConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConfigurationEdge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldEdge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldType' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2FieldValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Item' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemContent' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemEdge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldDateValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldIterationValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldLabelValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldMilestoneValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldNumberValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldPullRequestValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldRepositoryValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldReviewerValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldSingleSelectValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldTextValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldUserValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValue' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueCommon' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemFieldValueEdge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ItemType' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2IterationField' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2IterationFieldConfiguration' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2IterationFieldIteration' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Order' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2OrderField' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Owner' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2Recent' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectField' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SingleSelectFieldOption' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SortBy' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SortByConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2SortByEdge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2View' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ViewConnection' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ViewEdge' was added
              • Type 'ProjectV2ViewLayout' was added
              • Type RequestedReviewerConnection was added
              • Type RequestedReviewerEdge was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2DraftIssueInput' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2DraftIssuePayload' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2Input' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemFieldValueInput' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemFieldValuePayload' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemPositionInput' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2ItemPositionPayload' was added
              • Type 'UpdateProjectV2Payload' was added
              • Field poll was added to object type Discussion
              • Field 'projectV2Itemswas added to object typeDraftIssue'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeDraftIssue'
              • Issue object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
              • Field projectItems was added to object type Issue
              • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeIssue'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeIssue'
              • Field addDiscussionPollVote was added to object type Mutation
              • Field 'addProjectV2DraftIssuewas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'addProjectV2ItemByIdwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'createProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'deleteProjectV2Itemwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'updateProjectV2was added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'updateProjectV2DraftIssuewas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'updateProjectV2ItemFieldValuewas added to object typeMutation'
              • Field 'updateProjectV2ItemPositionwas added to object typeMutation'
              • Enum value SUSPENDED was added to enum OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType
              • Organization object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
              • Organization object implements 'ProjectV2Recent' interface
              • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeOrganization'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeOrganization'
              • Field recentProjects was added to object type Organization
              • PullRequest object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
              • Field projectItems was added to object type PullRequest
              • Field 'projectV2was added to object typePullRequest'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typePullRequest'
              • Field viewerCanEditFiles was added to object type PullRequest
              • Repository object implements 'ProjectV2Recent' interface
              • Field allowUpdateBranch was added to object type Repository
              • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeRepository'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeRepository'
              • Field recentProjects was added to object type Repository
              • User object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
              • User object implements 'ProjectV2Recent' interface
              • Field 'projectV2was added to object typeUser'
              • Field 'projectsV2was added to object typeUser'
              • Field recentProjects was added to object type User

              The following changes will be made to the schema:

            • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixReason:fixReason will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
            • Schema changes for 2022-06-13

              The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member DependencyGraphDependency.packageLabel:packageLabel will be removed. Use normalized packageName field instead. Effective 2022-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-06-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value RUST was added to enum DependencyGraphEcosystem
                • Field squashPrTitleUsedAsDefault was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2022-06-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type SecurityAdvisoryClassification was added
                • Type 'ProjectV2Owner' was removed
                • Issue object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                • Organization object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                • PullRequest object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                • Argument 'classifications: [SecurityAdvisoryClassification!]added to fieldQuery.securityAdvisories'
                • Argument 'classifications: [SecurityAdvisoryClassification!]added to fieldQuery.securityVulnerabilities'
                • Field classification was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                • Argument 'classifications: [SecurityAdvisoryClassification!]added to fieldSecurityAdvisory.vulnerabilities'
                • User object type no longer implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface

                Schema changes for 2022-05-31

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field viewerIsFollowing was added to object type Organization

                Schema changes for 2022-05-29

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type ExternalIdentityAttribute was added
                • Type IssueClosedStateReason was added
                • Type IssueStateReason was added
                • Member App was added to Union type BranchActorAllowanceActor
                • Input field stateReason was added to input object type CloseIssueInput
                • Field stateReason was added to object type ClosedEvent
                • Field attributes was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                • Field stateReason was added to object type Issue
                • Enum value 'FAILED_VALIDATIONwas added to enumMigrationState'
                • Enum value 'PENDING_VALIDATIONwas added to enumMigrationState'
                • Field stateReason was added to object type ReopenedEvent
                • Member App was added to Union type ReviewDismissalAllowanceActor
                • Input field StartRepositoryMigrationInput.accessToken changed type from String to String!

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member RemovePullRequestFromMergeQueueInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-05-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type FollowOrganizationInput was added
                • Type FollowOrganizationPayload was added
                • Type UnfollowOrganizationInput was added
                • Type UnfollowOrganizationPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamsRepositoryInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamsRepositoryPayload was added
                • Argument 'organizationLogins: [String!]added to fieldEnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingMemberInvitations'
                • Field migrationLogUrl was added to interface Migration
                • Field repositoryName was added to interface Migration
                • Field followOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                • Field unfollowOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeamsRepository was added to object type Mutation
                • Argument repositoryName: String added to field Organization.repositoryMigrations
                • Field items was added to object type ProjectView
                • Field migrationLogUrl was added to object type RepositoryMigration
                • Field repositoryName was added to object type RepositoryMigration

                Schema changes for 2022-04-28

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type PatchStatus was added
                • Field isUnlicensed (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseMemberEdge
                • Field isUnlicensed (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge
                • Argument 'organizationLogins: [String!]added to fieldEnterpriseOwnerInfo.admins'
                • Argument hasTwoFactorEnabled: Boolean added to field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.outsideCollaborators
                • Argument 'organizationLogins: [String!]added to fieldEnterpriseOwnerInfo.outsideCollaborators'
                • Field isUnlicensed (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge
                • Field changeType was added to object type PullRequestChangedFile

                Schema changes for 2022-04-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type AddProjectDraftIssueInput was added
                • Type AddProjectDraftIssuePayload was added
                • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssueInput was added
                • Type UpdateProjectDraftIssuePayload was added
                • Field availableSeats (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseBillingInfo
                • Field seats (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseBillingInfo
                • Field addProjectDraftIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateProjectDraftIssue was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2022-04-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type 'ProjectV2Owner' was added
                • Issue object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                • Organization object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                • PullRequest object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface
                • Input field skipReleases was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput
                • Field lineCount was added to object type TreeEntry
                • User object implements 'ProjectV2Owner' interface

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldWithSettingId:fieldWithSettingId will be removed. Use fieldConstraintId instead Effective 2022-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-04-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field blocksCreations was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Input field blocksCreations was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Field blocksCreations was added to object type RefUpdateRule
                • Input field blocksCreations was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                Schema changes for 2022-03-30

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type CreateSponsorsTierInput was added
                • Type CreateSponsorsTierPayload was added
                • Type DependabotUpdate was added
                • Type DependabotUpdateError was added
                • Type DraftIssue was added
                • Type ProjectItemType was added
                • Type ProjectNextFieldCommon was added
                • Type ProjectNextFieldType was added
                • Type ProjectView was added
                • Type ProjectViewConnection was added
                • Type ProjectViewEdge was added
                • Type ProjectViewLayout was added
                • Type SortBy was added
                • Type TrackedIssueStates was added
                • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorConnection was removed
                • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge was removed
                • Input field CreateMigrationSourceInput.accessToken changed type from String! to String
                • Field pendingCollaborators (deprecated) was removed from object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field trackedInIssues was added to object type Issue
                • Field trackedIssues was added to object type Issue
                • Field trackedIssuesCount was added to object type Issue
                • Field createSponsorsTier was added to object type Mutation
                • Field views was added to object type ProjectNext
                • ProjectNextField object implements Node interface
                • ProjectNextField object implements ProjectNextFieldCommon interface
                • Field dataType was added to object type ProjectNextField
                • Field type was added to object type ProjectNextItem
                • Member DraftIssue was added to Union type ProjectNextItemContent
                • Enum value 'INVITEE_LOGIN' (deprecated) was removed from enum RepositoryInvitationOrderField
                • Field dependabotUpdate was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Input field UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput.fieldId changed type from ID! to ID

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member AddPullRequestToMergeQueueInput.branch:branch will be removed. Effective 2022-07-01.
              • On member Enterprise.userAccounts:userAccounts will be removed. Use the Enterprise.members field instead. Effective 2022-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-02-28

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type DependencyGraphEcosystem was added
                • Field viewerCanMergeAsAdmin was added to object type PullRequest
                • Argument ecosystem: DependencyGraphEcosystem added to field Query.sponsorables
                • Input field accessToken was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput
                • Input field githubPat was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member PullRequest.viewerCanOverrideMergeQueue:viewerCanOverrideMergeQueue will be removed. Use PullRequest.viewerCanMergeAsAdmin instead. Effective 2022-04-01.
              • On member Repository.defaultMergeQueue:defaultMergeQueue will be removed. Use Repository.mergeQueue instead. Effective 2022-04-01.
              • On member Query.sponsorables.dependencyEcosystem:dependencyEcosystem will be removed. Use the ecosystem argument instead. Effective 2022-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2022-02-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type RepositoryCodeowners was added
                • Type RepositoryCodeownersError was added
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState was added
                • Type UpdateProjectNextInput was added
                • Type UpdateProjectNextPayload was added
                • Input field milestoneNumber was added to input object type IssueFilters
                • Field updateProjectNext was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositories was added to object type ProjectNext
                • Argument userLinkedOnly: Boolean added to field PullRequest.closingIssuesReferences
                • Field codeowners was added to object type Repository
                • Field projectNext was added to object type Repository
                • Field projectsNext was added to object type Repository
                • Argument 'states: [RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertState!]added to fieldRepository.vulnerabilityAlerts'
                • Field fixReason was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field fixedAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field number was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field state was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                Schema changes for 2022-02-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type Import was removed
                • Input field gitArchiveUrl was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput
                • Input field metadataArchiveUrl was added to input object type StartRepositoryMigrationInput

                Schema changes for 2022-02-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type AbortQueuedMigrationsInput was added
                • Type AbortQueuedMigrationsPayload was added
                • Type ActorType was added
                • Type CreateMigrationSourceInput was added
                • Type CreateMigrationSourcePayload was added
                • Type GrantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRoleInput was added
                • Type GrantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRolePayload was added
                • Type GrantMigratorRoleInput was added
                • Type GrantMigratorRolePayload was added
                • Type Import was added
                • Type Migration was added
                • Type MigrationSource was added
                • Type MigrationSourceType was added
                • Type MigrationState was added
                • Type RepositoryMigration was added
                • Type RepositoryMigrationConnection was added
                • Type RepositoryMigrationEdge was added
                • Type RepositoryMigrationOrder was added
                • Type RepositoryMigrationOrderDirection was added
                • Type RepositoryMigrationOrderField was added
                • Type RevokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRoleInput was added
                • Type RevokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRolePayload was added
                • Type RevokeMigratorRoleInput was added
                • Type RevokeMigratorRolePayload was added
                • Type StartRepositoryMigrationInput was added
                • Type StartRepositoryMigrationPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRoleInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRolePayload was added
                • Argument login: String added to field EnterpriseIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                • Argument userName: String added to field EnterpriseIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                • Field projectNextItems was added to object type Issue
                • Field abortQueuedMigrations was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createMigrationSource was added to object type Mutation
                • Field grantEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                • Field grantMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                • Field revokeEnterpriseOrganizationsMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                • Field revokeMigratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                • Field startRepositoryMigration was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseOwnerOrganizationRole was added to object type Mutation
                • Argument login: String added to field OIDCProvider.externalIdentities
                • Argument userName: String added to field OIDCProvider.externalIdentities
                • Field repositoryMigrations was added to object type Organization
                • Argument login: String added to field OrganizationIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                • Argument userName: String added to field OrganizationIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                • Field public was added to object type ProjectNext
                • Field shortDescription was added to object type ProjectNext
                • Field isArchived was added to object type ProjectNextItem
                • Field projectNextItems was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2022-01-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrder was added
                • Type OrgEnterpriseOwnerOrderField was added
                • Type OrganizationEnterpriseOwnerConnection was added
                • Type OrganizationEnterpriseOwnerEdge was added
                • Enum value 'LFX_CROWDFUNDINGwas added to enumFundingPlatform'
                • Field enterpriseOwners was added to object type Organization
                • Enum value 'ADDED_TO_MERGE_QUEUE_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                • Enum value 'REMOVED_FROM_MERGE_QUEUE_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'

                Schema changes for 2022-01-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type BypassForcePushAllowance was added
                • Type BypassForcePushAllowanceConnection was added
                • Type BypassForcePushAllowanceEdge was added
                • Field bypassForcePushAllowances was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Input field bypassForcePushActorIds was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Field Push.pusher changed type from User! to Actor!
                • Input field bypassForcePushActorIds was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                Schema changes for 2021-12-15

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type ProjectNextOrderField was added
                • Type RoleInOrganization was added
                • Type UpdateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPayload was added
                • Argument viewerOrganizationRole: RoleInOrganization added to field Enterprise.organizations
                • Issue object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                • Field projectNext was added to object type Issue
                • Field projectsNext was added to object type Issue
                • Field updateOrganizationAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field membersCanForkPrivateRepositories was added to object type Organization
                • Argument query: String added to field Organization.projectsNext
                • Argument sortBy: ProjectNextOrderField added to field Organization.projectsNext
                • Argument query: String added to field ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext
                • Argument sortBy: ProjectNextOrderField added to field ProjectNextOwner.projectsNext
                • PullRequest object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                • Field projectNext was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field projectsNext was added to object type PullRequest
                • Argument query: String added to field User.projectsNext
                • Argument sortBy: ProjectNextOrderField added to field User.projectsNext

                Schema changes for 2021-12-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type ConvertedToDiscussionEvent was added
                • Member ConvertedToDiscussionEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Enum value 'CONVERTED_TO_DISCUSSION_EVENTwas added to enumIssueTimelineItemsItemType'
                • Member ConvertedToDiscussionEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Enum value 'CONVERTED_TO_DISCUSSION_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'

                Schema changes for 2021-12-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument filterByAssignable: Boolean added to field Repository.discussionCategories

                Schema changes for 2021-12-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type BranchActorAllowanceActor was added
                • Type BypassPullRequestAllowance was added
                • Type BypassPullRequestAllowanceConnection was added
                • Type BypassPullRequestAllowanceEdge was added
                • Type ContentAttachment was removed
                • Type ContentReference was removed
                • Type CreateContentAttachmentInput was removed
                • Type CreateContentAttachmentPayload was removed
                • Field bypassPullRequestAllowances was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Input field bypassPullRequestActorIds was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Field createContentAttachment was removed from object type Mutation
                • Input field bypassPullRequestActorIds was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                Schema changes for 2021-11-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type RequiredStatusCheckDescription was added
                • Type RequiredStatusCheckInput was added
                • Field requiredStatusChecks was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Input field requiredStatusChecks was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Input field requiredStatusChecks was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                Schema changes for 2021-11-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field Organization.repository
                • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field Query.repository
                • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field RepositoryOwner.repository
                • Argument followRenames: Boolean added to field User.repository

                Schema changes for 2021-11-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type UpdatePullRequestBranchInput was added
                • Type UpdatePullRequestBranchPayload was added
                • Field updatePullRequestBranch was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-10-29

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type DismissReason was added
                • Type DismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertInput was added
                • Type DismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlertPayload was added
                • Field dismissRepositoryVulnerabilityAlert was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-10-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type AddProjectNextItemInput was added
                • Type AddProjectNextItemPayload was added
                • Type DeleteProjectNextItemInput was added
                • Type DeleteProjectNextItemPayload was added
                • Type OIDCProvider was added
                • Type OIDCProviderType was added
                • Type ProjectNext was added
                • Type ProjectNextConnection was added
                • Type ProjectNextEdge was added
                • Type ProjectNextField was added
                • Type ProjectNextFieldConnection was added
                • Type ProjectNextFieldEdge was added
                • Type ProjectNextItem was added
                • Type ProjectNextItemConnection was added
                • Type ProjectNextItemContent was added
                • Type ProjectNextItemEdge was added
                • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValue was added
                • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueConnection was added
                • Type ProjectNextItemFieldValueEdge was added
                • Type ProjectNextOwner was added
                • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldInput was added
                • Type UpdateProjectNextItemFieldPayload was added
                • Field oidcProvider was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field addProjectNextItem was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteProjectNextItem was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateProjectNextItemField was added to object type Mutation
                • Organization object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                • Field projectNext was added to object type Organization
                • Field projectsNext was added to object type Organization
                • User object implements ProjectNextOwner interface
                • Field projectNext was added to object type User
                • Field projectsNext was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-10-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field repositories was added to object type Topic

                Schema changes for 2021-09-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value RUST was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

                Schema changes for 2021-09-15

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type UpdateSponsorshipPreferencesInput was added
                • Type UpdateSponsorshipPreferencesPayload was added
                • Field updateSponsorshipPreferences was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-09-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field forkingAllowed was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2021-09-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type 'Base64String' was added
                • Type CancelSponsorshipInput was added
                • Type CancelSponsorshipPayload was added
                • Type CommitMessage was added
                • Type CommittableBranch was added
                • Type CreateCommitOnBranchInput was added
                • Type CreateCommitOnBranchPayload was added
                • Type FileAddition was added
                • Type FileChanges was added
                • Type FileDeletion was added
                • Field cancelSponsorship was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createCommitOnBranch was added to object type Mutation
                • Field sponsorsListing (deprecated) was removed from object type Query

                Schema changes for 2021-09-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable was added to object type Organization
                • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field isSponsorOptedIntoEmail was added to object type Sponsorship
                • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsorable was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-08-27

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • DeploymentProtectionRule object type no longer implements Node interface
                • Field id was removed from object type DeploymentProtectionRule
                • Field isFollowingViewer was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-08-25

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field visibility was added to object type Repository
                • Field visibility was added to interface RepositoryInfo

                Schema changes for 2021-08-24

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field amount was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                • Input field isRecurring was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                • Input field sponsorLogin was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                • Input field sponsorableLogin was added to input object type CreateSponsorshipInput
                • Input field CreateSponsorshipInput.sponsorId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Input field CreateSponsorshipInput.sponsorableId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Input field CreateSponsorshipInput.tierId changed type from ID! to ID

                Schema changes for 2021-08-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type CreateSponsorshipInput was added
                • Type CreateSponsorshipPayload was added
                • Field createSponsorship was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-08-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents was added to object type Organization
                • Field monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents was added to object type Organization
                • Enum value INTERNAL was added to enum OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue
                • Field estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field estimatedNextSponsorsPayoutInCents was added to object type User
                • Field monthlyEstimatedSponsorsIncomeInCents was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-08-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value OTHER was removed from enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem

                Schema changes for 2021-08-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type SponsorshipNewsletter was added
                • Type SponsorshipNewsletterConnection was added
                • Type SponsorshipNewsletterEdge was added
                • Type SponsorshipNewsletterOrder was added
                • Type SponsorshipNewsletterOrderField was added
                • Field sponsorshipNewsletters was added to object type Organization
                • Field sponsorshipNewsletters was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field sponsorshipNewsletters was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-08-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field sponsoring was added to object type Organization
                • Field sponsoring was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field sponsoring was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-08-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field autoMergeAllowed was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2021-08-01

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type SponsorConnection was added
                • Type SponsorEdge was added
                • Type SponsorOrder was added
                • Type SponsorOrderField was added
                • Field sponsors was added to object type Organization
                • Field sponsors was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field sponsors was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-07-27

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument membersOnly: Boolean added to field EnterpriseIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                • Argument membersOnly: Boolean added to field OrganizationIdentityProvider.externalIdentities
                • Field mentions was added to object type Release
                • Field isPublic was added to object type SponsorsListing
                • Field nextPayoutDate was added to object type SponsorsListing
                • Field sponsorable was added to object type SponsorsListing

                Schema changes for 2021-07-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type SponsorsActivity was added
                • Type SponsorsActivityAction was added
                • Type SponsorsActivityConnection was added
                • Type SponsorsActivityEdge was added
                • Type SponsorsActivityOrder was added
                • Type SponsorsActivityOrderField was added
                • Type SponsorsActivityPeriod was added
                • Field sponsorsActivities was added to object type Organization
                • Enum value OTHER was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem
                • Field sponsorsActivities was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field sponsorsActivities was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2021-06-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field ipAllowListEntries was added to object type App
                • Member App was added to Union type IpAllowListOwner

                The [Access to a repositories dependency graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field packageLabel was added to object type DependencyGraphDependency

                Schema changes for 2021-06-20

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type Reactor was added
                • Type ReactorConnection was added
                • Type ReactorEdge was added
                • Field reactors was added to object type ReactionGroup

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member ReactionGroup.users:users will be removed. Use the reactors field instead. Effective 2021-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2021-06-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type IpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingValue was added
                • Type UpdateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSettingPayload was added
                • Field requiresConversationResolution was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Input field requiresConversationResolution was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Field ipAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field titleHTML was added to object type Issue
                • Field updateIpAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ipAllowListForInstalledAppsEnabledSetting was added to object type Organization
                • Field titleHTML was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field requiresConversationResolution was added to object type RefUpdateRule
                • Input field requiresConversationResolution was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput

                Schema changes for 2021-06-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type AddDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type AddDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type AddUpvoteInput was added
                • Type AddUpvotePayload was added
                • Type ApproveDeploymentsInput was added
                • Type ApproveDeploymentsPayload was added
                • Type CheckStep was added
                • Type CheckStepConnection was added
                • Type CheckStepEdge was added
                • Type CreateDiscussionInput was added
                • Type CreateDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type CreateEnvironmentInput was added
                • Type CreateEnvironmentPayload was added
                • Type DeleteDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type DeleteDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type DeleteDiscussionInput was added
                • Type DeleteDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type DeleteEnvironmentInput was added
                • Type DeleteEnvironmentPayload was added
                • Type DeploymentProtectionRule was added
                • Type DeploymentProtectionRuleConnection was added
                • Type DeploymentProtectionRuleEdge was added
                • Type DeploymentProtectionRuleType was added
                • Type DeploymentRequest was added
                • Type DeploymentRequestConnection was added
                • Type DeploymentRequestEdge was added
                • Type DeploymentReview was added
                • Type DeploymentReviewConnection was added
                • Type DeploymentReviewEdge was added
                • Type DeploymentReviewState was added
                • Type DeploymentReviewer was added
                • Type DeploymentReviewerConnection was added
                • Type DeploymentReviewerEdge was added
                • Type Discussion was added
                • Type DiscussionCategory was added
                • Type DiscussionCategoryConnection was added
                • Type DiscussionCategoryEdge was added
                • Type DiscussionComment was added
                • Type DiscussionCommentConnection was added
                • Type DiscussionCommentEdge was added
                • Type DiscussionConnection was added
                • Type DiscussionEdge was added
                • Type DiscussionOrder was added
                • Type DiscussionOrderField was added
                • Type Environment was added
                • Type EnvironmentConnection was added
                • Type EnvironmentEdge was added
                • Type MarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerInput was added
                • Type MarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerPayload was added
                • Type PinnedDiscussion was added
                • Type PinnedDiscussionConnection was added
                • Type PinnedDiscussionEdge was added
                • Type PinnedDiscussionGradient was added
                • Type PinnedDiscussionPattern was added
                • Type RejectDeploymentsInput was added
                • Type RejectDeploymentsPayload was added
                • Type RemoveUpvoteInput was added
                • Type RemoveUpvotePayload was added
                • Type RepositoryDiscussionAuthor was added
                • Type RepositoryDiscussionCommentAuthor was added
                • Type UnmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerInput was added
                • Type UnmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswerPayload was added
                • Type UpdateDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type UpdateDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type UpdateDiscussionInput was added
                • Type UpdateDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnvironmentInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnvironmentPayload was added
                • Type Votable was added
                • Type Workflow was added
                • Type WorkflowRun was added
                • Field deployment was added to object type CheckRun
                • Field pendingDeploymentRequest was added to object type CheckRun
                • Field steps was added to object type CheckRun
                • Enum value PENDING was added to enum CheckStatusState
                • Field creator was added to object type CheckSuite
                • Field workflowRun was added to object type CheckSuite
                • Field addDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field addUpvote was added to object type Mutation
                • Field approveDeployments was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field markDiscussionCommentAsAnswer was added to object type Mutation
                • Field rejectDeployments was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeUpvote was added to object type Mutation
                • Field unmarkDiscussionCommentAsAnswer was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnvironment was added to object type Mutation
                • Organization object implements RepositoryDiscussionAuthor interface
                • Organization object implements RepositoryDiscussionCommentAuthor interface
                • Field repositoryDiscussionComments was added to object type Organization
                • Field repositoryDiscussions was added to object type Organization
                • Field closingIssuesReferences was added to object type PullRequest
                • Release object implements Reactable interface
                • Field databaseId was added to object type Release
                • Field reactionGroups was added to object type Release
                • Field reactions was added to object type Release
                • Field viewerCanReact was added to object type Release
                • Field discussion was added to object type Repository
                • Field discussionCategories was added to object type Repository
                • Field discussions was added to object type Repository
                • Field environment was added to object type Repository
                • Field environments was added to object type Repository
                • Field pinnedDiscussions was added to object type Repository
                • Enum value PENDING was added to enum RequestableCheckStatusState
                • Member Discussion was added to Union type SearchResultItem
                • Field discussionCount was added to object type SearchResultItemConnection
                • Enum value DISCUSSION was added to enum SearchType
                • Enum value GO was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem
                • Field totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInCents was added to object type SponsorshipConnection
                • Field totalRecurringMonthlyPriceInDollars was added to object type SponsorshipConnection
                • User object implements RepositoryDiscussionAuthor interface
                • User object implements RepositoryDiscussionCommentAuthor interface
                • Field repositoryDiscussionComments was added to object type User
                • Field repositoryDiscussions was added to object type User

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member PackageType.DOCKER:DOCKER will be removed. Effective 2021-06-21.
              • Schema changes for 2021-05-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument isApproved: Boolean added to field
                • Field canReceiveOrganizationEmailsWhenNotificationsRestricted was added to object type User
                • Field isApproved was added to object type VerifiableDomain
                • Argument isApproved: Boolean added to field

                Schema changes for 2021-05-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field claimant was added to object type Mannequin

                Schema changes for 2021-05-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type PullRequestTemplate was added
                • Field pullRequestTemplates was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2021-04-20

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type ConvertPullRequestToDraftInput was added
                • Type ConvertPullRequestToDraftPayload was added
                • Field convertPullRequestToDraft was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-04-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field tierSelectedAt was added to object type Sponsorship

                Schema changes for 2021-03-27

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field closestLesserValueTier was added to object type SponsorsTier
                • Field isCustomAmount was added to object type SponsorsTier
                • Field isOneTimePayment was added to object type Sponsorship

                Schema changes for 2021-03-25

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isOneTime was added to object type SponsorsTier

                Schema changes for 2021-03-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type RequirableByPullRequest was added
                • Field viewerLatestReview was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field viewerLatestReviewRequest was added to object type PullRequest
                • CheckRun object implements RequirableByPullRequest interface
                • Type for argument pullRequestId on field CheckRun.isRequired changed from ID! to ID
                • Argument pullRequestNumber: Int added to field CheckRun.isRequired
                • StatusContext object implements RequirableByPullRequest interface
                • Type for argument pullRequestId on field StatusContext.isRequired changed from ID! to ID
                • Argument pullRequestNumber: Int added to field StatusContext.isRequired

                Schema changes for 2021-03-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field requiresCodeOwnerReviews was added to object type RefUpdateRule
                • Field viewerAllowedToDismissReviews was added to object type RefUpdateRule

                Schema changes for 2021-03-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isRequired was added to object type CheckRun
                • Field isRequired was added to object type StatusContext

                Schema changes for 2021-03-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isPinned was added to object type Issue
                • Enum value 'CREATED_ATwas added to enumVerifiableDomainOrderField'
                • Field createdAt was added to object type VerifiableDomain
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type VerifiableDomain

                Schema changes for 2021-03-02

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isGitHubStar was added to object type User
                • Field tagCommit was added to object type Release

                Schema changes for 2021-02-25

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type ApproveVerifiableDomainInput was added
                • Type ApproveVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                • Field approveVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-02-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type CVSS was added
                • Type CWEConnection was added
                • Type CWEEdge was added
                • Type CWE was added
                • Type SponsorsGoal was added
                • Type SponsorsGoalKind was added
                • Field repository was added to object type Release
                • Field cvss was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                • Field cwes was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                • Field activeGoal was added to object type SponsorsListing

                Schema changes for 2021-02-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type AutoMergeRequest was added
                • Type SponsorableOrder was added
                • Type SponsorableOrderField was added
                • Type SponsorableItemConnection was added
                • Type SponsorableItemEdge was added
                • Type SponsorableItem was added
                • Type DisablePullRequestAutoMergeInput was added
                • Type DisablePullRequestAutoMergePayload was added
                • Type EnablePullRequestAutoMergeInput was added
                • Type EnablePullRequestAutoMergePayload was added
                • Field sponsorables was added to object type Query
                • Field isSponsoredBy was added to object type Organization
                • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor was added to object type Organization
                • Field isSponsoredBy was added to object type User
                • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor was added to object type User
                • Field autoMergeRequest was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field viewerCanDisableAutoMerge was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field viewerCanEnableAutoMerge was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field isSponsoredBy was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field sponsorshipForViewerAsSponsor was added to interface Sponsorable
                • Field disablePullRequestAutoMerge was added to object type Mutation
                • Field enablePullRequestAutoMerge was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-02-01

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type NotificationRestrictionSettingValue was added
                • Type UpdateNotificationRestrictionSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateNotificationRestrictionSettingPayload was added
                • Field notificationDeliveryRestrictionEnabledSetting was added to object type Organization
                • Field notificationsPermalink was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                • Field notificationDeliveryRestrictionEnabledSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field updateNotificationRestrictionSetting was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-01-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type ContributionLevel was added
                • Type VerifiableDomainOrder was added
                • Type VerifiableDomainOrderField was added
                • Type VerifiableDomainConnection was added
                • Type VerifiableDomainEdge was added
                • Type VerifiableDomain was added
                • Type VerifiableDomainOwner was added
                • Type AddVerifiableDomainInput was added
                • Type AddVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                • Type DeleteVerifiableDomainInput was added
                • Type DeleteVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                • Type RegenerateVerifiableDomainTokenInput was added
                • Type RegenerateVerifiableDomainTokenPayload was added
                • Type VerifyVerifiableDomainInput was added
                • Type VerifyVerifiableDomainPayload was added
                • Field domains was added to object type Organization
                • Field isLatest was added to object type Release
                • Field latestRelease was added to object type Repository
                • Enum value WAITING was added to enum DeploymentStatusState
                • Field contributionLevel was added to object type ContributionCalendarDay
                • Field domains was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field addVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation
                • Field regenerateVerifiableDomainToken was added to object type Mutation
                • Field verifyVerifiableDomain was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2021-01-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type AutoMergeDisabledEvent was added
                • Type AutoMergeEnabledEvent was added
                • Type AutoRebaseEnabledEvent was added
                • Type AutoSquashEnabledEvent was added
                • Type AddEnterpriseSupportEntitlementInput was added
                • Type AddEnterpriseSupportEntitlementPayload was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseSupportEntitlementInput was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseSupportEntitlementPayload was added
                • Enum value WAITING was added to enum CheckStatusState
                • Enum value 'AUTO_MERGE_DISABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                • Enum value 'AUTO_MERGE_ENABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                • Enum value 'AUTO_REBASE_ENABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                • Enum value 'AUTO_SQUASH_ENABLED_EVENTwas added to enumPullRequestTimelineItemsItemType'
                • Member AutoMergeDisabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Member AutoMergeEnabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Member AutoRebaseEnabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Member AutoSquashEnabledEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Field supportEntitlements was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field addEnterpriseSupportEntitlement was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeEnterpriseSupportEntitlement was added to object type Mutation
                • Enum value WAITING was added to enum RequestableCheckStatusState

                Schema changes for 2020-12-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field hasVerifiedOwner was added to object type MarketplaceListing

                Schema changes for 2020-11-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field requiresLinearHistory was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Input field allowsForcePushes was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Input field allowsDeletions was added to input object type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Input field requiresLinearHistory was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Input field allowsForcePushes was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Input field allowsDeletions was added to input object type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput
                • Field requiresLinearHistory was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Field allowsForcePushes was added to object type BranchProtectionRule
                • Field allowsDeletions was added to object type BranchProtectionRule

                Schema changes for 2020-10-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field updateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field actionExecutionCapabilitySettingOrganizations was removed from object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingInput was removed
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingPayload was removed
                • Type ActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was removed

                Schema changes for 2020-09-30

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field issuePrioritiesDebug was removed from object type Milestone

                Schema changes for 2020-09-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field Blob.isBinary changed type from Boolean! to Boolean
                • Field changed type from GitObject! to GitObject
                • Union member BaseRefDeletedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                • Enum value BASE_REF_DELETED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member BaseRefDeletedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Enum value PUBLIC_PRIVATE was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                • Enum value PUBLIC_INTERNAL was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                • Enum value PRIVATE_INTERNAL was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                • Enum value PRIVATE was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                • Enum value NONE was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                • Enum value INTERNAL was added to enum OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility
                • Enum value MANNEQUIN was added to enum CommentAuthorAssociation
                • Field path was added to object type TreeEntry
                • Field isGenerated was added to object type TreeEntry
                • Field extension was added to object type TreeEntry
                • Field used was added to object type RateLimit
                • Field asCodeOwner was added to object type ReviewRequest
                • Field viewerViewedState was added to object type PullRequestChangedFile
                • Field unmarkFileAsViewed was added to object type Mutation
                • Field markFileAsViewed was added to object type Mutation
                • Input field authorEmail was added to input object type MergePullRequestInput
                • Input field authorEmail was added to input object type MergeBranchInput
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                • Field duplicate was added to object type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                • Field canonical was added to object type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                • Field duplicate was added to object type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                • Field canonical was added to object type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent
                • Field groups was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                • Field givenName was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                • Field familyName was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                • Field emails was added to object type ExternalIdentityScimAttributes
                • Field username was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                • Field groups was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                • Field givenName was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                • Field familyName was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                • Field emails was added to object type ExternalIdentitySamlAttributes
                • Field isInOrganization was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field permalink was added to object type RepositoryInvitation
                • Input field issueTemplate was added to input object type CreateIssueInput
                • Field combinedContexts was added to object type Status
                • Field deletedCommentAuthor was added to object type CommentDeletedEvent
                • Field pullRequest was added to object type BaseRefChangedEvent
                • Field previousRefName was added to object type BaseRefChangedEvent
                • Field currentRefName was added to object type BaseRefChangedEvent
                • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Gist
                • Field refUpdateRule was added to object type Ref
                • Field branchProtectionRule was added to object type Ref
                • Argument query: String added to field Repository.milestones
                • Field viewerPossibleCommitEmails was added to object type Repository
                • Field viewerDefaultMergeMethod was added to object type Repository
                • Field viewerDefaultCommitEmail was added to object type Repository
                • Field securityPolicyUrl was added to object type Repository
                • Field issueTemplates was added to object type Repository
                • Field isUserConfigurationRepository was added to object type Repository
                • Field isSecurityPolicyEnabled was added to object type Repository
                • Field isEmpty was added to object type Repository
                • Field isBlankIssuesEnabled was added to object type Repository
                • Field contactLinks was added to object type Repository
                • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Repository
                • Field isInOrganization was added to object type Repository
                • Field viewerCanReply was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Field path was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Field isOutdated was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Field isCollapsed was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Input field AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewThreadInput
                • Field authorCanPushToRepository was added to object type PullRequestReview
                • Field progressPercentage was added to object type Milestone
                • Enum value MergeStateStatus.DRAFT was deprecated with reason DRAFT state will be removed from this enum and isDraft should be used instead Use PullRequest.isDraft instead. Removal on 2021-01-01 UTC.
                • Field viewerMergeHeadlineText was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field viewerMergeBodyText was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field viewerCanDeleteHeadRef was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field latestReviews was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field latestOpinionatedReviews was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field isReadByViewer was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field progress was added to object type Project
                • Field file was added to object type Commit
                • Field authors was added to object type Commit
                • Field isReadByViewer was added to object type Issue
                • Field bodyUrl was added to object type Issue
                • Field bodyResourcePath was added to object type Issue
                • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Starrable
                • Field stargazerCount was added to object type Topic
                • Type RepositoryContactLink was added
                • Type RefUpdateRule was added
                • Type ProjectProgress was added
                • Type UnmarkFileAsViewedInput was added
                • Type UnmarkFileAsViewedPayload was added
                • Type MarkFileAsViewedPayload was added
                • Type MarkFileAsViewedInput was added
                • Type GitActorEdge was added
                • Type FileViewedState was added
                • Type UserEmailMetadata was added
                • Type GitActorConnection was added
                • Type BaseRefDeletedEvent was added
                • Type IssueTemplate was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2020-07-01.
              • On member EnterpriseMemberEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2021-01-01.
              • On member EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2021-01-01.
              • On member EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge.isUnlicensed: isUnlicensed will be removed. Effective 2021-01-01.
              • On member MergeStateStatus.DRAFT: DRAFT will be removed. Use PullRequest.isDraft instead. Effective 2021-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2020-06-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type TopicEdge was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageVersionEdge was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageVersionStatistics was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageTagEdge was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageFileEdge was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageDependencyEdge was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageMetadatum was removed
                • Type TopicConnection was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageTag was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageTagConnection was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageStatistics was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageVersionConnection was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageType was removed
                • Type RegistryPackage was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageFileConnection was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageFile was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageDependencyType was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageDependency was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageDependencyConnection was removed
                • Type RegistryPackageVersion was removed

                Schema changes for 2020-06-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field Organization.packages
                • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field User.packages
                • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field PackageOwner.packages
                • Argument packageType: PackageType added to field Repository.packages

                Schema changes for 2020-06-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field databaseId was added to object type Team

                Schema changes for 2020-06-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value TWO_FACTOR_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY was added to enum OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason

                Schema changes for 2020-06-01

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field twitterUsername was added to object type Organization
                • Field twitterUsername was added to object type User

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Blob.isBinary: Type for isBinary will change from Boolean! to Boolean. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member Type for target will change from GitObject! to GitObject. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2020-05-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field ipAllowListEntries was added to object type Organization
                • Field ipAllowListEnabledSetting was added to object type Organization

                Schema changes for 2020-05-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value AUTOMATIC_BASE_CHANGE_SUCCEEDED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value AUTOMATIC_BASE_CHANGE_FAILED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member AutomaticBaseChangeSucceededEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Union member AutomaticBaseChangeFailedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Type AutomaticBaseChangeSucceededEvent was added
                • Type AutomaticBaseChangeFailedEvent was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member RepositoryCollaboratorEdge.permission: Type for permission will change from RepositoryPermission! to String. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryInvitation.permission: Type for permission will change from RepositoryPermission! to String. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • On member TeamRepositoryEdge.permission: Type for permission will change from RepositoryPermission! to String. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2020-05-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field RepositoryInvitation.invitee changed type from User! to User
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingCollaborators changed from {"field"=>"INVITEE_LOGIN", "direction"=>"ASC"} to {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Enum value RepositoryInvitationOrderField.INVITEE_LOGIN was deprecated with reason `INVITEE_LOGIN is no longer a valid field value. Repository invitations can now be associated with an email, not only an invitee. Removal on 2020-10-01 UTC.`
                • Field email was added to object type RepositoryInvitation
                • Field pendingCollaboratorInvitations was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was added
                • Type RepositoryInvitationConnection was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member EnterpriseOwnerInfo.pendingCollaborators: pendingCollaborators will be removed. Use the pendingCollaboratorInvitations field instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryInvitationOrderField.INVITEE_LOGIN: INVITEE_LOGIN will be removed. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2020-05-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field packageName was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field fixedIn was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field externalReference was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field externalIdentifier was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field affectedRange was removed from object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field isDelisted was removed from object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field isApproved was removed from object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field hasApprovalBeenRequested was removed from object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field pinnedRepositories was removed from object type RepositoryOwner
                • Input field field was removed from input object type ContributionOrder
                • Field pinnedRepositories was removed from object type Organization
                • Field pinnedRepositories was removed from object type User
                • Type ContributionOrderField was removed
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository.contributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field PullRequestContributionsByRepository.contributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field IssueContributionsByRepository.contributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.repositoryContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.pullRequestReviewContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.pullRequestContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field ContributionsCollection.issueContributions changed from {"field"=>"OCCURRED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"direction"=>"DESC"}

                Schema changes for 2020-05-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field organizationVerifiedDomainEmails was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2020-05-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field sponsorEntity was added to object type Sponsorship
                • Type Sponsor was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Sponsorship.sponsor: sponsor will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorEntity instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2020-05-01

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field includeAllBranches was added to input object type CloneTemplateRepositoryInput

                Schema changes for 2020-04-23

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Issue.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • On member PullRequest.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead. Effective 2020-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2020-04-20

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value USER_ACCOUNT_DELETED was added to enum OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason

                Schema changes for 2020-04-15

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value CONVERT_TO_DRAFT_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member ConvertToDraftEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Field DeploymentStatus.creator changed type from Actor to Actor!
                • Field isOverLimit was added to object type StarredRepositoryConnection
                • Field Deployment.creator changed type from Actor to Actor!
                • Field onBehalfOf was added to object type Commit
                • Type ConvertToDraftEvent was added

                Schema changes for 2020-03-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type IssueOrPullRequestEdge was removed
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.repositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to __no_default__
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to __no_default__
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field Organization.repositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field Organization.pinnedRepositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.watching changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR", "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER"] to ``
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.repositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.pinnedRepositories changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                • Default value for argument affiliations on field Repository.forks changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ``
                • Field submodule was added to object type TreeEntry
                • Field reviewDecision was added to object type ReviewStatusHovercardContext
                • Field permalink was added to object type SecurityAdvisory
                • Field updateIpAllowListEntry was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateIpAllowListEnabledSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field setEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteIpAllowListEntry was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createIpAllowListEntry was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ipAllowListEntries was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field ipAllowListEnabledSetting was added to object type EnterpriseOwnerInfo
                • Field submodules was added to object type Repository
                • Field reviewDecision was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field submodules was added to object type Commit
                • Field slug was added to object type Enterprise
                • Type SubmoduleEdge was added
                • Type PullRequestReviewDecision was added
                • Type UpdateIpAllowListEntryInput was added
                • Type UpdateIpAllowListEntryPayload was added
                • Type UpdateIpAllowListEnabledSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateIpAllowListEnabledSettingPayload was added
                • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                • Type IpAllowListEntryOrderField was added
                • Type IpAllowListEntryEdge was added
                • Type IpAllowListOwner was added
                • Type IpAllowListEntryOrder was added
                • Type IpAllowListEntryConnection was added
                • Type IpAllowListEnabledSettingValue was added
                • Type DeleteIpAllowListEntryPayload was added
                • Type DeleteIpAllowListEntryInput was added
                • Type CreateIpAllowListEntryPayload was added
                • Type IpAllowListEntry was added
                • Type CreateIpAllowListEntryInput was added
                • Type Submodule was added
                • Type SubmoduleConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2020-03-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type MentionableItemEdge was removed
                • Type MentionableItem was removed
                • Field statusCheckRollup was added to object type Commit
                • Type StatusCheckRollupContext was added
                • Type StatusCheckRollupContextEdge was added
                • Type StatusCheckRollupContextConnection was added
                • Type StatusCheckRollup was added

                Schema changes for 2020-03-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field actor was added to object type RequestReviewsPayload
                • Type MentionableItemEdge was added
                • Type MentionableItem was added

                Schema changes for 2020-02-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type PackageType was added

                The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

                • Field packageType was added to object type Package

                Schema changes for 2020-02-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field deleteDeployment was added to object type Mutation
                • Type DeleteDeploymentInput was added
                • Type DeleteDeploymentPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2020-02-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type EnterpriseOrderField was removed
                • Type CollectionItemContent was removed
                • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value DISCONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value CONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Union member DisconnectedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Union member ConnectedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value DISCONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value CONNECTED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Union member DisconnectedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Union member ConnectedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Input field SubmitPullRequestReviewInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type SubmitPullRequestReviewInput
                • Input field AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput.pullRequestReviewId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Input field pullRequestId was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewCommentInput
                • Field originalEnvironment was added to object type Deployment
                • Field latestEnvironment was added to object type Deployment
                • Field checksUrl was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field checksResourcePath was added to object type PullRequest
                • Type UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added
                • Type DisconnectedEvent was added
                • Type ConnectedEvent was added

                The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                • Enum value STALE was added to enum CheckConclusionState
                • Enum value SKIPPED was added to enum CheckConclusionState

                Schema changes for 2020-01-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value DUPLICATE was added to enum ReportedContentClassifiers
                • Field deleteBranchOnMerge was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2020-01-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field sponsorable was added to object type Sponsorship

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Sponsorship.maintainer: maintainer will be removed. Use Sponsorship.sponsorable instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-12-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field actor was added to object type UpdatePullRequestPayload
                • Field actor was added to object type UpdateIssuePayload
                • Field actor was added to object type UnlockLockablePayload
                • Field actor was added to object type MergePullRequestPayload
                • Field actor was added to object type LockLockablePayload
                • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Repository.labels
                • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Issue.labels
                • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field Labelable.labels
                • Argument orderBy: LabelOrder added to field PullRequest.labels
                • Type LabelOrderField was added
                • Type LabelOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2019-12-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field createdAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                Schema changes for 2019-12-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field createdAt was added to object type SponsorsListing

                Schema changes for 2019-11-25

                The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

                • Field statistics was added to object type PackageVersion
                • Field statistics was added to object type Package
                • Type PackageStatistics was added
                • Type PackageVersionStatistics was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Organization.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member Organization.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.color: color will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.latestVersion: latestVersion will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member name will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.nameWithOwner: nameWithOwner will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.packageFileByGuid: packageFileByGuid will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.packageFileBySha256: packageFileBySha256 will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.packageType: packageType will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.preReleaseVersions: preReleaseVersions will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.registryPackageType: registryPackageType will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.repository: repository will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.statistics: statistics will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.tags: tags will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.topics: topics will be removed. Use the Package object. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.version: version will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.versionByPlatform: versionByPlatform will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.versionBySha256: versionBySha256 will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.versions: versions will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackage.versionsByMetadatum: versionsByMetadatum will be removed. Use the Package object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageDependency.dependencyType: dependencyType will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageDependency.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageDependency object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.guid: guid will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.md5: md5 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.metadataUrl: metadataUrl will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.packageVersion: packageVersion will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.sha1: sha1 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.sha256: sha256 will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.size: size will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageFile.url: url will be removed. Use the PackageFile object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageOwner.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageSearch.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisMonth: downloadsThisMonth will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisWeek: downloadsThisWeek will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsThisYear: downloadsThisYear will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsToday: downloadsToday will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageStatistics.downloadsTotalCount: downloadsTotalCount will be removed. Use the PackageStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member name will be removed. Use the PackageTag object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageTag.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageTag object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.deleted: deleted will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.dependencies: dependencies will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.fileByName: fileByName will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.files: files will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.installationCommand: installationCommand will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.manifest: manifest will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.platform: platform will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.preRelease: preRelease will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.readme: readme will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.readmeHtml: readmeHtml will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.registryPackage: registryPackage will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.release: release will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.sha256: sha256 will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.size: size will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.statistics: statistics will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.summary: summary will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.version: version will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersion.viewerCanEdit: viewerCanEdit will be removed. Use the PackageVersion object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisMonth: downloadsThisMonth will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisWeek: downloadsThisWeek will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsThisYear: downloadsThisYear will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsToday: downloadsToday will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member RegistryPackageVersionStatistics.downloadsTotalCount: downloadsTotalCount will be removed. Use the PackageVersionStatistics object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member Repository.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member Repository.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member User.registryPackages: registryPackages will be removed. Use the PackageOwner object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • On member User.registryPackagesForQuery: registryPackagesForQuery will be removed. Use the PackageSearch object instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-11-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field unarchiveRepository was added to object type Mutation
                • Field archiveRepository was added to object type Mutation
                • Field fundingLinks was added to object type Repository
                • Type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentPayload was added
                • Type UnarchiveRepositoryInput was added
                • Type UnarchiveRepositoryPayload was added
                • Type ArchiveRepositoryInput was added
                • Type ArchiveRepositoryPayload was added
                • Type FundingPlatform was added
                • Type FundingLink was added

                The [Team Review Assignments Preview preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#team-review-assignments-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field updateTeamReviewAssignment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field reviewRequestDelegationNotifyTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field reviewRequestDelegationMemberCount was added to object type Team
                • Field reviewRequestDelegationEnabled was added to object type Team
                • Field reviewRequestDelegationAlgorithm was added to object type Team
                • Type UpdateTeamReviewAssignmentInput was added
                • Type TeamReviewAssignmentAlgorithm was added

                Schema changes for 2019-11-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field hasProjectsEnabled was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field hasProjectsEnabled was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2019-11-06

                The [Update refs preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#update-refs-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field updateRefs was added to object type Mutation
                • Type GitRefname was added
                • Type RefUpdate was added
                • Type UpdateRefsInput was added
                • Type UpdateRefsPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-10-31

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field field was added to input object type SponsorshipOrder
                • Repository object implements PackageOwner interface
                • User object implements PackageOwner interface
                • Organization object implements PackageOwner interface
                • Field tiers was added to object type SponsorsListing
                • Field adminInfo was added to object type SponsorsTier
                • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type Sponsorable
                • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type User
                • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type Organization
                • Type SponsorsTierOrderField was added
                • Type SponsorsTierOrder was added
                • Type SponsorshipOrderField was added
                • Type SponsorsTierAdminInfo was added
                • Type SponsorsTierConnection was added
                • Type PackageVersionEdge was added
                • Type PackageVersionConnection was added
                • Type PackageFileEdge was added
                • Type PackageFileConnection was added
                • Type PackageEdge was added
                • Type PackageConnection was added

                The GitHub Packages preview includes these changes:

                • Field packages was added to object type Repository
                • Field packages was added to object type User
                • Field packages was added to object type Organization
                • Type PackageTag was added
                • Type PackageVersionOrderField was added
                • Type PackageVersionOrder was added
                • Type PackageOrderField was added
                • Type PackageOrder was added
                • Type PackageFileOrderField was added
                • Type PackageFileOrder was added
                • Type PackageFile was added
                • Type PackageVersion was added
                • Type Package was added
                • Type PackageOwner was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Query.sponsorsListing: sponsorsListing will be removed. Use Sponsorable.sponsorsListing instead. Effective 2020-04-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-10-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field tier was added to object type Sponsorship
                • Type SponsorsTierEdge was added
                • Type SponsorsTier was added

                Schema changes for 2019-10-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument query: String added to field Repository.mentionableUsers

                Schema changes for 2019-09-24

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field unfollowUser was added to object type Mutation
                • Type UnfollowUserInput was added
                • Type UnfollowUserPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-09-20

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Organization object implements Sponsorable interface
                • Field followUser was added to object type Mutation
                • Field sponsorshipsAsSponsor was added to object type Organization
                • Field sponsorshipsAsMaintainer was added to object type Organization
                • Type FollowUserInput was added
                • Type FollowUserPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-09-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member OrgCreateAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Enum value COMPOSER was added to enum SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem
                • Field email was added to object type Mannequin
                • Type OrgCreateAuditEntryBillingPlan was added
                • Type OrgCreateAuditEntry was added

                Schema changes for 2019-09-17

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Repository object implements RegistryPackageSearch interface
                • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2019-09-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument query: String added to field Repository.assignableUsers

                Schema changes for 2019-09-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument query: String added to field Repository.collaborators

                Schema changes for 2019-09-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Organization
                • Field createdAt was added to object type Organization

                Schema changes for 2019-09-08

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument skip: Int added to field PullRequestReviewThread.comments

                Schema changes for 2019-09-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field mergeMethod was added to input object type MergePullRequestInput
                • Field operationType was added to object type TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type TeamAddMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoDestroyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoCreateAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoArchivedAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoAddTopicAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoAddMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type RepoAccessAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgBlockUserAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgAddMemberAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type AuditEntry
                • Field operationType was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type Organization
                • Type PullRequestMergeMethod was added
                • Type OperationType was added

                Schema changes for 2019-08-29

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field topRepositories was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2019-08-27

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field preRelease was added to object type RegistryPackageVersion

                Schema changes for 2019-08-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member App was added to Union type PushAllowanceActor

                Schema changes for 2019-08-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type Release
                • Field descriptionHTML was added to object type Release

                Schema changes for 2019-08-15

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field removeEnterpriseIdentityProvider was removed from object type Mutation
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was removed
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was removed
                • Enum value ARCHIVED was added to enum CommentCannotUpdateReason

                Schema changes for 2019-08-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field setEnterpriseIdentityProvider was removed from object type Mutation
                • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was removed
                • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was removed

                Schema changes for 2019-08-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field transferIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Type TransferIssueInput was added
                • Type TransferIssuePayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-08-08

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Union member RepoDestroyAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Union member RepoCreateAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Union member RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Union member RepoArchivedAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Union member RepoAddTopicAuditEntry was added to Union type OrganizationAuditEntry
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseProfileInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseProfilePayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseAdministratorRoleInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseAdministratorRolePayload was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySettingPayload was added
                • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                • Type SetEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseOrganizationInput was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseOrganizationPayload was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderInput was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseIdentityProviderPayload was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseAdminInput was added
                • Type RemoveEnterpriseAdminPayload was added
                • Type RegenerateEnterpriseIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesInput was added
                • Type RegenerateEnterpriseIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesPayload was added
                • Type InviteEnterpriseAdminInput was added
                • Type InviteEnterpriseAdminPayload was added
                • Type CreateEnterpriseOrganizationInput was added
                • Type CreateEnterpriseOrganizationPayload was added
                • Type CancelEnterpriseAdminInvitationInput was added
                • Type CancelEnterpriseAdminInvitationPayload was added
                • Type AcceptEnterpriseAdministratorInvitationInput was added
                • Type AcceptEnterpriseAdministratorInvitationPayload was added
                • Type EnterpriseUserAccountEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseUserAccountConnection was added
                • Type IdentityProviderConfigurationState was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseRepositoryInfoEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseRepositoryInfoConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationConnection was added
                • Type RepoRemoveTopicAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoDestroyAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type RepoDestroyAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoCreateAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type RepoCreateAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntryMergeType was added
                • Type RepoChangeMergeSettingAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoArchivedAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type RepoArchivedAuditEntry was added
                • Type TopicAuditEntryData was added
                • Type RepoAddTopicAuditEntry was added

                The Enterprise accounts preview includes these changes:

                • Field updateEnterpriseTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseTeamDiscussionsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseRepositoryProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseProfile was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseOrganizationProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanViewDependencyInsightsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanDeleteIssuesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseAdministratorRole was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateEnterpriseActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field setEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeEnterpriseOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeEnterpriseIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeEnterpriseAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                • Field regenerateEnterpriseIdentityProviderRecoveryCodes was added to object type Mutation
                • Field inviteEnterpriseAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createEnterpriseOrganization was added to object type Mutation
                • Field cancelEnterpriseAdminInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                • Field acceptEnterpriseAdministratorInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                • Field enterpriseAdministratorInvitationByToken was added to object type Query
                • Field enterpriseAdministratorInvitation was added to object type Query
                • Field enterprise was added to object type Query
                • Type EnterpriseOrderField was added
                • Type ActionExecutionCapabilitySetting was added
                • Type EnterpriseEnabledSettingValue was added
                • Type SamlSignatureAlgorithm was added
                • Type SamlDigestAlgorithm was added
                • Type EnterpriseIdentityProvider was added
                • Type EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationEdge was added
                • Type EnterprisePendingMemberInvitationConnection was added
                • Type RepositoryInvitationOrderField was added
                • Type RepositoryInvitationOrder was added
                • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorEdge was added
                • Type EnterprisePendingCollaboratorConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrderField was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitationOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorInvitation was added
                • Type EnterpriseRepositoryInfo was added
                • Type EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseOutsideCollaboratorConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseMembersCanMakePurchasesSettingValue was added
                • Type OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added
                • Type EnterpriseMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationOrderField was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerInstallationOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrderField was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUploadSyncState was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountsUpload was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrderField was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrderField was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmailOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccountEmail was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerUserAccount was added
                • Type EnterpriseServerInstallation was added
                • Type EnterpriseDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue was added
                • Type EnterpriseEnabledDisabledSettingValue was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorRole was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseAdministratorConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseOwnerInfo was added
                • Type EnterpriseMemberOrderField was added
                • Type EnterpriseMemberOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseUserDeployment was added
                • Type OrganizationOrderField was added
                • Type OrganizationOrder was added
                • Type EnterpriseUserAccountMembershipRole was added
                • Type EnterpriseOrganizationMembershipEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseOrganizationMembershipConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseUserAccount was added
                • Type EnterpriseMember was added
                • Type EnterpriseMemberEdge was added
                • Type EnterpriseMemberConnection was added
                • Type EnterpriseBillingInfo was added
                • Type Enterprise was added

                Schema changes for 2019-07-31

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member MarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member MarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field RegistryPackageOwner.registryPackages
                • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field Repository.registryPackages
                • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field User.registryPackages
                • Argument publicOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.registryPackages
                • Type IssueOrPullRequestEdge was added
                • Type MarkedAsDuplicateEvent was added

                Schema changes for 2019-07-29

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • User object implements Sponsorable interface
                • Field sponsorshipsAsSponsor was added to object type User
                • Field sponsorshipsAsMaintainer was added to object type User
                • Type SponsorshipOrder was added
                • Type SponsorshipPrivacy was added
                • Type Sponsorship was added
                • Type SponsorshipEdge was added
                • Type SponsorshipConnection was added
                • Type Sponsorable was added

                Schema changes for 2019-07-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type RegistryPackageSearch
                • Field registryPackages was added to object type RegistryPackageOwner
                • Field registryPackages was added to object type Repository
                • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type User
                • Field registryPackages was added to object type User
                • Field registryPackagesForQuery was added to object type Organization
                • Field registryPackages was added to object type Organization
                • Type RegistryPackageMetadatum was added
                • Type RegistryPackageTag was added
                • Type RegistryPackageTagEdge was added
                • Type RegistryPackageTagConnection was added
                • Type RegistryPackageStatistics was added
                • Type RegistryPackageVersionEdge was added
                • Type RegistryPackageVersionConnection was added
                • Type RegistryPackageType was added
                • Type RegistryPackageVersionStatistics was added
                • Type RegistryPackageFileEdge was added
                • Type RegistryPackageFileConnection was added
                • Type RegistryPackageFile was added
                • Type RegistryPackageDependencyType was added
                • Type RegistryPackageDependency was added
                • Type RegistryPackageDependencyEdge was added
                • Type RegistryPackageDependencyConnection was added
                • Type RegistryPackageVersion was added
                • Type RegistryPackage was added
                • Type RegistryPackageEdge was added
                • Type RegistryPackageConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2019-07-24

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member Bot was added to Union type Assignee
                • Field emojiHTML was added to object type UserStatus

                The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field url was added to object type CheckSuite
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type CheckSuite

                Schema changes for 2019-07-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field repositoryIds was added to input object type CreateProjectInput
                • Field unlinkRepositoryFromProject was added to object type Mutation
                • Field linkRepositoryToProject was added to object type Mutation
                • Type UnlinkRepositoryFromProjectInput was added
                • Type UnlinkRepositoryFromProjectPayload was added
                • Type LinkRepositoryToProjectInput was added
                • Type LinkRepositoryToProjectPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-07-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution
                • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution
                • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution
                • Argument ignoreTimeRange: Boolean was removed from field ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution
                • Field messageHtml was removed from object type ReviewDismissedEvent
                • Field message was removed from object type ReviewDismissedEvent
                • Field members was removed from object type Organization
                • Gist object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                • Field assignee was added to object type UnassignedEvent
                • Field assignee was added to object type AssignedEvent
                • Field url was added to object type Gist
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type Gist
                • Field savedReplies was added to object type User
                • Field sponsorsListing was added to object type Query
                • Type SponsorsListing was added
                • Type SavedReplyOrderField was added
                • Type SavedReplyOrder was added
                • Type SavedReply was added
                • Type SavedReplyEdge was added
                • Type SavedReplyConnection was added
                • Type Assignee was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member AssignedEvent.user: user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead. Effective 2020-01-01.
              • On member UnassignedEvent.user: user will be removed. Use the assignee field instead. Effective 2020-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-07-17

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type BusinessAuditEntryData was removed
                • Input field template was added to input object type CreateProjectInput
                • Field updateRepository was added to object type Mutation
                • Field mergeBranch was added to object type Mutation
                • Type UpdateRepositoryInput was added
                • Type UpdateRepositoryPayload was added
                • Type MergeBranchInput was added
                • Type MergeBranchPayload was added
                • Type ProjectTemplate was added

                The Audit Log preview includes these changes:

                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • Field businessUrl was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • Field businessSlug was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • Field businessResourcePath was removed from object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry object type no longer implements BusinessAuditEntryData interface
                • RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry object implements EnterpriseAuditEntryData interface
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseUrl was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseSlug was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • Field enterpriseResourcePath was added to object type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry
                • Type EnterpriseAuditEntryData was added

                Schema changes for 2019-07-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value READY_FOR_REVIEW_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member ReadyForReviewEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Type ReadyForReviewEvent was added

                Schema changes for 2019-06-28

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field updateRef was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteRef was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createRef was added to object type Mutation
                • Type UpdateRefInput was added
                • Type UpdateRefPayload was added
                • Type DeleteRefInput was added
                • Type DeleteRefPayload was added
                • Type CreateRefInput was added
                • Type CreateRefPayload was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Organization.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.affectedRange: affectedRange will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.vulnerableVersionRange instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalIdentifier: externalIdentifier will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.identifiers instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference: externalReference will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.references instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixedIn: fixedIn will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.firstPatchedVersion instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.packageName: packageName will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.package instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member User.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-06-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field createRepository was added to object type Mutation
                • Type CreateRepositoryInput was added
                • Type CreateRepositoryPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-06-25

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field PublicKey.updatedAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
                • Field PublicKey.isReadOnly changed type from Boolean! to Boolean
                • Field PublicKey.createdAt changed type from DateTime! to DateTime
                • Field PublicKey.fingerprint changed type from String to String!
                • Field issuePrioritiesDebug was added to object type Milestone

                Schema changes for 2019-06-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member App was added to Union type SearchResultItem
                • Field cloneTemplateRepository was added to object type Mutation
                • Field isTemplate was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field templateRepository was added to object type Repository
                • Field isTemplate was added to object type Repository
                • Type RepositoryVisibility was added
                • Type CloneTemplateRepositoryInput was added
                • Type CloneTemplateRepositoryPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-06-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field ContributionOrder.field changed type from ContributionOrderField! to ContributionOrderField

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member ContributionOrder.field: field will be removed. Only one order field is supported. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-06-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument oid: GitObjectID added to field Gist.files
                • Field forks was added to object type Gist

                Schema changes for 2019-06-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value USER was added to enum PinnableItemType
                • Enum value TEAM was added to enum PinnableItemType
                • Enum value PULL_REQUEST was added to enum PinnableItemType
                • Enum value PROJECT was added to enum PinnableItemType
                • Enum value ORGANIZATION was added to enum PinnableItemType
                • Field requiresCodeOwnerReviews was added to object type BranchProtectionRule

                The [Labels Preview preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#labels-preview) includes these changes:

                • Input field description was added to input object type UpdateLabelInput
                • Input field description was added to input object type CreateLabelInput

                Schema changes for 2019-06-04

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Issue.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use Issue.timelineItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member PullRequest.timeline: timeline will be removed. Use PullRequest.timelineItems instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-05-31

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field expiresAt was added to input object type ChangeUserStatusInput
                • Field avatarUrl was added to object type StatusContext
                • Field expiresAt was added to object type UserStatus

                Schema changes for 2019-05-29

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value TRIAGE was added to enum RepositoryPermission
                • Enum value MAINTAIN was added to enum RepositoryPermission
                • Field openGraphImageUrl was added to object type Repository
                • Field openGraphImageUrl was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field usesCustomOpenGraphImage was added to object type Repository
                • Field usesCustomOpenGraphImage was added to object type RepositoryInfo

                Schema changes for 2019-05-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type OrganizationAuditEntryEdge was added
                • Type OrganizationAuditEntryConnection was added

                The Audit Log preview includes these changes:

                • Field auditLog was added to object type Organization
                • Type AuditLogOrderField was added
                • Type AuditLogOrder was added
                • Type TeamRemoveRepositoryAuditEntry was added
                • Type TeamRemoveMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type TeamChangeParentTeamAuditEntry was added
                • Type TeamAddRepositoryAuditEntry was added
                • Type TeamAddMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepositoryVisibilityChangeEnableAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepositoryVisibilityChangeDisableAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type RepoRemoveMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigUnlockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigLockAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigEnableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigEnableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigEnableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigDisableSockpuppetDisallowedAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigDisableContributorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoConfigDisableAnonymousGitAccessAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoAddMemberAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type RepoAddMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type RepoAccessAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type RepoAccessAuditEntry was added
                • Type PrivateRepositoryForkingEnableAuditEntry was added
                • Type PrivateRepositoryForkingDisableAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryInvitationPermissionAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntryVisibility was added
                • Type OrgUpdateMemberRepositoryCreationPermissionAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntryPermission was added
                • Type OrgUpdateMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntryPermission was added
                • Type OrgUpdateDefaultRepositoryPermissionAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgUnblockUserAuditEntry was added
                • Type TeamAuditEntryData was added
                • Type OrgRestoreMemberMembershipTeamAuditEntryData was added
                • Type RepositoryAuditEntryData was added
                • Type OrgRestoreMemberMembershipRepositoryAuditEntryData was added
                • Type OrgRestoreMemberMembershipOrganizationAuditEntryData was added
                • Type OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntryMembership was added
                • Type OrgRestoreMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryReason was added
                • Type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntryMembershipType was added
                • Type OrgRemoveOutsideCollaboratorAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryReason was added
                • Type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntryMembershipType was added
                • Type OrgRemoveMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntryReason was added
                • Type OrgRemoveBillingManagerAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgOauthAppAccessRequestedAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgOauthAppAccessDeniedAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgOauthAppAccessApprovedAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgInviteToBusinessAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgInviteMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgEnableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgEnableSamlAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgEnableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgDisableTwoFactorRequirementAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgDisableSamlAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgDisableOauthAppRestrictionsAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgConfigEnableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgConfigDisableCollaboratorsOnlyAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgBlockUserAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgAddMemberAuditEntryPermission was added
                • Type OrgAddMemberAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrgAddBillingManagerAuditEntry was added
                • Type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntryState was added
                • Type OauthApplicationAuditEntryData was added
                • Type OauthApplicationCreateAuditEntry was added
                • Type MembersCanDeleteReposEnableAuditEntry was added
                • Type MembersCanDeleteReposDisableAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrganizationAuditEntryData was added
                • Type BusinessAuditEntryData was added
                • Type PreciseDateTime was added
                • Type ActorLocation was added
                • Type AuditEntryActor was added
                • Type AuditEntry was added
                • Type MembersCanDeleteReposClearAuditEntry was added
                • Type OrganizationAuditEntry was added

                Schema changes for 2019-05-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value ISSUE was added to enum PinnableItemType
                • Field origin was added to object type SecurityAdvisory

                Schema changes for 2019-05-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member Mannequin was added to Union type RequestedReviewer
                • Type Mannequin was added

                Schema changes for 2019-04-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isArchived was added to object type MarketplaceListing

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member MarketplaceListing.hasApprovalBeenRequested: hasApprovalBeenRequested will be removed. Use isVerificationPendingFromDraft instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member MarketplaceListing.isApproved: isApproved will be removed. Use isPublic instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • On member MarketplaceListing.isDelisted: isDelisted will be removed. Use isArchived instead. Effective 2019-10-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-04-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field permissionSources was added to object type RepositoryCollaboratorEdge
                • Type PermissionGranter was added
                • Type PermissionSource was added

                Schema changes for 2019-04-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value USER_BLOCKED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem
                • Enum value USER_BLOCKED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Union member UserBlockedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                • Field isDisabled was added to object type Repository
                • Type UserBlockDuration was added
                • Type UserBlockedEvent was added

                Schema changes for 2019-03-30

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • User object implements ProfileOwner interface
                • Organization object implements ProfileOwner interface
                • Field viewerCanChangePinnedItems was added to object type User
                • Field pinnedItemsRemaining was added to object type User
                • Field pinnedItems was added to object type User
                • Field pinnableItems was added to object type User
                • Field itemShowcase was added to object type User
                • Field anyPinnableItems was added to object type User
                • Field viewerCanChangePinnedItems was added to object type Organization
                • Field pinnedItemsRemaining was added to object type Organization
                • Field pinnedItems was added to object type Organization
                • Field pinnableItems was added to object type Organization
                • Field itemShowcase was added to object type Organization
                • Field anyPinnableItems was added to object type Organization
                • Type PinnableItem was added
                • Type PinnableItemEdge was added
                • Type PinnableItemConnection was added
                • Type ProfileItemShowcase was added
                • Type PinnableItemType was added
                • Type ProfileOwner was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Organization.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member User.pinnedRepositories: pinnedRepositories will be removed. Use ProfileOwner.pinnedItems instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-03-29

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field cloneProject was added to object type Mutation
                • Type CloneProjectInput was added
                • Type CloneProjectPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-03-23

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Repository.protectedBranches: protectedBranches will be removed. Use Repository.branchProtectionRules instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member Migration.uploadUrlTemplate: uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
              • On member Organization.members: members will be removed. Use Organization.membersWithRole instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.affectedRange: affectedRange will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.vulnerableVersionRange instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalIdentifier: externalIdentifier will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.identifiers instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference: externalReference will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.references instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixedIn: fixedIn will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.firstPatchedVersion instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.packageName: packageName will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.package instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.message: message will be removed. Use dismissalMessage instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.messageHtml: messageHtml will be removed. Use dismissalMessageHTML instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-03-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field baseRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2019-03-19

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member ContributionsCollection.firstIssueContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.firstPullRequestContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.firstRepositoryContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ContributionsCollection.joinedGitHubContribution.ignoreTimeRange: ignoreTimeRange will be removed. Use a ContributionsCollection starting sufficiently far back Effective 2019-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-03-08

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field associatedPullRequests was added to object type Commit
                • Type PullRequestOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2019-03-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field pullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field pullRequestContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field issueContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type PullRequestReviewContributionsByRepository was added
                • Type PullRequestContributionsByRepository was added
                • Type IssueContributionsByRepository was added

                The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                • Field pendingCollaborators was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field outsideCollaborators was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field members was added to object type Business
                • Type BusinessMemberEdge was added
                • Type BusinessMemberConnection was added
                • Type RepositoryInvitationOrder was added
                • Type BusinessPendingCollaboratorEdge was added
                • Type BusinessPendingCollaboratorConnection was added
                • Type BusinessRepositoryInfoEdge was added
                • Type BusinessRepositoryInfoConnection was added
                • Type BusinessOutsideCollaboratorEdge was added
                • Type BusinessOutsideCollaboratorConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2019-03-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting was removed from object type Mutation
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput was removed
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingPayload was removed
                • Field pullRequestReviewContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field contributionYears was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type CreatedPullRequestReviewContribution was added
                • Type CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionEdge was added
                • Type CreatedPullRequestReviewContributionConnection was added

                The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                • Argument orderBy: BusinessMemberInvitationOrder added to field BusinessBillingInfo.pendingBillingManagerInvitations
                • Argument orderBy: OrganizationInvitationOrder added to field BusinessAdminInfo.pendingMemberInvitations
                • Argument orderBy: BusinessMemberInvitationOrder added to field BusinessAdminInfo.pendingAdminInvitations
                • Type RepositoryInvitationOrderField was added
                • Type OrganizationInvitationOrderField was added
                • Type OrganizationInvitationOrder was added
                • Type BusinessMemberInvitationOrderField was added
                • Type BusinessMemberInvitationOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2019-03-02

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument orderBy: ContributionOrder added to field ContributionsCollection.issueContributions
                • Field repositoryContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type CreatedRepositoryContributionEdge was added
                • Type CreatedRepositoryContributionConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2019-02-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field OrganizationMemberEdge.hasTwoFactorEnabled changed type from Boolean! to Boolean

                Schema changes for 2019-02-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field language was added to object type GistFile
                • Field isTruncated was added to object type GistFile
                • Field isImage was added to object type GistFile
                • Field extension was added to object type GistFile
                • Field encodedName was added to object type GistFile
                • Type IdentityProviderConfigurationState was added

                The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                • Field samlIdentityProviderSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field actionExecutionCapabilitySettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Argument query: String added to field Business.organizations

                Schema changes for 2019-02-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value DRAFT was added to enum MergeStateStatus
                • Field isVerified was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field isVerificationPendingFromUnverified was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field isVerificationPendingFromDraft was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field isUnverifiedPending was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field isUnverified was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                • Field isPublic was added to object type MarketplaceListing

                Schema changes for 2019-02-20

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field contributions was added to object type CommitContributionsByRepository
                • Field pullRequestContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field firstRepositoryContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type ContributionOrderField was added
                • Type ContributionOrder was added
                • Type CreatedPullRequestContributionConnection was added
                • Type CreatedRepositoryContribution was added
                • Type CreatedRepositoryOrRestrictedContribution was added
                • Type CommitContributionOrderField was added
                • Type CommitContributionOrder was added
                • Type CreatedCommitContribution was added
                • Type CreatedCommitContributionEdge was added
                • Type CreatedCommitContributionConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2019-02-15

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isFork was added to object type Gist
                • Field files was added to object type Gist
                • Field commitContributionsByRepository was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type GistFile was added
                • Type CommitContributionsByRepository was added

                The Draft Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Input field draft was added to input object type CreatePullRequestInput
                • Field markPullRequestReadyForReview was added to object type Mutation
                • Field isDraft was added to object type PullRequest
                • Type MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewInput was added
                • Type MarkPullRequestReadyForReviewPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2019-02-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Organization object implements MemberStatusable interface
                • Team object implements MemberStatusable interface
                • User object implements ProjectOwner interface
                • Field changeUserStatus was added to object type Mutation
                • Field memberStatuses was added to object type Organization
                • Field memberStatuses was added to object type Team
                • Field viewerCanCreateProjects was added to object type User
                • Field status was added to object type User
                • Field projectsUrl was added to object type User
                • Field projectsResourcePath was added to object type User
                • Field projects was added to object type User
                • Field project was added to object type User
                • Type ChangeUserStatusInput was added
                • Type ChangeUserStatusPayload was added
                • Type UserStatusOrderField was added
                • Type UserStatusOrder was added
                • Type UserStatus was added
                • Type UserStatusEdge was added
                • Type UserStatusConnection was added
                • Type MemberStatusable was added

                Schema changes for 2019-02-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field updatedAt was added to object type PublicKey
                • Field isReadOnly was added to object type PublicKey
                • Field fingerprint was added to object type PublicKey
                • Field createdAt was added to object type PublicKey
                • Field accessedAt was added to object type PublicKey
                • Field hasTwoFactorEnabled was added to object type OrganizationMemberEdge
                • Type SetBusinessIdentityProviderInput was added
                • Type SetBusinessIdentityProviderPayload was added
                • Type RemoveBusinessIdentityProviderInput was added
                • Type RemoveBusinessIdentityProviderPayload was added
                • Type RegenerateBusinessIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesInput was added
                • Type RegenerateBusinessIdentityProviderRecoveryCodesPayload was added

                The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                • Field setBusinessIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeBusinessIdentityProvider was added to object type Mutation
                • Field regenerateBusinessIdentityProviderRecoveryCodes was added to object type Mutation
                • Field twoFactorRequiredSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field teamDiscussionsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field samlIdentityProvider was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field repositoryProjectsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field organizationProjectsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field membersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field membersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field membersCanDeleteIssuesSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field membersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field membersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field defaultRepositoryPermissionSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Field allowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingOrganizations was added to object type BusinessAdminInfo
                • Type SamlSignatureAlgorithm was added
                • Type SamlDigestAlgorithm was added
                • Type BusinessIdentityProvider was added
                • Type OrganizationMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added

                Schema changes for 2019-02-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Default value for argument orderBy on field Commit.deployments changed from {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"ASC"}
                • Default value for argument orderBy on field Repository.deployments changed from {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"DESC"} to {"field"=>"CREATED_AT", "direction"=>"ASC"}

                Schema changes for 2019-02-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField was added

                The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                • Field RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference changed type from String to String!
                • Field vulnerableRequirements was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field vulnerableManifestPath was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field vulnerableManifestFilename was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field securityVulnerability was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field securityAdvisory was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.affectedRange: affectedRange will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.vulnerableVersionRange instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalIdentifier: externalIdentifier will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.identifiers instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.externalReference: externalReference will be removed. Use securityAdvisory.references instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.fixedIn: fixedIn will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.firstPatchedVersion instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert.packageName: packageName will be removed. Use securityVulnerability.package instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-02-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value QUEUED was added to enum DeploymentStatusState
                • Enum value IN_PROGRESS was added to enum DeploymentStatusState
                • Field dismissalMessageHTML was added to object type ReviewDismissedEvent
                • Field dismissalMessage was added to object type ReviewDismissedEvent

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.message: message will be removed. Use dismissalMessage instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.messageHtml: messageHtml will be removed. Use dismissalMessageHTML instead. Effective 2019-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2019-02-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field deployments was added to object type Commit
                • Argument orderBy: DeploymentOrder added to field Repository.deployments
                • Type UpdateBusinessTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessTeamDiscussionsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessTeamDiscussionsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessRepositoryProjectsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessRepositoryProjectsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessProfileInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessProfilePayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessOrganizationProjectsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessOrganizationProjectsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanDeleteIssuesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingPayload was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingInput was added
                • Type UpdateBusinessAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSettingPayload was added
                • Type RemoveBusinessBillingManagerInput was added
                • Type RemoveBusinessBillingManagerPayload was added
                • Type RemoveBusinessAdminInput was added
                • Type RemoveBusinessAdminPayload was added
                • Type InviteBusinessBillingManagerInput was added
                • Type InviteBusinessBillingManagerPayload was added
                • Type InviteBusinessAdminInput was added
                • Type InviteBusinessAdminPayload was added
                • Type CancelBusinessBillingManagerInvitationInput was added
                • Type CancelBusinessBillingManagerInvitationPayload was added
                • Type CancelBusinessAdminInvitationInput was added
                • Type CancelBusinessAdminInvitationPayload was added
                • Type AcceptBusinessMemberInvitationInput was added
                • Type AcceptBusinessMemberInvitationPayload was added
                • Type BusinessMemberInvitationEdge was added
                • Type BusinessMemberInvitationConnection was added
                • Type DeploymentOrderField was added
                • Type DeploymentOrder was added

                The Unified business identity preview includes these changes:

                • Field updateBusinessTwoFactorAuthenticationRequiredSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessTeamDiscussionsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessRepositoryProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessProfile was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessOrganizationProjectsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanUpdateProtectedBranchesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanInviteCollaboratorsSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanDeleteRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanDeleteIssuesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessMembersCanChangeRepositoryVisibilitySetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateBusinessAllowPrivateRepositoryForkingSetting was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeBusinessBillingManager was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeBusinessAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                • Field inviteBusinessBillingManager was added to object type Mutation
                • Field inviteBusinessAdmin was added to object type Mutation
                • Field cancelBusinessBillingManagerInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                • Field cancelBusinessAdminInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                • Field acceptBusinessMemberInvitation was added to object type Mutation
                • Field businessMemberInvitationByToken was added to object type Query
                • Field businessMemberInvitation was added to object type Query
                • Field business was added to object type Query
                • Type BusinessRepositoryInfo was added
                • Type OrganizationOrderField was added
                • Type OrganizationOrder was added
                • Type BusinessBillingInfo was added
                • Type BusinessEnabledSettingValue was added
                • Type BusinessPendingMemberInvitationConnection was added
                • Type BusinessMemberInvitationRole was added
                • Type BusinessMemberInvitation was added
                • Type BusinessMembersCanCreateRepositoriesSettingValue was added
                • Type BusinessDefaultRepositoryPermissionSettingValue was added
                • Type BusinessEnabledDisabledSettingValue was added
                • Type BusinessAdminInfo was added
                • Type Business was added

                Schema changes for 2019-01-31

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • CodeOfConduct object implements Node interface
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                • Field id was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                • Type PullRequestReviewThreadEdge was added
                • Type PullRequestReviewThreadConnection was added

                The Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Field reviewThreads was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2019-01-30

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • CodeOfConduct object implements Node interface
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                • Field id was added to object type CodeOfConduct
                • Type PullRequestReviewThreadEdge was added
                • Type PullRequestReviewThreadConnection was added

                The Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Field reviewThreads was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2019-01-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field pendingMembers was added to object type Organization

                Schema changes for 2019-01-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value ROCKET was added to enum ReactionContent
                • Enum value EYES was added to enum ReactionContent

                Schema changes for 2019-01-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field issueContributions was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type CreatedIssueContributionConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2019-01-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • PullRequestReview object implements Reactable interface
                • Field viewerCanReact was added to object type PullRequestReview
                • Field reactions was added to object type PullRequestReview
                • Field reactionGroups was added to object type PullRequestReview

                The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                • Argument includeNotificationContexts: Boolean added to field PullRequest.hovercard
                • Argument includeNotificationContexts: Boolean added to field Issue.hovercard

                Schema changes for 2019-01-08

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field protectedBranch was removed from object type ReviewDismissalAllowance
                • Field protectedBranch was removed from object type PushAllowance

                Schema changes for 2019-01-05

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type DeleteIssueInput was added
                • Type DeleteIssuePayload was added

                The Issues Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Field deleteIssue was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2019-01-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field UpdateTopicsPayload.repository changed type from Repository! to Repository
                • Field UpdateSubscriptionPayload.subscribable changed type from Subscribable! to Subscribable
                • Field UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentPayload.pullRequestReviewComment changed type from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field UpdatePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                • Field UpdateProjectColumnPayload.projectColumn changed type from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn
                • Field UpdateProjectCardPayload.projectCard changed type from ProjectCard! to ProjectCard
                • Field UpdateProjectPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                • Field SubmitPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                • Field RequestReviewsPayload.requestedReviewersEdge changed type from UserEdge! to UserEdge
                • Field RequestReviewsPayload.pullRequest changed type from PullRequest! to PullRequest
                • Field RemoveStarPayload.starrable changed type from Starrable! to Starrable
                • Field RemoveReactionPayload.subject changed type from Reactable! to Reactable
                • Field RemoveReactionPayload.reaction changed type from Reaction! to Reaction
                • Field RemoveOutsideCollaboratorPayload.removedUser changed type from User! to User
                • Field MoveProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge changed type from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge
                • Field MoveProjectCardPayload.cardEdge changed type from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge
                • Field DismissPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                • Field DeletePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                • Field DeleteProjectColumnPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                • Field DeleteProjectColumnPayload.deletedColumnId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Field DeleteProjectCardPayload.deletedCardId changed type from ID! to ID
                • Field DeleteProjectCardPayload.column changed type from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn
                • Field DeleteProjectPayload.owner changed type from ProjectOwner! to ProjectOwner
                • Field DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload.topic changed type from Topic! to Topic
                • Field CreateProjectPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                • Field AddStarPayload.starrable changed type from Starrable! to Starrable
                • Field AddReactionPayload.subject changed type from Reactable! to Reactable
                • Field AddReactionPayload.reaction changed type from Reaction! to Reaction
                • Field AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.commentEdge changed type from PullRequestReviewCommentEdge! to PullRequestReviewCommentEdge
                • Field AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.comment changed type from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field AddPullRequestReviewPayload.reviewEdge changed type from PullRequestReviewEdge! to PullRequestReviewEdge
                • Field AddPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview
                • Field AddProjectColumnPayload.project changed type from Project! to Project
                • Field AddProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge changed type from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge
                • Field AddProjectCardPayload.projectColumn changed type from Project! to ProjectColumn
                • Field AddProjectCardPayload.cardEdge changed type from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge
                • Field AddCommentPayload.timelineEdge changed type from IssueTimelineItemEdge! to IssueTimelineItemEdge
                • Field AddCommentPayload.subject changed type from Node! to Node
                • Field AddCommentPayload.commentEdge changed type from IssueCommentEdge! to IssueCommentEdge
                • Field AcceptTopicSuggestionPayload.topic changed type from Topic! to Topic

                Schema changes for 2018-12-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field firstPullRequestContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field firstIssueContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type CreatedPullRequestOrRestrictedContribution was added
                • Type RestrictedContribution was added
                • Type CreatedIssueOrRestrictedContribution was added

                Schema changes for 2018-12-20

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument first: Int added to field Topic.relatedTopics

                Schema changes for 2018-12-18

                The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                • Field hovercard was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field hovercard was added to object type Issue
                • Type ViewerHovercardContext was added
                • Type ReviewStatusHovercardContext was added

                Schema changes for 2018-12-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field popularPullRequestContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field popularIssueContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field mostRecentCollectionWithoutActivity was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field joinedGitHubContribution was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Field hasActivityInThePast was added to object type ContributionsCollection
                • Type CreatedPullRequestContributionEdge was added
                • Type CreatedIssueContributionEdge was added
                • Type CreatedPullRequestContribution was added
                • Type CreatedIssueContribution was added
                • Type Contribution was added
                • Type JoinedGitHubContribution was added

                Schema changes for 2018-12-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value UNPINNED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value PINNED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member UnpinnedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Union member PinnedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Enum value UNPINNED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value PINNED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member UnpinnedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Union member PinnedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • Type UnpinIssueInput was added
                • Type UnpinIssuePayload was added
                • Type PinIssueInput was added
                • Type PinIssuePayload was added
                • Type UnpinnedEvent was added
                • Type PinnedEvent was added

                The [Pinned Issues Preview preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#pinned-issues-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field unpinIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field pinIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field pinnedIssues was added to object type Repository
                • Type PinnedIssue was added
                • Type PinnedIssueEdge was added
                • Type PinnedIssueConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-12-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field tagName was added to object type Release

                Schema changes for 2018-12-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type CreateContentAttachmentInput was added
                • Type ContentReference was added
                • Type ContentAttachment was added
                • Type CreateContentAttachmentPayload was added

                The [Create content attachments preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#create-content-attachments-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field createContentAttachment was added to object type Mutation

                Schema changes for 2018-12-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field membersWithRole was added to object type Organization
                • Type OrganizationMemberRole was added
                • Type OrganizationMemberEdge was added
                • Type OrganizationMemberConnection was added

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Organization.members: members will be removed. Use Organization.membersWithRole instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
              • Schema changes for 2018-12-01

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field contributionsCollection was added to object type User
                • Type ContributionCalendarDay was added
                • Type ContributionCalendarWeek was added
                • Type Date was added
                • Type ContributionCalendarMonth was added
                • Type ContributionCalendar was added
                • Type ContributionsCollection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-11-16

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member Migration.uploadUrlTemplate: uploadUrlTemplate will be removed. Use uploadUrl instead. Effective 2019-04-01.
              • Schema changes for 2018-11-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field commitOid was added to object type Deployment

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member AddProjectCardPayload.projectColumn: Type for projectColumn will change from Project! to ProjectColumn. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2018-11-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value TRANSFERRED_EVENT was added to enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member TransferredEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItems
                • Union member TransferredEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem
                • GistComment object implements Minimizable interface
                • Enum value TRANSFERRED_EVENT was added to enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Union member TransferredEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItems
                • PullRequestReviewComment object implements Minimizable interface
                • CommitComment object implements Minimizable interface
                • Commit object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                • IssueComment object implements Minimizable interface
                • Enum value DENIED was added to enum CommentCannotUpdateReason
                • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type GistComment
                • Field minimizedReason was added to object type GistComment
                • Field isMinimized was added to object type GistComment
                • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field minimizedReason was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field isMinimized was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field minimizedReason was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field isMinimized was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field viewerCanMinimize was added to object type IssueComment
                • Field minimizedReason was added to object type IssueComment
                • Field isMinimized was added to object type IssueComment
                • Type UnminimizeCommentInput was added
                • Type UnminimizeCommentPayload was added
                • Type ReportedContentClassifiers was added
                • Type MinimizeCommentInput was added
                • Type MinimizeCommentPayload was added
                • Type TransferredEvent was added

                The _Minimize Comments_ preview includes these changes:

                • Field unminimizeComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field minimizeComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Type Minimizable was added

                Schema changes for 2018-10-24

                The Pull Requests Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Field updatePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                • Field reopenPullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                • Field mergePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deletePullRequestReviewComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createPullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                • Field closePullRequest was added to object type Mutation
                • Field files was added to object type PullRequest
                • Type UpdatePullRequestInput was added
                • Type UpdatePullRequestPayload was added
                • Type ReopenPullRequestInput was added
                • Type ReopenPullRequestPayload was added
                • Type MergePullRequestInput was added
                • Type MergePullRequestPayload was added
                • Type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentInput was added
                • Type DeletePullRequestReviewCommentPayload was added
                • Type CreatePullRequestInput was added
                • Type CreatePullRequestPayload was added
                • Type ClosePullRequestInput was added
                • Type ClosePullRequestPayload was added
                • Type PullRequestChangedFile was added
                • Type PullRequestChangedFileEdge was added
                • Type PullRequestChangedFileConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-10-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field Repository.forks
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field RepositoryOwner.repositories
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field User.watching
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field User.repositories
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field User.pinnedRepositories
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field Organization.repositories
                • Argument ownerAffiliations: [RepositoryAffiliation] added to field Organization.pinnedRepositories

                Schema changes for 2018-10-16

                The Access to GitHub Security Advisories preview includes these changes:

                • Field securityVulnerabilities was added to object type Query
                • Field securityAdvisory was added to object type Query
                • Field securityAdvisories was added to object type Query
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryOrderField was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryOrder was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierType was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifierFilter was added
                • Type SecurityVulnerabilityOrderField was added
                • Type SecurityVulnerabilityOrder was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryEcosystem was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryPackage was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryPackageVersion was added
                • Type SecurityVulnerability was added
                • Type SecurityVulnerabilityEdge was added
                • Type SecurityVulnerabilityConnection was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisorySeverity was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryReference was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryIdentifier was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisory was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryEdge was added
                • Type SecurityAdvisoryConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-10-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field outdated was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field onBehalfOf was added to object type PullRequestReview

                Schema changes for 2018-10-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field state was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Type PullRequestReviewCommentState was added

                Schema changes for 2018-10-08

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member PushAllowance.protectedBranch: protectedBranch will be removed. Use Repository.branchProtectionRule instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member Repository.protectedBranches: protectedBranches will be removed. Use Repository.branchProtectionRules instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member ReviewDismissalAllowance.protectedBranch: protectedBranch will be removed. Use ReviewDismissalAllowance.branchProtectionRule instead. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2018-09-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field viewerCanApplySuggestion was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2018-09-25

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field ref was added to object type Deployment

                Schema changes for 2018-09-19

                The Issues Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Field convertProjectCardNoteToIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Type ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssueInput was added
                • Type ConvertProjectCardNoteToIssuePayload was added

                Schema changes for 2018-09-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum IssueTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType
                • Enum value MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT was removed from enum PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType

                Schema changes for 2018-09-13

                The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field app was added to object type CheckSuite

                Schema changes for 2018-09-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type UpdateIssueCommentInput was added
                • Type UpdateIssueCommentPayload was added
                • Type UpdateIssueInput was added
                • Type UpdateIssuePayload was added
                • Type UnmarkIssueAsDuplicateInput was added
                • Type UnmarkIssueAsDuplicatePayload was added
                • Type ReopenIssueInput was added
                • Type ReopenIssuePayload was added
                • Type RemoveLabelsFromLabelableInput was added
                • Type RemoveLabelsFromLabelablePayload was added
                • Type RemoveAssigneesFromAssignableInput was added
                • Type RemoveAssigneesFromAssignablePayload was added
                • Type DeleteIssueCommentInput was added
                • Type DeleteIssueCommentPayload was added
                • Type CreateIssueInput was added
                • Type CreateIssuePayload was added
                • Type CloseIssueInput was added
                • Type CloseIssuePayload was added
                • Type ClearLabelsFromLabelableInput was added
                • Type ClearLabelsFromLabelablePayload was added
                • Type AddLabelsToLabelableInput was added
                • Type AddLabelsToLabelablePayload was added
                • Type AddAssigneesToAssignableInput was added
                • Type AddAssigneesToAssignablePayload was added
                • Type IssueTimelineItemsItemType was added
                • Type IssueTimelineItems was added
                • Type IssueTimelineItemsEdge was added
                • Type IssueTimelineItemsConnection was added
                • Type PullRequestTimelineItemsItemType was added
                • Type PullRequestTimelineItems was added
                • Type PullRequestTimelineItemsEdge was added
                • Type PullRequestTimelineItemsConnection was added

                The Issues Preview preview includes these changes:

                • Field updateIssueComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field unmarkIssueAsDuplicate was added to object type Mutation
                • Field reopenIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeLabelsFromLabelable was added to object type Mutation
                • Field removeAssigneesFromAssignable was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteIssueComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field closeIssue was added to object type Mutation
                • Field clearLabelsFromLabelable was added to object type Mutation
                • Field addLabelsToLabelable was added to object type Mutation
                • Field addAssigneesToAssignable was added to object type Mutation
                • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field Milestone.issues
                • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field Label.issues
                • Field timelineItems was added to object type PullRequest
                • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field Repository.issues
                • Argument filterBy: IssueFilters added to field User.issues
                • Field timelineItems was added to object type Issue
                • Type PullRequestRevisionMarker was added
                • Type PullRequestCommitCommentThread was added
                • Type IssueFilters was added

                The Branch Protection Rules preview includes these changes:

                • Field updateBranchProtectionRule was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteBranchProtectionRule was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createBranchProtectionRule was added to object type Mutation
                • Field branchProtectionRule was added to object type ReviewDismissalAllowance
                • Field branchProtectionRule was added to object type PushAllowance
                • Field branchProtectionRules was added to object type Repository
                • Type UpdateBranchProtectionRuleInput was added
                • Type UpdateBranchProtectionRulePayload was added
                • Type DeleteBranchProtectionRuleInput was added
                • Type DeleteBranchProtectionRulePayload was added
                • Type CreateBranchProtectionRuleInput was added
                • Type CreateBranchProtectionRulePayload was added
                • Type BranchProtectionRuleConflict was added
                • Type BranchProtectionRuleConflictEdge was added
                • Type BranchProtectionRuleConflictConnection was added
                • Type BranchProtectionRule was added
                • Type BranchProtectionRuleEdge was added
                • Type BranchProtectionRuleConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-09-10

                The [Project Event Details preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#project-event-details-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field projectColumnName was added to object type RemovedFromProjectEvent
                • Field project was added to object type RemovedFromProjectEvent
                • Field projectColumnName was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                • Field projectCard was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                • Field project was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                • Field previousProjectColumnName was added to object type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent
                • Field projectColumnName was added to object type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
                • Field projectCard was added to object type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
                • Field project was added to object type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent
                • Field projectColumnName was added to object type AddedToProjectEvent
                • Field projectCard was added to object type AddedToProjectEvent
                • Field project was added to object type AddedToProjectEvent

                Schema changes for 2018-09-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value BAD_CERT was added to enum GitSignatureState

                Schema changes for 2018-09-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field isArchived was added to input object type UpdateProjectCardInput
                • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field PullRequest.projectCards
                • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field Issue.projectCards
                • Field isArchived was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field
                • Field purpose was added to object type ProjectColumn
                • Argument archivedStates: [ProjectCardArchivedState] added to field Project.pendingCards
                • Type PullRequestOrderField was added
                • Type ProjectColumnPurpose was added
                • Type ProjectCardArchivedState was added

                Schema changes for 2018-08-31

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field logoBackgroundColor was added to object type App

                Schema changes for 2018-08-24

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument includeCategories: [String!] added to field Query.marketplaceCategories

                Schema changes for 2018-08-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Union member DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                • Type DeploymentEnvironmentChangedEvent was added

                Schema changes for 2018-08-09

                The Temporary Cloning Token for Private Repositories preview includes these changes:

                • Field tempCloneToken was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2018-08-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field isVerified was added to object type Organization
                • Field app was added to object type MarketplaceListing
                • Type App was added

                The [Checks preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#checks-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field warningLevel was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                • Field startLine was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                • Field filename was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                • Field endLine was removed from object type CheckAnnotation
                • Field creator was removed from object type CheckRun
                • Field updateCheckSuitePreferences was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateCheckRun was added to object type Mutation
                • Field rerequestCheckSuite was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createCheckSuite was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createCheckRun was added to object type Mutation
                • Field path was added to object type CheckAnnotation
                • Field location was added to object type CheckAnnotation
                • Field annotationLevel was added to object type CheckAnnotation
                • Type CheckSuiteAutoTriggerPreference was added
                • Type UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesInput was added
                • Type UpdateCheckSuitePreferencesPayload was added
                • Type UpdateCheckRunInput was added
                • Type UpdateCheckRunPayload was added
                • Type RerequestCheckSuiteInput was added
                • Type RerequestCheckSuitePayload was added
                • Type CreateCheckSuiteInput was added
                • Type CreateCheckSuitePayload was added
                • Type RequestableCheckStatusState was added
                • Type CheckRunOutputImage was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationRange was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationData was added
                • Type CheckRunOutput was added
                • Type CheckRunAction was added
                • Type CreateCheckRunInput was added
                • Type CreateCheckRunPayload was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationPosition was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationSpan was added

                Schema changes for 2018-08-01

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member AcceptTopicSuggestionPayload.topic: Type for topic will change from Topic! to Topic. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddCommentPayload.commentEdge: Type for commentEdge will change from IssueCommentEdge! to IssueCommentEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddCommentPayload.subject: Type for subject will change from Node! to Node. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddCommentPayload.timelineEdge: Type for timelineEdge will change from IssueTimelineItemEdge! to IssueTimelineItemEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectCardPayload.cardEdge: Type for cardEdge will change from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectCardPayload.projectColumn: Type for projectColumn will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge: Type for columnEdge will change from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddProjectColumnPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.comment: Type for comment will change from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddPullRequestReviewCommentPayload.commentEdge: Type for commentEdge will change from PullRequestReviewCommentEdge! to PullRequestReviewCommentEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddPullRequestReviewPayload.reviewEdge: Type for reviewEdge will change from PullRequestReviewEdge! to PullRequestReviewEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddReactionPayload.reaction: Type for reaction will change from Reaction! to Reaction. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddReactionPayload.subject: Type for subject will change from Reactable! to Reactable. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member AddStarPayload.starrable: Type for starrable will change from Starrable! to Starrable. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member CreateProjectPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeclineTopicSuggestionPayload.topic: Type for topic will change from Topic! to Topic. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectCardPayload.column: Type for column will change from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectCardPayload.deletedCardId: Type for deletedCardId will change from ID! to ID. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectColumnPayload.deletedColumnId: Type for deletedColumnId will change from ID! to ID. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectColumnPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeleteProjectPayload.owner: Type for owner will change from ProjectOwner! to ProjectOwner. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DeletePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member DismissPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member MoveProjectCardPayload.cardEdge: Type for cardEdge will change from ProjectCardEdge! to ProjectCardEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member MoveProjectColumnPayload.columnEdge: Type for columnEdge will change from ProjectColumnEdge! to ProjectColumnEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member RemoveOutsideCollaboratorPayload.removedUser: Type for removedUser will change from User! to User. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member RemoveReactionPayload.reaction: Type for reaction will change from Reaction! to Reaction. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member RemoveReactionPayload.subject: Type for subject will change from Reactable! to Reactable. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member RemoveStarPayload.starrable: Type for starrable will change from Starrable! to Starrable. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member RequestReviewsPayload.pullRequest: Type for pullRequest will change from PullRequest! to PullRequest. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member RequestReviewsPayload.requestedReviewersEdge: Type for requestedReviewersEdge will change from UserEdge! to UserEdge. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member SubmitPullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectCardPayload.projectCard: Type for projectCard will change from ProjectCard! to ProjectCard. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectColumnPayload.projectColumn: Type for projectColumn will change from ProjectColumn! to ProjectColumn. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdateProjectPayload.project: Type for project will change from Project! to Project. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdatePullRequestReviewCommentPayload.pullRequestReviewComment: Type for pullRequestReviewComment will change from PullRequestReviewComment! to PullRequestReviewComment. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdatePullRequestReviewPayload.pullRequestReview: Type for pullRequestReview will change from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdateSubscriptionPayload.subscribable: Type for subscribable will change from Subscribable! to Subscribable. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • On member UpdateTopicsPayload.repository: Type for repository will change from Repository! to Repository. Effective 2019-01-01.
              • Schema changes for 2018-07-26

                The [Deployments preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#deployments-preview) includes these changes:

                • Enum value QUEUED was added to enum DeploymentState
                • Enum value IN_PROGRESS was added to enum DeploymentState
                • Field createDeploymentStatus was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createDeployment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field environment was added to object type DeploymentStatus
                • Type CreateDeploymentStatusInput was added
                • Type CreateDeploymentStatusPayload was added
                • Type CreateDeploymentInput was added
                • Type CreateDeploymentPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2018-07-16

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field task was added to object type Deployment

                Schema changes for 2018-07-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field GitHubMetadata.gitHubServicesSha changed type from String! to GitObjectID!
                • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was removed
                • Type RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation was removed
                • Type PullRequestPubSubTopic was removed
                • Type IssuePubSubTopic was removed
                • Type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField was removed
                • Type Date was removed

                Schema changes for 2018-07-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field checkSuites was added to object type Commit
                • Type CheckSuiteFilter was added
                • Type Push was added
                • Type CheckRunType was added
                • Type CheckRunFilter was added
                • Type CheckStatusState was added
                • Type CheckConclusionState was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationLevel was added
                • Type CheckAnnotation was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationEdge was added
                • Type CheckAnnotationConnection was added
                • Type CheckRun was added
                • Type CheckRunEdge was added
                • Type CheckRunConnection was added
                • Type CheckSuite was added
                • Type CheckSuiteEdge was added
                • Type CheckSuiteConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-07-06

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Deployment
                • Field description was added to object type Deployment

                Schema changes for 2018-07-04

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field subject was removed from object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                • Field subject was removed from object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                • Field isCrossReference was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field commit was removed from object type ClosedEvent
                • Field reviewer was removed from object type ReviewRequest
                • Field license was removed from object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field license was removed from object type Repository
                • Field contributedRepositories was removed from object type User
                • Field projectColumn was removed from object type ProjectCard

                Schema changes for 2018-07-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Repository object implements RegistryPackageOwner interface
                • User object implements RegistryPackageSearch interface
                • User object implements RegistryPackageOwner interface
                • Organization object implements RegistryPackageSearch interface
                • Organization object implements RegistryPackageOwner interface
                • Type RegistryPackageSearch was added
                • Type RegistryPackageOwner was added

                Schema changes for 2018-06-26

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field permalink was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2018-06-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Input field UpdateProjectCardInput.note changed type from String! to String

                Schema changes for 2018-06-21

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument useTopicAliases: Boolean added to field Query.marketplaceListings
                • Argument useTopicAliases: Boolean added to field Query.marketplaceCategory

                Schema changes for 2018-06-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field unlockLockable was added to object type Mutation
                • Type UnlockLockableInput was added
                • Type UnlockLockablePayload was added

                Schema changes for 2018-06-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field subject was added to object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                • Field subject was added to object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                • Field isCrossReference was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field commit was added to object type ClosedEvent
                • Field reviewer was added to object type ReviewRequest
                • Field license was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field license was added to object type Repository
                • Field contributedRepositories was added to object type User
                • Field projectColumn was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Type TopicConnection was added
                • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was added
                • Type RepositoryCollaboratorAffiliation was added
                • Type PullRequestPubSubTopic was added
                • Type IssuePubSubTopic was added
                • Type DefaultRepositoryPermissionField was added
                • Type Date was added
                • Type MergeStateStatus was added

                The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                • Field updateTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field discussionsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field discussionsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field discussions was added to object type Team
                • Field discussion was added to object type Team
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionOrderField was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionOrder was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionEdge was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionConnection was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrder was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionComment was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentEdge was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentConnection was added
                • Type TeamDiscussion was added

                The Protected Branch: Multiple Required Approving Reviews preview includes these changes:

                • Field requiredApprovingReviewCount was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                The Protected Branch: Required Signatures preview includes these changes:

                • Field hasRequiredSignatures was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                The [Merge info preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#merge-info-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field mergeStateStatus was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field canBeRebased was added to object type PullRequest

                The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                • Field vulnerabilityAlerts was added to object type Repository
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert was added
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEdge was added
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertConnection was added

                The [Access to a Repositories Dependency Graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field dependencyGraphManifests was added to object type Repository
                • Type DependencyGraphDependency was added
                • Type DependencyGraphDependencyEdge was added
                • Type DependencyGraphDependencyConnection was added
                • Type DependencyGraphManifest was added
                • Type DependencyGraphManifestEdge was added
                • Type DependencyGraphManifestConnection was added

                The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                • Field hovercard was added to object type User
                • Type OrganizationsHovercardContext was added
                • Type OrganizationTeamsHovercardContext was added
                • Type GenericHovercardContext was added
                • Type HovercardContext was added
                • Type Hovercard was added

                Schema changes for 2018-06-11

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Default value for argument affiliations on field User.watching changed from ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] to ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR", "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER"]

                Schema changes for 2018-05-30

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field editedAt was added to object type UserContentEdit

                Schema changes for 2018-05-25

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field TextMatch.highlights changed type from [TextMatchHighlight]! to [TextMatchHighlight!]!
                • Type MergeStateStatus was added

                The [Merge info preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#merge-info-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field mergeStateStatus was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field canBeRebased was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2018-05-18

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • License object implements Node interface

                Schema changes for 2018-05-17

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • MarketplaceCategory object implements Node interface
                • Field id was added to object type MarketplaceCategory

                Schema changes for 2018-05-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type GistComment
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type PullRequestReview
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type IssueComment
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type Comment
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type Issue
                • Argument excludeSubcategories: Boolean added to field Query.marketplaceCategories

                The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type TeamDiscussionComment
                • Field includesCreatedEdit was added to object type TeamDiscussion

                Schema changes for 2018-05-08

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • ClosedEvent object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                • Field url was added to object type ClosedEvent
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type ClosedEvent

                Schema changes for 2018-05-03

                The [Access to a Repositories Dependency Graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field totalCount was added to object type DependencyGraphDependencyConnection

                Schema changes for 2018-04-28

                The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                • Field externalReference was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field externalIdentifier was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field dismisser was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field dismissedAt was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert
                • Field dismissReason was added to object type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert

                Schema changes for 2018-04-27

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value TIMELINE was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Enum value TIMELINE was added to enum IssuePubSubTopic

                Schema changes for 2018-04-24

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field lockReason was added to object type LockedEvent

                The Repository Vulnerability Alerts preview includes these changes:

                • Field vulnerabilityAlerts was added to object type Repository
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlert was added
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertEdge was added
                • Type RepositoryVulnerabilityAlertConnection was added

                The [Access to a Repositories Dependency Graph preview](/graphql/overview/schema-previews#access-to-a-repositories-dependency-graph-preview) includes these changes:

                • Field dependencyGraphManifests was added to object type Repository
                • Type DependencyGraphDependency was added
                • Type DependencyGraphDependencyEdge was added
                • Type DependencyGraphDependencyConnection was added
                • Type DependencyGraphManifest was added
                • Type DependencyGraphManifestEdge was added
                • Type DependencyGraphManifestConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2018-04-23

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field Team.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                • Field PullRequest.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                • Field Commit.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                • Enum value UNAVAILABLE was removed from enum SubscriptionState
                • Field Subscribable.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                • Field Repository.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState
                • Field Issue.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState

                The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                • Field TeamDiscussion.viewerSubscription changed type from SubscriptionState! to SubscriptionState

                Schema changes for 2018-04-19

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type RepositoryInvitationEdge was added

                Schema changes for 2018-04-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type UnknownSignature
                • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type SmimeSignature
                • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type GpgSignature
                • Field wasSignedByGitHub was added to object type GitSignature

                Schema changes for 2018-04-12

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field url was added to object type Label
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Label
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type Label
                • Field createdAt was added to object type Label
                • Field pseudoLicense was added to object type License

                Schema changes for 2018-04-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field mergedBy was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field maintainerCanModify was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field diff was added to object type UserContentEdit
                • Field deletedBy was added to object type UserContentEdit
                • Field deletedAt was added to object type UserContentEdit

                Schema changes for 2018-04-03

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field bodyText was added to object type GistComment
                • Field bodyText was added to object type Comment
                • Field bodyText was added to object type CommitComment

                The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                • Field bodyText was added to object type TeamDiscussionComment
                • Field bodyText was added to object type TeamDiscussion

                Schema changes for 2018-03-28

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Type StaffHovercardContext was removed

                Schema changes for 2018-03-22

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Argument orderBy: TeamMemberOrder added to field Team.members
                • Type TeamMemberOrderField was added
                • Type TeamMemberOrder was added

                The Hovercards preview includes these changes:

                • Field hovercard was added to object type User
                • Type StaffHovercardContext was added
                • Type OrganizationsHovercardContext was added
                • Type OrganizationTeamsHovercardContext was added
                • Type GenericHovercardContext was added
                • Type HovercardContext was added
                • Type Hovercard was added

                Schema changes for 2018-03-16

                The Protected Branch: Multiple Required Approving Reviews preview includes these changes:

                • Field requiredApprovingReviewCount was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                Schema changes for 2018-03-14

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value OCSP_REVOKED was added to enum GitSignatureState
                • Enum value OCSP_PENDING was added to enum GitSignatureState
                • Enum value OCSP_ERROR was added to enum GitSignatureState

                The following changes will be made to the schema:

              • On member AddedToProjectEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member BaseRefChangedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Bot.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Bot.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ClosedEvent.commit: commit will be removed. Use ClosedEvent.closer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Comment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member CommentDeletedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member CommitComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member CommitComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member DeployedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Deployment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member DeploymentStatus.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Gist.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member GistComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member GistComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Issue.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Issue.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member IssueComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member IssueComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member MentionedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Milestone.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member MovedColumnsInProjectEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Organization.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Project.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Project.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ProjectCard.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ProjectCard.projectColumn: projectColumn will be removed. Use ProjectCard.column instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ProjectCard.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ProjectColumn.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ProjectColumn.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member PullRequest.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member PullRequest.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member PullRequestReview.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member PullRequestReview.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member PullRequestReviewComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Reactable.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Reaction.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReferencedEvent.isCrossReference: isCrossReference will be removed. Use ReferencedEvent.isCrossRepository instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Release.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReleaseAsset.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member RemovedFromProjectEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Repository.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Repository.license: license will be removed. Use Repository.licenseInfo instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Repository.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryInfo.license: license will be removed. Use Repository.licenseInfo instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member RepositoryInfo.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReviewDismissedEvent.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReviewRequest.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReviewRequest.reviewer: reviewer will be removed. Use ReviewRequest.requestedReviewer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.subject: subject will be removed. Use ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.requestedReviewer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member ReviewRequestedEvent.subject: subject will be removed. Use ReviewRequestedEvent.requestedReviewer instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member Team.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member TeamDiscussion.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member TeamDiscussion.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member TeamDiscussionComment.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member TeamDiscussionComment.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member User.contributedRepositories: contributedRepositories will be removed. Use User.repositoriesContributedTo instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member User.databaseId: databaseId will be removed. Use instead. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member User.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • On member UserContentEdit.updatedAt: updatedAt will be removed. Effective 2018-07-01.
              • Schema changes for 2018-03-13

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field RepositoryInvitation.repository changed type from RepositoryInvitationRepository to RepositoryInfo
                • Type RepositoryInvitationRepository was removed
                • Field squashMergeAllowed was added to object type Repository
                • Field rebaseMergeAllowed was added to object type Repository
                • Field mergeCommitAllowed was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2018-03-10

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Enum value NONE was added to enum DefaultRepositoryPermissionField

                Schema changes for 2018-03-09

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field databaseId was added to object type GistComment

                Schema changes for 2018-03-07

                The GraphQL schema includes these changes:

                • Field permission was added to object type RepositoryInvitation
                • Field isDefault was added to object type Label
                • Field description was added to object type Label
                • Argument query: String added to field Repository.labels
                • Field viewerPermission was added to object type Repository
                • Type CollectionItemContent was added

                The Team discussions preview includes these changes:

                • Type TeamDiscussion was added
                • Field updateTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createTeamDiscussionComment was added to object type Mutation
                • Field createTeamDiscussion was added to object type Mutation
                • Field discussionsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field discussionsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field discussions was added to object type Team
                • Field discussion was added to object type Team
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionCommentPayload was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamDiscussionPayload was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionOrderField was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionOrder was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionEdge was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionConnection was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrderField was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentOrder was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionComment was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentEdge was added
                • Type TeamDiscussionCommentConnection was added

                The Protected Branch Required Signatures preview includes these changes:

                • Field hasRequiredSignatures was added to object type ProtectedBranch

                Schema changes for 2018-02-14

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument orderBy: MilestoneOrder added to field Repository.milestones
                • Argument states: [MilestoneState!] added to field Repository.milestones
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field Organization.pinnedRepositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field Organization.repositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field Repository.forks.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.pinnedRepositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field RepositoryOwner.repositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.contributedRepositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.pinnedRepositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.repositories.
                • Default value ["OWNER", "COLLABORATOR"] was added to argument affiliations on field User.watching.
                • Field avatarUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field createdAt was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
                • Field organization was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
                • Type MilestoneOrderField was added
                • Type MilestoneOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2018-01-19

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field baseRefOid was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field headRefOid was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2018-01-10

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field activeLockReason was added to object type Issue
                • Field activeLockReason was added to object type Lockable
                • Field activeLockReason was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field lockLockable was added to object type Mutation
                • Type LockLockableInput was added
                • Type LockLockablePayload was added
                • Type LockReason was added

                Schema changes for 2017-12-15

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field additions was added to object type Commit
                • Field changedFiles was added to object type Commit
                • Field closedAt was added to object type Milestone
                • Field closed was added to object type Milestone
                • Field createdAt was added to object type Milestone
                • Field deletions was added to object type Commit
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Milestone
                • Milestone object implements Closable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-12-12

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value UNAVAILABLE was added to enum SubscriptionState
                • Field authoredDate was added to object type Commit
                • Field pushedDate was added to object type Commit

                Schema changes for 2017-12-09

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field deployKeys was added to object type Repository
                • Type DeployKeyConnection was added
                • Type DeployKeyEdge was added
                • Type DeployKey was added

                Schema changes for 2017-12-05

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field release was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2017-12-02

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field forkCount was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field forkCount was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                • Field forkCount was added to object type Repository
                • Field marketplaceListing was added to object type Query
                • Field marketplaceListings was added to object type Query
                • Type MarketplaceListingConnection was added
                • Type MarketplaceListingEdge was added
                • Type MarketplaceListing was added
                • Union member MarketplaceListing was added to Union type SearchResultItem

                Schema changes for 2017-11-28

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field repositoriesContributedTo was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2017-11-24

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field changedFiles was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field reactable was added to object type Reaction

                Schema changes for 2017-11-18

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Input field changed type from String! to String
                • Input field public was added to input object type UpdateProjectInput

                Schema changes for 2017-11-17

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field issues was added to object type Milestone
                • Type TopicConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2017-11-16

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field issues was added to object type Milestone

                Schema changes for 2017-11-15

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field parents was added to object type Commit
                • Type CommitConnection was added

                Schema changes for 2017-11-14

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument orderBy: ReleaseOrder added to field Repository.releases
                • Field marketplaceCategories was added to object type Query
                • Field marketplaceCategory was added to object type Query
                • Field parents was added to object type Commit
                • Field publicKeys was added to object type User
                • Field totalCount was added to object type CommitHistoryConnection
                • Type CommitConnection was added
                • Type MarketplaceCategory was added
                • Type PublicKeyConnection was added
                • Type PublicKeyEdge was added
                • Type PublicKey was added
                • Type ReleaseOrderField was added
                • Type ReleaseOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2017-11-10

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field createdAt was added to object type DeploymentStatus
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type DeploymentStatus
                • Field viewerCanSubscribe was added to object type Team
                • Field viewerSubscription was added to object type Team
                • Team object implements Subscribable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-11-08

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field BaseRefForcePushedEvent.afterCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field BaseRefForcePushedEvent.beforeCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field HeadRefForcePushedEvent.afterCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field HeadRefForcePushedEvent.beforeCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.subject changed type from User! to User
                • Field ReviewRequestedEvent.subject changed type from User! to User
                • Argument orderBy: RefOrder added to field Repository.refs
                • Field requestedReviewer was added to object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                • Field requestedReviewer was added to object type ReviewRequest
                • Field requestedReviewer was added to object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                • Type RefOrderField was added
                • Type RefOrder was added
                • Type RequestedReviewer was added

                Schema changes for 2017-11-03

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field tarballUrl was added to object type Commit
                • Field zipballUrl was added to object type Commit

                Schema changes for 2017-11-02

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field tarballUrl was added to object type Commit
                • Field zipballUrl was added to object type Commit
                • Type TopicEdge was added

                Schema changes for 2017-10-27

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument author: String added to field
                • Field additions was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field deletions was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2017-10-25

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Type UserContentEditEdge was added
                • Type UserContentEdit was added

                Schema changes for 2017-10-24

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field assignableUsers was added to object type Repository
                • Type UserContentEditEdge was added
                • Type UserContentEdit was added

                Schema changes for 2017-10-20

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field projectCards was added to object type Issue
                • Field projectCards was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2017-10-14

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field isInvoiced was removed from object type Organization
                • Field isInvoiced was removed from object type User

                Schema changes for 2017-10-04

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field collaborators was added to object type Repository
                • Field isArchived was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field isArchived was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                • Field isArchived was added to object type Repository
                • Type CollaboratorAffiliation was added
                • Type RepositoryCollaboratorConnection was added
                • Type RepositoryCollaboratorEdge was added

                Schema changes for 2017-09-28

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Type Date was added

                Schema changes for 2017-09-22

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field gitIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
                • Field hookIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
                • Field importerIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata
                • Field pagesIpAddresses was added to object type GitHubMetadata

                Schema changes for 2017-09-18

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field GistComment.gist changed type from Gist to Gist!

                Schema changes for 2017-09-15

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field meta was added to object type Query
                • Type GitHubMetadata was added

                Schema changes for 2017-09-14

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field User.gistComments changed type from IssueCommentConnection! to GistCommentConnection!

                Schema changes for 2017-09-13

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field createdAt was added to object type Bot
                • Field gist was added to object type GistComment
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Bot

                Schema changes for 2017-09-11

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field downloadUrl was added to object type ReleaseAsset

                Schema changes for 2017-09-08

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • OrganizationInvitation object implements Node interface

                Schema changes for 2017-09-07

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field meta was removed from object type Query
                • GitHubMetadata was removed
                • Field closed was added to object type Project
                • Field invitationType was added to object type OrganizationInvitation
                • Field pendingCards was added to object type Project
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectColumn
                • Field url was added to object type ProjectColumn
                • Type OrganizationInvitationType was added
                • Project object implements Closable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-09-06

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field GitHubMetadata.gitIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                • Field GitHubMetadata.hookIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                • Field GitHubMetadata.importerIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                • Field GitHubMetadata.pagesIpAddresses changed type from String to [String!]
                • Field installedVersion was removed from object type GitHubMetadata
                • Field repository was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread

                Schema changes for 2017-09-05

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field repository was removed from object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Field meta was added to object type Query
                • Type GitHubMetadata was added

                Schema changes for 2017-09-04

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field closed was removed from object type Project
                • Field pendingCards was removed from object type Project
                • Field resourcePath was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                • Field url was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                • Project object type no longer implements Closable interface
                • Field repository was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread

                Schema changes for 2017-09-01

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field channel was removed from object type Project
                • Field searchQueryForViewer was removed from object type Project

                Schema changes for 2017-08-31

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectColumn
                • Field searchQueryForViewer was added to object type Project
                • Field url was added to object type ProjectColumn

                Schema changes for 2017-08-30

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field channel was added to object type Project
                • Field closed was added to object type Project
                • Field pendingCards was added to object type Project
                • Project object implements Closable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-08-21

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field replyTo was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

                Schema changes for 2017-08-16

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field description was added to object type Organization
                • Field email was added to object type Organization
                • Field location was added to object type Organization
                • Field websiteUrl was added to object type Organization

                Schema changes for 2017-08-15

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field gistComments was added to object type User
                • Field id was added to object type Subscribable
                • Field issueComments was added to object type User
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field url was added to object type CommitComment

                Schema changes for 2017-08-14

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field blog was removed from object type Organization
                • Field description was removed from object type Organization
                • Field email was removed from object type Organization
                • Field location was removed from object type Organization
                • Argument dryRun: Boolean added to field Query.rateLimit
                • Field milestone was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field nodeCount was added to object type RateLimit
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem

                Schema changes for 2017-08-11

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument dryRun: Boolean was removed from field Query.rateLimit
                • Field closed was removed from object type Project
                • Field gistComments was removed from object type User
                • Field id was removed from object type Subscribable
                • Field issueComments was removed from object type User
                • Field milestone was removed from object type PullRequest
                • Field nodeCount was removed from object type RateLimit
                • Field pendingCards was removed from object type Project
                • Field replyTo was removed from object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field repository was removed from object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Field resourcePath was removed from object type CommitComment
                • Field resourcePath was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                • Field url was removed from object type CommitComment
                • Field url was removed from object type ProjectColumn
                • Field websiteUrl was removed from object type Organization
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was removed from Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                • Project object type no longer implements Closable interface
                • Field blog was added to object type Organization

                Schema changes for 2017-08-10

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument dryRun: Boolean added to field Query.rateLimit
                • Field closed was added to object type Project
                • Field description was added to object type Organization
                • Field email was added to object type Organization
                • Field gistComments was added to object type User
                • Field id was added to object type Subscribable
                • Field issueComments was added to object type User
                • Field location was added to object type Organization
                • Field milestone was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field nodeCount was added to object type RateLimit
                • Field pendingCards was added to object type Project
                • Field replyTo was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field repository was added to object type PullRequestReviewThread
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectColumn
                • Field url was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field url was added to object type ProjectColumn
                • Field websiteUrl was added to object type Organization
                • Type CrossReferencedEvent was added
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem
                • Project object implements Closable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-08-09

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field PullRequestReviewComment.originalCommit changed type from Commit! to Commit

                Schema changes for 2017-08-08

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field changed type from String! to String
                • Field databaseId was added to object type Deployment
                • Field licenseInfo was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field licenseInfo was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                • Field licenseInfo was added to object type Repository
                • Field license was added to object type Query
                • Field licenses was added to object type Query
                • Field payload was added to object type Deployment
                • Type LicenseRule was added
                • Type License was added

                Schema changes for 2017-08-07

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field contentType was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                • Field createdAt was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                • Field createdAt was added to object type Team
                • Field downloadCount was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                • Field size was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type ReleaseAsset
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Team
                • Field uploadedBy was added to object type ReleaseAsset

                Schema changes for 2017-08-03

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field repositoriesContributedTo was removed from object type User
                • Field author was added to object type Release
                • Field commitComments was added to object type User
                • Field createdAt was added to object type Release
                • Field isDraft was added to object type Release
                • Field isPrerelease was added to object type Release
                • Field updatedAt was added to object type Release

                Schema changes for 2017-08-02

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field commitComments was removed from object type User
                • Field repositoriesContributedTo was added to object type User
                • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type RepositoryInfo
                • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type RepositoryInvitationRepository
                • Field shortDescriptionHTML was added to object type Repository

                Schema changes for 2017-08-01

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field commitComments was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2017-07-28

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value FIRST_TIMER was added to enum CommentAuthorAssociation
                • Field pullRequest was added to object type IssueComment

                Schema changes for 2017-07-27

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field CommitComment.commit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type Deployment
                • Field payload was removed from object type Deployment
                • Argument environments: [String!] added to field Repository.deployments

                Schema changes for 2017-07-26

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field databaseId was added to object type Deployment

                Schema changes for 2017-07-25

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value FIRST_TIMER was removed from enum CommentAuthorAssociation
                • Argument orderBy: GistOrder added to field User.gists
                • Field payload was added to object type Deployment
                • Field pushedAt was added to object type Gist
                • Type GistOrderField was added
                • Type GistOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2017-07-24

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value FIRST_TIMER was added to enum CommentAuthorAssociation

                Schema changes for 2017-07-21

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument rootTeamsOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.teams
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Type RepositoryPermission was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMemberRole was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added

                Schema changes for 2017-07-20

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field Label.pullRequests changed type from PullRequestConnection to PullRequestConnection!
                • Field releaseAsset was removed from object type Release
                • Argument baseRefName: String added to field Label.pullRequests
                • Argument baseRefName: String added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                • Argument headRefName: String added to field Label.pullRequests
                • Argument headRefName: String added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Label.pullRequests
                • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                • Argument name: String added to field Release.releaseAssets
                • Argument orderBy: IssueOrder added to field Label.pullRequests
                • Argument orderBy: IssueOrder added to field Ref.associatedPullRequests
                • Argument states: [PullRequestState!] added to field Label.pullRequests
                • Field pinnedRepositories was added to object type Organization
                • Field pinnedRepositories was added to object type RepositoryOwner

                Schema changes for 2017-07-19

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument rootTeamsOnly: Boolean was removed from field Organization.teams
                • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                • Field TreeEntry.object changed type from GitObject! to GitObject
                • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field members was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                • RepositoryPermission was removed
                • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                • TeamMemberRole was removed
                • TeamMembershipType was removed
                • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed

                Schema changes for 2017-07-18

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument rootTeamsOnly: Boolean added to field Organization.teams
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                • Type CommitCommentThread was added
                • Type RepositoryPermission was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMemberRole was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Union member CommitCommentThread was added to Union type PullRequestTimelineItem

                Schema changes for 2017-07-17

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Milestone object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-07-13

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • CrossReferencedEvent was removed
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was removed from Union type IssueTimelineItem

                Schema changes for 2017-07-11

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument name: String was removed from field Release.releaseAssets
                • Field releaseAsset was added to object type Release
                • Type CrossReferencedEvent was added
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem

                Schema changes for 2017-07-10

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • CrossReferencedEvent was removed
                • Field releaseAsset was removed from object type Release
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was removed from Union type IssueTimelineItem
                • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Label.issues
                • Argument name: String added to field Release.releaseAssets
                • Field issues was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2017-07-07

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Argument labels: [String!] was removed from field Label.issues
                • Field issues was removed from object type User
                • Type CrossReferencedEvent was added
                • Union member CrossReferencedEvent was added to Union type IssueTimelineItem

                Schema changes for 2017-07-06

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                • CreateTeamInput was removed
                • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field members was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                • TeamMembershipType was removed
                • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                • Argument labels: [String!] added to field Label.issues
                • Field issues was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2017-07-05

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Input field RequestReviewsInput.userIds changed type from [ID!]! to [ID!]
                • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Input field teamIds was added to input object type RequestReviewsInput
                • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type AddedToProjectEvent was added
                • Type BaseRefChangedEvent was added
                • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                • Type CommentDeletedEvent was added
                • Type ConvertedNoteToIssueEvent was added
                • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                • Type MentionedEvent was added
                • Type MovedColumnsInProjectEvent was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type RemovedFromProjectEvent was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2017-07-04

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                • CreateTeamInput was removed
                • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field members was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                • MemberOrder was removed
                • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                • TeamMembershipType was removed
                • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                • UserOrderField was removed

                Schema changes for 2017-07-01

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Input field RequestReviewsInput.userIds changed type from [ID!] to [ID!]!
                • Input field teamIds was removed from input object type RequestReviewsInput
                • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2017-06-30

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                • Input field RequestReviewsInput.userIds changed type from [ID!]! to [ID!]
                • Input field teamIds was added to input object type RequestReviewsInput

                Schema changes for 2017-06-29

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field revertResourcePath was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field revertUrl was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2017-06-28

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field PullRequestReviewComment.pullRequestReview changed type from PullRequestReview! to PullRequestReview

                Schema changes for 2017-06-27

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field revertResourcePath was removed from object type MergedEvent
                • Field revertUrl was removed from object type MergedEvent

                Schema changes for 2017-06-26

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field issues was removed from object type User
                • Enum value STARGAZERS was added to enum RepositoryOrderField
                • Field revertResourcePath was added to object type MergedEvent
                • Field revertUrl was added to object type MergedEvent

                Schema changes for 2017-06-25

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field issues was added to object type User

                Schema changes for 2017-06-23

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field databaseId was removed from object type AssignedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type BaseRefForcePushedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type ClosedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type DemilestonedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type HeadRefDeletedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type HeadRefForcePushedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type HeadRefRestoredEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type LabeledEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type LockedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type MergedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type MilestonedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type RenamedTitleEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReopenedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type SubscribedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnassignedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnlabeledEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnlockedEvent
                • Field databaseId was removed from object type UnsubscribedEvent
                • TimelineEvent was removed
                • AssignedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • BaseRefForcePushedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ClosedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • DemilestonedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • DeployedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • HeadRefDeletedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • HeadRefForcePushedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • HeadRefRestoredEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • LabeledEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • LockedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • MergedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • MilestonedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReferencedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • RenamedTitleEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReopenedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReviewDismissedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReviewRequestRemovedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReviewRequestedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • SubscribedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnassignedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnlabeledEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnlockedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnsubscribedEvent object type no longer implements TimelineEvent interface
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment

                Schema changes for 2017-06-22

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field databaseId was added to object type AssignedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type BaseRefForcePushedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type ClosedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type DemilestonedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type HeadRefDeletedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type HeadRefForcePushedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type HeadRefRestoredEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type LabeledEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type LockedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type MergedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type MilestonedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type RenamedTitleEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type ReopenedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type ReviewRequestRemovedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type ReviewRequestedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type SubscribedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type UnassignedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type UnlabeledEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type UnlockedEvent
                • Field databaseId was added to object type UnsubscribedEvent
                • Field deployments was added to object type Repository
                • Type DeploymentConnection was added
                • Type DeploymentEdge was added
                • Type TimelineEvent was added
                • AssignedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • BaseRefForcePushedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ClosedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • DemilestonedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • DeployedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • HeadRefDeletedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • HeadRefForcePushedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • HeadRefRestoredEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • LabeledEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • LockedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • MergedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • MilestonedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReferencedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • RenamedTitleEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReopenedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReviewDismissedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReviewRequestRemovedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • ReviewRequestedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • SubscribedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnassignedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnlabeledEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnlockedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface
                • UnsubscribedEvent object implements TimelineEvent interface

                Schema changes for 2017-06-21

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                • CreateTeamInput was removed
                • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                • Field MergedEvent.commit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field members was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                • TeamMembershipType was removed
                • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type Comment
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type CommitComment
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type GistComment
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type IssueComment
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type Issue
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type PullRequestReviewComment
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type PullRequestReview
                • Field authorAssociation was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type MergedEvent
                • Field url was added to object type MergedEvent
                • Type CommentAuthorAssociation was added
                • MergedEvent object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-06-20

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field MergedEvent.commit changed type from Commit to Commit!
                • Field resourcePath was removed from object type MergedEvent
                • Field url was removed from object type MergedEvent
                • MergedEvent object type no longer implements UniformResourceLocatable interface
                • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2017-06-16

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field MergedEvent.commit changed type from Commit! to Commit
                • Field isDirectReference was added to object type ReferencedEvent

                Schema changes for 2017-06-15

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field resourcePath was added to object type MergedEvent
                • Field url was added to object type MergedEvent
                • MergedEvent object implements UniformResourceLocatable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-06-14

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field column was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Field project was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Field url was added to object type ProjectCard

                Schema changes for 2017-06-12

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field column was removed from object type ProjectCard
                • Field project was removed from object type ProjectCard
                • Field resourcePath was removed from object type ProjectCard
                • Field teamsSearchResourcePath was removed from object type Organization
                • Field teamsSearchUrl was removed from object type Organization
                • Field url was removed from object type ProjectCard

                Schema changes for 2017-06-09

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field PullRequest.headRepositoryOwner changed type from RepositoryOwner! to RepositoryOwner
                • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field column was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field project was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Field resourcePath was added to object type ProjectCard
                • Field url was added to object type ProjectCard

                Schema changes for 2017-06-06

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • App was removed
                • AppConnection was removed
                • AppEdge was removed
                • Field viaApp was removed from object type DeployedEvent
                • Field viaApp was removed from object type IssueComment
                • Field viaApp was removed from object type Issue
                • Field viaApp was removed from object type PullRequest
                • PerformableViaApp was removed
                • DeployedEvent object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • IssueComment object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • Issue object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • PullRequest object type no longer implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field viaIntegration was added to object type DeployedEvent
                • Field viaIntegration was added to object type IssueComment
                • Field viaIntegration was added to object type Issue
                • Field viaIntegration was added to object type PullRequest
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                • Type IntegrationConnection was added
                • Type IntegrationEdge was added
                • Type Integration was added
                • Type PerformableViaIntegration was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added
                • DeployedEvent object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • IssueComment object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • Issue object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • Organization object implements Actor interface
                • PullRequest object implements PerformableViaIntegration interface

                Schema changes for 2017-06-05

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value HEAD_REF was removed from enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field hasLimitExceeded was removed from object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type PullRequest
                • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type DeployedEvent
                • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type IssueComment
                • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type Issue
                • Field viaIntegration was removed from object type PullRequest
                • Integration was removed
                • IntegrationConnection was removed
                • IntegrationEdge was removed
                • PerformableViaIntegration was removed
                • DeployedEvent object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • IssueComment object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • Issue object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • PullRequest object type no longer implements PerformableViaIntegration interface
                • Field viaApp was added to object type DeployedEvent
                • Field viaApp was added to object type IssueComment
                • Field viaApp was added to object type Issue
                • Field viaApp was added to object type PullRequest
                • Type AppConnection was added
                • Type AppEdge was added
                • Type App was added
                • Type PerformableViaApp was added
                • DeployedEvent object implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • IssueComment object implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • Issue object implements PerformableViaApp interface
                • PullRequest object implements PerformableViaApp interface

                Schema changes for 2017-06-02

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Organization object type no longer implements Actor interface
                • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field hasLimitExceeded was added to object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2017-06-01

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value HEAD_REF was removed from enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field hasLimitExceeded was removed from object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type PullRequest
                • Field comments was added to object type Gist
                • Type GistCommentConnection was added
                • Type GistCommentEdge was added
                • Organization object implements Actor interface

                Schema changes for 2017-05-31

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • ChildTeamDescendants was removed
                • CreateTeamInput was removed
                • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                • Field childTeams was removed from object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field members was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                • TeamMembershipType was removed
                • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field hasLimitExceeded was added to object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2017-05-30

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Enum value HEAD_REF was removed from enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field hasLimitExceeded was removed from object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                • Field isCrossRepository was removed from object type PullRequest
                • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field childTeams was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Field viewerCanSubscribe was added to object type Commit
                • Field viewerSubscription was added to object type Commit
                • Input field commitOID was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewInput
                • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type ChildTeamDescendants was added
                • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added
                • Commit object implements Subscribable interface

                Schema changes for 2017-05-26

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • AddTeamMemberInput was removed
                • AddTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • CreateTeamInput was removed
                • CreateTeamPayload was removed
                • DeleteTeamInput was removed
                • DeleteTeamPayload was removed
                • Field addTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was removed from object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was removed from object type Team
                • Field createTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field members was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was removed from object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field repositories was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was removed from object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was removed from object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was removed from object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was removed from object type Team
                • RemoveTeamMemberInput was removed
                • RemoveTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • TeamMemberConnection was removed
                • TeamMemberEdge was removed
                • TeamMembershipType was removed
                • TeamRepositoryConnection was removed
                • TeamRepositoryEdge was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrder was removed
                • TeamRepositoryOrderField was removed
                • UpdateTeamInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberInput was removed
                • UpdateTeamMemberPayload was removed
                • UpdateTeamPayload was removed
                • Enum value HEAD_REF was added to enum PullRequestPubSubTopic
                • Field hasLimitExceeded was added to object type PullRequestCommitConnection
                • Field isCrossRepository was added to object type PullRequest

                Schema changes for 2017-05-25

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field membershipRequests was removed from object type Team
                • TeamMembershipRequest was removed
                • TeamMembershipRequestConnection was removed
                • TeamMembershipRequestEdge was removed
                • Field repositoriesResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field repositoriesUrl was added to object type Team

                Schema changes for 2017-05-24

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field comments was removed from object type Gist
                • Field isAuthoredByPusher was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field isDirectReference was removed from object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field viewerCanSubscribe was removed from object type Commit
                • Field viewerSubscription was removed from object type Commit
                • GistCommentConnection was removed
                • GistCommentEdge was removed
                • Input field commitOID was removed from input object type AddPullRequestReviewInput
                • Commit object type no longer implements Subscribable interface
                • Organization object type no longer implements Actor interface
                • Field addTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field ancestors was added to object type Team
                • Field combinedSlug was added to object type Team
                • Field createTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field deleteTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field membersResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field membersUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field members was added to object type Team
                • Field membershipRequests was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field newTeamUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field parentTeam was added to object type Team
                • Field removeTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field repositories was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsResourcePath was added to object type Team
                • Field teamsUrl was added to object type Team
                • Field updateTeamMember was added to object type Mutation
                • Field updateTeam was added to object type Mutation
                • Field viewerCanAdminister was added to object type Team
                • Type AddTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type AddTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type CreateTeamInput was added
                • Type CreateTeamPayload was added
                • Type DeleteTeamInput was added
                • Type DeleteTeamPayload was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type RemoveTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type TeamMemberConnection was added
                • Type TeamMemberEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipRequestConnection was added
                • Type TeamMembershipRequestEdge was added
                • Type TeamMembershipRequest was added
                • Type TeamMembershipType was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryConnection was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryEdge was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrderField was added
                • Type TeamRepositoryOrder was added
                • Type UpdateTeamInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberInput was added
                • Type UpdateTeamMemberPayload was added
                • Type UpdateTeamPayload was added

                Schema changes for 2017-05-23

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Field comments was added to object type Gist
                • Field isAuthoredByPusher was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field isDirectReference was added to object type ReferencedEvent
                • Field organization was added to object type Team
                • Field viewerCanSubscribe was added to object type Commit
                • Field viewerSubscription was added to object type Commit
                • Input field commitOID was added to input object type AddPullRequestReviewInput
                • Type GistCommentConnection was added
                • Type GistCommentEdge was added
                • Commit object implements Subscribable interface
                • Organization object implements Actor interface

                Schema changes for 2017-05-22

                The following changes were made to the GraphQL schema:

                • Nothing! The schema was made public!