Before you can start using GitHub Copilot Pro, you will need to set up a free trial or subscription.
- If you are a member of an organization or enterprise that has a subscription to GitHub Copilot, you can request access to Copilot by going to and requesting access under "Get Copilot from an organization." If you have a 托管用户帐户 account instead of a personal account, you cannot get a GitHub Copilot Individual subscription.
- If you are a verified student, teacher, or maintainer of a popular open source project, GitHub Copilot is free to use. See Getting free access to Copilot Pro as a student, teacher, or maintainer.
在任意页面的右上角,单击个人资料照片,然后单击 你的 Copilot”****。
在 GitHub Copilot 设置页面上,单击“开始免费试用”。 如果因为已经使用过免费试用或者曾经注册过技术预览版而不符合免费试用的资格条件,则会弹出消息提示你订阅 Copilot。
选择按月付费还是按年付费,然后单击“获取 GitHub Copilot 的访问权限”。
如果个人帐户符合免费 GitHub Copilot 订阅(而不是试用或付费订阅)的条件,将自动转到步骤 5。
匹配公共代码的建议偏好设置控制 Copilot 是否会提供与公开可用代码相匹配的代码完成建议。
有关该偏好设置的详细信息,请参阅“以单个订阅者身份管理 Copilot 策略”。 可以随时更改该偏好设置。
Next steps
To start using Copilot, see 为自己设置 GitHub Copilot.