Secret scanning scans for and detects secrets that have been checked into a repository. Push protection proactively secures you against leaking secrets by blocking pushes containing secrets.
Secret scanning alerts for partners runs automatically on public repositories and public npm packages to notify service providers about leaked secrets on GitHub.
Secret scanning alerts for users are available for public repositories for free. Organizations using GitHub Enterprise Cloud with a license for GitHub Advanced Security can also enable secret scanning alerts for users on their private and internal repositories. For more information, see "About secret scanning alerts" and "About GitHub Advanced Security."
For information about how you can try GitHub Enterprise with GitHub Advanced Security for free, see "Setting up a trial of GitHub Enterprise Cloud" and "Setting up a trial of GitHub Advanced Security" in the GitHub Enterprise Cloud documentation.
通过用户的推送保护,你将自动受到跨 GitHub 向公共存储库的所有推送的保护。
Secret scanning scans for and detects secrets that have been checked into a repository. Push protection proactively secures you against leaking secrets by blocking pushes containing secrets.
使用 GitHub UI 中的推送保护
了解 secret scanning 在更改中检测到机密时取消阻止提交的选项。