Enterprise code rulesets are currently in public preview and subject to change.
You can create rulesets to control how users can interact with code in repositories across your enterprise. You can:
- Create a branch or tag ruleset to control things like who can push commits to a certain branch, how commits must be formatted, or who can delete or rename a tag.
- Create a push ruleset to block pushes to a private or internal repository and the repository's entire fork network. Push rulesets allow you to block pushes based on file extensions, file path lengths, file and folder paths, and file sizes.
To learn more, see 关于规则集.
Importing prebuilt rulesets
To import a prebuilt ruleset created by GitHub, see github/ruleset-recipes
可以使用 JSON 文件从另一个存储库或组织导入规则集。 如果要将相同规则集应用于多个存储库或组织,这种方法很有用。 For more information, see "管理组织中存储库的规则集."
How will I define where my ruleset applies?
Rulesets allow you to flexibly target the organizations, repositories, and branches where you want rules to apply.
- To target organizations, you can select all, choose from a list, or define a dynamic pattern for organization names using
syntax. For syntax details, see 创建存储库的规则集. - Within those organizations, you can target all repositories, or target a dynamic list by custom property. See 管理组织中存储库的自定义属性.
- Within the repositories, you can target certain branches or tags: all branches, the default branch, or a dynamic list using
When you create a ruleset that targets branches in a repository, repository administrators can no longer rename branches or change the default branch in the targeted repository. They can still create and delete branches if they have the appropriate permissions.
How can I control the format of commits?
In branch or tag rulesets, you can add a rule that restricts the format of commit metadata such as commit message or author email.
If you select Must match a given regex pattern restriction, you can use regular expression syntax to define patterns that the metadata must or must not match. For syntax details and examples, see 创建存储库的规则集.
Using ruleset enforcement statuses
- 活动:规则集创建后便会强制实施。****
- 评估:不会强制执行规则集,但你将能够在“规则见解”页面上监控哪些操作会或不会违反规则。****
- 已禁用:不会强制实施或评估规则集。****
使用“评估”模式是在不强制执行规则集的情况下测试规则集的绝佳选择。 可以使用“规则见解”页查看贡献是否违反了规则。 有关详细信息,请参阅“管理存储库的规则集”。
Creating a branch or tag ruleset
在 GitHub 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片。
在页面左侧的企业帐户边栏中,单击 “策略”。
Under "Policies", click Code.
(可选)若要更改默认强制实施状态,请单击 “已禁用”**** 并选择强制实施状态。 有关强制状态的详细信息,请参阅关于规则集。
Granting bypass permissions for your branch or tag ruleset
You can grant certain roles, teams, or apps bypass permissions as well as the ability to approve bypass requests for your ruleset.
The following are eligible for bypass access:
- Repository admins, organization owners, and enterprise owners
- The maintain or write role, or deploy keys.
To grant bypass permissions for the ruleset, in the "Bypass list" section, click Add bypass.
In the "Add bypass" modal dialog that appears, search for the role, team, or app you would like to grant bypass permissions, then select the role, team, or app from the "Suggestions" section and click Add Selected.
(可选)若要向执行组件授予旁路权限,而不允许它们直接推送到存储库,请在“始终允许”右侧单击 ,然后单击“仅针对拉取请求”****。
现在,选择的执行组件需要打开拉取请求才能对存储库进行更改,从而创建其拉取请求和审核日志更改的清晰痕迹。 然后,参与者可以选择绕过任何分支保护,以及合并该拉取请求。
Choosing which organizations to target in your enterprise
Select all organizations, choose a selection of existing organizations, or set a dynamic list by name. If you use Enterprise Managed Users, you can also choose to target all repositories owned by users in your enterprise.
If you set a dynamic list, you'll add one or more naming patterns using fnmatch
syntax. For example, the string *open-source
would match any organization with a name that ends with open-source
. For syntax details, see "创建存储库的规则集."
Choosing which repositories to target in your enterprise
Within the selected organizations, you can target all repositories or target a dynamic list by custom property. See 管理组织中存储库的自定义属性.
Choosing which branches or tags to target
若要定位分支或标记,在“目标分支”或“目标标记”部分,选择“添加目标”****,然后选择包含或排除分支或标记的方式。 可以使用 fnmatch
语法基于模式包含或排除分支或标记。 有关详细信息,请参阅“使用 fnmatch
可以将多个目标条件添加到同一规则集。 例如,可以包含默认分支,包含与模式 *feature*
匹配的任何分支,然后专门排除与模式 not-a-feature
Selecting branch or tag protections
In the "Branch protections" or "Tag protections" section, select the rules you want to include in the ruleset. When you select a rule, you may be able to enter additional settings for the rule. For more information on the rules, see "规则集的可用规则"
Adding metadata restrictions
元数据限制应旨在提高存储库中提交之间的一致性。 它们不是要取代安全措施(例如要求通过拉取请求进行代码评审)。
如果 Squash 合并分支,该分支上的所有提交都必须满足基础分支的任何元数据要求。
配置限制的设置,然后单击“添加”****。 可以向同一规则集添加多个限制。
对于大多数要求(如“必须从匹配模式开始”),输入的模式按字面解释,不支持通配符。 例如,
字符。对于更复杂的模式,可以选择“必须匹配给定的正则表达式模式”或“不能匹配给定的正则表达式模式”,然后使用正则表达式语法来定义匹配模式。 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于适用于提交元数据的正则表达式”。
(可选)在制定具有元数据限制的规则集之前,可以为规则集选择“评估”强制状态,以测试任何元数据限制的影响,而不会影响参与者。 有关元数据限制的详细信息,请参阅“规则集的可用规则”。
Finalizing your branch or tag ruleset and next steps
单击“创建****”即可完成规则集的创建。 如果规则集的强制执行状态设置为“活动”,规则集会立即生效。
可以查看规则集的见解,了解规则如何影响参与者。 如果强制执行状态设置为“评估”,则可以看到规则集处于活动状态时已经传递或失败的操作。 有关规则集见解的详细信息,请参阅“管理存储库的规则集”。
Creating a push ruleset
You can create a push ruleset for private or internal repositories in your enterprise.
- 在 GitHub 的右上角,单击你的个人资料照片。
- 根据环境,单击“你的企业”,或单击“你的企业”,然后单击要查看的企业********。
- In the left sidebar, in the "Policies" section, click Code.
- Click New ruleset.
- Click New push ruleset.
- Under "Ruleset name," type a name for the ruleset.
- Optionally, to change the default enforcement status, click Disabled and select an enforcement status. For more information about enforcement statuses, see 关于规则集
Granting bypass permissions for your push ruleset
Bypass permissions for push rulesets that target a repository will be inherited by the entire fork network for this repository. 这意味着,在此存储库的整个分支网络中,唯一可以绕过此规则集的用户是在根存储库中可以绕过此规则集的用户。
You can grant certain roles, teams, or apps bypass permissions as well as the ability to approve bypass requests for your ruleset. The following are eligible for bypass access:
- Repository admins, organization owners, and enterprise owners
- The maintain or write role, or deploy keys
- To grant bypass permissions for the ruleset, in the "Bypass list" section, click Add bypass.
- In the "Add bypass" modal dialog that appears, search for the role, team, or app you would like to grant bypass permissions, then select the role, team, or app from the "Suggestions" section and click Add Selected.
Choosing which organizations to target in your enterprise
Select all organizations, choose a selection of existing organizations, or set a dynamic list by name. If you use Enterprise Managed Users, you can also choose to target all repositories owned by users in your enterprise.
If you set a dynamic list, you'll add one or more naming patterns using fnmatch
syntax. For example, the string *open-source
would match any organization with a name that ends with open-source
. For syntax details, see "创建存储库的规则集."
Choosing which repositories to target in your enterprise
Within your chosen organizations, you can target all repositories, or target a dynamic list using custom properties. See 管理组织中存储库的自定义属性.
Selecting push protections
在“推送保护”下,单击你要应用的限制。 然后填写你所选限制的详细信息。
对于文件路径限制,你可以使用部分路径或完整路径。 可以为此使用
语法。 例如,针对test/demo/**/*
目录中的文件或文件夹进行任何推送。 针对test/docs/
文件的专门推送。 有关详细信息,请参阅“创建存储库的规则集”。
Finalizing your push ruleset and next steps
单击“创建****”即可完成规则集的创建。 如果规则集的强制执行状态设置为“活动”,规则集会立即生效。
可以查看规则集的见解,了解规则如何影响参与者。 如果强制执行状态设置为“评估”,则可以看到规则集处于活动状态时已经传递或失败的操作。 有关规则集见解的详细信息,请参阅“管理存储库的规则集”。