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Reviewing requests to bypass push protection

You can use security overview to review requests to bypass push protection from contributors pushing to repositories across your organization.


组织的安全概述可供组织的所有成员使用。 显示的视图和数据由你在组织中的角色以及你对组织内各个存储库的权限决定。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于安全概述”。

企业的安全概览向组织所有者和安全管理员显示其有权访问的组织的数据。 企业所有者只能查看将其添加为组织所有者或安全管理员的组织的数据。 有关详细信息,请参阅“管理企业拥有的组织中的角色”。

所有企业及其组织都有安全概览。 如果使用 GitHub Advanced Security 功能(对公共存储库免费),你将看到其他信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于 GitHub 高级安全性”。

About bypass requests

If your organization has configured delegated bypass for push protection, a designated team of reviewers controls which organization members can push secrets to repositories in your organization, and which members must first make a "bypass request" in order to push the secret.

On the "Bypass requests" page in security overview, reviewers can find, review (approve or deny) and manage these requests.

For more information, see "管理绕过推送保护的请求."

Reviewing bypass requests for an organization

  1. 在 上,导航到组织的主页。

  2. 在组织名称下,单击“ 安全性”。

    组织的水平导航栏的屏幕截图。 标有盾牌图标和“安全”字样的选项卡以深橙色轮廓标出。

  3. In the sidebar, under "Requests", click Push protection bypass.

  4. Select the All statuses dropdown menu, then click Open to view requests that are awaiting review, or that have been approved but for which the commits haven't been pushed to the repository yet.

  5. Click the request that you want to review.

  6. Review the details of the request.

  7. To allow the contributor to push the commit containing the secret, click Approve bypass request. Or, to require the contributor to remove the secret from the commit, click Deny bypass request.

Filtering requests

You can filter requests by repository, approver (member who has reviewed the request), requester (contributor making the request), timeframe, and status.

Filtering by status

The following statuses are assigned to a request:

CancelledThe request has been cancelled by the contributor.
CompletedThe request has been approved and the commit(s) have been pushed to the repository.
DeniedThe request has been reviewed and denied.
ExpiredThe request has expired. Requests are valid for 7 days.
OpenThe request has either not yet been reviewed, or has been approved but the commit(s) have not been pushed to the repository.

Further reading