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Viewing metrics for secret scanning push protection

You can use security overview to see how secret scanning push protection is performing in repositories across your organization or enterprise, and to identify repositories where you may need to take action.


组织的安全概述可供组织的所有成员使用。 显示的视图和数据由你在组织中的角色以及你对组织内各个存储库的权限决定。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于安全概述”。

企业的安全概览向组织所有者和安全管理员显示其有权访问的组织的数据。 企业所有者只能查看将其添加为组织所有者或安全管理员的组织的数据。 有关详细信息,请参阅“管理企业拥有的组织中的角色”。

所有企业及其组织都有安全概览。 如果使用 GitHub Advanced Security 功能(对公共存储库免费),你将看到其他信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于 GitHub 高级安全性”。

注意:Secret scanning 推送保护指标目前为 beta 版本,可能会有变动。

About metrics for secret scanning push protection

The metrics overview for secret scanning push protection helps you to understand how well you are preventing security leaks in your organization or across organizations in your enterprise. You can use the metrics to assess how push protection is performing, and to easily identify the repositories where you may need to take action in order to prevent leaks of sensitive information.

The overview shows you a summary of how many pushes containing secrets have been successfully blocked by push protection, as well as how many times push protection was bypassed.

You can also find more granular metrics, such as:

  • The secret types that have been blocked or bypassed the most
  • The repositories that have had the most pushes blocked
  • The repositories that are bypassing push protection the most
  • The percentage distribution of reasons that users give when they bypass the protection

Use the date picker to set the time range that you want to view alert activity and metrics for, and click in the search box to add further filters on the alerts and metrics displayed. For more information, see "筛选安全概述中的警报."

You can see secret scanning metrics if you have:

The metrics are based on activity from the default period or your selected period.

Screenshot of the top section of the "Metrics" view for secret scanning on the "Security" tab for an organization.

Viewing metrics for secret scanning push protection for an organization

  1. 在 上,导航到组织的主页。

  2. 在组织名称下,单击“ 安全性”。

    组织的水平导航栏的屏幕截图。 标有盾牌图标和“安全”字样的选项卡以深橙色轮廓标出。

  3. In the sidebar, under "Metrics", click Secret scanning.

  4. Click on an individual secret type or repository to see the associated 机密扫描警报 for your organization.

  5. You can use the options at the top of the page to filter the group of repositories that you want to see secret scanning metrics for.

    • Use the date picker to set the time range that you want to view metrics for. Note that the date used by the date picker corresponds to the date a secret was bypassed on.
    • Click in the search box to add further filters on the secret scanning metrics displayed. For more information, see "筛选安全概述中的警报."

Viewing metrics for secret scanning push protection for an enterprise

You can view metrics for secret scanning push protection across organizations in an enterprise. 安全概览显示的信息因你对存储库和组织的访问权限以及这些存储库和组织是否使用 GitHub Advanced Security 而异。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于安全概述”。


You can use the owner filter in the search field to filter the data by organization. If you're an owner of an 具有托管用户的企业, you can use the owner-type filter to filter the data by the type of repository owner, so that you can view data from either organization-owned repositories or user-owned repositories. For more information, see "筛选安全概述中的警报."

  1. 导航至 GitHub Enterprise Cloud。

  2. 在 GitHub 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片,然后单击“你的企业”****。

  3. 在企业列表中,单击您想要查看的企业。

  4. 在页面左侧的企业帐户边栏中,单击 代码安全性”。

  5. In the sidebar, click Secret scanning metrics.

  6. Click on an individual secret type or repository to see the associated 机密扫描警报 for your enterprise.

  7. You can use the options at the top of the page to filter the group of repositories that you want to see secret scanning metrics for.

    • Use the date picker to set the time range that you want to view metrics for. Note that the date used by the date picker corresponds to the date a secret was bypassed on.
    • Click in the search box to add further filters on the secret scanning metrics displayed. For more information, see "筛选安全概述中的警报."